Getting the inode number of an unopen file from path - c

Is there a way I could get the inode number of a file which has not yet been opened. I would like to do this from inside a c function

Use stat(2) (which takes a file path), and check the st_ino field. Do note that it's possible for someone to move or remove the file between the time you call stat and whenever you manage to do anything with the information.

Essentially, the answer can be found in this question:
How do I read a directory as a file in Unix?
You have to read the directory which contains the file entry. That entry contains the inode number.

Unless you have very tight control over the permissions on every element of the path to the file, what you're trying to do is almost surely wrong. Between any two operations involving accessing a file by pathname, there is a race condition, i.e. the inode number you get is potentially incorrect even before the call (stat or readdir) that gives it to you returns. Why don't you want to open the file?


What is the result of a stat() call on a file being written to?

Having a little problem with the stat() system call on Solaris 10. I'm doing FTP and at the same time, calling stat (to check on file size) on files that are being written to concurrently through FTP.
Let's assume that files are being written to a directory while a stat() command/call is being called (in parallel). Then would the result of st_size in the struct be 0?
Or would the stat call reflect the current size of the file while FTP is happening?
Is FTP as transactional as I think it is?
The stat()-call would show you the same as ls, since ls uses stat() (or a similar function from this family) to show the file size and attributes.
So, for all common filesystems, stat() would return the current filesize, which will usually constantly grow during the ftp put transaction.
However, an FTP-Server (or even an FTP-client) might choose to create an empty file of the requested target name, write the actual data to a temporary file and rename this file to the real file name after the transfer completed. In this case, stat() would return size 0. But this is not the usual way it happens.

How to obtain a file name from the standard FILE structure?

What I want:
void printFname(FILE * f)
char buf[255];
printf("File name: %s",buf);
So, all I need is "MagicFunction", but unfortunatelly I haven't found such ...
Is there any way to implement using an OS library? (windows.h , cocoa.h, posix.h etc.)
There is no such function. There may be no filename, or more than one filename that correspond with the FILE *. On Unix, a program can continue to have a reference to a file after it has been renamed or deleted, which could mean that you have a FILE * with no name. Or more hard links may be made to the file, which means a file can have multiple names; which one would you choose? To further confuse things, a file can be temporarily hidden, by mounting a filesystem over a directory containing that file. The file will still be on disk, at its original pathname, but the file will be inaccessible at that path because the mount is obscuring it.
It's also possible that the FILE * never corresponded to a file on the filesystem at all; while they usually do, you can create one from any file descriptor using fdopen(), and that file descriptor may be a pipe, socket, or other file-like object that has never had a path on the disk. In some versions of the C library, you can open a string stream (for instance, fmemopen() in glibc), so the FILE * actually just corresponds to a memory buffer.
If you care about the name, it's best to just keep track of what it was named when you opened the file.
There are some hacky ways to approximate getting the filename; if you're just using this for debugging or informational purposes, then they may be sufficient. Most of these will require operating on the file descriptor rather than the FILE *, as the file descriptor is the lower level way of referring to a file. To get the file descriptor, run fileno() on the FILE *, and remember to check for errors in case there is no file descriptor associated with that FILE *.
On Linux, you can do readlink() on "/proc/self/fd/fileno" where fileno is the file descriptor. That will show you what filename the file had when the file was opened, or a string indicating what other kind of file descriptor it is, like a socket or inotify handle. FreeBSD and NetBSD have Linux emulation layers, which include emulation of Linux-style procfs; you may be able to do this on those if you mount a Linux-compatible procfs, though I don't have them available for testing.
On Mac OS X, you don't have /proc/self/fd. If you don't care about finding the original filename, but some other filename that refers to the file would work (such that you could pass it to another program), you can construct one: /.vol/deviceid/inode. For example, /.vol/234881030/281363. To get those values, run fstat() on the file descriptor, and use st_dev and st_ino on the resulting struct stat.
On Windows, files and the filesystem work quite differently than Unix. Apparently it's possible to map a file back to its name on Windows. As of Windows Vista, you can simply call GetFinalPathNameByHandle(). This takes a HANDLE; to get the HANDLE from the file descriptor, call _get_osfhandle(). Prior to Windows Vista, you need to do a little more work, as described in this article. Note that on Windows fileno() is named _fileno(), though the former may work with a warning.
Going even further into hacky territory, there are a few more techniques that you could use. You could shell out to lsof, or you could extract the code it uses to resolve pathnames. lsof actually looks directly in kernel memory, extracting information from the kernel's name cache. This has several limitations, outlined in the lsof FAQ. And of course, you need root or equivalent privileges to do this, either directly or with an suid/sgid binary.
And finally, for a portable but slow solution for finding one or more filenames matching an open file, you could find the device and inode number using fstat() on the file descriptor, and then recursively traverse the filesystem stat()ing every file, until you find a file with matching device and inode number. Remember the caveats I mention above; you may find no matching files, more than one matching file, and even if you don't find any matching files, the file might still be there, but hidden by a mount point. And of course, there may be race conditions; something may rename the file in such a way that you never see it while traversing the hierarchy.
There is no such standard function.
Do you fopen() yourself? If then, maintain FILE * to filename hash table yourself.
Otherwise, it's not possible in general.
I don't think that there is such function even at windows.h,coca.h or unistd.h.
Most probably you write it yourself. Just make a
struct myFile {
FILE *fh;
char *filename;
and hold such structures into array of struct myFile and in MagicFunction(f,b) walk on the array looking for the address equal to f.

How can I search for a file within a directory and its sub-directories in c?

How can I search for a file within a directory and its sub-directories in C?
I'm not allowed to use find and I must use opendir , readdir and stat.
I want to perform something like the command ls -ln if the file indeed exists.
For traversing the directories, you will need: opendir(3), readdir(3), and closedir(3).
For checking the type of file (to see if it's a directory and if you should recursively search within it) you will need stat(2).
You will want to check
(struct stat).st_mode & S_IFDIR
to see if the file is a directory. See <sys/stat.h> for more information.
If we try to write a small piece of code in C then we can do this search activity easily.
Suppose you need to search abc.txt in a /home/Jack/ then just open a file stream and pass the file path as a parameter.
Now when this statement will be executed, it will try to open the existing file. This API will return non zero if the file exists otherwise it is returned -1 or zero.
You've already provided the basic answer: opendir/readdir/closedir. As you walk the directory entries, you check whether each refers to a file or a directory. Those that refer to directories, you traverse as well (typically recursively). For those that refer to files, you compare their names to the file(s) you're looking for, and see if you've found it.
One other minor detail: you probably also want to check for symbolic links. A symbolic link can (for example) refer to a parent directory, which could/can lead to infinite recursion. You may want to ignore symbolic links completely, or you may want to keep a list of directories you've already at least started to traverse, and resolve/traverse what's in the symbolic link only if it's not already in the list.

How to check if an opened file has been moved or removed by another process

I have a process using C on Linux OS that writes data to a file. It uses open()/write() functions and I've been wondering if another process rm'd or mv'd the file. How can my process find out and recreate the file?
You can use fstat() to get the information about the open file. If the st_nlink field is zero, the file has been removed from the file system (possibly by being moved to a different file system, but there's no real way for you to determine that). There's a decent chance you have the only remaining reference to that file - though there might be other processes also holding it open. The disk space won't be released until the last process with an open file descriptor for the file finally closes the file.
If the st_nlink field is still positive, then your file still has a name somewhere out in the file system. You then need to use stat() to determine whether the st_dev and st_ino fields for the given file name match the same fields from the file descriptor. If the name still exists and has the same device and inode number, then it is 'the same' file (though the contents may have changed). If there's a difference, then the open file is different from the file specified by name.
Note that if you want to be sure that the given name is not a symbolic link to a moved copy of the file, then you would have to use lstat() on the file when you open it (to ensure it isn't a symlink at that point), and again when you check the file (instead of using stat()).
You can use the stat call to do this.
struct stat st;
if(stat("/tmp",&st) == 0)
printf(" /tmp is present\n");
/* Write code to create the file */

How to check whether two file names point to the same physical file

I have a program that accepts two file names as arguments: it reads the first file in order to create the second file. How can I ensure that the program won't overwrite the first file?
The method must keep working when the file system supports (soft or hard) links
File permissions are fixed and it is only required that the first file is readable and the second file writeable
It should preferably be platform-neutral (although Linux is the primary target)
On linux, open both files, and use fstat to check if st_ino (edit:) and st_dev are the same. open will follow symbolic links. Don't use stat directly, to prevent race conditions.
The best bet is not to use filenames as identities. Instead, when you open the file for reading, lock it, using whatever mechanism your OS supports. When you then also open the file for writing, also lock it - if the lock fails, report an error.
If possible, open the first file read-only, (O_RDONLY) in LINUX. Then, if you try to open it again to write to it, you will get an error.
You can use stat to get the file status, and check if the inode numbers are the same.
Maybe you could use the system() function in order to invoke some shell commands?
In bash, you would simply call:
stat -c %i filename
This displays the inode number of a file. You can compare two files this way and if their inodes are identical, it means they are hard links. The following call:
stat -c %N filename
will display the file's name and if it's a symbolic link, it'll print the file name it links to as well. It prints out only one name, even if the file it points to has hard links, so checking the symbolic link would require comparing inode numbers for the 2nd file and the file the symbolic links links to in order to make sure.
You could redirect stat output to a text file and then parse the file in your program.
If you mean the same inode, in bash, you could do
[ FILE1 -ef FILE2 ] && echo equal || echo difference
Combined with realpath/readlink, that should handle the soft-links as well.
