What are the chances that realloc should fail? - c

Does it fail when it runs out of free memory similar to malloc or could there be other reasons?

Any of the allocation functions (malloc, realloc, calloc, and on POSIX, posix_memalign) could fail for any of the following reasons, and possibly others:
You've used up your entire virtual address space, or at least the usable portion of it. On a 32-bit machine, there are only 4GB worth of addresses, and possibly 1GB or so is reserved for use by the OS kernel. Even if your machine has 16GB of physical memory, a single process cannot use more than it has addresses for.
You haven't used up your virtual address space, but you've fragmented it so badly that no contiguous range of addresses of the requested size are available. This could happen (on a 32-bit machine) if you successfully allocate 6 512MB blocks, free every other one, then try to allocate a 1GB block. Of course there are plenty of other examples with smaller memory sizes.
Your machine has run out of physical memory, either due to your own program having used it all, or other programs running on the machine having used it all. Some systems (Linux in the default configuration) will overcommit, meaning malloc won't fail in this situation, but instead the OS will later kill one or more programs when it figures out there's not really enough physical memory to go around. But on robust systems (including Linux with overcommit disabled), malloc will fail if there's no physical memory left.
Note that strictly speaking, the allocation functions are allowed to fail at any time for any reason. Minimizing failure is a quality-of-implementation issue. It's also possible that realloc could fail, even when reducing the size of an object; this could happen on implementations that strictly segregate allocations by size. Of course, in this case you could simply continue to use the old (larger) object.

You should think of realloc as working this way:
void *realloc(void *oldptr, size_t newsize)
size_t oldsize = __extract_size_of_malloc_block(oldptr);
void *newptr = malloc(newsize);
if (!newptr)
return 0;
if (oldsize > newsize)
oldsize = newsize;
memcpy(newptr, oldptr, oldsize);
return newptr;
An implementation may be able to do specific cases more efficiently than that, but an implementation that works exactly as shown is 100% correct. That means realloc(ptr, newsize) can fail anytime malloc(newsize) would have failed; in particular it can fail even if you are shrinking the allocation.
Now, on modern desktop systems there is a strong case for not trying to recover from malloc failures, but instead wrapping malloc in a function (usually called xmalloc) that terminates the program immediately if malloc fails; naturally the same argument applies to realloc. The case is:
Desktop systems often run in "overcommit" mode where the kernel will happily hand out more address space than can be backed by RAM+swap, assuming that the program isn't actually going to use all of it. If the program does try to use all of it, it will get forcibly terminated. On such systems, malloc will only fail if you exhaust the address space, which is unlikely on 32-bit systems and nigh-impossible on 64-bit systems.
Even if you're not in overcommit mode, the odds are that a desktop system has so much RAM and swap available that, long before you cause malloc to fail, the user will get fed up with their thrashing disk and forcibly terminate your program.
There is no practical way to test recovery from an allocation failure; even if you had a shim library that could control exactly which calls to malloc failed (such shims are at best difficult, at worst impossible, to create, depending on the OS) you would have to test order of 2N failure patterns, where N is the number of calls to malloc in your program.
Arguments 1 and 2 do not apply to embedded or mobile systems (yet!) but argument 3 is still valid there.
Argument 3 only applies to programs where allocation failures must be checked and propagated at every call site. If you are so lucky as to be using C++ as it is intended to be used (i.e. with exceptions) you can rely on the compiler to create the error recovery paths for you, so the testing burden is much reduced. And in any higher level language worth using nowadays you have both exceptions and a garbage collector, which means you couldn't worry about allocation failures even if you wanted to.

I'd say it mostly implementation specific. Some implementations may be very likely to fail. Some may have other parts of the program fail before realloc will. Always be defensive and check if it does fail.
And remember to free the old pointer that you tried to realloc.
is ALWAYS a possible memory leak.
Always do it rather like this:
void *tmp=ptr;
//handle error...

You have two questions.
The chances that malloc or realloc fail are negligible on most modern system. This only occurs when you run out of virtual memory. Your system will fail on accessing the memory and not on reserving it.
W.r.t failure realloc and malloc are almost equal. The only reason that realloc may fail additionally is that you give it a bad argument, that is memory that had not been allocated with malloc or realloc or that had previously been freed.
Edit: In view of R.'s comment. Yes, you may configure your system such that it will fail when you allocate. But first of all, AFAIK, this is not the default. It needs privileges to be configured in that way and as an application programmer this is nothing that you can count on. Second, even if you'd have a system that is configured in that way, this will only error out when your available swap space has been eaten up. Usually your machine will be unusable long before that: it will be doing mechanical computations on your harddisk (AKA swapping).

From zwol's answer:
Now, on modern desktop systems there is a strong case for not trying to recover from malloc failures, but instead wrapping malloc in a function (usually called xmalloc) that terminates the program immediately if malloc fails;
Naturally the same argument applies to realloc.
You can see that principle applied with Git 2.29 (Q4 2020): It was possible for xrealloc() to send a non-NULL pointer that has been freed, which has been fixed.
See commit 6479ea4 (02 Sep 2020) by Jeff King (peff).
(Merged by Junio C Hamano -- gitster -- in commit 56b891e, 03 Sep 2020)
xrealloc: do not reuse pointer freed by zero-length realloc()
Signed-off-by: Jeff King
This patch fixes a bug where xrealloc(ptr, 0) can double-free and corrupt the heap on some platforms (including at least glibc).
The C99 standard says of malloc (section 7.20.3):
If the size of the space requested is zero, the behavior is
implementation-defined: either a null pointer is returned, or the
behavior is as if the size were some nonzero value, except that the
returned pointer shall not be used to access an object.
So we might get NULL back, or we might get an actual pointer (but we're not allowed to look at its contents).
To simplify our code, our xmalloc() handles a NULL return by converting it into a single-byte allocation.
That way callers get consistent behavior. This was done way back in 4e7a2eccc2 ("?alloc: do not return NULL when asked for zero bytes", 2005-12-29, Git v1.1.0 -- merge).
We also gave xcalloc() and xrealloc() the same treatment. And according to C99, that is fine; the text above is in a paragraph that applies to all three.
But what happens to the memory we passed to realloc() in such a case? I.e., if we do:
ret = realloc(ptr, 0);
and "ptr" is non-NULL, but we get NULL back: is "ptr" still valid?
C99 doesn't cover this case specifically, but says (section
The realloc function deallocates the old object pointed to by ptr and
returns a pointer to a new object that has the size specified by size.
So "ptr" is now deallocated, and we must only look at "ret".
And since "ret" is NULL, that means we have no allocated object at all. But that's not quite the whole story. It also says:
If memory for the new object cannot be allocated, the old object is
not deallocated and its value is unchanged.
The realloc function returns a pointer to the new object (which may
have the same value as a pointer to the old object), or a null pointer
if the new object could not be allocated.
So if we see a NULL return with a non-zero size, we can expect that the original object is still valid.
But with a non-zero size, it's ambiguous. The NULL return might mean a failure (in which case the object is valid), or it might mean that we successfully allocated nothing, and used NULL to represent that.
The glibc manpage for realloc() explicitly says:
[...]if size is equal to zero, and ptr is not NULL, then the call is
equivalent to free(ptr).
Likewise, this StackOverflow answer to "What does malloc(0) return?":
claims that C89 gave similar guidance (but I don't have a copy to verify it).
A comment on this answer to "What's the point of malloc(0)?" claims that Microsoft's CRT behaves the same.
But our current "retry with 1 byte" code passes the original pointer again.
So on glibc, we effectively free() the pointer and then try to realloc() it again, which is undefined behavior.
The simplest fix here is to just pass "ret" (which we know to be NULL) to the follow-up realloc().
But that means that a system which doesn't free the original pointer would leak it. It's not clear if any such systems exist, and that interpretation of the standard seems unlikely (I'd expect a system that doesn't deallocate to simply return the original pointer in this case).
But it's easy enough to err on the safe side, and just never pass a zero size to realloc() at all.


What happens really when malloc? [duplicate]

char *cp = (char *) malloc(1);
strcpy(cp, "123456789");
output is "123456789" on both gcc (Linux) and Visual C++ Express, does that mean when there is free memory, I can actually use more than what I've allocated with malloc()?
and why malloc(0) doesn't cause runtime error?
You've asked a very good question and maybe this will whet your appetite about operating systems. Already you know you've managed to achieve something with this code that you wouldn't ordinarily expect to do. So you would never do this in code you want to make portable.
To be more specific, and this depends entirely on your operating system and CPU architecture, the operating system allocates "pages" of memory to your program - typically this can be in the order of 4 kilobytes. The operating system is the guardian of pages and will immediately terminate any program that attempts to access a page it has not been assigned.
malloc, on the other hand, is not an operating system function but a C library call. It can be implemented in many ways. It is likely that your call to malloc resulted in a page request from the operating system. Then malloc would have decided to give you a pointer to a single byte inside that page. When you wrote to the memory from the location you were given you were just writing in a "page" that the operating system had granted your program, and thus the operating system will not see any wrong doing.
The real problems, of course, will begin when you continue to call malloc to assign more memory. It will eventually return pointers to the locations you just wrote over. This is called a "buffer overflow" when you write to memory locations that are legal (from an operating system perspective) but could potentially be overwriting memory another part of the program will also be using.
If you continue to learn about this subject you'll begin to understand how programs can be exploited using such "buffer overflow" techniques - even to the point where you begin to write assembly language instructions directly into areas of memory that will be executed by another part of your program.
When you get to this stage you'll have gained much wisdom. But please be ethical and do not use it to wreak havoc in the universe!
PS when I say "operating system" above I really mean "operating system in conjunction with privileged CPU access". The CPU and MMU (memory management unit) triggers particular interrupts or callbacks into the operating system if a process attempts to use a page that has not been allocated to that process. The operating system then cleanly shuts down your application and allows the system to continue functioning. In the old days, before memory management units and privileged CPU instructions, you could practically write anywhere in memory at any time - and then your system would be totally at the mercy of the consequences of that memory write!
No. You get undefined behavior. That means anything can happen, from it crashing (yay) to it "working" (boo), to it reformatting your hard drive and filling it with text files that say "UB, UB, UB..." (wat).
There's no point in wondering what happens after that, because it depends on your compiler, platform, environment, time of day, favorite soda, etc., all of which can do whatever they want as (in)consistently as they want.
More specifically, using any memory you have not allocated is undefined behavior. You get one byte from malloc(1), that's it.
When you ask malloc for 1 byte, it will probably get 1 page (typically 4KB) from the operating system. This page will be allocated to the calling process so as long as you don't go out of the page boundary, you won't have any problems.
Note, however, that it is definitely undefined behavior!
Consider the following (hypothetical) example of what might happen when using malloc:
If malloc is internally out of memory, it will ask the operating system some more. It will typically receive a page. Say it's 4KB in size with addresses starting at 0x1000
Your call returns giving you the address 0x1000 to use. Since you asked for 1 byte, it is defined behavior if you only use the address 0x1000.
Since the operating system has just allocated 4KB of memory to your process starting at address 0x1000, it will not complain if you read/write something from/to addresses 0x1000-0x1fff. So you can happily do so but it is undefined behavior.
Let's say you do another malloc(1)
Now malloc still has some memory left so it doesn't need to ask the operating system for more. It will probably return the address 0x1001.
If you had written to more than 1 byte using the address given from the first malloc, you will get into troubles when you use the address from the second malloc because you will overwrite the data.
So the point is you definitely get 1 byte from malloc but it might be that malloc internally has more memory allocated to you process.
No. It means that your program behaves badly. It writes to a memory location that it does not own.
You get undefined behavior - anything can happen. Don't do it and don't speculate about whether it works. Maybe it corrupts memory and you don't see it immediately. Only access memory within the allocated block size.
You may be allowed to use until the memory reaches some program memory or other point at which your applicaiton will most likely crash for accessing protected memory
So many responses and only one that gives the right explanation. While the page size, buffer overflow and undefined behaviour stories are true (and important) they do not exactly answer the original question. In fact any sane malloc implementation will allocate at least in size of the alignment requirement of an intor a void *. Why, because if it allocated only 1 byte then the next chunk of memory wouldn't be aligned anymore. There's always some book keeping data around your allocated blocks, these data structures are nearly always aligned to some multiple of 4. While some architectures can access words on unaligned addresses (x86) they do incure some penalties for doing that, so allocator implementer avoid that. Even in slab allocators there's no point in having a 1 byte pool as small size allocs are rare in practice. So it is very likely that there's 4 or 8 bytes real room in your malloc'd byte (this doesn't mean you may use that 'feature', it's wrong).
EDIT: Besides, most malloc reserve bigger chunks than asked for to avoid to many copy operations when calling realloc. As a test you can try using realloc in a loop with growing allocation size and compare the returned pointer, you will see that it changes only after a certain threshold.
You just got lucky there. You are writing to locations which you don't own this leads to undefined behavior.
On most platforms you can not just allocate one byte. There is often also a bit of housekeeping done by malloc to remember the amount of allocated memory. This yields to the fact that you usually "allocate" memory rounded up to the next 4 or 8 bytes. But this is not a defined behaviour.
If you use a few bytes more you'll very likeley get an access violation.
To answer your second question, the standard specifically mandates that malloc(0) be legal. Returned value is implementation-dependent, and can be either NULL or a regular memory address. In either case, you can (and should) legally call free on the return value when done. Even when non-NULL, you must not access data at that address.
malloc allocates the amount of memory you ask in heap and then return a pointer to void (void *) that can be cast to whatever you want.
It is responsibility of the programmer to use only the memory that has been allocate.
Writing (and even reading in protected environment) where you are not supposed can cause all sort of random problems at execution time. If you are lucky your program crash immediately with an exception and you can quite easily find the bug and fix it. If you aren't lucky it will crash randomly or produce unexpected behaviors.
For the Murphy's Law, "Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong" and as a corollary of that, "It will go wrong at the right time, producing the most large amount of damage".
It is sadly true. The only way to prevent that, is to avoid that in the language that you can actually do something like that.
Modern languages do not allow the programmer to do write in memory where he/she is not supposed (at least doing standard programming). That is how Java got a lot of its traction. I prefer C++ to C. You can still make damages using pointers but it is less likely. That is the reason why Smart Pointers are so popular.
In order to fix these kind of problems, a debug version of the malloc library can be handy. You need to call a check function periodically to sense if the memory was corrupted.
When I used to work intensively on C/C++ at work, we used Rational Purify that in practice replace the standard malloc (new in C++) and free (delete in C++) and it is able to return quite accurate report on where the program did something it was not supposed. However you will never be sure 100% that you do not have any error in your code. If you have a condition that happen extremely rarely, when you execute the program you may not incur in that condition. It will eventually happen in production on the most busy day on the most sensitive data (according to Murphy's Law ;-)
It could be that you're in Debug mode, where a call to malloc will actually call _malloc_dbg. The debug version will allocate more space than you have requested to cope with buffer overflows. I guess that if you ran this in Release mode you might (hopefully) get a crash instead.
You should use new and delete operators in c++... And a safe pointer to control that operations doesn't reach the limit of the array allocated...
There is no "C runtime". C is glorified assembler. It will happily let you walk all over the address space and do whatever you want with it, which is why it's the language of choice for writing OS kernels. Your program is an example of a heap corruption bug, which is a common security vulnerability. If you wrote a long enough string to that address, you'd eventually overrun the end of the heap and get a segmentation fault, but not before you overwrote a lot of other important things first.
When malloc() doesn't have enough free memory in its reserve pool to satisfy an allocation, it grabs pages from the kernel in chunks of at least 4 kb, and often much larger, so you're probably writing into reserved but un-malloc()ed space when you initially exceed the bounds of your allocation, which is why your test case always works. Actually honoring allocation addresses and sizes is completely voluntary, so you can assign a random address to a pointer, without calling malloc() at all, and start working with that as a character string, and as long as that random address happens to be in a writable memory segment like the heap or the stack, everything will seem to work, at least until you try to use whatever memory you were corrupting by doing so.
strcpy() doesn't check if the memory it's writing to is allocated. It just takes the destination address and writes the source character by character until it reaches the '\0'. So, if the destination memory allocated is smaller than the source, you just wrote over memory. This is a dangerous bug because it is very hard to track down.
puts() writes the string until it reaches '\0'.
My guess is that malloc(0) only returns NULL and not cause a run-time error.
My answer is in responce to Why does printf not seg fault or produce garbage?
The C programming language by Denis Ritchie & Kernighan
typedef long Align; /* for alignment to long boundary */
union header { /* block header */
struct {
union header *ptr; /* next block if on free list */
unsigned size; /* size of this block */
} s;
Align x; /* force alignment of blocks */
typedef union header Header;
The Align field is never used;it just forces each header to be aligned on a worst-case boundary.
In malloc,the requested size in characters is rounded up to the proper number of header-sized units; the block that will be allocated contains
one more unit, for the header itself, and this is the value recorded in the
size field of the header.
The pointer returned by malloc points at the free space, not at the header itself.
The user can do anything with the space requested, but if anything is written outside of the allocated space the list is likely to be scrambled.
| | SIZE | |
| |
points to |-----address returned touser
next free
-> a block returned by malloc
In statement
char* test = malloc(1);
malloc() will try to search consecutive bytes from the heap section of RAM if requested bytes are available and it returns the address as below
| free memory | memory in size allocated for user | |
0x100(assume address returned by malloc)
So when malloc(1) executed it won't allocate just 1 byte, it allocated some extra bytes to maintain above structure/heap table. you can find out how much actual memory allocated when you requested only 1 byte by printing test[-1] because just to before that block contain the size.
char* test = malloc(1);
printf("memory allocated in bytes = %d\n",test[-1]);
If the size passed is zero, and ptr is not NULL then the call is equivalent to free.

int* 'limits' in C [duplicate]

char *cp = (char *) malloc(1);
strcpy(cp, "123456789");
output is "123456789" on both gcc (Linux) and Visual C++ Express, does that mean when there is free memory, I can actually use more than what I've allocated with malloc()?
and why malloc(0) doesn't cause runtime error?
You've asked a very good question and maybe this will whet your appetite about operating systems. Already you know you've managed to achieve something with this code that you wouldn't ordinarily expect to do. So you would never do this in code you want to make portable.
To be more specific, and this depends entirely on your operating system and CPU architecture, the operating system allocates "pages" of memory to your program - typically this can be in the order of 4 kilobytes. The operating system is the guardian of pages and will immediately terminate any program that attempts to access a page it has not been assigned.
malloc, on the other hand, is not an operating system function but a C library call. It can be implemented in many ways. It is likely that your call to malloc resulted in a page request from the operating system. Then malloc would have decided to give you a pointer to a single byte inside that page. When you wrote to the memory from the location you were given you were just writing in a "page" that the operating system had granted your program, and thus the operating system will not see any wrong doing.
The real problems, of course, will begin when you continue to call malloc to assign more memory. It will eventually return pointers to the locations you just wrote over. This is called a "buffer overflow" when you write to memory locations that are legal (from an operating system perspective) but could potentially be overwriting memory another part of the program will also be using.
If you continue to learn about this subject you'll begin to understand how programs can be exploited using such "buffer overflow" techniques - even to the point where you begin to write assembly language instructions directly into areas of memory that will be executed by another part of your program.
When you get to this stage you'll have gained much wisdom. But please be ethical and do not use it to wreak havoc in the universe!
PS when I say "operating system" above I really mean "operating system in conjunction with privileged CPU access". The CPU and MMU (memory management unit) triggers particular interrupts or callbacks into the operating system if a process attempts to use a page that has not been allocated to that process. The operating system then cleanly shuts down your application and allows the system to continue functioning. In the old days, before memory management units and privileged CPU instructions, you could practically write anywhere in memory at any time - and then your system would be totally at the mercy of the consequences of that memory write!
No. You get undefined behavior. That means anything can happen, from it crashing (yay) to it "working" (boo), to it reformatting your hard drive and filling it with text files that say "UB, UB, UB..." (wat).
There's no point in wondering what happens after that, because it depends on your compiler, platform, environment, time of day, favorite soda, etc., all of which can do whatever they want as (in)consistently as they want.
More specifically, using any memory you have not allocated is undefined behavior. You get one byte from malloc(1), that's it.
When you ask malloc for 1 byte, it will probably get 1 page (typically 4KB) from the operating system. This page will be allocated to the calling process so as long as you don't go out of the page boundary, you won't have any problems.
Note, however, that it is definitely undefined behavior!
Consider the following (hypothetical) example of what might happen when using malloc:
If malloc is internally out of memory, it will ask the operating system some more. It will typically receive a page. Say it's 4KB in size with addresses starting at 0x1000
Your call returns giving you the address 0x1000 to use. Since you asked for 1 byte, it is defined behavior if you only use the address 0x1000.
Since the operating system has just allocated 4KB of memory to your process starting at address 0x1000, it will not complain if you read/write something from/to addresses 0x1000-0x1fff. So you can happily do so but it is undefined behavior.
Let's say you do another malloc(1)
Now malloc still has some memory left so it doesn't need to ask the operating system for more. It will probably return the address 0x1001.
If you had written to more than 1 byte using the address given from the first malloc, you will get into troubles when you use the address from the second malloc because you will overwrite the data.
So the point is you definitely get 1 byte from malloc but it might be that malloc internally has more memory allocated to you process.
No. It means that your program behaves badly. It writes to a memory location that it does not own.
You get undefined behavior - anything can happen. Don't do it and don't speculate about whether it works. Maybe it corrupts memory and you don't see it immediately. Only access memory within the allocated block size.
You may be allowed to use until the memory reaches some program memory or other point at which your applicaiton will most likely crash for accessing protected memory
So many responses and only one that gives the right explanation. While the page size, buffer overflow and undefined behaviour stories are true (and important) they do not exactly answer the original question. In fact any sane malloc implementation will allocate at least in size of the alignment requirement of an intor a void *. Why, because if it allocated only 1 byte then the next chunk of memory wouldn't be aligned anymore. There's always some book keeping data around your allocated blocks, these data structures are nearly always aligned to some multiple of 4. While some architectures can access words on unaligned addresses (x86) they do incure some penalties for doing that, so allocator implementer avoid that. Even in slab allocators there's no point in having a 1 byte pool as small size allocs are rare in practice. So it is very likely that there's 4 or 8 bytes real room in your malloc'd byte (this doesn't mean you may use that 'feature', it's wrong).
EDIT: Besides, most malloc reserve bigger chunks than asked for to avoid to many copy operations when calling realloc. As a test you can try using realloc in a loop with growing allocation size and compare the returned pointer, you will see that it changes only after a certain threshold.
You just got lucky there. You are writing to locations which you don't own this leads to undefined behavior.
On most platforms you can not just allocate one byte. There is often also a bit of housekeeping done by malloc to remember the amount of allocated memory. This yields to the fact that you usually "allocate" memory rounded up to the next 4 or 8 bytes. But this is not a defined behaviour.
If you use a few bytes more you'll very likeley get an access violation.
To answer your second question, the standard specifically mandates that malloc(0) be legal. Returned value is implementation-dependent, and can be either NULL or a regular memory address. In either case, you can (and should) legally call free on the return value when done. Even when non-NULL, you must not access data at that address.
malloc allocates the amount of memory you ask in heap and then return a pointer to void (void *) that can be cast to whatever you want.
It is responsibility of the programmer to use only the memory that has been allocate.
Writing (and even reading in protected environment) where you are not supposed can cause all sort of random problems at execution time. If you are lucky your program crash immediately with an exception and you can quite easily find the bug and fix it. If you aren't lucky it will crash randomly or produce unexpected behaviors.
For the Murphy's Law, "Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong" and as a corollary of that, "It will go wrong at the right time, producing the most large amount of damage".
It is sadly true. The only way to prevent that, is to avoid that in the language that you can actually do something like that.
Modern languages do not allow the programmer to do write in memory where he/she is not supposed (at least doing standard programming). That is how Java got a lot of its traction. I prefer C++ to C. You can still make damages using pointers but it is less likely. That is the reason why Smart Pointers are so popular.
In order to fix these kind of problems, a debug version of the malloc library can be handy. You need to call a check function periodically to sense if the memory was corrupted.
When I used to work intensively on C/C++ at work, we used Rational Purify that in practice replace the standard malloc (new in C++) and free (delete in C++) and it is able to return quite accurate report on where the program did something it was not supposed. However you will never be sure 100% that you do not have any error in your code. If you have a condition that happen extremely rarely, when you execute the program you may not incur in that condition. It will eventually happen in production on the most busy day on the most sensitive data (according to Murphy's Law ;-)
It could be that you're in Debug mode, where a call to malloc will actually call _malloc_dbg. The debug version will allocate more space than you have requested to cope with buffer overflows. I guess that if you ran this in Release mode you might (hopefully) get a crash instead.
You should use new and delete operators in c++... And a safe pointer to control that operations doesn't reach the limit of the array allocated...
There is no "C runtime". C is glorified assembler. It will happily let you walk all over the address space and do whatever you want with it, which is why it's the language of choice for writing OS kernels. Your program is an example of a heap corruption bug, which is a common security vulnerability. If you wrote a long enough string to that address, you'd eventually overrun the end of the heap and get a segmentation fault, but not before you overwrote a lot of other important things first.
When malloc() doesn't have enough free memory in its reserve pool to satisfy an allocation, it grabs pages from the kernel in chunks of at least 4 kb, and often much larger, so you're probably writing into reserved but un-malloc()ed space when you initially exceed the bounds of your allocation, which is why your test case always works. Actually honoring allocation addresses and sizes is completely voluntary, so you can assign a random address to a pointer, without calling malloc() at all, and start working with that as a character string, and as long as that random address happens to be in a writable memory segment like the heap or the stack, everything will seem to work, at least until you try to use whatever memory you were corrupting by doing so.
strcpy() doesn't check if the memory it's writing to is allocated. It just takes the destination address and writes the source character by character until it reaches the '\0'. So, if the destination memory allocated is smaller than the source, you just wrote over memory. This is a dangerous bug because it is very hard to track down.
puts() writes the string until it reaches '\0'.
My guess is that malloc(0) only returns NULL and not cause a run-time error.
My answer is in responce to Why does printf not seg fault or produce garbage?
The C programming language by Denis Ritchie & Kernighan
typedef long Align; /* for alignment to long boundary */
union header { /* block header */
struct {
union header *ptr; /* next block if on free list */
unsigned size; /* size of this block */
} s;
Align x; /* force alignment of blocks */
typedef union header Header;
The Align field is never used;it just forces each header to be aligned on a worst-case boundary.
In malloc,the requested size in characters is rounded up to the proper number of header-sized units; the block that will be allocated contains
one more unit, for the header itself, and this is the value recorded in the
size field of the header.
The pointer returned by malloc points at the free space, not at the header itself.
The user can do anything with the space requested, but if anything is written outside of the allocated space the list is likely to be scrambled.
| | SIZE | |
| |
points to |-----address returned touser
next free
-> a block returned by malloc
In statement
char* test = malloc(1);
malloc() will try to search consecutive bytes from the heap section of RAM if requested bytes are available and it returns the address as below
| free memory | memory in size allocated for user | |
0x100(assume address returned by malloc)
So when malloc(1) executed it won't allocate just 1 byte, it allocated some extra bytes to maintain above structure/heap table. you can find out how much actual memory allocated when you requested only 1 byte by printing test[-1] because just to before that block contain the size.
char* test = malloc(1);
printf("memory allocated in bytes = %d\n",test[-1]);
If the size passed is zero, and ptr is not NULL then the call is equivalent to free.

Under what circumstances can malloc return NULL?

It has never happened to me, and I've programming for years now.
Can someone give me an example of a non-trivial program in which malloc will actually not work?
I'm not talking about memory exhaustion: I'm looking for the simple case when you are allocating just one memory block in a bound size given by the user, lets say an integer, causes malloc to fail.
You need to do some work in embedded systems, you'll frequently get NULL returned there :-)
It's much harder to run out of memory in modern massive-address-space-and-backing-store systems but still quite possible in applcations where you process large amounts of data, such as GIS or in-memory databases, or in places where your buggy code results in a memory leak.
But it really doesn't matter whether you've never experienced it before - the standard says it can happen so you should cater for it. I haven't been hit by a car in the last few decades either but that doesn't mean I wander across roads without looking first.
And re your edit:
I'm not talking about memory exhaustion, ...
the very definition of memory exhaustion is malloc not giving you the desired space. It's irrelevant whether that's caused by allocating all available memory, or heap fragmentation meaning you cannot get a contiguous block even though the aggregate of all free blocks in the memory arena is higher, or artificially limiting your address space usage such using the standards-compliant function:
void *malloc (size_t sz) { return NULL; }
The C standard doesn't distinguish between modes of failure, only that it succeeds or fails.
Just try to malloc more memory than your system can provide (either by exhausting your address space, or virtual memory - whichever is smaller).
will probably do it. If not, repeat a few times until you run out.
Any program at all written in c that needs to dynamically allocate more memory than the OS currently allows.
For fun, if you are using ubuntu type in
ulimit -v 5000
Any program you run will most likely crash (due to a malloc failure) as you've limited the amount of available memory to any one process to a pithy amount.
Unless your memory is already completely reserved (or heavily fragmented), the only way to have malloc() return a NULL-pointer is to request space of size zero:
char *foo = malloc(0);
Citing from the C99 standard, §7.20.3, subsection 1:
If the size of the space requested is zero, the behavior is implementationdefined: either a null pointer is returned, or the behavior is as if the size were some
nonzero value, except that the returned pointer shall not be used to access an object.
In other words, malloc(0) may return a NULL-pointer or a valid pointer to zero allocated bytes.
Pick any platform, though embedded is probably easier. malloc (or new) a ton of RAM (or leak RAM over time or even fragment it by using naive algorithms). Boom. malloc does return NULL for me on occasion when "bad" things are happening.
In response to your edit. Yes again. Memory fragmentation over time can make it so that even a single allocation of an int can fail. Also keep in mind that malloc doesn't just allocate 4 bytes for an int, but can grab as much space as it wants. It has its own book-keeping stuff and quite often will grab 32-64 bytes minimum.
On a more-or-less standard system, using a standard one-parameter malloc, there are three possible failure modes (that I can think of):
The size of allocation requested is not allowed. Eg, some systems may not allow an allocation > 16M, even if more storage is available.
A contiguous free area of the size requested, with default boundary, cannot be located in the heap. There may still be plenty of heap, but just not enough in one piece.
The total allocated heap has exceeded some "artificial" limit. Eg, the user may be prohibited from allocation more than 100M, even if there's 200M free and available to the "system" in a single combined heap.
(Of course, you can get combinations of 2 and 3, since some systems allocate non-contiguous blocks of address space to the heap as it grows, placing the "heap size limit" on the total of the blocks.)
Note that some environments support additional malloc parameters such as alignment and pool ID which can add their own twists.
Just check the manual page of malloc.
On success, a pointer to the memory block allocated by the function.
The type of this pointer is always void*, which can be cast to the desired type of data pointer in order to be dereferenceable.
If the function failed to allocate the requested block of memory, a null pointer is returned.
Yes. Malloc will return NULL when the kernel/system lib are certain that no memory can be allocated.
The reason you typically don't see this on modern machines is that Malloc doesn't really allocate memory, but rather it requests some “virtual address space” be reserved for your program so you might write in it. Kernels such as modern Linux actually over commit, that is they let you allocate more memory than your system can actually provide (swap + RAM) as long as it all fits in the address space of the system (typically 48bits on 64bit platforms, IIRC). Thus on these systems you will probably trigger an OOM killer before you will trigger a return of a NULL pointer. A good example is a 512MB RAM in a 32bit machine: it's trivial to write a C program that will be eaten by the OOM killer because of it trying to malloc all available RAM + swap.
(Overcomitting can be disabled at compile time on Linux, so it depends on the build options whether or not a given Linux kernel will overcommit. However, stock desktop distro kernels do it.)
Since you asked for an example, here's a program that will (eventually) see malloc return NULL:
perror();void*malloc();main(){for(;;)if(!malloc(999)){perror(0);return 0;}}
What? You don't like deliberately obfuscated code? ;) (If it runs for a few minutes and doesn't crash on your machine, kill it, change 999 to a bigger number and try again.)
EDIT: If it doesn't work no matter how big the number is, then what's happening is that your system is saying "Here's some memory!" but so long as you don't try to use it, it doesn't get allocated. In which case:
perror();char*p;void*malloc();main(){for(;;){p=malloc(999);if(p)*p=0;else{perror(0);return 0;}}
Should do the trick. If we can use GCC extentions, I think we can get it even smaller by changing char*p;void*malloc(); to void*p,*malloc(); but if you really wanted to golf you'd be on the Code Golf SE.
when the malloc param is negative or 0 or you have no memory left on heap.
I had to correct somebody's code which looked like this.
const int8_t bufferSize = 128;
void *buffer = malloc(bufferSize);
Here buffer is NULL because bufferSize is actually -128

Can I rely on malloc returning NULL?

I read that on Unix systems, malloc can return a non-NULL pointer even if the memory is not actually available, and trying to use the memory later on will trigger an error. Since I cannot catch such an error by checking for NULL, I wonder how useful it is to check for NULL at all?
On a related note, Herb Sutter says that handling C++ memory errors is futile, because the system will go into spasms of paging long before an exception will actually occur. Does this apply to malloc as well?
Quoting Linux manuals:
By default, Linux follows an optimistic memory allocation strategy. This means that when malloc() returns non-NULL there is no
guarantee that
the memory really is available. This is a really bad bug. In case it turns out that the system is out of memory, one or more
processes will be
killed by the infamous OOM killer. In case Linux is employed under circumstances where it would be less desirable to suddenly lose
some randomly
picked processes, and moreover the kernel version is sufficiently recent, one can switch off this overcommitting behavior
using a command like:
# echo 2 > /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory
You ought to check for NULL return, especially on 32-bit systems, as the process address space could be exhausted far before the RAM: on 32-bit Linux for example, user processes might have usable address space of 2G - 3G as opposed to over 4G of total RAM. On 64-bit systems it might be useless to check the malloc return code, but might be considered good practice anyway, and it does make your program more portable. And, remember, dereferencing the null pointer kills your process certainly; some swapping might not hurt much compared to that.
If malloc happens to return NULL when one tries to allocate only a small amount of memory, then one must be cautious when trying to recover from the error condition as any subsequent malloc can fail too, until enough memory is available.
The default C++ operator new is often a wrapper over the same allocation mechanisms employed by malloc().
On Linux, you can indeed not rely on malloc returning NULL if sufficient memory is not available due to the kernel's overallocation strategy, but you should still check for it because in some circumstances malloc will return NULL, e.g. when you ask for more memory than is available in the machine in total. The Linux malloc(3) manpage calls the overallocation "a really bad bug" and contains advice on how to turn it off.
I've never heard about this behavior also occurring in other Unix variants.
As for the "spasms of paging", that depends on the machine setup. E.g., I tend not to setup a swap partition on laptop Linux installations, since the exact behavior you fear might kill the hard disk. I would still like the C/C++ programs that I run to check malloc return values, give appropriate error messages and when possible clean up after themselves.
Checking for the return of malloc doesn't help you much by its own to make your allocations safer or less error prone. It can even be a trap if this is the only test that you implement.
When called with an argument of 0 the standard allows malloc to return a sort of unique address, which is not a null pointer and which you don't have the right to access, nevertheless. So if you just test if the return is 0 but don't test the arguments to malloc, calloc or realloc you might encounter a segfault much later.
This error condition (memory exhausted) is quite rare in "hosted" environments. Usually you are in trouble long before you hassle with this kind of error. (But if you are writing runtime libraries, are a kernel hacker or rocket builder this is different, and there the test makes perfect sense.)
People then tend to decorate their code with complicated captures of that error condition that span several lines, doing perror and stuff like that, that can have an impact on the readability of the code.
I think that this "check the return of malloc" is much overestimated, sometimes even defended quite dogmatically. Other things are much more important:
always initialize variables, always. for pointer variables this is crucial,
let the program crash nicely before things get too bad. uninitialized pointer members in structs are an important cause of errors that are difficult to find.
always check the argument to malloc and Co. if this is a compile
time constant like sizof toto there can't be a problem, but
always ensure that your vector allocation handles the zero case properly.
An easy thing to check for return of malloc is to wrap it up with something like memset(malloc(n), 0, 1). This just writes a 0 in the first byte and crashes nicely if malloc had an error or n was 0 to start with.
To view this from an alternative point of view:
"malloc can return a non-NULL pointer even if the memory is not actually available" does not mean that it always returns non-NULL. There might (and will) be cases where NULL is returned (as others already said), so this check is necessary nevertheless.

I can use more memory than how much I've allocated with malloc(), why?

char *cp = (char *) malloc(1);
strcpy(cp, "123456789");
output is "123456789" on both gcc (Linux) and Visual C++ Express, does that mean when there is free memory, I can actually use more than what I've allocated with malloc()?
and why malloc(0) doesn't cause runtime error?
You've asked a very good question and maybe this will whet your appetite about operating systems. Already you know you've managed to achieve something with this code that you wouldn't ordinarily expect to do. So you would never do this in code you want to make portable.
To be more specific, and this depends entirely on your operating system and CPU architecture, the operating system allocates "pages" of memory to your program - typically this can be in the order of 4 kilobytes. The operating system is the guardian of pages and will immediately terminate any program that attempts to access a page it has not been assigned.
malloc, on the other hand, is not an operating system function but a C library call. It can be implemented in many ways. It is likely that your call to malloc resulted in a page request from the operating system. Then malloc would have decided to give you a pointer to a single byte inside that page. When you wrote to the memory from the location you were given you were just writing in a "page" that the operating system had granted your program, and thus the operating system will not see any wrong doing.
The real problems, of course, will begin when you continue to call malloc to assign more memory. It will eventually return pointers to the locations you just wrote over. This is called a "buffer overflow" when you write to memory locations that are legal (from an operating system perspective) but could potentially be overwriting memory another part of the program will also be using.
If you continue to learn about this subject you'll begin to understand how programs can be exploited using such "buffer overflow" techniques - even to the point where you begin to write assembly language instructions directly into areas of memory that will be executed by another part of your program.
When you get to this stage you'll have gained much wisdom. But please be ethical and do not use it to wreak havoc in the universe!
PS when I say "operating system" above I really mean "operating system in conjunction with privileged CPU access". The CPU and MMU (memory management unit) triggers particular interrupts or callbacks into the operating system if a process attempts to use a page that has not been allocated to that process. The operating system then cleanly shuts down your application and allows the system to continue functioning. In the old days, before memory management units and privileged CPU instructions, you could practically write anywhere in memory at any time - and then your system would be totally at the mercy of the consequences of that memory write!
No. You get undefined behavior. That means anything can happen, from it crashing (yay) to it "working" (boo), to it reformatting your hard drive and filling it with text files that say "UB, UB, UB..." (wat).
There's no point in wondering what happens after that, because it depends on your compiler, platform, environment, time of day, favorite soda, etc., all of which can do whatever they want as (in)consistently as they want.
More specifically, using any memory you have not allocated is undefined behavior. You get one byte from malloc(1), that's it.
When you ask malloc for 1 byte, it will probably get 1 page (typically 4KB) from the operating system. This page will be allocated to the calling process so as long as you don't go out of the page boundary, you won't have any problems.
Note, however, that it is definitely undefined behavior!
Consider the following (hypothetical) example of what might happen when using malloc:
If malloc is internally out of memory, it will ask the operating system some more. It will typically receive a page. Say it's 4KB in size with addresses starting at 0x1000
Your call returns giving you the address 0x1000 to use. Since you asked for 1 byte, it is defined behavior if you only use the address 0x1000.
Since the operating system has just allocated 4KB of memory to your process starting at address 0x1000, it will not complain if you read/write something from/to addresses 0x1000-0x1fff. So you can happily do so but it is undefined behavior.
Let's say you do another malloc(1)
Now malloc still has some memory left so it doesn't need to ask the operating system for more. It will probably return the address 0x1001.
If you had written to more than 1 byte using the address given from the first malloc, you will get into troubles when you use the address from the second malloc because you will overwrite the data.
So the point is you definitely get 1 byte from malloc but it might be that malloc internally has more memory allocated to you process.
No. It means that your program behaves badly. It writes to a memory location that it does not own.
You get undefined behavior - anything can happen. Don't do it and don't speculate about whether it works. Maybe it corrupts memory and you don't see it immediately. Only access memory within the allocated block size.
You may be allowed to use until the memory reaches some program memory or other point at which your applicaiton will most likely crash for accessing protected memory
So many responses and only one that gives the right explanation. While the page size, buffer overflow and undefined behaviour stories are true (and important) they do not exactly answer the original question. In fact any sane malloc implementation will allocate at least in size of the alignment requirement of an intor a void *. Why, because if it allocated only 1 byte then the next chunk of memory wouldn't be aligned anymore. There's always some book keeping data around your allocated blocks, these data structures are nearly always aligned to some multiple of 4. While some architectures can access words on unaligned addresses (x86) they do incure some penalties for doing that, so allocator implementer avoid that. Even in slab allocators there's no point in having a 1 byte pool as small size allocs are rare in practice. So it is very likely that there's 4 or 8 bytes real room in your malloc'd byte (this doesn't mean you may use that 'feature', it's wrong).
EDIT: Besides, most malloc reserve bigger chunks than asked for to avoid to many copy operations when calling realloc. As a test you can try using realloc in a loop with growing allocation size and compare the returned pointer, you will see that it changes only after a certain threshold.
You just got lucky there. You are writing to locations which you don't own this leads to undefined behavior.
On most platforms you can not just allocate one byte. There is often also a bit of housekeeping done by malloc to remember the amount of allocated memory. This yields to the fact that you usually "allocate" memory rounded up to the next 4 or 8 bytes. But this is not a defined behaviour.
If you use a few bytes more you'll very likeley get an access violation.
To answer your second question, the standard specifically mandates that malloc(0) be legal. Returned value is implementation-dependent, and can be either NULL or a regular memory address. In either case, you can (and should) legally call free on the return value when done. Even when non-NULL, you must not access data at that address.
malloc allocates the amount of memory you ask in heap and then return a pointer to void (void *) that can be cast to whatever you want.
It is responsibility of the programmer to use only the memory that has been allocate.
Writing (and even reading in protected environment) where you are not supposed can cause all sort of random problems at execution time. If you are lucky your program crash immediately with an exception and you can quite easily find the bug and fix it. If you aren't lucky it will crash randomly or produce unexpected behaviors.
For the Murphy's Law, "Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong" and as a corollary of that, "It will go wrong at the right time, producing the most large amount of damage".
It is sadly true. The only way to prevent that, is to avoid that in the language that you can actually do something like that.
Modern languages do not allow the programmer to do write in memory where he/she is not supposed (at least doing standard programming). That is how Java got a lot of its traction. I prefer C++ to C. You can still make damages using pointers but it is less likely. That is the reason why Smart Pointers are so popular.
In order to fix these kind of problems, a debug version of the malloc library can be handy. You need to call a check function periodically to sense if the memory was corrupted.
When I used to work intensively on C/C++ at work, we used Rational Purify that in practice replace the standard malloc (new in C++) and free (delete in C++) and it is able to return quite accurate report on where the program did something it was not supposed. However you will never be sure 100% that you do not have any error in your code. If you have a condition that happen extremely rarely, when you execute the program you may not incur in that condition. It will eventually happen in production on the most busy day on the most sensitive data (according to Murphy's Law ;-)
It could be that you're in Debug mode, where a call to malloc will actually call _malloc_dbg. The debug version will allocate more space than you have requested to cope with buffer overflows. I guess that if you ran this in Release mode you might (hopefully) get a crash instead.
You should use new and delete operators in c++... And a safe pointer to control that operations doesn't reach the limit of the array allocated...
There is no "C runtime". C is glorified assembler. It will happily let you walk all over the address space and do whatever you want with it, which is why it's the language of choice for writing OS kernels. Your program is an example of a heap corruption bug, which is a common security vulnerability. If you wrote a long enough string to that address, you'd eventually overrun the end of the heap and get a segmentation fault, but not before you overwrote a lot of other important things first.
When malloc() doesn't have enough free memory in its reserve pool to satisfy an allocation, it grabs pages from the kernel in chunks of at least 4 kb, and often much larger, so you're probably writing into reserved but un-malloc()ed space when you initially exceed the bounds of your allocation, which is why your test case always works. Actually honoring allocation addresses and sizes is completely voluntary, so you can assign a random address to a pointer, without calling malloc() at all, and start working with that as a character string, and as long as that random address happens to be in a writable memory segment like the heap or the stack, everything will seem to work, at least until you try to use whatever memory you were corrupting by doing so.
strcpy() doesn't check if the memory it's writing to is allocated. It just takes the destination address and writes the source character by character until it reaches the '\0'. So, if the destination memory allocated is smaller than the source, you just wrote over memory. This is a dangerous bug because it is very hard to track down.
puts() writes the string until it reaches '\0'.
My guess is that malloc(0) only returns NULL and not cause a run-time error.
My answer is in responce to Why does printf not seg fault or produce garbage?
The C programming language by Denis Ritchie & Kernighan
typedef long Align; /* for alignment to long boundary */
union header { /* block header */
struct {
union header *ptr; /* next block if on free list */
unsigned size; /* size of this block */
} s;
Align x; /* force alignment of blocks */
typedef union header Header;
The Align field is never used;it just forces each header to be aligned on a worst-case boundary.
In malloc,the requested size in characters is rounded up to the proper number of header-sized units; the block that will be allocated contains
one more unit, for the header itself, and this is the value recorded in the
size field of the header.
The pointer returned by malloc points at the free space, not at the header itself.
The user can do anything with the space requested, but if anything is written outside of the allocated space the list is likely to be scrambled.
| | SIZE | |
| |
points to |-----address returned touser
next free
-> a block returned by malloc
In statement
char* test = malloc(1);
malloc() will try to search consecutive bytes from the heap section of RAM if requested bytes are available and it returns the address as below
| free memory | memory in size allocated for user | |
0x100(assume address returned by malloc)
So when malloc(1) executed it won't allocate just 1 byte, it allocated some extra bytes to maintain above structure/heap table. you can find out how much actual memory allocated when you requested only 1 byte by printing test[-1] because just to before that block contain the size.
char* test = malloc(1);
printf("memory allocated in bytes = %d\n",test[-1]);
If the size passed is zero, and ptr is not NULL then the call is equivalent to free.
