How can I dynamically "bind" a class to a different xaml? - wpf

Let's say I want to switCh between 2 UserControls programmatically:
one UserControl contains a TextBox with a label
the other contains only TextBox
I'd like a single codebehind. Is it possible ? if yes how ? If not how to do the above requirement ?

If I understand you right, you have two usercontrols acting similar and you don't want to write the code-behind double?
Create a ViewModel for the controls. Use for both of the controls the same ViewModel. Look at the MVVM-Pattern.
Another possibility would be to create a CustomControl and make two templates.

Why not have one usercontrol and switch the Visibility of the Label using a style trigger based on some property of the datacontext?


Issue : ListBox hides all the stack panel and text boxes with in them, Wpf

I want to bind my textboxes in wpf xaml. That is doing perfectly but when i get textbox with his x:Name="myTextbox" in codebehind. He says
"The name 'myTextbox' does not exist in the current context"
Using WPF, you cannot access items by name if there are inside a DataTemplate, like in your case, probably. However is not a good practice to modify the template using code behind. If you want to use correctly WPF, take a look at MVVM pattern.
In your case, the ListBox should be bound to an ObservableCollection and inside the template you can bind your textbox or whatever you have to the Item object.
Don't access the textbox like this : x:Name="myTextbox"
Instead access it like myTextbox.Text = "Hello World";.

Generic ViewModel that works with ItemsControl

I implemented some generic CustomControls in WPF, for instance an AutoCompleteTextBox.
Now, I'd like to implement a generic ViewModel library, in order to perform the databind of these controls.
Now I defined one attached property named CDataSource, that specifies the source of the data to bind within the control.
My question is : Is it possible, that the CustomControl passes to the ViewModel the CDataSource value? In this way the ViewModel may populate the control on the basis of the CDataSource property.
Thanks in advance
This seems like a strange request to me. You don't want any dependency on your view model from within your custom control. Instead, you would normally have a dependency property on your custom control which is the ItemsSource, and then you would set the value of this from your view in XAML.
This is how the AutoCompleteBox included in the WPF Toolkit operates.

WPF "Insert" control per binding

I have a UserControl without Content, because the control which should be shown inside of the UserControl is created at runtime. I would like to solve this like follows, but don't know how to implement it:
Create a Control-variable in the ViewModel
Set it at runtime when the content is created
Bind a content property (inside the UserControl) to that variable
The problem is, that I don't know how to bind to the control-variable.
Why just not to use ContentControl instead of UserControl and provide Content in runtime by introducing a DataTemplateSelector which able to provide right DataTemplate in runtime?
You can encapsulate your Content-area controls in DataTemplates and select appropriate one in runtime.

WPF binding to a non dependency property on a control template

I'm creating a WPF custom control as an auto learning exercise. My control has a ListView inside the template. I wanto my control user be able on defining the needed columns in his own Xaml, but I did not get the strategy on how to pass the columns to the inner listview since binding with FindAncestor complain that "Columns" is not a DependencyProperty.
Wekk the questions are:
How to achieve bind a property from xaml to the template when it is not a DP
Correct my design: I think there is something wrong: if someone would change completely my template, how should I let him use the Column collection ?
why not inherit from ListView directly? Then you have all the properties you need for the ListView and can also add you own properties to the class.
Then you can apply a custom Style to your control to make it look like you want. (Here you have a basic ListView Style that you can use and expand to your needs)
Sometimes binding to a property that is not a dependency property can be solved using the Binding Mode OneWayToSource
Have you tried that?

Silverlight Listbox selectable ItemTemplate

I have a Usercontrol that contains a ListBox (lstClients) and a ComboBox
The ListBox has 2 DataTemplates setup as Resources called "LowDetailTemplate" and "HighDetailTemplate"
I need to be able to switch between the 2 DataTemplates when I change the value in a ComboBox from "Low" to "High" and vice versa. In the SelectionChanged event of the ComboBox I'm guessing I need to change the ItemTemplate of the ListBox but I'm struggling with the code to assign the DataTemplate in code behind. My latest attempt is shown below but it fails at runtime.
lstClients.ItemTemplate = (DataTemplate)this.Resources["LowDetailTemplate"];
It would be easier to define both of the views inside the same data template and then switch which is visible by use of a simple variable. Then your combo box change would just update that simple variable and so cause the view shown for each template instance to change.
