Question with one c function in PPTP - c

I research the source of PPTP program, and I want to make clear that how does PPTP assign a call ID and peer call ID to the session. i find the code as follows, who can explain the code for me ? Actually i am not clear with the logic. thanks!
* ctrlpacket.c
* PPTP Control Message packet reading, formatting and writing.
* $Id: ctrlpacket.c,v 1.6 2005/08/03 09:10:59 quozl Exp $
#define C_BITS (sizeof(unsigned int) * 8)
#define C_SEG(x) (x/C_BITS)
#define C_BIT(x) ((1U)<<(x%C_BITS))
static unsigned int activeCalls[(MAX_CALLS / C_BITS) + 1];
#define MAX_CALLS 60
* get_call_id
* Assigns a call ID and peer call ID to the session.
* args: call_id (OUT) - the call ID for the session
* retn: 0 on success, -1 on failure
int get_call_id(u_int16_t * loc)
for (i = 0; i < MAX_CALLS; i++) {
if (!(activeCalls[C_SEG(i)] & C_BIT(i))) {
activeCalls[C_SEG(i)] |= C_BIT(i);
*loc = i;
return 0;
return -1;

activeCalls is a bit map with MAX_CALLS entries. It is composed of an array of unsigned int, each of which holds C_BITS bits.
C_SEG() finds the right unsigned int entry in the array for a given call number, and C_BIT() identifies the right bit.
The code scans through the bit map, and finds the first un-set bit. It then sets that bit, and returns the index.

It just implements an array of booleans.
A boolean value only uses one bit and would ordinarily waste the rest, so this code does some bit twiddling in order to fit more than one boolean per array element.


About one line in an implementation of MD5

I'm confused by one line of code in an implementation of MD5,
void MD5_Update(MD5_CTX *ctx, const void *data, unsigned long size)
MD5_u32plus saved_lo;
unsigned long used, available;
saved_lo = ctx->lo;
if ((ctx->lo = (saved_lo + size) & 0x1fffffff) < saved_lo)
ctx->hi += size >> 29;
used = saved_lo & 0x3f;
if (used)
available = 64 - used;
if (size < available)
memcpy(&ctx->buffer[used], data, size);
memcpy(&ctx->buffer[used], data, available);
data = (const unsigned char *)data + available;
size -= available;
body(ctx, ctx->buffer, 64);
if (size >= 64)
data = body(ctx, data, size & ~(unsigned long)0x3f);
size &= 0x3f;
memcpy(ctx->buffer, data, size);
The question line is if ((ctx->lo = (saved_lo + size) & 0x1fffffff) < saved_lo), it seems the 'size' counts bytes, but the 'ctx->lo' and 'saved_lo' count bits. Why add them together? There are also some similar codes in Github, and also some projects use these code. So anyone can give some explanation?
The remarks about "bit counters" are likely misleading - ctx->hi and ctx->lo count bytes, just like size does.
You correctly notice that you're just adding size (bytes) to ctx->lo (and then checking for overflow/propagating overflow into ctx->hi). The overflow check is pretty simple - lo is used as a 29-bit integer, and if the result after adding/masking is less than the original value, then overflow occurred.
The checks around used are also evidence for ctx->lo and ctx->hi being byte counters -- body processes data 64 bytes at a time, and the lo counter is ANDed with 0x3F (i.e. 63).

How to reverse strings that have been obfuscated using floats and double?

I'm working on a crackme , and having a bit of trouble making sense of the flag I'm supposed to retrieve.
I have disassembled the binary using radare2 and ghidra , ghidra gives me back the following pseudo-code:
undefined8 main(void)
long in_FS_OFFSET;
double dVar1;
double dVar2;
int local_38;
int local_34;
int local_30;
int iStack44;
int local_28;
undefined2 uStack36;
ushort uStack34;
char local_20;
undefined2 uStack31;
uint uStack29;
byte bStack25;
long local_10;
local_10 = *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28);
__printf_chk(1,"Insert flag: ");
uStack34 = uStack34 << 8 | uStack34 >> 8;
uStack29 = uStack29 & 0xffffff00 | (uint)bStack25;
bStack25 = (undefined)uStack29;
if ((((local_38 == 0x41524146) && (local_34 == 0x7b594144)) && (local_30 == 0x62753064)) &&
(((iStack44 == 0x405f336c && (local_20 == '_')) &&
((local_28 == 0x665f646e && (CONCAT22(uStack34,uStack36) == 0x40746f31)))))) {
dVar1 = (double)CONCAT26(uStack34,CONCAT24(uStack36,0x665f646e));
dVar2 = (double)CONCAT17((undefined)uStack29,CONCAT43(uStack29,CONCAT21(uStack31,0x5f)));
__printf_chk(dVar1,1,"y: %.30lf\n");
__printf_chk(dVar2,1,"z: %.30lf\n");
dVar1 = dVar1 * 124.8034902710365;
dVar2 = (dVar1 * dVar1) / dVar2;
dVar1 = (double)round_double(dVar2,0x1e);
if (1.192092895507812e-07 <= (double)((ulong)(dVar1 - 4088116.817143337) & 0x7fffffffffffffff))
puts("Try Again");
else {
puts("Well done!");
if (local_10 != *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28)) {
/* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
return 0;
It is easy to see that there's a part of the flag in plain-sight , but the other part is a bit more interesting :
if (1.192092895507812e-07 <= (double)((ulong)(dVar1 - 4088116.817143337) & 0x7fffffffffffffff))
From what I understand , I have to generate the missing part of the flag depending on this condition . The problem is that I absolutely have no idea how to do this .
I can assume this missing part is 8 bytes of size , according to this line :
Considering flags are usually ascii , with some special characters , let's say , each byte will have values from 0x21 to 0x7E , that's almost 8^100 combinations , which will clearly take too much time to compute.
Do you guys have an idea on how I should proceed to solve this ?
Edit : Here is the link to the binary :
You can tweak the Ghidra reverse result by edit variable type. Based on scanf const string %32s your local_38 should be char [32].
Before the first if, there are some char swap.
And the first if statment give you a long constrain of flag
At this point, you can confirm part of flag is FARADAY{d0ubl3_#nd_f1o#t, then is ther main part of this challenge.
It print x, y, z based on the flag, but you'll quickly find x and y is constrain by the if, so you only need to solve z to get the flag, so you think you need to bruteforce all double value limit by printable ascii.
But there are a limitaion in if statment says byte0 of this double must be _ and a math constrain there, simple math tell dVar2 - 4088116.817143337 <= 1.192092895507813e-07 and it comes dVar2 is very close 4088116.817143337
And byte 3 and byte 7 in this double will swap
By reverse result: dVar2 = y*y*x*x/z, solve this equation you can say z must near 407.2786840401004 and packed to little endian is `be}uty#. Based on double internal structure format, MSB will affect exponent, so you can make sure last byte is # and it shows byte0 and byte3 is fixed now by constrain and flag common format with {} pair.
So finally, you only need to bureforce 5 bytes of printable ascii to resolve this challenge.
import string, struct
from itertools import product
possible = string.ascii_lowercase + string.punctuation + string.digits
for nxt in product(possible, repeat=5):
n = ''.join(nxt).encode()
s = b'_' + n[:2] + b'}' + n[2:] + b'#'
rtn = struct.unpack("<d", s)[0]
rtn = 1665002837.488342 / rtn
if abs(rtn - 4088116.817143337) <= 0.0000001192092895507812:
And bingo the flag is FARADAY{d0ubl3_#nd_f1o#t_be#uty}

Proper use of `nalu_process` callback in x264

I wish to make use of libx264's low-latency encoding mechanism, whereby a user-provided callback is called as soon as a single NAL unit is available instead of having to wait for a whole frame to be encoded before starting processing.
The x264 documentation states the following about that facility:
/* Optional low-level callback for low-latency encoding. Called for each output NAL unit
* immediately after the NAL unit is finished encoding. This allows the calling application
* to begin processing video data (e.g. by sending packets over a network) before the frame
* is done encoding.
* This callback MUST do the following in order to work correctly:
* 1) Have available an output buffer of at least size nal->i_payload*3/2 + 5 + 64.
* 2) Call x264_nal_encode( h, dst, nal ), where dst is the output buffer.
* After these steps, the content of nal is valid and can be used in the same way as if
* the NAL unit were output by x264_encoder_encode.
* This does not need to be synchronous with the encoding process: the data pointed to
* by nal (both before and after x264_nal_encode) will remain valid until the next
* x264_encoder_encode call. The callback must be re-entrant.
* This callback does not work with frame-based threads; threads must be disabled
* or sliced-threads enabled. This callback also does not work as one would expect
* with HRD -- since the buffering period SEI cannot be calculated until the frame
* is finished encoding, it will not be sent via this callback.
* Note also that the NALs are not necessarily returned in order when sliced threads is
* enabled. Accordingly, the variable i_first_mb and i_last_mb are available in
* x264_nal_t to help the calling application reorder the slices if necessary.
* When this callback is enabled, x264_encoder_encode does not return valid NALs;
* the calling application is expected to acquire all output NALs through the callback.
* It is generally sensible to combine this callback with a use of slice-max-mbs or
* slice-max-size.
* The opaque pointer is the opaque pointer from the input frame associated with this
* NAL unit. This helps distinguish between nalu_process calls from different sources,
* e.g. if doing multiple encodes in one process.
void (*nalu_process)( x264_t *h, x264_nal_t *nal, void *opaque );
This seems straight forward enough. However, when I run the following dummy code, I get a segfault on the marked line. I've tried to add some debugging to x264_nal_encode itself to understand where it goes wrong, but it seems to be the function call itself that results in a segfault. Am I missing something here? (Let's ignore the fact that the use of assert probably makes cb non-reentrant – it's only there to indicate to the reader that my workspace buffer is more than large enough.)
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <x264.h>
#define WS_SIZE 10000000
uint8_t * workspace;
void cb(x264_t * h, x264_nal_t * nal, void * opaque)
assert((nal->i_payload*3)/2 + 5 + 64 < WS_SIZE);
x264_nal_encode(h, workspace, nal); // Segfault here.
// Removed: Process nal.
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
uint8_t * fake_frame = malloc(1280*720*3);
memset(fake_frame, 0, 1280*720*3);
workspace = malloc(WS_SIZE);
x264_param_t param;
int status = x264_param_default_preset(&param, "ultrafast", "zerolatency");
assert(status == 0);
param.i_csp = X264_CSP_RGB;
param.i_width = 1280;
param.i_height = 720;
param.i_threads = 1;
param.i_lookahead_threads = 1;
param.i_frame_total = 0;
param.i_fps_num = 30;
param.i_fps_den = 1;
param.i_slice_max_size = 1024;
param.b_annexb = 1;
param.nalu_process = cb;
status = x264_param_apply_profile(&param, "high444");
assert(status == 0);
x264_t * h = x264_encoder_open(&param);
x264_picture_t pic;
status = x264_picture_alloc(&pic, param.i_csp, param.i_width, param.i_height);
assert(pic.img.i_plane == 1);
x264_picture_t pic_out;
x264_nal_t * nal; // Not used. We process NALs in cb.
int i_nal;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
pic.i_pts = i;
pic.img.plane[0] = fake_frame;
status = x264_encoder_encode(h, &nal, &i_nal, &pic, &pic_out);
return 0;
Edit: The segfault happens the first time cb calls x264_nal_encode. If I switch to a different preset, where more frames are encoded before the first callback happens, then several successful calls to x264_encoder_encode are made before the first callback, and hence segfault, occurs.
After discussions with x264 developers on IRC, it seems that the behavior I was seeing is, in fact, a bug in x264. The x264_t * h passed to the callback is incorrect. If one overrides that handle with the good one (the one obtained from x264_encoder_open), things work fine.
I identified x264 git commit 71ed44c7312438fac7c5c5301e45522e57127db4 as the first bad one. The bug is documented as this x264 issue.
Update for future readers: I believe this issue has been fixed in commit 544c61f082194728d0391fb280a6e138ba320a96.

sprintf re-entry into 64bit operation in 32 bit MCU with interrupts

In reference to SO question: 52164135
The setup:
I have a function which converts many double values into a predefined string. The input is a array of struct from which we concatenate two double values into a string. A double is of size 8 bytes or 64 bits and my MCU of operation is STM32, a 32 bit ARM micro-controller.
An interrupt is also running parallelly.
The data should look like:
But I get (very rarely):
Note: I missed out [12.22222222,12.22222222]
sprintf is not re-entrant:
According to this discussion, on AVRFreaks, sprintf is not re-entrant. (The discussion is on using sprintf in a interrupt enabled hardware environment.) Which means if an interrupt occurs in-between a sprintf operation the stack fails to continue the operation it was doing.
Since my MCU is a 32 bit one, to perform a 64 bit operation it will take two clock cycles. And if we assume an interrupt occurred in between the sprintf operation according the the above discussion sprintf should fail.
1. Will sprintf fail in case it is interrupted?
Here is the string function, an interrupt routine also runs in the background which deals with other sensor data (local and global)
/* #brief From the array of GPS structs we create a string of the format
* [[lat,long],[lat,long],..]
* #param input The input array of GPS structs
* #param output The output string which will contain lat, long
* #param sz Size left in the output buffer
* #return 0 Successfully completed operation
* 1 Failed / Error
int get_gps60secString(GPS_periodic_t input[GPS_PERIODIC_ARRAY_SIZE],
char *output, size_t sz)
int cnt = snprintf(output, sz, "[");
if (cnt < 0 || cnt >= sz)
return 1;
output += cnt;
sz -= cnt;
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < GPS_PERIODIC_ARRAY_SIZE; i++) {
cnt = snprintf(output, sz, "[%0.8f,%0.8f]%s",
input[i].point.latitude, input[i].point.longitude,
i + 1 == GPS_PERIODIC_ARRAY_SIZE ? "" : ",");
if (cnt < 0 || cnt >= sz)
return 1;
output += cnt;
sz -= cnt;
cnt = snprintf(output, sz, "]");
if (cnt < 0 || cnt >= sz)
return 1;
return 0; // no error
What's happening inside the interrupt routine
void GPS_InterruptHandler(UART_HandleTypeDef *UartHandle)
GPS_t l_sGpsInfo;
MEMS_interruptHandler(); //Inertial sensor ISR
sprintf will ony fail during an interrupt if it is called again during that interrupt (assuming it uses global variables that are re-used; would it use only stack variables, then it is re-entrant).
So if your interrupt handler is calling sprintf and during that call a new, same or higher priority interrupt occurs then it can fail. However, during the processing of an interrupt, interrupts are normally disabled so there can't (shouldn't!) be another interupt of the same type occurring.
But why convert this raw data during interrupt handling? Why not store/pass this data to the user-level routine via a buffer and have that functionality convert the raw data? That would be consistent with the idea that an interrupt handler should be as short (fast) as possible.

Distributed shared memory [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Distributed shared memory library for C++? [closed]
(3 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
My current system runs on Linux, with the different tasks using shared memory to access the common data (which is defined as a C struct). The size of the shared data is about 100K.
Now, I want to run the main user interface on Windows, while keeping all the other tasks in Linux, and I’m looking for the best replacement for the shared memory. The refresh rate of the UI is about 10 times per second.
My doubt is if it’s better to do it by myself or to use a third party solution. If I do it on my own, my idea is to open a socket and then use some sort of data serialization between the client (Windows) and the server (Linux).
In the case of third party solutions, I’m a bit overwhelmed by the number of options. After some search, it seems to me that the right solution could be MPI, but I would like to consider other options before start working with it: XDR, OpenMP, JSON, DBus, RDMA, memcached, boost libraries … Has anyone got any experience with any of them? Which are the pros and cons of using such solutions for accessing the shared memory on Linux from Windows?
Maybe MPI or the other third party solutions are too elaborated for such a simple use as mine and I should use a do-it-yourself approach? Any advice if I take that solution? Am I missing something? Am I looking in the wrong direction? I wouldn’t like to reinvent the wheel.
For the file sharing, I’m considering Samba.
My development is done with C and C++, and, of course, the solution needs to be compiled in Linux and Windows.
AFAIK (but I don't know Windows) you cannot share memory (à la shm_overview(7)) on both Linux and Windows at once (you could share data, using some network protocol, this is what memcached does).
However, you can make a Linux process answering to network messages from a Windows machine (but that is not shared memory!).
Did you consider using a Web interface? You could add a web interface -with ajax techniques- on Linux (to your Linux software), e.g. using FastCGI or an HTTP server library like libonion or wt. Then your Windows users could use their browser to interact with your program (which would still run on some Linux compute server).
PS. Read the wikipage on distributed shared memory. It means something different than what you are asking! Read also about message passing!
I'd recommend using a plain TCP socket between the user interface and the service, with simple tagged message frames passed between the two in preferably architecture-independent manner (i.e. with specific byte order and integer and floating-point types).
On the server end, I'd use a helper process or thread, that maintains two local copies of the shared state struct per client. First one reflects the state the client knows about, and the second one is used to snapshot the shared state at regular intervals. When the two differ, the helper sends the differing fields to the client. Conversely, the client can send modification requests to the helper.
I would not send the 100k shared data structure as a single chunk; it'd be very inefficient. Also, assuming the state contains multiple fields, having the client send the entire new 100k state would overwrite fields not meant to by the client.
I'd use one message for each field in the state, or atomically manipulated set of fields. The message structure itself should be very simple. At minimum, each message should start with a fixed-size length and type fields, so that it is trivial to receive the messages. It is always a good idea to leave the possibility of later extending the capabilities/fields, without breaking backwards compatibility, too.
You don't need a lot of code to implement the above. You do need some accessor/manipulator code for each different type of field in the state (char, short, int, long, double, float, and any other type or struct you might use), and that (and the helper that compares the active state with the simulated user state) will probably be the bulk of the code.
Although I don't normally recommend reinventing the wheel, in this case I do recommend writing your own message passing code, directly on top of TCP, simply because all the libraries I know of that could be used for this, are rather unwieldy or would impose some design choices I'd rather leave to the application.
If you want, I can provide some example code that would hopefully illustrate this better. I don't have Windows, but Qt does have a QTcpSocket class you can use that works the same in both Linux and Windows, so there shouldn't be (m)any differences. In fact, if you design the message structure well, you could write the UI in some other language like Python, without any differences to the server itself.
Promised examples follow; apologies for maximum-length post.
Paired counters are useful when there is a single writer for a specific field, possibly many readers, and you wish to add minimal overhead to the write path. Reading never blocks, and a reader will see whether they got a valid copy or if an update was in progress and they should not rely on the value they saw. (This also allows reliable write semantics for a field in an async-signal-safe context, where pthread locking is not guaranteed to work.)
This implementation works best on GCC-4.7 and later, but should work with earlier C compilers, too. Legacy __sync built-ins also work with Intel, Pathscale, and PGI C compilers. counter.h:
#ifndef COUNTER_H
#define COUNTER_H
* Atomic generation counter support.
* A generation counter allows a single writer thread to
* locklessly modify a value non-atomically, while letting
* any number of reader threads detect the change. Reader
* threads can also check if the value they observed is
* "atomic", or taken during a modification in progress.
* There is no protection against multiple concurrent writers.
* If the writer gets canceled or dies during an update,
* the counter will get garbled. Reinitialize before relying
* on such a counter.
* There is no guarantee that a reader will observe an
* "atomic" value, if the writer thread modifies the value
* more often than the reader thread can read it.
* Two typical use cases:
* A) A single writer requires minimum overhead/latencies,
* whereas readers can poll and retry if necessary
* B) Non-atomic value or structure modified in
* an interrupt context (async-signal-safe)
* Initialization:
* Counter counter = COUNTER_INITIALIZER;
* or
* Counter counter;
* counter_init(&counter);
* Write sequence:
* counter_acquire(&counter);
* (modify or write value)
* counter_release(&counter);
* Read sequence:
* unsigned int check;
* check = counter_before(&counter);
* (obtain a copy of the value)
* if (check == counter_after(&counter))
* (a copy of the value is atomic)
* Read sequence with spin-waiting,
* will spin forever if counter garbled:
* unsigned int check;
* do {
* check = counter_before(&counter);
* (obtain a copy of the value)
* } while (check != counter_after(&counter));
* All these are async-signal-safe, and will never block
* (except for the spinning loop just above, obviously).
typedef struct {
volatile unsigned int value[2];
} Counter;
#if (__GNUC__ > 4) || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 7)
* GCC 4.7 and later provide __atomic built-ins.
* These are very efficient on x86 and x86-64.
static inline void counter_init(Counter *const counter)
/* This is silly; assignments should suffice. */
do {
__atomic_store_n(&(counter->value[1]), 0U, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
__atomic_store_n(&(counter->value[0]), 0U, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
} while (__atomic_load_n(&(counter->value[0]), __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST) |
__atomic_load_n(&(counter->value[1]), __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST));
static inline unsigned int counter_before(Counter *const counter)
return __atomic_load_n(&(counter->value[1]), __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
static inline unsigned int counter_after(Counter *const counter)
return __atomic_load_n(&(counter->value[0]), __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
static inline unsigned int counter_acquire(Counter *const counter)
return __atomic_fetch_add(&(counter->value[0]), 1U, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
static inline unsigned int counter_release(Counter *const counter)
return __atomic_fetch_add(&(counter->value[1]), 1U, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
* Rely on legacy __sync built-ins.
* Because there is no __sync_fetch(),
* counter_before() and counter_after() are safe,
* but not optimal (especially on x86 and x86-64).
static inline void counter_init(Counter *const counter)
/* This is silly; assignments should suffice. */
do {
counter->value[0] = 0U;
counter->value[1] = 0U;
} while (__sync_fetch_and_add(&(counter->value[0]), 0U) |
__sync_fetch_and_add(&(counter->value[1]), 0U));
static inline unsigned int counter_before(Counter *const counter)
return __sync_fetch_and_add(&(counter->value[1]), 0U);
static inline unsigned int counter_after(Counter *const counter)
return __sync_fetch_and_add(&(counter->value[0]), 0U);
static inline unsigned int counter_acquire(Counter *const counter)
return __sync_fetch_and_add(&(counter->value[0]), 1U);
static inline unsigned int counter_release(Counter *const counter)
return __sync_fetch_and_add(&(counter->value[1]), 1U);
#endif /* COUNTER_H */
Each shared state field type needs their own structure defined. For our purposes, I'll just use a Value structure to describe one of them. It is up to you to define all the needed Field and Value types to match your needs. For example, a 3D vector of double precision floating-point components would be
typedef struct {
double x;
double y;
double z;
} Value;
typedef struct {
Counter counter;
Value value;
} Field;
where the modifying thread uses e.g.
void set_field(Field *const field, Value *const value)
field->value = value;
and each reader maintains their own local shapshot using e.g.
typedef enum {
BUSY = 2
} Updated;
Updated check_field(Field *const local, const Field *const shared)
Field cache;
cache.counter[0] = counter_before(&shared->counter);
/* Local counter check allows forcing an update by
* simply changing one half of the local counter.
* If you don't need that, omit the local-only part. */
if (local->counter[0] == local->counter[1] &&
cache.counter[0] == local->counter[0])
cache.value = shared->value;
cache.counter[1] = counter_after(&shared->counter);
if (cache.counter[0] != cache.counter[1])
return BUSY;
*local = cache;
return UPDATED;
Note that the cache above constitutes one local copy of the value, so each reader only needs to maintain one copy of the fields it is interested in. Also, the above accessor function only modifies local with a successful snapshot.
When using pthread locking, pthread_rwlock_t is a good option, as long as the programmer understands the priority issues with multiple readers and writers. (see man pthread_rwlock_rdlock and man pthread_rwlock_wrlock for details.)
Personally, I would just stick to mutexes with as short holding times as possible, to reduce overall complexity. The Field structure for a mutex-protected change-counted value I'd use would probably be something like
typedef struct {
pthread_mutex_t mutex;
Value value;
volatile unsigned int change;
} Field;
void set_field(Field *const field, const Value *const value)
field->value = *value;
#if (__GNUC__ > 4) || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 7)
__atomic_fetch_add(&field->change, 1U, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
__sync_fetch_and_add(&field->change, 1U);
void get_field(Field *const local, Field *const field)
local->value = field->value;
#if (__GNUC__ > 4) || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 7)
local->value = __atomic_fetch_n(&field->change, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
local->value = __sync_fetch_and_add(&field->change, 0U);
Updated check_field(Field *const local, Field *const shared)
#if (__GNUC__ > 4) || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 7)
if (local->change == __atomic_fetch_n(&field->change, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST))
if (local->change == __sync_fetch_and_add(&field->change, 0U))
local->value = shared->value;
#if (__GNUC__ > 4) || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 7)
local->change = __atomic_fetch_n(&field->change, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
local->change = __sync_fetch_and_add(&field->change, 0U);
Note that the mutex field in the local copy is unused, and can be omitted from the local copy (defining a suitable Cache etc. structure type without it).
The semantics with respect to the change field are simple: It is always accessed atomically, and can therefore be read without holding the mutex. It is only modified while holding the mutex (but because readers do not hold the mutex, it must be modified atomically even then).
Note that if your server is restricted to x86 or x86-64 architectures, you can use ordinary accesses to change above (e.g. field->change++), as unsigned int access is atomic on these architectures; no need to use built-in functions. (Although increment is non-atomic, readers will only ever see the old or the new unsigned int, so that's not a problem either.)
On the server, you'll need some kind of "agent" process or thread, acting on behalf of the remote clients, sending field changes to each client, and optionally receiving field contents for update from each client.
Efficient implementation of such an agent is a big question. A properly thought-out recommendation would require more detailed information on the system. The simplest possible implementation, I guess, would be a low-priority thread simply scanning the shared state continuously, reporting any field changes not known to each client as it sees them. If change rate is high -- say, usually more than a dozen changes per second over the entire state -- then that may be quite acceptable. If change rate varies, adding a global change counter (modified whenever a single field is modified, i.e. in set_field()) and sleeping (or at least yielding) when no global change is observed, is better.
If there are multiple remote clients, I would use a single agent, which collects changes into a queue, with a cached copy of the state as seen at the head of the queue (with previous changes being those that lead up to it). Initially connected clients get the entire state, then each queued change following that. Note that the queue entries do not need to represent fields as such, but the messages sent to each client to update that field, and that if a latter update replaces an already queued value, the already queued value can be removed, reducing the amount of data that needs to be sent to clients that are catching up. This is an interesting topic on its own, and would warrant a question of its own, in my opinion.
Like I mentioned above, I would personally use a plain TCP socket between the user interface and the service.
There are four main issues with respect to the TCP messages:
Byte order and data formats (unless both server and remote clients are guaranteed to use the same hardware architecture)
My preferred solution is to use native byte order (but well-defined standard types) when sending, with recipient doing any byte order conversions. This requires that each end sends an initial message with predetermined "prototype values" for each integer and floating-point type used.
I assume integers use two's complement format with no padding bits, and double and float are double- and single-precision IEEE-754 types, respectively. Most current hardware architectures have these natively (although byte ordering does vary). Weird architectures can and do emulate these in software, typically by supplying suitable command-line switches or using some libraries.
Message framing (as TCP is a stream of bytes, not a stream of packets, from the application perspective)
Most robust option is to prefix each message with a fixed size type field and a fixed size length field. (Usually, the length field indicates how many additional bytes are part of this message, and will include any possible padding bytes the sender might have added.)
The recipient will receive TCP input until it has enough cached for the fixed type and length parts to examine the complete packet length. Then it receives more data, until it has a full TCP packet. A minimal receive buffer implementation is something like
Backwards compatibility is essential for making updates and upgrades easier. This means you'll probably need to include some kind of version number in the initial message from server to client, and have both server and client ignore messages they do not know. (This obviously requires a length field in each message, as recipients cannot infer the length of messages they do not recognize.)
In some cases you might need the ability to mark a message important, in the sense that if the recipient does not recognize it, further communications should be aborted. This is easiest to achieve by using some kind of identifier or bit in the type field. For example, PNG file format is very similar to the message format I've described here, with a four-byte (four ASCII character) type field, and a four-byte (32-bit) length field for each message ("chunk"). If the first type character is uppercase ASCII, it means it is a critical one.
Passing initial state
Passing the initial state as a single chunk fixes the entire shared state structure. Instead, I recommend passing each field or record separately, just as if they were updates. Optionally, when all the initial fields have been sent, you can send a message that informs the client they have the entire state; this should let the client first receive the complete state, then construct and render the user interface, without having to dynamically adjust to varying number of fields.
Whether each client requires the full state, or just a smaller subset of the state, is another question. When a remote client connects to a server, it probably should include some kind of identifier the server can use to make that determination.
Here is messages.h, a header file with inline implementation of integer and floating-point type handling and byte order detection:
#ifndef MESSAGES_H
#define MESSAGES_H
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#if defined(__GNUC__)
static const struct __attribute__((packed)) {
#pragma pack(push,1)
const uint64_t u64; /* Offset +0 */
const int64_t i64; /* +8 */
const double dbl; /* +16 */
const uint32_t u32; /* +24 */
const int32_t i32; /* +28 */
const float flt; /* +32 */
const uint16_t u16; /* +36 */
const int16_t i16; /* +38 */
} prototypes = {
18364758544493064720ULL, /* u64 */
-1311768465156298103LL, /* i64 */
3735928559UL, /* u32 */
-195951326L, /* i32 */
1.06622731685638427734375f, /* flt */
51966U, /* u16 */
-7658 /* i16 */
#if !defined(__GNUC__)
#pragma pack(pop)
/* Add prototype section to a buffer.
size_t add_prototypes(unsigned char *const data, const size_t size)
if (size < sizeof prototypes) {
errno = ENOSPC;
return 0;
} else {
memcpy(data, &prototypes, sizeof prototypes);
return sizeof prototypes;
* Byte order manipulation functions.
static void reorder64(void *const dst, const void *const src, const int order)
if (order) {
uint64_t value;
memcpy(&value, src, 8);
if (order & 1)
value = ((value >> 8U) & 0x00FF00FF00FF00FFULL)
| ((value & 0x00FF00FF00FF00FFULL) << 8U);
if (order & 2)
value = ((value >> 16U) & 0x0000FFFF0000FFFFULL)
| ((value & 0x0000FFFF0000FFFFULL) << 16U);
if (order & 4)
value = ((value >> 32U) & 0x00000000FFFFFFFFULL)
| ((value & 0x00000000FFFFFFFFULL) << 32U);
memcpy(dst, &value, 8);
} else
if (dst != src)
memmove(dst, src, 8);
static void reorder32(void *const dst, const void *const src, const int order)
if (order) {
uint32_t value;
memcpy(&value, src, 4);
if (order & 1)
value = ((value >> 8U) & 0x00FF00FFUL)
| ((value & 0x00FF00FFUL) << 8U);
if (order & 2)
value = ((value >> 16U) & 0x0000FFFFUL)
| ((value & 0x0000FFFFUL) << 16U);
memcpy(dst, &value, 4);
} else
if (dst != src)
memmove(dst, src, 4);
static void reorder16(void *const dst, const void *const src, const int order)
if (order & 1) {
const unsigned char c[2] = { ((const unsigned char *)src)[0],
((const unsigned char *)src)[1] };
((unsigned char *)dst)[0] = c[1];
((unsigned char *)dst)[1] = c[0];
} else
if (dst != src)
memmove(dst, src, 2);
/* Detect byte order conversions needed.
* If the prototypes cannot be supported, returns -1.
* If prototype record uses native types, returns 0.
* Otherwise, bits 0..2 are the integer order conversion,
* and bits 3..5 are the floating-point order conversion.
* If 'order' is the return value, use
* reorderXX(local, remote, order)
* for integers, and
* reorderXX(local, remote, order/8)
* for floating-point types.
* For adjusting records sent to server, just do the same,
* but with order obtained by calling this function with
* parameters swapped.
int detect_order(const void *const native, const void *const other)
const unsigned char *const source = other;
const unsigned char *const target = native;
unsigned char temp[8];
int iorder = 0;
int forder = 0;
/* Verify the size of the types.
* C89/C99/C11 says sizeof (char) == 1, but check that too. */
if (sizeof (double) != 8 ||
sizeof (int64_t) != 8 ||
sizeof (uint64_t) != 8 ||
sizeof (float) != 4 ||
sizeof (int32_t) != 4 ||
sizeof (uint32_t) != 4 ||
sizeof (int16_t) != 2 ||
sizeof (uint16_t) != 2 ||
sizeof (unsigned char) != 1 ||
sizeof prototypes != 40)
return -1;
/* Find byte order for the largest floating-point type. */
while (1) {
reorder64(temp, source + 16, forder);
if (!memcmp(temp, target + 16, 8))
if (++forder >= 8)
return -1;
/* Verify forder works for all other floating-point types. */
reorder32(temp, source + 32, forder);
if (memcmp(temp, target + 32, 4))
return -1;
/* Find byte order for the largest integer type. */
while (1) {
reorder64(temp, source + 0, iorder);
if (!memcmp(temp, target + 0, 8))
if (++iorder >= 8)
return -1;
/* Verify iorder works for all other integer types. */
reorder64(temp, source + 8, iorder);
if (memcmp(temp, target + 8, 8))
return -1;
reorder32(temp, source + 24, iorder);
if (memcmp(temp, target + 24, 4))
return -1;
reorder32(temp, source + 28, iorder);
if (memcmp(temp, target + 28, 4))
return -1;
reorder16(temp, source + 36, iorder);
if (memcmp(temp, target + 36, 2))
return -1;
reorder16(temp, source + 38, iorder);
if (memcmp(temp, target + 38, 2))
return -1;
/* Everything works. */
return iorder + 8 * forder;
/* Verify current architecture is supportable.
* This could be a compile-time check.
* (The buffer contains prototypes for network byte order,
* and actually returns the order needed to convert from
* native to network byte order.)
* Returns -1 if architecture is not supported,
* a nonnegative (0 or positive) value if successful.
static int verify_architecture(void)
static const unsigned char network_endian[40] = {
254U, 220U, 186U, 152U, 118U, 84U, 50U, 16U, /* u64 */
237U, 203U, 169U, 135U, 238U, 204U, 170U, 137U, /* i64 */
63U, 231U, 6U, 5U, 4U, 3U, 2U, 1U, /* dbl */
222U, 173U, 190U, 239U, /* u32 */
244U, 82U, 5U, 34U, /* i32 */
63U, 136U, 122U, 35U, /* flt */
202U, 254U, /* u16 */
226U, 22U, /* i16 */
return detect_order(&prototypes, network_endian);
#endif /* MESSAGES_H */
Here is an example function that a sender can use to pack a 3-component vector identified by a 32-bit unsigned integer, into a 36-byte message. This uses a message frame starting with four bytes ("Vec3"), followed by the 32-bit frame length, followed by the 32-bit identifier, followed by three doubles:
size_t add_vector(unsigned char *const data, const size_t size,
const uint32_t id,
const double x, const double y, const double z)
const uint32_t length = 4 + 4 + 4 + 8 + 8 + 8;
if (size < (size_t)bytes) {
errno = ENOSPC;
return 0;
/* Message identifier, four bytes */
buffer[0] = 'V';
buffer[1] = 'e';
buffer[2] = 'c';
buffer[3] = '3';
/* Length field, uint32_t */
memcpy(buffer + 4, &length, 4);
/* Identifier, uint32_t */
memcpy(buffer + 8, &id, 4);
/* Vector components */
memcpy(buffer + 12, &x, 8);
memcpy(buffer + 20, &y, 8);
memcpy(buffer + 28, &z, 8);
return length;
Personally, I prefer shorter, 16-bit identifiers and 16-bit length; that also limits maximum message length to 65536 bytes, making 65536 bytes a good read/write buffer size.
The recipient can handle the received TCP data stream for example thus:
static unsigned char *input_data; /* Data buffer */
static size_t input_size; /* Data buffer size */
static unsigned char *input_head; /* Next byte in buffer */
static unsigned char *input_tail; /* After last buffered byte */
static int input_order; /* From detect_order() */
/* Function to handle "Vec3" messages: */
static void handle_vec3(unsigned char *const msg)
uint32_t id;
double x, y, z;
reorder32(&id, msg+8, input_order);
reorder64(&x, msg+12, input_order/8);
reorder64(&y, msg+20, input_order/8);
reorder64(&z, msg+28, input_order/8);
/* Do something with vector id, x, y, z. */
/* Function that tries to consume thus far buffered
* input data -- typically run once after each
* successful TCP receive. */
static void consume(void)
while (input_head + 8 < input_tail) {
uint32_t length;
/* Get current packet length. */
reorder32(&length, input_head + 4, input_order);
if (input_head + length < input_tail)
break; /* Not all read, yet. */
/* We have a full packet! */
/* Handle "Vec3" packet: */
if (input_head[0] == 'V' &&
input_head[1] == 'e' &&
input_head[2] == 'c' &&
input_head[3] == '3')
/* Advance to next packet. */
input_head += length;
if (input_head < input_tail) {
/* Move partial message to start of buffer. */
if (input_head > input_data) {
const size_t have = input_head - input_data;
memmove(input_data, input_head, have);
input_head = input_data;
input_tail = input_data + have;
} else {
/* Buffer is empty. */
input_head = input_data;
input_tail = input_data;
