Defining Scalar Sequence of Dynamic Length in MIB - c

I'm trying to figure out a way to define a dynamic length sequence of scalars (in this case IpAddress) in a MIB file. I'm fairly certain that just using SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF IpAddress will not work, and I'm unsure of how/if to define a custom entry without explicitly labelling all of its fields (and thus, having to know the size in advance). Is there any way to do this and have it work with the net-snmp API? If this question is confusing, I can try to elaborate more. Thanks in advance!

The right thing to do in the SMI structure is to use a table where the index is composed of two different (at least) variables: one of InetAddressType and one of InetAddress. These two Textual Conventions, and the definitions for what the types contain, can be found in the INET-ADDRESS-MIB. You'll find that the first variable will identify the type of IP address and the second will define the value (and is flexible in length so it accommodates IPv4 and IPv6 both, eg).


LabVIEW variable array size in SubVIs on FPGA

I have acquisition code running on an cRIO FPGA target. The data is acquired from the I/O nodes and composed to an array. This array should always be of the same size thus I check that with a SubVI. The problem is that I use conditional disable structures to replace the acquistion code for different targets with different channel numbers. Now the compiler complains that it can't resolve the array to a fixed size which is not true because it could be counted by the compiler very easy.
How do I have to write my SubVI that it accepts a (at compile time) variable array? The "array size" symbol from the array palett can do this too. How?
You can use Lookup tables instead to achieve your goal. Or if you have to send this array to RT vi it would be more professional to use DMA FIFO instead. At RT side you can use polling method and read as many points you like at a time.
In short this is not possible with standard LabVIEW arrays as the size must be fixed for compilation (as these basically come down to wires in the chip).
There are two options when you actually need a variable size:
Simple and Wasteful - If there is a reasonable upper bound you can set it to the highest and use logic to control the "end". This means compiling resources for the upper end and if it is more than 100's of bytes will use up a lot of logic.
Scalable but slightly harder - The only way to achieve a large variable size array is to use some of the memory options available with some added logic for defining the size. Depending on the size you can either use look up tables (LUTs) or block RAM. Again LUTs use up logic quickly so should only be used for small arrays (Can't remember the exact size recommended but probably < 500 bytes). If you've not used it you can find some initial reading at
Either way you will have to somehow pass the subVI the size of the array so it knows how far into the memory to ready, this would have to simply be another input.
More commonly in LabVIEW FPGA most processing is done on point-by-point data so you can centralise the storage logic without having to pass this around, however this depends on the nature of the algorithm.

Can I get the sizeof (byte-length in C) with Perl?

Can I get the sizeof (byte-length in C) with Perl?
my $byte_length_in_C_of_int = ...;
After the first read I thought "sizeof(...)" and "$Config{...size}" may differ, but after rereading the place I suppose $Config{intsize} gives my the C_int-byte-length.
Yes, but it would be good to know what you need it for.
If you're building up a data structure to communicate with some other app in binary, your best bet is to go with pack -- the right combination of formats will let you work with nearly any type in either native or specifically-defined sizes, and it handles things like struct alignment, length-prefixed strings and TLV as well.
For other uses, you might be better looking in Config. There are variables in there for the sizes of various types, including intsize, longsize, ptrsize, doublesize, longlongsize (if d_longlong is set), longdblsize (if d_longdbl is set), ivtype/ivsize, nvtype/nvsize (for Perl's internal numeric types), and byteorder (so you can figure out endianness).

How does the Length() function in Delphi work?

In other languages like C++, you have to keep track of the array length yourself - how does Delphi know the length of my array? Is there an internal, hidden integer?
Is it better, for performance-critical parts, to not use Length() but a direct integer managed by me?
There are three kinds of arrays, and Length works differently for each:
Dynamic arrays: These are implemented as pointers. The pointer points to the first array element, but "behind" that element (at a negative offset from the start of the array) are two extra integer values that represent the array's length and reference count. Length reads that value. This is the same as for the string type.
Static arrays: The compiler knows the length of the array, so Length is a compile-time constant.
Open arrays: The length of an open array parameter is passed as a separate parameter. The compiler knows where to find that parameter, so it replaces Length with that a read of that parameter's value.
Don't forget that the layout of dynamic arrays and the like would change in a 64-bit version of Delphi, so any code that relies on finding the length at a particular offset would break.
I advise just using Length(). If you're working with it in a loop, you might want to cache it, but don't forget that a for loop already caches the terminating bounds of the loop.
Yes, there are in fact two additional fields with dynamic arrays. First is the number of elements in the array at -4 bytes offset to the first element, and at -8 bytes offset there's the reference count. See Rudy's article for a detailed explanation.
For the second question, you'd have to use SetLength for sizing dynamic arrays, so the internal 'length' field would be available anyway. I don't see much use for additional size tracking.
Since Rob Kennedy gave such a good answer to the first part of your question, I'll just address the second one:
Is it better, for performance-critical parts, to not use Length() but a direct integer managed by me?
Absolutely not. First, as Rob mentioned, the compiler does it's thing to access the information extremely quickly, either by reading a fixed offset before the start of the array in the case of dynamic ones, using a compile-time constant in the case of static ones, and passing a hidden parameter in the case of open arrays, you're not going to gain any improvement in performance.
Secondly, the direct integer managed by you wouldn't be any faster, but would actually use more memory (an additional integer allocated along with the one Delphi already provides for dynamic and open arrays, and an extra integer entirely in the case of static arrays).
Even if you directly read the value Delphi stores already for dynamic arrays, you wouldn't gain any performance over Length(), and would risk your code breaking if the internal representation of that hidden header for arrays changes in the future.
Is there an internal, hidden integer
to not use Length() but a direct integer managed by me?
Doesn't matter.
See Dynamic arrays item in Addressing pointers article by Rudy Velthuis.
P.S. You can also hit F1 button.

Hash function for short strings

I want to send function names from a weak embedded system to the host computer for debugging purpose. Since the two are connected by RS232, which is short on bandwidth, I don't want to send the function's name literally. There are some 15 chars long function names, and I sometimes want to send those names at a pretty high rate.
The solution I thought about, was to find a hash function which would hash those function names to a single byte, and send this byte only. The host computer would scan all the functions in the source, compute their hash using the same function, and then would translate the hash to the original string.
The hash function must be
Collision free for short strings.
Simple (since I don't want too much code in my embedded system).
Fit a single byte
Obviously, it does not need to be secure by any means, only collision free. So I don't think using cryptography-related hash function is worth their complexity.
An example code:
int myfunc() {
The host would then be able to present me with list of times where the myfunc function was executed.
Is there some known hash function which holds the above conditions?
I assume I will use much less than 256 function-names.
I can use more than a single byte, two bytes would have me pretty covered.
I prefer to use a hash function instead of using the same function-to-byte map on the client and the server, because (1) I have no map implementation on the client, and I'm not sure I want to put one for debugging purposes. (2) It requires another tool in my build chain to inject the function-name-table into my embedded system code. Hash is better in this regard, even if that means I'll have a collision once in many while.
Try minimal perfect hashing:
Minimal perfect hashing guarantees that n keys will map to 0..n-1 with no collisions at all.
C code is included.
Hmm with only 256 possible values, since you will parse your source code to know all possible functions, maybe the best way to do it would be to attribute a number to each of your function ???
A real hash function would probably won't work because you have only 256 possible hashes.
but you want to map at least 26^15 possible values (assuming letter-only, case-insensitive function names).
Even if you restricted the number of possible strings (by applying some mandatory formatting) you would be hard pressed to get both meaningful names and a valid hash function.
You could use a Huffman tree to abbreviate your function names according to the frequency they are used in your program. The most common function could be abbreviated to 1 bit, less common ones to 4-5, very rare functions to 10-15 bits etc. A Huffman tree is not very hard to implement but you will have to do something about the bit alignment.
No, there isn't.
You can't make a collision free hash code, or even close to it, with just an eight bit hash. If you allow strings that are longer than one character, you have more possible strings than there are possible hash codes.
Why not just extract the function names and give each function name an id? Then you only need a lookup table on each side of the wire.
(As others have shown you can generate a hash algorithm without collisions if you already have all the function names, but then it's easier to just assign a number to each name to make a lookup table...)
If you have a way to track the functions within your code (i.e. a text file generated at run-time) you can just use the memory locations of each function. Not exactly a byte, but smaller than the entire name and guaranteed to be unique. This has the added benefit of low overhead. All you would need to 'decode' the address is the text file that maps addresses to actual names; this could be sent to the remote location or, as I mentioned, stored on the local machine.
In this case you could just use an enum to identify functions. Declare function IDs in some header file:
typedef enum
} FUNC_ID_t;
Then in functions:
int myfunc(void)
If sender and receiver share the same set of function names, they can build identical hashtables from these. You can use the path taken to get to an hash element to communicate this. This can be {starting position+ number of hops} to communicate this. This would take 2 bytes of bandwidth. For a fixed-size table (lineair probing) only the final index is needed to address an entry.
NOTE: when building the two "synchronous" hash tables, the order of insertion is important ;-)
Described here is a simple way of implementing it yourself:
Here is a snippet from the post:
It derives its inspiration from the way binary numbers are decoded and converted to decimal number format. Each binary string representation uniquely maps to a number in the decimal format.
if say we have a character set of capital English letters, then the length of the character set is 26 where A could be represented by the number 0, B by the number 1, C by the number 2 and so on till Z by the number 25. Now, whenever we want to map a string of this character set to a unique number , we perform the same conversion as we did in case of the binary format

C sending multiple data types using sendto

In my program I have a few structs and a char array that I want to send as a single entity over UDP.
I am struggling to think of a good way to do this.
My first thought was to create a structure which contains everything I want to send but it would be of the wrong type for using sendto()
How would I store the two structs and a char array in another array so that it will be received in the way I intended?
Since C allows you to cast to your heart's content, there's no such thing as a wrong type for sendto(). You simply cast the address of your struct to a void * and pass that as the argument to sendto().
However, a lot of people will impress on you that it's not advisable to send structs this way in the first place:
If the programs on either side of the connection are compiled by different compilers or in different environments, chances are your structs will not have the same packing.
If the two hosts involved in the transfer don't have the same endinanness, part of your data will end up backwards.
If the host architectures differ (e.g. 32 bit vs. 64 bits) then sizes of structs may be off as well. Certainly there will be size discrepancies if the sizes of your basic data types (int, char, long, double, etc.) differ.
So... Please take the advice of the first paragraph only if you're sure your two hosts are identical twins, or close enough to it.
In other cases, consider converting your data to some kind of neutral text representation, which could be XML but doesn't need to be anything that complicated. Strings are sent as a sequence of bytes, and there's much less that can go wrong. Since you control the format, you should be able to parse that stuff with little trouble on the receiving side.
You mention that you're transferring mostly bit fields. That means that your data essentially consists of a bunch of integers, all of them less than (I'm assuming) 32 bits.
My suggestion for a "clean" solution, therefore, would be to write a function to unpack all those bit fields, and to ship the whole works as an array of (perhaps unsigned) integers. Assuming that sizeof(int) is the same across machines, htons() will work successfully on the elements (each individually!) of those arrays, and you can then wrap them back into a structure on the other side.
You can send multiple pieces of data as one with writev. Just create the array of struct iovec that it needs, with one element for each data structure you want to send.
