What is the need for C startup routine? - c

Quoting from one of the unix programming books,
When a C program is executed by the
kernelby, one of the exec functions
calls special start-up routine. This
function is called before the main
function is called. The executable
program file specifies this routine as
the starting address for the program;
this is set up by the link editor when
it is invoked by the C compiler. This
start-up routine takes values from the
kernel the command-line arguments and
the environment and sets things up so
that the main function is called as
shown earlier.
Why do we a need a middle man start-up routine. The exec function could have straightway called the main function and the kernel could have directly passed the command line arguments and environment to the main function. Why do we need the start-up routine in between?

Because C has no concept of "plug in". So if you want to use, say, malloc() someone has to initialize the necessary data structures. The C programmers were lazy and didn't want to have to write code like this all the time:
main() {
... oh wow, can we start already? ...
So the C compiler figures out what needs to be done, generates the necessary code and sets up everything so you can start with your code right away.

The start-up routine initializes the CRT (i.e. creates the CRT heap so that malloc/free work, initializes standard I/O streams, etc.); in case of C++ it also calls the globals' constructors. There may be other system-specific setup, you should check the sources of your run-time library for more details.

Calling main() is a C thing, while calling _start() is a kernel thing, indicated by the entry point in the binary format header. (for clarity: the kernel doesn't want or need to know that we call it _start)
If you would have a non-C binary, you might not have a main() function, you might not even have the concept of a "function" at all.
So the actual question would be: why doesn't a compiler give the address of main() as a starting point? That's because typical libc implementations want to do some initializations before really starting the program, see the other answers for that.
edit as an example, you can change the entry point like this:
$ cat entrypoint.c
int blabla() { printf("Yes it works!\n"); exit(0); }
int main() { printf("not called\n"); }
$ gcc entrypoint.c -e blabla
$ ./a.out
Yes it works!

Important to know also is that an application program is executed in user mode, and any system calls out, set the privileged bit and go into kernel mode. This helps increase OS security by preventing the user from accessing kernel level system calls and a myriad of other complications. So a call to printf will trap, set kernel mode bit, execute code, then reset to user mode and return to your application.
The CRT is required to help you and allow you to use the languages you want in Windows and Linux. it provides some very fundamental bootstrapping into the OS to provide you with feature sets for development.


Does _start call my program's main function and other essential setup functions?

I'm reading a textbook which describes how loader works:
When the loader runs, it copies chunks of the executable object file into the code and data segments. Next, the loader jumps to the program’s entry point, which is always the address of the _start function. The _start function calls the system startup function, __libc_start_main
From the answer of this question What is __libc_start_main and _start? we have the below pseudo-code about the execution flow:
call __setup_for_c ; set up C environment
call __libc_start_main ; set up standard library
call _main ; call your main
call __libc_stop_main ; tear down standard library
call __teardown_for_c ; tear down C environment
jmp __exit ; return to OS
My questions are:
I used objdump to check the assembly code of the program and I found _start only call __libc_start_main as picture below shows:
What about the rest of functions like call __setup_for_c ,_main etc? especially my program's main function, I can't see how it get called. so is the pseudo-code about the execution flow correct?
What does __libc_start_main setup standard library mean? Why the standard library needs to be setup? Isn't that the standard library just need to be linked by the dynamic linker when the program is loaded?
Pseudo-code isn't code ;) _libc_start_main() can call the application's main() because the address of main() will have been fixed up by the linker. The order in which the code generated by the compiler does initialization might be interesting, but you shouldn't assume it will be the same from one compiler to another, or even one release to another. It's probably best not to rely on things being done in a particular way if you can avoid it.
As to what needs to be initialized -- standard C libraries like glibc are hugely complex, and a lot of stuff needs to be initialized. To take one example, the memory allocator's block table has to be set up, so that malloc() doesn't start with a random pattern of memory allocation.
The other function calls described in the linked answer give a synopsis of what needs to happen; the actual implementation details in the GNU C library are different, either using “constructors” (_dl_start_user), or explicitly in __libc_start_main. __libc_start_main also takes care of calling the user’s main, which is why you don’t see it called in your disassembly — but its address is passed along (see the lea just the callq). __libc_start_main also takes care of the program exit, and never returns; that’s the reason for the hlt just after the callq, which will crash the program if the function returns.
The library needs quite a lot of setup nowadays:
some of its own relocation
thread-local storage setup
pthread setup
destructor registration
vDSO setup (on Linux)
ctype initialisation
copying the program name, arguments and environment to various library variables
etc. See the x86-64-specific sysdeps/x86_64/start.S and the generic csu/libc-start.c, csu/init-first.c, and misc/init-misc.c among others.
what about the rest of functions like call __setup_for_c ,_main etc?
Those are just fancy made-up readable names used in the linked answer to transfer the meaning of that answer better.
how it get called
Your standard library implementation doesn't provide a function named __setup_for_c nor _main, so they don't exists so they don't get called. Every implementation may choose different names for the functions.
is the pseudo-code about the executation flow correct?
Yes - and the word "psuedo-code" you used infers that you are aware that it's not real code.
what does __libc_start_main setup standard library mean?
It means a symbol with the name __libc_start_main. __libc_start_main is a function that initializes all standard library things and runs main in glibc. It initializes libc, pthreads, atexit and finally runs main. glibc is open source, so just look at it.
why standard library needs to be setup?
Because it was written in the way that it depends on it. The simplest is, when you write:
int var = 42; // variable with static storage duration
int main() {
return var == 42;
(Assuming the optimizer doesn't kick in) then the value 42 has to be written into the memory held for var before main is executed. So something has to execute before main and actually write the 42 into the memory of var. This is the simplest case why something has to execute before main. Global variables are used in many places and all of them need to be setup, for example a variable named program_invocation_name in glibc holds the name of the program - so some code needs to actually query the environment or kernel about what is the name of the program and actually store the value (and potentially parse) a string into a global variable (and also remember about free() that string if dynamically allocated on exit). Some code "has to do it" - and that code is in standard library initialization.
There are many more cases - in C++ and other languages there are constructors, there is gcc GNU extension __attribute__((__constructor__)) and .init/.preinit sections - all of them executed before main. And destructors have to execute on exit, but not on _exit - thus atexit stuff is initialized before main and all destructors may be registered with it, depending on implementation.
Environment need to be initialized, potentially stack and some more stuff. And thread local variables need to be allocated only for current thread so that when you pthread_create another thread they don't get copied with non-thread-local variables.
isn't that standard library just need to be linked by the dynamic linker when the program is loaded?
It is - when the program is loaded, the standard library is just linked. The compiler, when generating the program, uses crt code to include some startup code into the program - for example a call to __libc_start_main.

What is __libc_start_main and _start?

From the past few days I have been trying to understand what happens behind the curtain when we execute a C program. However even after reading numerous posts I cannot find a detailed and accurate explanation for the same. Can someone please help me out ?
You would usually find special names like this for specific uses when compiling and linking programs.
Keeping in mind that this answer is of a general nature rather than a specific implementation of starting up a C environment, you would typically have something like a _start label, which would be the actual entry point for an executable (from the hosting environment's point of view).
This would be located in some object file or library (like crt0.o for the C runtime start-up code) and would normally be added automagically to your executable file by the linker, similar to the way the C runtime library is added(a).
The operating system code for starting a program would then be akin to (pseudo-code, obviously, and with much less error checking than it should have):
def spawnProg(progName):
id = newProcess() # make process space
loadProgram(pid = id, file = progName) # load program into it
newThread(pid, initialPc = '_start') # make thread to run it
Even though you yourself create a main when coding in C, that's not really where things start happening. There's a whole slew of things that need to be done even before your main program starts. Hence the content of the C start-up code would be along the lines of (at its most simplistic):
_start: ;; Weave magic here to set up C and libc.
;; Note this is example code for a mythical implementation,
;; intended to show how it could work. It is not specific
;; bound to any given implementation.
call __setup_for_c ; Set up C environment.
call __libc_start_main ; Set up standard library.
call _main ; Call your main.
call __libc_stop_main ; Tear down standard library.
call __teardown_for_c ; Tear down C environment.
jmp __exit ; Return to OS.
The "weaving of magic" is whatever it takes to make the environment ready for a C program. This may include things like:
setting up static data (this is supposed to be initialised to zeros so it's probably just an allocation of a chunk of of memory, which is then zeroed by the start-up code - otherwise you would need to store a chunk of that size, already zeroed, in the executable file);
preparing argc and argv on the stack, and even preparing the stack itself (there are specific calling conventions that may be used for C, and it's likely the operating system doesn't necessarily set up the stack at all when calling _start since the needs of the process are not known);
setting up thread-specific data structures (things like random number generators, or error variables, per thread);
initialising the C library in other ways; and so on.
Only once all that is complete will it be okay to call your main function. There's also the likelihood that work needs to be done after your main exits, such as:
invoking atexit handlers (things you want run automatically on exit, no matter where the exit occurs);
detaching from shared resources (for example, shared memory if the OS doesn't do this automatically when it shuts down a process); and
freeing up any other resources not automatically cleaned when the process exits, that would otherwise hang around.
(a) Many linkers can be told to not do that if, for example, you're writing something that doesn't use the standard C library, or if you want to provide your own _start routine for low-level work.

What does the main() function mean for a program

What is so special about main() function in C?
In my embedded C compiler it tells the program counter where to start from. Whatever appear first (as instruction) into main function it will be placed first in the flash memory. So what about PC programs? What is the meaning of main() when we program for PC?
On a hosted implementation (basically, anything with an operating system), main is defined to be the entry point of the program. It's the function that will be called by the runtime environment when the program is launched.
On a freestanding implementation (embedded systems, PLCs, etc.), the entry point is whatever the implementation says it is. That could be main, or it could be something else.
In simple terms:
There is nothing special about the the main function apart from the fact that it is called by the system when your program is started.
The main function is where the "C program" starts, as far as the C standard is concerned. But in the real world outside the standard, where there is hardware, other things need to be done before main() is called.
On a typical embedded system, you have a reset interrupt service routine, where you end up after power-on-reset (or other reset reasons). From this ISR, the following should be done, in this order:
Set the stack pointer.
Set all other memory mapping-related things (MMU registers)
Safety features like watchdog and low voltage detect are initialized.
All static storage duration variables are initialized.
main() is called.
So when main() is called, you have a stable enough environment for standard C programs to execute as expected.
To use main() as the reset vector is unorthodox and non-standard. The C standard requires that static storage duration variables are already initialized before main() is called. Also, you really don't want to do fundamental things like setting the stack pointer inside main(), because that would mess up all local variables you have in main().
When your OS runs a program your program needs to pass control over to it. And the OS only knows where to begin inside of your program at the main() function.
Have you searched on the internet? Take a look in here, and also here.
When the operating system runs a program in C, it passes control of
the computer over to that program ... the key point is that the operating system needs to know where
inside your program the control needs to be passed. In the case of a C
language program, it's the main() function that the operating system
is looking for.
Function main is special - your program begins executing at the beginning of
main. This means that every program must have a main somewhere.
main will usually call other functions to help perform its job, some that you wrote, and others
from libraries that are provided for you.
You find it in every possible C book.
The main function allows the C program to find the beginning of the program. The main function is always called when the program is started.

Is a main() required for a C program?

Well the title says it all. Is a main() function absolutely essential for a C program?
I am asking this because I was looking at the Linux kernel code, and I didn't see a main() function.
No, the ISO C standard states that a main function is only required for a hosted environment (such as one with an underlying OS).
For a freestanding environment like an embedded system (or an operating system itself), it's implementation defined. From C99 5.1.2:
Two execution environments are defined: freestanding and hosted. In both cases, program startup occurs when a designated C function is called by the execution environment.
In a freestanding environment (in which C program execution may take place without any benefit of an operating system), the name and type of the function called at program startup are implementation-defined.
As to how Linux itself starts, the start point for the Linux kernel is start_kernel though, for a more complete picture of the entire boot process, you should start here.
Well, no, but ...
C99 specifies that main() is called in the hosted environment "at program startup", however, you don't have to use the C runtime support. Your operating system executes image files and starts a program at an address provided by the linker.
If you are willing to write your program to conform to the operating system's requirements rather than C99's, you can do it without main(). The more modern (and complex) the system, though, the more trouble you will have with the C library making assumptions that the standard runtime startup is used.
Here is an example for Linux...
$ cat > nomain.S
call iamnotmain
movl $0xfc, %eax
xorl %ebx, %ebx
int $0x80
.globl _start
$ cat > demo.c
void iamnotmain(void) {
static char s[] = "hello, world\n";
write(1, s, sizeof s);
$ as -o nomain.o nomain.S
$ cc -c demo.c
$ ld -static nomain.o demo.o -lc
$ ./a.out
hello, world
It's arguably not "a C99 program" now, though, just a "Linux program" with a object module written in C.
The main() function is called by an object file included with the libc. Since the kernel doesn't link against the libc it has its own entry point, written in assembler.
Paxdiablo's answer covers two of the cases where you won't encounter a main. Let me add a couple of more:
Many plug-in systems for other programs (like, say, browsers or text editors or the like) have no main().
Windows programs written in C have no main(). (They have a WinMain() instead.)
The operating systems loader has to call a single entry point; in the GNU compiler, the entry point is defined in the crt0.o linked object file, the source for this is the assembler file crt0.s - that invokes main() after performing various run-time start-up tasks (such as establishing a stack, static initialisation). So when building an executable that links the default crt0.o, you must have a main(), otherwise you will get a linker error since in crt0.o main() is an unresolved symbol.
It would be possible (if somewhat perverse and unnecessary) to modify crt0.s to call a different entry point. Just make sure that you make such an object file specific to your project rather than modifying the default version, or you will break every build on that machine.
The OS itself has its own C runtime start-up (which will be called from the bootloader) so can call any entry point it wishes. I have not looked at the Linux source, but imagine that it has its own crt0.s that will call whatever the C code entry point is.
main is called by glibc,that is a part of application(ring 3), not the kernel(ring 0).
the driver has another entry point,for example windows driver base on WDM is start from DRIVERENTRY
In machine language things get executed sequentially, what comes first is executed first. So, the default is for the compiler place a call to you main method to fit the C standard.
Your program works like a library, which is a collection of compiled functions. The main difference between a library and a standard executable is that for the second one the compiler generates assembly code which calls one of the functions in your program.
But you could write assembly code which calls your an arbitrary C program function (the same way calls to library functions work, actually) and this would work the same way other executables do. But the thing is you cannot do it in plain standard C, you have to resort to assembly or even some other compiler specific tricks.
This was intended as a general and superficial explanation, there are some technical differences I avoided on purpose as they don't seem relevant.

LINUX: Is it possible to write a working program that does not rely on the libc library?

I wonder if I could write a program in the C-programming language that is executable, albeit not using a single library call, e.g. not even exit()?
If so, it obviously wouldn't depend on libraries (libc, ld-linux) at all.
I suspect you could write such a thing, but it would need to have an endless loop at the end, because you can't ask the operation system to exit your process. And you couldn't do anything useful.
Well start with compiling an ELF program, look into the ELF spec and craft together the header, the program segments and the other parts you need for a program. The kernel would load your code and jump to some initial address. You could place an endless loop there. But without knowing some assembler, that's hopeless from the start on anyway.
The start.S file as used by glibc may be useful as a start point. Try to change it so that you can assemble a stand-alone executable out of it. That start.S file is the entry point of all ELF applications, and is the one that calls __libc_start_main which in turn calls main. You just change it so it fits your needs.
Ok, that was theoretical. But now, what practical use does that have?
Answer to the Updated Question
Well. There is a library called libgloss that provides a minimal interface for programs that are meant to run on embedded systems. The newlib C library uses that one as its system-call interface. The general idea is that libgloss is the layer between the C library and the operation system. As such, it also contains the startup files that the operation system jumps into. Both these libraries are part of the GNU binutils project. I've used them to do the interface for another OS and another processor, but there does not seem to be a libgloss port for Linux, so if you call system calls, you will have to do it on your own, as others already stated.
It is absolutely possible to write programs in the C programming language. The linux kernel is a good example of such a program. But also user programs are possible. But what is minimally required is a runtime library (if you want to do any serious stuff). Such one would contain really basic functions, like memcpy, basic macros and so on. The C Standard has a special conformance mode called freestanding, which requires only a very limited set of functionality, suitable also for kernels. Actually, i have no clue about x86 assembler, but i've tried my luck for a very simple C program:
/* gcc -nostdlib start.c */
int main(int, char**, char**);
void _start(int args)
/* we do not care about arguments for main. start.S in
* glibc documents how the kernel passes them though.
int c = main(0,0,0);
/* do the system-call for exit. */
asm("movl %0,%%ebx\n" /* first argument */
"movl $1,%%eax\n" /* syscall 1 */
"int $0x80" /* fire interrupt */
: : "r"(c) :"%eax", "%ebx");
int main(int argc, char** argv, char** env) {
/* yeah here we can do some stuff */
return 42;
We're happy, it actually compiles and runs :)
Yes, it is possible, however you will have to make system calls and set up your entry point manually.
Example of a minimal program with entry point:
.globl _start
xorl %eax,%eax
incl %eax
movb $42, %bl
int $0x80
Or in plain C (no exit):
void __attribute__((noreturn)) _start() {
Compiled with:
gcc -nostdlib -o example example.s
gcc -nostdlib -o example example.c
In pure C? As others have said you still need a way to make syscalls, so you might need to drop down to inline asm for that. That said, if using gcc check out -ffreestanding.
You'd need a way to prevent the C compiler from generating code that depends on libc, which with gcc can be done with -fno-hosted. And you'd need one assembly language routine to implement syscall(2). They're not hard to write if you can get suitable OS doco. After that you'd be off to the races.
Well, you would need to use some system calls to load all it's information into memory, so I doubt it.
And you would almost have to use exit(), just because of the way that Linux works.
Yes you can, but it's pretty tricky.
There is essentially absolutely no point.
You can statically link a program, but then the appropriate pieces of the C library are included in its binary (so it doesn't have any dependencies).
You can completely do without the C library, in which case you need to make system calls using the appropriate low-level interface, which is architecture dependent, and not necessarily int 0x80.
If your goal is making a very small self-contained binary, you might be better off static-linking against something like uclibc.
