word addin tool tips and balloons - winforms

Do you know of a way to show a tool tip ( or a balloon) similar to that, that appears in MS word 2007 and 2010 when you select a text and move you're mouse over it ( the one containing font options and other options) , from within an addin ?

Not without a LOT of work.
Word doesn't source any events of the mouse moving. About the only thing you get is the selection changed and the docchanged events, and those aren't terribly useful.
You could hook into system wide mouse events via API stuff and monitor it.
Alternately, you could poll, say, every second or two, for the active selection location in the document and check your context from the selection, and then pop up your own tooltip window. Gotta be careful with polling though, or you could swamp the machine and introduce a drag on performance.
And finally, depending on what you need, you could use the AutoTextList field in Word. It is the only field type that has a "tool tip" argument. Whatever you enter for that argument is displayed as a tooltip by Word whenever you hover over that field.


Maya drop down menu

I've got a pretty complex question for any Maya coders...
I want to utilize a drop down menu similar to that of the cmdScrollFieldExecuter's [script editor's] "Show Tooltip Help". It looks like a window that has been appended to the bottom of the inputted text with a feedback of all relative commands or strings.
Does anyone have experience with appending a similar textbox/ window/ menu to typed input, and if so, can you toss me in the right direction?
Note: I am not talking about "optionMenu".
Alternatively, is there a way to get cmdScrollFieldExecuter to reference a different array or set of strings?
A complete port of that won't be possible in vanilla Maya - You'd need to use python and QT because the built-in GUI objects (such as TextField) don't fire any events on keypresses so you won't be able to live-update as the user types.
You can almost fake the visual appearance with a window whose title bar is set to off. Use a formLayout to dock a TextScrollField inside it. You'll need to hack up some way of dismissing it since it won't have a close box -- you could put it on a timer or add an invisible button covering the whole thing which closed the window when clicked

Conditionally setting visibility-toggling in SSRS

I have a report in SSRS 2008 R2 that lists medications and prescriptions. The prescriptions are hidden unless you click on the medication + box to show them.
Now, in some cases, we don't have any prescriptions listed for a given medication -- they're managed by an external provider, but we want to track their existence anyway. This leaves me with the case where we still have the + box, but clicking on it shows an empty line. Is there any way to conditionalize the ability to toggle the line's visibility? Thanks.
ETA: Ok, I just figured out a partial answer to this. I had a spare textbox available, so I added the text "Show scrips" to it and made that the controlling box for the toggle, and then swapped its own visibility depending on whether there were actually scrips to show. However, this makes the borders go away, as well as the contents. Short of removing all the borders (which might be the proper solution, actually), any suggestions?
Here's a thread that discusses this issue: you basically put the +/- into another column and show/hide that based on whether there's data.

Select Multiple Items in CustomPivotViewer of Silverlight

I'm thinking of CTR-Clicking each item to build up an array to add.... or even more fancy, drag select an area of items (don't think this is possible tho).
I'm aware of the custom events such as ItemDoubleClicked, but is there something like ItemSingleClick, where I can check if the CTR/SHIFT key is being pressed before executing an action.
I guess there is no possible way to customise the pivot since it is not open source... and the only method I can use is the doubleClick (plus match a keyboard key)...
I don't even like the way it zooms in right away after single clicking on an item.
I'm still open to suggestions (who knows... the pivot will probably still evolve), but otherwise, this thread I'm closing.

Complex .Net 2.0 Windows Forms control: where to start?

In order to make a convenient UI for an .Net 2.0 Winforms application I am working on, I have need for a control that I'm pretty sure goes beyond the "out of the box" behavior of any standard control. A mock-up of what I'm trying to achieve follows:
Mock up http://www.claware.com/images/temp/mockup.png
Essentially, this part of the application attempts to parse words into syllables from tribal languages (no dictionary to refer to; any and all unicode characters are possible.) By the time the user gets this far, he has already defined the vowels / consonants in his language and some other configuration. There is then an iterative process of (1) the application guesses which syllables exist in the language based on some rules, (2) the user refines the guesses, selecting the correct parsings or manually parsing a word, (3) the application "learns" from the user's feedback and makes smarter guesses, (4) repeat until the data is "good enough" to move on.
The control needs to present each word (the grey headers), then all the syllable break guesses (the white areas with dots separating the parts of words.) There is also a way to manually enter a parsing, which will display a text area and save button (at the bottom of the mockup.) When the user hovers over a guess, the background changes and "accept / reject" buttons appear. Clicking on the accept, or entering a manual parsing, removes the entire word from the list. Clicking the reject button removes just that item.
I'm by no means 100% sold on the formatting I have above, but I think you can get a general idea of the types of formatting and functional control I need. The control will also scroll vertically--there may be thousands of words initially.
My question for you experienced WinForms developers is: where to start? I would really, really like to stay within the .Net core framework and extend an existing control as opposed to a third-party control. (At the risk of starting a religious war: yes, I suffer from NIH-syndrome, but it's a conscious decision based on a lot of quick-fix solutions but long-term problems with 3rd party controls.) Where can I get the most "bang for my bucK" and the least reinventing the wheel? ListView? ListBox? ScrollableControl? Do I need to go all the way back to Control and paint everything manually? I appreciate any help that could be provided!
[Edit] Thanks everyone for the ideas. It seems like the most elegant solution for my purposes is to create a custom control consisting of a FlowLayoutPanel and a VScrollBar. The FlowLayoutPanel can contain instances of the custom controls used for each word. But the FlowLayoutPanel is virtual, i.e. it only contains those instances which are visible (and some "just out of scroll"). The VScrollBar events determine what needs to be loaded. A bit of code to write, but isn't too bad and seems to work well.
I would look at the TableLayoutPanel and FlowLayoutPanel controls. These will let you organize a series of controls with moderate ease in a vertical fashion. I would then create a UserControl that consists of a label and 2 buttons. The UserControl will expose properties like Text and events that are exposed for the button clicks.. For each entry in the list, you will create an instance of the UserControl, assign the text value, and handle the click events. The instance will be placed in the Table/Flow panel in the correct order. Both of those layout panels do allow for inserting items between other items so you can add/remove items from the list dynamically.
Given the length of what you are trying to render, I would consider using the DataGridView and do some custom rendering to make it perform how you want it to work. Using the rendering events of the DGV you can merge columns, change background colors (like highlighting the dark gray lines), turn on/off the buttons, and handle changing the grid into edit mode for your rows to allow modification or inserting of new values. This method would easily handle large datasets and you could bind directly to them very easily.
Well, this certainly looks like a candidate for a custom component that you should be creating yourself. You can create this using standard .Net drawing commands along with a text-box, and a regular button control.
Now you want to find out where to start.
Create a Windows Forms Control Library project.
Drop in the textbox and the button control.
The panel drawing code should preferably be done by code. This can be done using the regular GDI+ commands.
Here's another idea, and one that I've practically used in my own project with great success.
You could use a web-browser control in the app, and show your data as html. You could update the source of the web-browser control based on the input in the textbox, and clicking on the links in the web browser control will give you the event that you can trap to do some action. Your CSS will work.
I used this technique to build the 'desktop' in an app I made called 'Correct Accounting Software'. People loved the desktop so much that it is one of the best loved features of the app.
Here's how I would do it:
Create a custom control. In this custom control, have a ListBox atop a LinkButton, and when the LinkButton is clicked you can make it give way to a TextBox. The ListBoxes will have the top row unselectable... you can probably get the rest from there. When you get your list of words, fill a Scrollable of some kind with one control for each word:
(foreach String word in words){
myScrollable.add(new MyComponent(word));
From there, I'm not sure what you want to do with the boxes or the data, but that's my initial idea on the UI setup.
Use the WebBrowser control and generate the HTML markup into it using DocumentStream or DocumentText.

wpf / silverlight textbox filter design

I have a list that the user can filter in several ways. two of which lend themselves to combo boxes and two that need to accept user input. For example, one textbox allows the user to type in any part of a list item's description, and the dialog will only present items whose description contains the text entered.
It is a dialog 'picker' type of window, so space is at a premium. I'd like for the text boxes not to require a traditional label. Instead, when the dialog is first invoked, the label (ie, "Description") is grayed out, centered, and in italics. Maybe a tool tip to further make it obvious to the user what it's for. When the user starts to type, the faux label disappears and the entered text is normal left aligned text.
Does wpf / silverlight have any native support for doing something like this? I guess it could be a combination of styles and eventing. I'd rather not invent any wheels that might be out there (I got the idea specifically from looking at Tortoise' "Show Log" window, but I've seen it before).
Does anyone have any sample code they can share to do this? Or a an alternative idea that also saves space and simplifies the layout?
Kevin Moore's InfoTextBox, which is part of his Bag-O-Tricks is the kind of thing I was looking for, almost exactly. This is also the 'watermark' (great name - I would have found this sooner if I had known that) text box from another post.
