How to Show data labels on Extjs Column or Chart Graphs? - extjs

How can I show or add Data Label on any graph like Coulmn or Line chart in Extjs.

Work on this:
What label you want to add in special?
navigate to ext, charts, there you see "labelFunction" which you can use to add your labels.

create text sprites for the title or any labels.
Look at the Ex.draw package.


Google Data Studio: Can I display the current date range a user is running a report at on screen in a text box?

I want to clarify very clearly in a Data Studio report what the date range is that the report is currently running over.
So I want to add a text box up at the top of the screen to display this.
Is this possible?
From what I understand text labels can't display anything dynamically. Is it possible to do this with a function using the 'scorecard' data chart type or something similar ?
No, you can't make a label dynamic. However, you can make a table look like a label.
If you remove everything from a table (row numbers, title, border, colors, etc) it will look like a label with the ability to update dynamically. You can also use this trick to display dynamic images.
After this, just add any date field you already have as a metric, using functions MIN or MAX accordingly.
Step-by-step to turn a table into a dynamic label:
Disable Show header
Cell table color: Transparent
Odd/Even row color: Transparent
Disable Row numbers
Disable Show pagination
Background color: Transparent
Border color: Transparent
Chart header: Do not show
I made a public dashboard to illustrate the results:
Data Studio Report
Data Source

How to custom style data label in Recharts?

I am using React + Recharts to create a stacked bar chart, is it possible to make data label look like the below image?
here is the complete demo
any help pleas?
You can just add another rect, working sample:

Google Data studio-Customised BarChart Tooltip

I have created bar chart using Google data studio. Now I have to add a dimension values(For each BookingCategory in chart we have different agents. So I want to display Agents with there booking count in each bar Tooltip) on the tooltip of the barchart.
Is this Feasible to achieve ?
You can show bookings by agent in your bar chart by adding it as a secondary/breakdown dimensions and selected "stacked" in the style menu.
Hopefully I've understood your question correctly!

Extjs Charts: remove as series using chart.series.getAt(0) how?

Hello how can I remove a series from a chart, I know that I can get the series object using getAt(0) or getAt(1) depending on how many serieses I got in my chart.
my question is how can I remove a series from the chart.
main reason is that I give the end user the ability to change the series type: bar, line... so I wan to display the new change at run time by removing the series and adding a new one.
I tried Chart.series.removeAt(0); It removes the legend but the bar or the line still shown !!
I use extjs 4.1.1
thank you,
I had to do the same thing and give end users the ability to change the chart type at run time to give different visualizations of data. I found that there is more involved in the chart type (bar, line, pie) then just the series. In other words to achieve this, I wasn't able to just substitute a different series type for the data and add it to the chart.
I ended up creating a different config for each different type of chart using the same datastore. The chart was contained by an Ext.panel.Panel which I added this function to:
// toggle format between pie chart and bar chart
this.toggleFormat = function() {
var chart = me.down('chart');
if (chart.chartType == 'pie') {
this.add(Ext.create('Ext.chart.Chart', bar));
} else {
this.add(Ext.create('Ext.chart.Chart', pie));
The bar variable holds a bar chart config and pie holds a pie chart config but both had the same datastore attached to their store: configs.
When the user pressed the format button I called this function to remove the chart from the panel and create one with the different format. It achieved the desired effect.

Is it possible to draw a line chart in Gridpanel using ExtJS

I am using ExtJS for GUI. I want to plot a line chart inside a Grid Panel. Is this possible? If so, how do we do this?
An idea:
Define a custom renderer function (set a renderer on the column definition).
In the renderer, generate markup for an iframe that references the Google Charts API.
(I'm not familiar with Ext charts - you'd probably want to end up with those ...)
