Share a variable between C and Labview? - c

What is the best way to permit C code to regularly access the instantaneous value of an integer generated from a separate Labview program?
I have time-critical C code that controls a scientific experiment and records data once every 20ms. I also have some labview code that operates a different instrument and outputs an integer value ever 100ms. I want my C code to be able to record the value from labview. What is the best way to do this?
One idea is to have Labview write the integer to file in a loop, and have the C code read the value of the file in a loop. (I could add a second thread to my C code if necessary.) Labview can also link to C dll's. So I might be able to write a DLL in C that somehow facilitates sharing between the two programs. Is that advisable? How would I do that?

I have a similar application here and use TCP sockets with the TCP_NO_DELAY option set (disables the Nagle algorythm which does some sort of packet buffering). Sockets should allow for a 100mSec update rate without problems, although the actual network delay will always remain an unknown variable. For my application this does not matter as long as it stays under a certain limit (this is also checked for by sending a timestamp with each packet and big red dialog boxes if timestamp delta becomes too large :]). Does it matter for your application? Ie, is it important that whenever the LV instrument acquires a new sample it's value has to make it to the C app within x mSec?
You might get the dll approach working, but it's not as straightforward as sockets and it will make the two applications more dependant of each other. Variable acces will be pretty much instantaneous though. I see at least two possibilities:
put your entire C app in a dll (might seem a weird approach at first but it works), and have LV load it and call methods on it. Eg to start your app LV calls dll's Start() method, then in the loop LV acquires it's samples it calls the dll's NewSampleValue(0 method or so. Also means your app cannot run standalone unless you write a seperate host process for it.
look into shared process memory, and have the C app and another dll share common memory. LV will load that dll and call a method on it to write a value to the shared memory, then the C app can read it after polling a flag (which needs a lock!).
it might also be possible to have the C app call the LV program using dll/activeX/? calls but I don't know how that system works..
I would definitely stay away from the file approach: disk I/O can be a real bottleneck and it also has the locking problem which is messy to solve with files. C app cannot read the file while LV is writing it and vice-versa which might introduce extra delays.
On a sidenote, you can see that each of the approaches above either use a push or pull model (the TCP one can be implemented in both ways), this might affect your final decision of which way to go.. Push = LV signals the C app directly, pull = C app has to poll a flag or ask LV for the value.

I'm an employee at National Instruments and I wanted to make sure you didn't miss the Network Variable API that is provided with LabWindows/CVI, the National Instruments C development environment. The the Network Variable API will allow you to easily communicate with the LabVIEW program over Shared Variables ( While reading these links, note that a Network Variable and a Shared Variable are the same thing - the different names are unfortunate...
The nice thing about the Network Variable API is that it allows easy interoperability with LabVIEW, it provides a strongly typed communication mechanism, and it provides a callback model for notification when the Network/Shared variable's properties (such as value) change.
You can obtain this API by installing LabWindows/CVI, but it is not necessary to use the LabWindows/CVI environment. The header file is available at C:\Program Files\National Instruments\CVI2010\include\cvinetv.h, and the .lib file located at C:\Program Files\National Instruments\CVI2010\extlib\msvc\cvinetv.lib can be linked in with whatever C development tools you are using.

I followed up on one of #stijn's ideals:
have the C app and another dll share common memory. LV will load that dll and call a method on it to write a value to the shared memory, then the C app can read it after polling a flag (which needs a lock!).
I wrote the InterProcess library, available here:
InterProcess is a compact general library that sets up windows shared memory using CreateFileMapping() and MapViewOfFile(). It allows the user to seamlessly store values of any type (int, char, your struct.. whatever) in an arbitrary number of named fields. It also implements Mutex objects to avoid collisions and race conditions, and it abstracts away all of this in a clean and simple interface. Tested on Windows XP. Should work with any modern Windows.
For interfacing between my existing C code and labview, I wrote a small wrapper DLL that sits on top of InterProcess and exposes only the specific functions that my C code or labview need to access. In this way, all of the shared memory is completely abstracted away.
Hopefully someone else will find this code useful.


Number of threads running? [duplicate]

If I search for counting the number of threads an application has, all the answers involve external programs like top. I want to count the threads within the application itself.
I can't add code at the point of thread creation because it happens inside an immutable library.
I can't read /proc.
It's a C/pthreads program running on a few different Unices.
If you can't read /proc you are a bit in trouble, unless your program communicate with another program which reads /proc
If you don't want to read /proc because of portability concerns, you might use a library which abstracts that a bit, like libproc does
You could write a tiny wrapper for pthread_create that counts created threads and link against that wrapper after you linked against the immutable library.
Use top -H. But chances are, if you can't read proc, top won't work anyway. If thats the case, there is no easy way and it would depend on your specific system.

Ensure that UID/GID check in system call is executed in RCU-critical section

I have a small kernel module I wrote for my RaspBerry Pi 2 which implements an additional system call for generating power consumption metrics. I would like to modify the system call so that it only gets invoked if a special user (such as "root" or user "pi") issues it. Otherwise, the call just skips the bulk of its body and returns success.
Background Work
I've read into the issue at length, and I've found a similar question on SO, but there are numerous problems with it, from my perspective (noted below).
The linked question notes that struct task_struct contains a pointer element to struct cred, as defined in linux/sched.h and linux/cred.h. The latter of the two headers doesn't exist on my system(s), and the former doesn't show any declaration of a pointer to a struct cred element. Does this make sense?
Silly mistake. This is present in its entirety in the kernel headers (ie: /usr/src/linux-headers-$(uname -r)/include/linux/cred.h), I was searching in gcc-build headers in /usr/include/linux.
Even if the above worked, it doesn't mention if I would be getting the the real, effective, or saved UID for the process. Is it even possible to get each of these three values from within the system call?
cred.h already contains all of these.
Is there a safe way in the kernel module to quickly determine which groups the user belongs to without parsing /etc/group?
cred.h already contains all of these.
So, the only valid question remaining is the following:
Note, that iterating through processes and reading process's
credentials should be done under RCU-critical section.
... how do I ensure my check is run in this critical section? Are there any working examples of how to accomplish this? I've found some existing kernel documentation that instructs readers to wrap the relevant code with rcu_read_lock() and rcu_read_unlock(). Do I just need to wrap an read operations against the struct cred and/or struct task_struct data structures?
First, adding a new system call is rarely the right way to do things. It's best to do things via the existing mechanisms because you'll benefit from already-existing tools on both sides: existing utility functions in the kernel, existing libc and high-level language support in userland. Files are a central concept in Linux (like other Unix systems) and most data is exchanged via files, either device files or special filesystems such as proc and sysfs.
I would like to modify the system call so that it only gets invoked if a special user (such as "root" or user "pi") issues it.
You can't do this in the kernel. Not only is it wrong from a design point of view, but it isn't even possible. The kernel knows nothing about user names. The only knowledge about users in the kernel in that some privileged actions are reserved to user 0 in the root namespace (don't forget that last part! And if that's new to you it's a sign that you shouldn't be doing advanced things like adding system calls). (Many actions actually look for a capability rather than being root.)
What you want to use is sysfs. Read the kernel documentation and look for non-ancient online tutorials or existing kernel code (code that uses sysfs is typically pretty clean nowadays). With sysfs, you expose information through files under /sys. Access control is up to userland — have a sane default in the kernel and do things like calling chgrp, chmod or setfacl in the boot scripts. That's one of the many wheels that you don't need to reinvent on the user side when using the existing mechanisms.
The sysfs show method automatically takes a lock around the file, so only one kernel thread can be executing it at a time. That's one of the many wheels that you don't need to reinvent on the kernel side when using the existing mechanisms.
The linked question concerns a fundamentally different issue. To quote:
Please note that the uid that I want to get is NOT of the current process.
Clearly, a thread which is not the currently executing thread can in principle exit at any point or change credentials. Measures need to be taken to ensure the stability of whatever we are fiddling with. RCU is often the right answer. The answer provided there is somewhat wrong in the sense that there are other ways as well.
Meanwhile, if you want to operate on the thread executing the very code, you can know it wont exit (because it is executing your code as opposed to an exit path). A question arises what about the stability of credentials -- good news, they are also guaranteed to be there and can be accessed with no preparation whatsoever. This can be easily verified by checking the code doing credential switching.
We are left with the question what primitives can be used to do the access. To that end one can use make_kuid, uid_eq and similar primitives.
The real question is why is this a syscall as opposed to just a /proc file.
See this blogpost for somewhat elaborated description of credential handling:

Testing State Machine Flow Without External Hardware

I'm currently in the process of writing a state machine in C for a microcontroller (a TI MSP430). Now, I don't have any problems with writing the code and implementing my design, but I am wondering how to prove the state machine logic without having to use the actual hardware (which, of course, isn't yet available).
Using debugging features, I can simulate interrupts (although I haven't yet tried to do this, I'm just assuming it will be okay - it's documented after all) and I have defined and reserved a specific area of memory for holding TEST data, which using debugging macros, I can access at runtime outside of the application in a Python script. In other words, I have some test foundations in place. However, the focus of my question is this:
"How best do I force a certain state machine flow for decisions that require hardware input, e.g., for when an input pin is high or low". For example, "if some pin is high, follow this path, otherwise follow this path".
Again, using debugging macros, I can write to registers outside of the application (for example, to light an LED), but I can't (understandably) write to the read-only registers used for input, and so forcing a state machine flow in the way described above is proving taxing.
I had thought of using #ifdefs, where if I wanted to test flow I could use an output pin and check this value instead of the input pin that would ultimately be used. However, this will no doubt pepper my codebase with test-only code, which feels like the wrong approach to take. Does anyone have any advice on a good way of achieving this level of testing? I'm aware that I could probably just use a simulator, but I want to use real hardware wherever possible (albeit an evaluation board at this stage).
Sounds like you need abstraction.
Instead of, in the "application" code (the state machine) hard-coding input reading using e.g. GPIO register reads, encapsulate those reads into functions that do the check and return the value. Inside the function, you can put #ifdef:ed code that reads from your TEST memory area instead, and thus simulates a response from the GPIO pin that isn't there.
This should really be possible even if you're aiming for high performance, it's not a lot of overhead and if you work at it, you should be able to inline the functions.
Even though you don't have all the hardware yet, you can simulate pretty much everything.
A possible way of doing it in C...
Interrupt handlers = threads waiting on events.
Input devices = threads firing the above events. They can be "connected" to the PC keyboard, so you initiate "interrupts" manually. Or they can have their own state machines to do whatever necessary in an automated manner (you can script those too, they don't have to be hardwired to a fixed behavior!).
Output devices = likewise threads. They can be "connected" to the PC display, so you can see the "LED" states. You can log outputs to files as well.
I/O pins/ports can be just dedicated global variables. If you need to wake up I/O device threads upon reading/writing from/to them, you can do so too. Either wrap accesses to them into appropriate synchronization-and-communication code or even map the underlying memory in such a way that any access to these port variables would trigger a signal/page fault whose handler would do all the necessary synchronization and communication for you.
And the main part is in, well, main(). :)
This will create an environment very close to the real. You can even get race conditions!
If you want to be even more hardcode about it and if you have time, you can simulate the entire MSP430 as well. The instruction set is very compact and simple. Some simulators exist today, so you have some reference code to leverage.
If you want to test your code well, you will need to make it flexible enough for the purpose. This may include adding #ifdefs, macros, explicit parameters in functions instead of accessing global variables, pointers to data and functions, which you can override while testing, all kinds of test hooks.
You should also think of splitting the code into hardware-specific parts, very hardware-specific parts and plain business logic parts, which you can compile into separate libraries. If you do so, you'll be able to substitute the real hardware libs with test libs simulating the hardware.
Anyhow, you should abstract away the hardware devices and use test state machines to test production code and its state machines.
Build a test bench. First off I recommend when for example you read the input registers or whatever, use some sort of function call (vs some volatile this that the other address thing). Basically everything has at least one layer of abstraction. Now your main application can easily be lifted and placed anywhere with test functions for each of the abstractions. You can completely test that code without any of the real hardware. Also once on the real hardware you can use the abstraction (wrapper function, whatever you want to call it) as a way to change or fake the input.
case X:
if(r&0x10) next_state = Y;
In a test bench (or even on hardware):
unsigned int test_count;
unsigned read_gpio_port ( void )
Eventually implement read_gpio_port in asm or C to access the gpio port, and link that in with the main application instead of the test code.
yes, you suffer a function call unless you inline, but in return your debugging and testing abilities are significantly greater.

How do I count the number of running threads (pthreads)?

If I search for counting the number of threads an application has, all the answers involve external programs like top. I want to count the threads within the application itself.
I can't add code at the point of thread creation because it happens inside an immutable library.
I can't read /proc.
It's a C/pthreads program running on a few different Unices.
If you can't read /proc you are a bit in trouble, unless your program communicate with another program which reads /proc
If you don't want to read /proc because of portability concerns, you might use a library which abstracts that a bit, like libproc does
You could write a tiny wrapper for pthread_create that counts created threads and link against that wrapper after you linked against the immutable library.
Use top -H. But chances are, if you can't read proc, top won't work anyway. If thats the case, there is no easy way and it would depend on your specific system.

Library for Dataflow in C

How can I do dataflow (pipes and filters, stream processing, flow based) in C? And not with UNIX pipes.
I recently came across
Streams are iterables with a pipelining mechanism to enable data-flow programming and easy parallelization.
The idea is to take the output of a function that turns an iterable into another iterable and plug that as the input of another such function. While you can already do this using function composition, this package provides an elegant notation for it by overloading the >> operator.
I would like to duplicate a simple version of this kind of functionality in C. I particularly like the overloading of the >> operator to avoid function composition mess. Wikipedia points to this hint from a Usenet post in 1990.
Why C? Because I would like to be able to do this on microcontrollers and in C extensions for other high level languages (Max, Pd*, Python).
* (ironic given that Max and Pd were written, in C, specifically for this purpose – I'm looking for something barebones)
I know, that it's not a good answer, but you should make your own simple dataflow framework.
I've written a prototype DF server (together with a friend of mine), which have several unimplemented features yet: it can only pass Integer and Trigger data in messages, and it does not supports paralellism. I've just skipped this work: the components' producer ports have a list of function pointers to consumer ports, which are set up upon the initialization, and they call it (if the list is not empty). So, when an event fires, the components perform a tree-like walk-thru of the dataflow graph. As they work with Integers and Triggers, it's extremly quick.
Also, I've written a strange component, which have one consumer and one producer port, it just simply passes the data thru - but in another thread. It's consumer routine finishes quickly, as it just puts the data and sets a flag to the producer-side thread. Dirty, but it suits my needs: it detaches long processes of the tree-walk.
So, as you may recognized, it's a low-traffic asynchronous system for quick tasks, where the graph size does not matter.
Unfortunatelly, your problem differs as many points from mine, just as many one dataflow system can differ from another, you need a synchronous, paralell, stream handling solution.
I think, the biggest issue in a DF server is the dispatcher. Concurrency, collision, threads, priority... as I said, I've just skipped the problem, not solved. You should skip it, too. And you also should skip other problems.
In case of a synchronous DF architecture, all the components must run once per cycle, except special cases. They have a simple precondition: is the input data available? So, you should just to scan thru the components, and pass them to a free caller thread, if data is available. After processing all of them, you will have N remaining components, which haven't processed. You should process the list again. After the second processing you will have M remainings. If N == M, the cycle is over.
I think some kind of same stuff will work, if the number of components is below only 100.
Yep, the best way of binding is the visual programming. Until finishing the editor, config-like code should used insetad, something like:
// disclaimer: not actual code
Component* c1 = new AddComponent();
Component* c2 = new PrintComponent();
c2->format = "The result is %d\n";
It's easy to write, well-readable, other wish?
You should pass pure raw packets among components' ports. You need only a list of bindings, which contain pairs of pointers of producer and consumer ports, and contains the processed flag, which the "dispatcher" uses.
Calling issue
The problem is that producer should not call the consumer port, but the component; all component (class) variables and firings are in the component. So, the producer should call the component's common entry point directly, passing the consumer's ID to it, or it should call the port, which should call any method of the component which it belongs.
So, if you can live with some restrictions, I say, go ahead, and write your lite framework. It's a good task, but writing small components and see, how smart can they wired together building a great app is the ultimate fun.
If you have further questions, feel free to ask, I often scan the "dataflow" keyword here.
Possibly, you can figure out a more simple dataflowish model for your program.
I'm not aware of any library for such purpose. Friend of mine implemented something similar in versity as a lab assignment. Main problems of such systems is low performance (really bad if functions in long pipe-lines are smallish) and potential need to implement scheduling (detecting dead-locks and boosting priority to avoid overload of pipe buffer).
From my experience with similar data processing, error handling is quite burdensome. Since functions in the pipeline know little of the context (intentionally, for reusability) they can't produce sensible error message. One can implement in-line error handling - passing errors down the pipe as data - but that would require special handling all over the place, especially on the output as it is not possible with streams to correlate to what input the error corresponds.
Considering known performance problems of the approach, it is hard for me to imagine how that would fit microcontrollers. Performance-wise, nothing beats a plain function: one can create a function for every path through the data pipe-line.
Probably you can look for some Petri net implementation (simulator or code generator), as they are one of the theoretical base for streams.
This is cool:
A lightweight concurrency library for C, featuring symmetric coroutines as the main control flow abstraction. The library is similar to State Threads, but using coroutines instead of green threads. This simplifies inter-procedural calls and largely eliminates the need for mutexes and semaphores for signaling.
Eventually, coroutine calls will also be able to safely migrate between kernel threads, so the achievable scalability is consequently much higher than State Threads, which is purposely single-threaded.
This library was inspired by Douglas W. Jones' "minimal user-level thread package". The pseudo-platform-neutral probing algorithm on the svn trunk is derived from his code.
There is also a safer, more portable coroutine implementation based on stack copying, which was inspired by sigfpe's page on portable continuations in C. Copying is more portable and flexible than stack switching, and making copying competitive with switching is being researched.
