Cannot insert duplicate record in a table - sql-server

I am trying to execute stored proc through SSIS and it gives me following error:
[Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing
the query "Exec sp1 ?" failed with
the following error: "Procedure: sp1
Line: 66 Message: Cannot insert
duplicate key row in object
'table.sq1' with unique index
'UIX_sp1_Key'.". Possible failure
reasons: Problems with the query,
"ResultSet" property not set
correctly, parameters not set
correctly, or connection not
established correctly.
Actually the stored Proc sp1 is truncating & reloading a data into a table.
I am not able to figure out where exactly its trying to insert duplicate record.
Thanks in advance.

Your data must have duplicate values across the key column(s). You could remove the primary key temporarily (or create another table with the same structure but without the definition of the primary key, but that would mean changing the stored procedure), then load the data into the table. Then use this SQL statement:
select keycol1 {,keycol2 {,keycol3} ...}, count(*)
from tablename
group by keycol1 {,keycol2 {,keycol3} ...}
having count(*) > 1
That will show you the data values that are duplicates across the key column(s).

If you are truncating the table before load, then you must have duplicate data in the source.
Examine this to see what there is. use Excel or Access or some such if needed to assist. Or drop the unique constraint then query the staging table with an aggregate query.


how to remove dirty data in yugabyte ( postgresql )

I try to add a column to a table with GUI Tableplus, but no response for long time.
So I turn to the db server, but got these error:
Maybe some inconsistent data generated during the operation through the Tableplus.
I am new to postgresql , and don't know what to do next.
I did some operation as #Dri372 told, and got some progress.
The failed reason for table sys_role and s2 is that the tables are not empty, they have some records.
If I run sql like this create table s3 AS SELECT * FROM sys_role; alter table s3 add column project_code varchar(50);, I successed.
Now how could I still work on the table sys_role?

Azure Sql Server V12 Bulk load error on merge statement

I have a query with a simple merge statement to update or insert data in a table:
This table has a non clustered index on two columns for uniqueness constraint.
This query works fine on a "Business" database in Azure. After the migration to SQL V12 on an "S2" database, this error happens when i try to merge a huge amount of entries:
Uncaught exception 'PDOException' with message 'SQLSTATE[42000]: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server][SQL Server]Cannot bulk load. The bulk data stream was incorrectly specified as sorted or the data violates a uniqueness constraint imposed by the target table. Sort order incorrect for the following two rows: primary key of first row: (A, B, C), primary key of second row: (A, D, E).
It appears that Microsoft knows this issue :
But in Azure, i can't update the SQL Server. how can i get it to work ?
After some research and tests, I found a workaround by adding at the end of my query "OPTION (LOOP JOIN, FORCE ORDER);" to bypass the sorting error by modifing the default execution plan.
It also works with "OPTION (MERGE JOIN, FORCE ORDER);" depending on the rows count of the source and the target table.
More infos about the options :
we found issue with execution plan generated by the query optimizer.
this will be fixes very soon.
meanwhile another option to workaround this issue is to disable page_lock on the index.
ALTER INDEX [<index name>] ON [<schema>].[<table name>]
with this workaround you do not need to modify your queries.
Hello #Yochanan Rachamim,
Thanks for your answer.
I tried to apply your fix but it has no effect.
After more research, I found a known bug with concurrency :
I finally solved my problem by adding "WITH (HOLDLOCK)" to the MERGE statement.

How to insert existing data into auto-incrementing field

I used the SMAA to upsize an Access 2010 database to SQL Server 2005.
During the process a number of records were not imported into SQL Server due to some corrupt or illegal data. I have since cleaned up the data that was not imported and saved it to a temporary table in the database. I now want to insert that data into the original table. However, one of the fields, called Task_ID, is an auto-incrementing field. When I run a standard insert query, the resulting data auto-incremented and does not use the imported Task_ID value. Is there a way to get this data into the field without it being changed?
Enable insertion of existing data for the upload, then turn it off again. explains how:
Basically it is a SQL commmand. The syntax is:
SET IDENTITY_INSERT [ database. [ owner. ] ] { table } { ON | OFF }
Wrap the INSERT statements with the SET IDENTITY_INSERT command:

How to Insert new records using SSIS? Can I use Exec SQL task or OLE DB Source SQL Command text?

I have created a table called DimInternationalFunction.
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[DimInternationalFunction]') AND type in (N'U'))
DROP TABLE [DimInternationalFunction]
Create Table DimInternationalFunction
(IntFunctionKey int NOT NULL identity primary key,
SubSubFunctionString char(10),
FunctionCode char(3),
SubFunctionCode char(6),
SubSubFunctionCode char(10),
SubSubFunctionName nvarchar(60),
SubFunctionName nvarchar(60),
FunctionName nvarchar(60))
I have initially inserted records in this table in SSMS.
After inserting the initial records manually in SSMS, now my manager wants me to insert "new records only" using SSIS.
I have tried using this in SSMS and it worked. Either it gives me 0 records inserted or sometimes it gives me 5 records inserted as a result. My manager wants me to do this in SSIS.
I tried using this script inside the OLE DB Source under Data Access Mode: SQL Command and SQL Command text:
insert into DWResourceTask.dbo.DimInternationalFunction
select f.SubSubFunctionString,
from ODS_Function F
where FunctionViewCode = 'INT'
and not exists (select * from DWResourceTask.dbo.DimInternationalFunction I
where (f.SubSubFunctionString=i.SubSubFunctionString
and f.FunctionCode=i.FunctionCode
and f.SubFunctionCode=i.SubFunctionCode
and f.SubSubFunctionCode=i.SubSubFunctionCode
and f.SubSubFunctionName=i.SubSubFunctionName
and f.SubFunctionName=i.SubFunctionName
and f.FunctionName=i.FunctionName)
The error message that I got after clicking preview is
The component reported the following warnings:
Error at Int Function [International Function Table [33]]: No column information was returned by the SQL command.
Choose OK if you want to continue with the operation.
Choose Cancel if you want to stop the operation.
Is there another component in SSIS that can do this? or can I just use either exec sql task component or ole db source?
I am thinking of using exec sql task connected to a data flow task, inside the data flow task I will put ole db source containing a staging table and do a delete on that or is there any other way to do it. Please help. Thanks in advance.
You could do it with an Execute SQL task.
If you want to do it "the pure SSIS way", you could use a lookup component. Set the "rows with no matching" handler to "Redirect to no match output", and configure the target table as connection. Then use the "No Match Output" only, ignoring the "Match Output". And send the records from the "No Match Output" to the target.
In spite of its name, the "Lookup" component can be used to filter data in many cases.
But I would assume the Execute SQL task would be more efficient for large data sets, keeping all data within the database engine.

SQL Server insert or query between servers ingnores column in table starting with a number?

I am trying to query between two servers which have identical tables (used the same create statement for both). When I try to insert the results from Server A to Server B I get an error indicating "Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition."
Query run on server A
Insert into ServerB.Database1.dbo.Table1
Select *
from Table1
The error is clear, but what isn't clear is the reason that it is generated. The definitions of the two tables are identical. What I was finally able to isolate was a table name that starts with a numeric value is not being recognized.
When I run this on ServerA:
Select *
from ServerB.Database1.dbo.Table1
The field with the numeric value is not shown in the results set of they query. The short term fix was to rename the field in the database, but why is this happening?
I am curious about the collation too, but really the answer is to wrap the object names in square brackets. i.e. SELECT [1col], [2col], [etc] FROM [1database].[2owner].[3table]. This way SQL with recognize each as an object name and not a function.
One other thing to keep in mind is to not use splat (*) in your select statement, this has potential problem of it's own. For example, you could run into an error in your Insert if the ServerA's table1 structure was change and ServerB's table one stayed the same.
