How to display image thumbnails in a Panorama(or pivot) page and scroll horizontally? - silverlight

I have some Thumbnail images .I want to display image thumbnails in a Panorama(or pivot) page and scroll horizontally as in native windows phone 7 photo viewer application.Is it possible?

Set the Orientation on the PanoramaItem to Horizontal to recreate the behaviour of the Pictures hub.
The pivot does/should not support horizontal scrolling within an item.


React Native Zoom Image animation

I have a horizontal list of large images. I want to have an animation set that when a user clicks on an image this image jumps out and moved to the top of the screen using the full width so I can open a bottom drawer to fill the rest. How could I achieve this?

Thumbnail with checkbox in ng2-pdfjs-viewer

I am using ng2-pdfjs-viewer in sidebar content thumbnail area i want to add checkbox to select particular thumbnail and feature to drag image of thumbnail from top to bottom and bottom to top please let me know if anyone have any idea regarding this implementation

Show selected image in ImageViewer

This question is related to my other question at Carousel with thumbnail images at the bottom
I'm trying to implement a similar carousel but only of Images, using ImageViewer and DefaultListModel. When I select a thumbnail image from the bottom carousel, I show corresponding image in the ImageViewer. But what I noticed is that; the list in the ImageViewer doesn't get scrolled to the selected image but the currently displayed image gets replaced with the selected one. The So when I swipe to left or right; the images are different than the original sequence. Following is my code to show the selected image in Imageviewer
Is there any way to make it behave like a Tab.setSelectedIndex?
Sure, use:

Extjs viewport not rendering

Hi i have a viewport with two region west and center west holds panel for tree and center is a tabpanel iam usin the applyTo:div to render the panels but the problem is the jsp page im rendering to already has a header and footer when i render the viewport it goes out of the browser view and also iam not able scroll down to see all the some one has any idea about this please help...
As the ExtJS docs state:
The Viewport renders itself to the
document body, and automatically sizes
itself to the size of the browser
viewport and manages window resizing
So you don't need a viewport in this case: just render a panel with a border layout into the same div as you were rendering the viewport. Size the div with CSS so it takes up the area between the header and footer.

IE7-like Quick tab with WPF

I'm trying to create a IE7-like Quick tab (the tab that displays a thumbnail image of all opended tab) using WPF. How can I render the content of the tab items into images?
You can use VisualBrush in WPF to do that
check out this link
