retrieve cobol s9(2) COMP onto C variable - c

I need to retrieve data from a COBOL variable of the type: "PIC S9(2) COMP" onto a C variable of the type "int".
It's stored using two bytes of a string, so I receive it as a couple of chars.
I know COBOL stores decimal data onto a "S9(2) COMP" in binary format, so It would be a great help letting me know any algorithm or way to convert it safely.
Any kind of help & suggestion will be welcome.
Finally we decided to change the picture of the variable to 9(3) in the COBOL part of the implementation, because of the endianess problem.
Thanks to all of you for the answers.

You should be able to treat that as a short, or a 16-bit twos complement integer. You will need to check for endianess though depending upon which platform originated the field.

The format of s9(2) comp will depend on the Cobol Compiler. Most Cobol compilers I know will store it a 2 byte big-endian integer (high byte first; Intel processors store low byte first). Exceptions include
MicroFocus (depends on compile parameters) - normally 1 byte integer
RM-Cobol : Has its own "Binary Format".
If it is a 2 byte integer
On Big-Endian machine (IBM Mainframe, Power etc) it should be a 2-Byte integer
On Little-Endian (Intel) you need to swap the bytes around.

The S9(2) COMP indicates it is a left-aligned (bit 0 at the left of word) not explicity synchronised signed numeric field, probably in an internal or pseudo-binary format, that can hold 2 digits and possibly a bit in the word (or in a different memory location) is used for indicating if the value is positive or negative. A cobol program can have a specific method for storing a COMP data item which may not be directly compatible with C. It appears that you need to access and test the sign indicator in a relevant way to check it and you may have to access each of the 2 bytes (2 of 8 bits) or characters (2 of 6 bits), check if they are big-endian or little-endian and put them into a signed integer field in C. A lot will depend on the architecture and compilers of the computer involved in creating and reading in the data field and can be more complicated if 2 computer types are involved.


Is C Endian neutral?

Is C endian-neutral?
Ok, another way of asking this question.
I am currently translating a lot of code from C to Matlab on the same platform (PC). Do I need to care about endianess?
Both are endian-neutral languages but C (not so sure), Matlab (pretty sure).
By the same token I am also translating C to Python.
So my question, has anybody in his experience, (translating from C to another endian-neutral language) met an unexpected problem with big/little endianness.
Obviously we are only speaking about the core language. In this case I mentionned C99.
First, some background and clarification:
As I mentioned in a comment to the original question, byte order is often confused with bit order. Endianness refers to byte order only. Bit order is only relevant in documentation and when data is sent via some serial connection.
In arithmetic, in base B (and 2 ≤ B ∈ ℕ), the i'th digit Di has value Di Bi. The least significant integral digit corresponds to i=0, i.e. D0. For binary, B = 2. For ordinary decimal numbers most humans prefer, B = 10.
(This works for all reals, not just integers. Most significant fractional digit, the first digit on the other side of the decimal point, is D-1, with more negative i's indicating less significant digits.)
Because 'bit' is a portmanteau of 'binary digit', we thus have a natural way of labeling bits, with bit 0 referring to the least significant (integer) bit (corresponding to value 1), bit 1 referring to the next one in significance (corresponding to value 2), and so on.
Some documentation for hardware using big-endian byte order insists on labeling the most significant bit in a word as "bit 0" (with bit numbers increasing from left to right -- contrary to most numeric representations, where digits grow more significant from right to left). This is just a labeling convention, as this convention does not follow the arithmetic rules. In fact, you need to know the width (number of bits) in that word, to even calculate the actual numeric value of such "bit 0"s.
Is C endian-neutral?
Yes, C (as in ISO C89, C99, and C11) is neutral with regards to byte order. The standards do not define any byte order; it is up to the implementation to decide. In practice, the compiler chooses the byte order suitable for the target architecture at compile time.
In theory, integer and floating-point types may very well have different byte order.
POSIX.1 adds networking support to C. Certain fields in network-related structures are defined to be in network byte order, most significant byte first. POSIX.1 provides htons(), htonl(), ntohs(), and ntohl() byteorder functions to convert from host to network byte order and vice versa.
In addition to network byte order (which is often called big-endian), little-endian byte order (least significant byte first) is also very common, for example on Intel/AMD architectures. The PDP-endian byte order (where four-byte values are stored second-most significant byte first, followed by the most significant byte, followed by the least significant, followed by the second-least significant byte) is nowadays rare.
Finally, C has been implemented on a large number of architectures, with byte orders covering all three mentioned above, without any byte order issues. That should be practical proof enough.
I am currently translating a lot of code from C to Matlab [or Python] on the same platform (PC). Do I need to care about endianess?
No, I don't see any reason for you to care about endianness when porting code between C, Matlab, Python, or just about any high-level language.
Language being endian-neutral does not mean you don't need to care about endianness in your programs. Data byte order matters. It boils down to how your programs transfer -- read and write -- data; be that via in-memory structures (using shared memory, or between different programming languages via library bindings), to/from files, via network connections, or via pipes from/to other programs.
If your programs transfer data in some text-based format, then all you need to worry about is that format, and possibly the character set used -- I prefer UTF-8 (see
If your programs transfer data in binary, then you must understand that in binary, multi-byte values always have some specific byte order. It can be network byte order (or big-endian), little-endian, or native byte order for the current architecture. Just because your programming language is endian-neutral, does not mean you get to ignore the storage byte order.
For example, Matlab and Octave fread() support a fifth parameter that specifies the byte order used: native, ieee-be (IEEE big-endian), or ieee-le (IEEE little-endian). Python struct module pack and unpack functions default to native byte order and C alignment (padding), but you can use < or > as the first character in the format string to indicate little-endian or big-endian/network-endian byte order with no padding.
It is very common for C code to store binary data in native byte order. However, some C code does not. I prefer to store in native byte order, but also store known prototype values for each different basic numeric type, so that readers can trivially detect if they need to permute the byte order to interpret the code correctly. There are also various libraries and formats like NetCDF that may be utilized for creating portable binary data files.
The most important thing is to understand what the C code does, first.
I don't see why someone would want to port code from C to Matlab or Python, unless the C code was really poor to begin with -- in which case I'd just rewrite the logic, not port the existing code.
Have you met an unexpected problem with big/little endianness?
No, never when porting code between high-level languages.
Yes, when storing/retrieving binary data between different systems.
While not related to endianness, for multi-dimensional data, it is important to remember that Fortran and Matlab (and OpenGL matrices) use column-major order (each column being consecutive in memory), while C uses row-major order (each row being consecutive in memory).

bit endianness and portability of C binary files

In C, I have a char array that I use to store data at the bit level. I store these arrays to files, then read them in machines with different architectures. My question is if the order of the bits will be guaranteed consistent? For example, if I store "10010011" to the first byte, will the adjacent 1's always be read to be in the 2^0 and 2^1 positions, or could they end up interpreted as the 2^7 and 2^6 bits?
EDIT: I want to clarify this question a little for people who read this page later. Byte endianness is the order of bytes in a multibyte object, but my concern is with the bits in a given byte. When a byte is stored to disc, it is stored as a sequence of (usually) 8 bits. I'm no hardware expert, but it has to come down to that somehow. So, my concern is if the way the byte is stored is such that any machine will read the original unsigned char value, or if what is 3 to one machine will be 192 to another. I am concerned the bits will end up shuffled somehow. Apparently, this is not a concern, according to the answer I selected as well as one of the comments below. Thanks.
the simple answer:
The bits will still be in the correct order.
However, if performing any format conversion beyond %c, for instance %d, then the endianness of the reading architecture will determine the byte order The bits within each byte will still be the same.
Endianness is about bytes' order not bits. So 00001101 in a little-endian machine will be the same in a big-endian machine. However there is something you should now about bits' order in different machines. Bits' order change in unions. If you are going to use union, read this to figure out how endianness effects bitfield packing.
The concept you are trying to ask about is known as bit-numbering or bit endianness and system architectures are referred to as least-or most- significant bit (MSB, LSB) ordering.
As far as I know the reference is always with respects to the 0-th or first bit position.
With respect to a single 8-bit byte or octet, it will be portable, such that the value of the byte will be consistently considered to be 0x93 (147 decimal). Assuming you are writing the bit string as a LSB representation with the 0-th bit is the rightmost bit (the norm for little endian processor), as typically done by users of left to right natural languages such as English.

how do I know if the case is true?

Let say if we are given a byte of binary data, how can you know what that data represents?
Is it true that you cant really know what the data represents because you need to know whether the one byte of binary data is represented in base 2, if it unsigned, signed, etc.
or is it that you can know what it represents since binary is base 2?
I am sorry to tell that a byte of data has nothing to do with it's supposed representation.
You state that because it's a byte, it's a binary representation. this is purely assumption.
It depends on the intention of the guy who store the very data.
It might represent anything. As #nos told you, it really depend on the convention the setter used to store it.
You may have a complementary to 2 number, a signed byte on 7 bit, un unsigned on 8 bits, an octal representation (or a partial representation) or a mask (each group of byte within the byte may describer something totally different than another). It could also be a representation of a special coding. Etc.
This is truly unlimited.
In order to properly interpret it you need to know the underlying convention (a spec). #fede1024 told you about files, which use special character so that you can double check with the convention.
One more thing… Bear in mind that even binary data can be stored in natural order or in reverse order: that's endianness. So when you examine a number store in at least 2 bytes, you have to know whether the most significant byte is stored first or sec on din memory. If you misinterpret this, you won't understand the underlying piece of data. Endianness is a constant for a given processor.
Base-2 and binary refer to the same thing. Typically, you do need to know whether the byte is signed or unsigned at least (in C). As for what the data represents - well, "it depends". Whether you want to interpret it as a single byte, as a character (or not), etc. With multi-byte data, you often also have to take endianness (ordering of the bytes into larger words) into account.
Some files format start with a magic number, for example all PNG files starts with 89 50 4E 47 0D 0A 1A 0A. That said, if you have a general binary file without any kind of magic number, you can just guess about his contents.
You can try to open it with an hexadecimal editor, but there is no automatic way to understand what the data represents.
You know it's base 2 since it's a byte of binary data, as you said. To see if it is true, in C everything but 0 is true. If it's 0, then it's false.

How do I work with bit data in C

In class I've been tasked with writing a C program that decompresses a text file and prints out the characters it contains. Each character in the file is represented by 2 bits (4 possible characters).
I've recently been informed that a byte is not necessarily 8 bits on all systems, and a char is not necessarily 1 byte. This then makes me wonder how on earth I'm supposed to know how many bits got loaded from a file when I loaded 1 byte. Also how am I supposed to keep the loaded data in memory when there are no data types that can guarantee a set amount of bits.
How do I work with bit data in C?
A byte is not necessarily 8 bits. That much is certainly true. A char, on the other hand, is defined to be a byte - C does not differentiate between the two things.
However, the systems you will write for will almost certainly have 8-bit bytes. Bytes of different sizes are essentially non-existant outside of really, really old systems, or certain embedded systems.
If you have to write your code to work for multiple platforms, and one or more of those have differently sized chars, then you write code specifically to handle that platform - using e.g. CHAR_BIT to determine how many bits each byte contains.
Given that this is for a class, assume 8-bit bytes, unless told otherwise. The point is not going to be extreme platform independence, the point is to teach you something about bit fiddling (or possibly bit fields, but that depends on what you've covered in class).
This then makes me wonder how on earth I'm supposed to know how many
bits got loaded from a file when I loaded 1 byte.
You'll be hard pressed to find a platform where a byte is not 8 bits. (though as noted above CHAR_BIT can be used to verify that). Also clarify the portability requirements with your instructor or state your assumptions.
Usually bits are extracted using shifts and bitwise operations, e.g. (x & 3) are the rightmost 2 bits of x. ((x>>2) & 3) are the next two bits. Pick the right data type for the platforms you are targettiing or as others say use something like uint8_t if available for your compiler.
Also see:
Type to use to represent a byte in ANSI (C89/90) C?
I would recommend not using bit fields. Also see here:
When is it worthwhile to use bit fields?
You can use bit fields in C. These indices explicitly let you specify the number of bits in each part of the field, if you are truly concerned about width. This page gives a discussion:
As an example, check out the ieee754.h for usage in the context of implementing IEEE754 floats

Is plain char usually/always unsigned on non-twos-complement systems?

Obviously the standard says nothing about this, but I'm interested more from a practical/historical standpoint: did systems with non-twos-complement arithmetic use a plain char type that's unsigned? Otherwise you have potentially all sorts of weirdness, like two representations for the null terminator, and the inability to represent all "byte" values in char. Do/did systems this weird really exist?
The null character used to terminate strings could never have two representations. It's defined like so (even in C90):
A byte with all bits set to 0, called the null character, shall exist in the basic execution character set
So a 'negative zero' on a ones-complement wouldn't do.
That said, I really don't know much of anything about non-two's complement C implementations. I used a one's-complement machine way back when in university, but don't remember much about it (and even if I cared about the standard back then, it was before it existed).
It's true, for the first 10 or 20 years of commercially produced computers (the 1950's and 60's) there were, apparently, some disagreements on how to represent negative numbers in binary. There were actually three contenders:
Two's complement, which not only won the war but also drove the others to extinction
One's complement, -x == ~x
Sign-magnitude, -x = x ^ 0x80000000
I think the last important ones-complement machine was probably the CDC-6600, at the time, the fastest machine on earth and the immediate predecessor of the first supercomputer.1.
Unfortunately, your question cannot really be answered, not because no one here knows the answer :-) but because the choice never had to be made. And this was for actually two reasons:
Two's complement took over simultaneously with byte machines. Byte addressing hit the world with the twos-complement IBM System/360. Previous machines had no bytes, only complete words had addresses. Sometimes programmers would pack characters inside these words and sometimes they would just use the whole word. (Word length varied from 12 bits to 60.)
C was not invented until a decade after the byte machines and two's complement transition. Item #1 happened in the 1960's, C first appeared on small machines in the 1970's and did not take over the world until the 1980's.
So there simply never was a time when a machine had signed bytes, a C compiler, and something other than a twos-complement data format. The idea of null-terminated strings was probably a repeatedly-invented design pattern thought up by one assembly language programmer after another, but I don't know that it was specified by a compiler until the C era.
In any case, the first actually standardized C ("C89") simply specifies "a byte or code of value zero is appended" and it is clear from the context that they were trying to be number-format independent. So, "+0" is a theoretical answer, but it may never really have existed in practice.
1. The 6600 was one of the most important machines historically, and not just because it was fast. Designed by Seymour Cray himself, it introduced out-of-order execution and various other elements later collectively called "RISC". Although others tried to claimed credit, Seymour Cray is the real inventor of the RISC architecture. There is no dispute that he invented the supercomputer. It's actually hard to name a past "supercomputer" that he didn't design.
I believe it would be almost but not quite possible for a system to have a one's-complement 'char' type, but there are four problems which cannot all be resolved:
Every data type must be representable as a sequence of char, such that if all the char values comprising two objects compare identical, the data objects containing in question will be identical.
Every data type must likewise be representable as a sequence of 'unsigned char'.
The unsigned char values into which any data type can be decomposed must form a group whose order is a power of two.
I don't believe the standard permits a one's-complement machine to special-case the value that would be negative zero and make it behave as something else.
It might be possible to have a standards-compliant machine with a one's-complement or sign-magnitude "char" type if the only way to get a negative zero would be by overlaying some other data type, and if negative zero compared unequal to positive zero. I'm not sure if that could be standards-compliant or not.
BTW, if requirement #2 were relaxed, I wonder what the exact requirements would be when overlaying other data types onto 'char'? Among other things, while the standard makes it abundantly clear that one must be able to perform assignments and comparisons on any 'char' values that may result from overlaying another variable onto a 'char', I don't know that it imposes any requirement that all such values must behave as an arithmetic group. For example, I wonder what the legality would be of a machine in which every memory location was physically stored as 66 bits, with the top two bits indicating whether the value was a 64-bit integer, a 32-bit memory handle plus a 32-bit offset, or a 64-bit double-precision floating-point number? Since the standard allows implementations to do anything they like when an arithmetic computation exceeds the range of a signed type, that would suggest that signed types do not necessarily have to behave as a group.
For most signed types, there's no requirement that the type be unable to represent any numbers outside the range specified in limits.h; if limits.h specifies that the minimum "int" is -32767, then it would be perfectly legitimate for an implementation to in fact allow a value of -32768 since any program that tried to do so would invoke Undefined Behavior. The key question would probably be whether it would be legitimate for a 'char' value resulting from the overlay of some other type to yield a value outside the range specified in limits.h. I wonder what the standard says?
