How can I trigger this Error Template? - wpf

Below is a template that works from a binding perspective, but the error template doesn't show, and without an AdornedElementPlaceholder the result looks a bit garish.
My view models implement IDataErrorInfo, and normally I would trigger the error template by having ValidatesOnError=True as part of my binding. This particular view model is display only, so the IDataErrorInfo indexer is never invoked. I do have a number of useful properties related to validation though, including a boolean IsValid property as well as IDataErrorInfo.Error, both of which properly respond to the view model being invalid.
Should I translate the error to a ValidationResult and trigger it that way? Or is there something easier?
current template
<!-- FooterViewModel DataTemplate -->
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type model:FooterViewModel}">
<Label x:Name="lblTotalTime"
Style="{StaticResource FooterStyle}"
Content="{Binding TotalTime, Converter={StaticResource TotalAmountConv}}" >
<TextBlock Text="{Binding FeedbackMessage}" ></TextBlock>
<DockPanel LastChildFill="True">
<TextBlock DockPanel.Dock="Right" Text=" *"
FontWeight="Bold" FontSize="16"
<Border BorderBrush="Red" BorderThickness="1">
<AdornedElementPlaceholder Name="placeholder"></AdornedElementPlaceholder>
<DataTrigger Binding="{Binding IsValid}" Value="False">
<Setter TargetName="lblTotalTime" Property="Control.BorderBrush" Value="Red"/>
<Setter TargetName="lblTotalTime" Property="Control.BorderThickness" Value="1"/>
<Setter TargetName="lblTotalTime" Property="Control.Background" Value="LightYellow"/>
Ok, I am getting IDataErrorInfo to kick in just by changing my binding to include ValidatesOnErrors, BUT the error template still does not show up.
Here is the binding
ItemsSource="{Binding Path=FooterViewModels, Mode=OneWay, ValidatesOnDataErrors=True}">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal"/>

By default, the validation is only run when the Source of the binding is updated. In your ItemsControl.ItemsSource binding the Sources is your FooterViewsModels, which obviously will never be updated (because you have Mode=OneWay).
You can use the DataErrorValidationRule.ValidatesOnTargetUpdated to run the validation when the target is updated as well. The link gives an example.
Keep in mind that the Binding.ValidatesOnDataErrors property is is just a short cut for adding an instance of DataErrorValidationRule to the Binding.ValidationRules collection.
Finally, the control that the binding is defined one will have the Validation.Errors. In your case, that is the ItemsControl, not the items inside it. So, I believe you need to add the DataErrorValidationRule to your Label.Content binding. Or you need to define your ErrorTemplate on the ItemsControl, depending on what you are going for.


Accessing Property that has a setter inside a template

I have a canvas who takes many type of object and shows them in specific locations.
Most of the objects has a Location property which is set by a “Setter” and it works great.
I have one complex object – assembled from 4 bitmaps.
I want to be able to set each bitmap location using the and canvas.left but not with the location in the setter (they don’t have it) but using their own location property.
Here is the code.
My problem is that WPF completely ignores my and canvas.left assignment, even if I use numbers and not binding – nothing happens as well.
What might be the problem ?
Here is my current code.
The ComplexBitmap draws itself in 0,0 and not where expected.
<ItemsControl Name="itemtest" ItemsSource="{Binding}" Height="576" Background="#FFB0B4B4" Width="704">
<local2:DragCanvas x:Name="canvas1" AllowDragging="true" AllowDragOutOfView="False" Width="704" Height="576" Background="#3AC2DED4"/>
<Style TargetType="ContentPresenter">
<Setter Property="Canvas.Left" Value="{Binding Path=Location.X, Mode=TwoWay}"/>
<Setter Property="Canvas.Top" Value="{Binding Path=Location.Y, Mode=TwoWay}"/>
<Setter Property ="Visibility" Value="{Binding Path= ShowOnDemo, Converter={StaticResource BooleanToVisibilityConverter}}" />
<Image Source="{Binding Path=Bitmaps/myBitmap}" Canvas.Left="{Binding Path=Location.X, Mode=TwoWay}" Canvas.Top="{Binding Path=Location.Y, Mode=TwoWay}" />
<local:CustomTemplateSelector.ComplexBitmapTemplate >
<Image Source="{Binding Path=TopLeftBitmapObj.myBitmap}" Canvas.Left="400" Canvas.Top="400" /> <-- Here I've tried to bind to another property, but even the 400 didn't work -->
<-- Here comes 3 more bitmaps -->
Please check the following:
Run in visual studio in debug mode and check for path error (As Raptor sugested)
the Style from the content presenter (As you said, ComplexBitmap
does not contains Location property...)

Setting datagrid cell template on runtime

I've written a DataTemplate:
<DataTemplate x:Key="ellipseTemplate">
<Grid Margin="4">
<ColumnDefinition Width="*" />
<Ellipse Height="20" Width="20" StrokeThickness="5" Stroke="Black" Fill="Gold"/>
And I want to set it to a DateGridCell.Template property in run time.
I can access the cell and change its properties.
I'm using MVVM so I don't want to access it from code-behind
Can I access this template from view model code and set it to the cell Template property?
Or maybe I can build it in the viewmodel in code instead of XAML?
What you seem to be looking for is called CellTemplateSelector.
Take a look at this example:
This shall be placed inside Window.Resources.
<DataTemplate x:Key="DefaultTemplate">
<DataTrigger Binding="{Binding Path=Name}" Value="Andre">
<Setter Property="DataGrid.Foreground" Value="Yellow"></Setter>
<Binding Path="Name"/>
And this shall be placed inside the DataGridTemplateColumn definition. Any DataGridColumn allows setting CellTemplateSelector.
DefaultTemplate="{StaticResource DefaultTemplate}"
In the example I gave you the guy had a custom TemplateSelector which he defined inside CellTemplateSelector like this: <local:TemplateSelector...
To read more about CellTemplateSelector or generally about ContentTemplateSelectors I suggest you to check following links out:
The last link one has an MSDN example which you should check out too.

WPF Error: Cannot find governing FrameworkElement for target element

I've got a DataGrid with a row that has an image. This image is bound with a trigger to a certain state. When the state changes I want to change the image.
The template itself is set on the HeaderStyle of a DataGridTemplateColumn. This template has some bindings. The first binding Day shows what day it is and the State changes the image with a trigger.
These properties are set in a ViewModel.
public class HeaderItem
public string Day { get; set; }
public ValidationStatus State { get; set; }
this.HeaderItems = new ObservableCollection<HeaderItem>();
for (int i = 1; i < 15; i++)
this.HeaderItems.Add(new HeaderItem()
Day = i.ToString(),
State = ValidationStatus.Nieuw,
<DataGrid x:Name="PersoneelsPrestatiesDataGrid" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch"
AutoGenerateColumns="False" SelectionMode="Single" ItemsSource="{Binding CaregiverPerformances}" FrozenColumnCount="1" >
<DataGridTemplateColumn HeaderStyle="{StaticResource headerCenterAlignment}" Header="{Binding HeaderItems[1]}" Width="50">
<TextBox Text="{ Binding Performances[1].Duration,Converter={StaticResource timeSpanConverter},Mode=TwoWay}"/>
<TextBlock TextAlignment="Center" Text="{ Binding Performances[1].Duration,Converter={StaticResource timeSpanConverter}}"/>
Datagrid HeaderStyleTemplate:
<Style x:Key="headerCenterAlignment" TargetType="{x:Type DataGridColumnHeader}">
<Setter Property="HorizontalContentAlignment" Value="Center"/>
<Setter Property="Template">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type DataGridColumnHeader}">
<RowDefinition />
<RowDefinition />
<TextBlock Grid.Row="0" Text="{Binding Day}" />
<Image x:Name="imageValidation" Grid.Row="1" Width="16" Height="16" Source="{StaticResource imgBevestigd}" />
<MultiDataTrigger >
<Condition Binding="{Binding State}" Value="Nieuw"/>
<Setter TargetName="imageValidation" Property="Source" Value="{StaticResource imgGeenStatus}"/>
Now when I startup the project the images doesn't show and I get this error:
System.Windows.Data Error: 2 : Cannot find governing FrameworkElement or FrameworkContentElement for target element. BindingExpression:Path=HeaderItems[0]; DataItem=null; target element is 'DataGridTemplateColumn' (HashCode=26950454); target property is 'Header' (type 'Object')
Why is this error showing?
Sadly any DataGridColumn hosted under DataGrid.Columns is not part of Visual tree and therefore not connected to the data context of the datagrid. So bindings do not work with their properties such as Visibility or Header etc (although these properties are valid dependency properties!).
Now you may wonder how is that possible? Isn't their Binding property supposed to be bound to the data context? Well it simply is a hack. The binding does not really work. It is actually the datagrid cells that copy / clone this binding object and use it for displaying their own contents!
So now back to solving your issue, I assume that HeaderItems is a property of the object that is set as the DataContext of your parent View. We can connect the DataContext of the view to any DataGridColumn via something we call a ProxyElement.
The example below illustrates how to connect a logical child such as ContextMenu or DataGridColumn to the parent View's DataContext
<Window x:Class="WpfApplicationMultiThreading.Window5"
Title="Window5" Height="300" Width="300" >
<Grid x:Name="MyGrid">
<FrameworkElement x:Key="ProxyElement" DataContext="{Binding}"/>
<TextBlock Text="Text Column Header" Tag="Tag Columne Header"/>
<ContentControl Visibility="Collapsed"
Content="{StaticResource ProxyElement}"/>
<vb:DataGrid AutoGenerateColumns="False" x:Name="MyDataGrid">
<x:Array Type="{x:Type TextBlock}">
<TextBlock Text="1" Tag="1.1"/>
<TextBlock Text="2" Tag="1.2"/>
<TextBlock Text="3" Tag="2.1"/>
<TextBlock Text="4" Tag="2.2"/>
Header="{Binding DataContext.Text,
Source={StaticResource ProxyElement}}"
Binding="{Binding Text}"/>
Header="{Binding DataContext.Tag,
Source={StaticResource ProxyElement}}"
Binding="{Binding Tag}"/>
The view above encountered the same binding error that you have found if I did not have implemented the ProxyElement hack. The ProxyElement is any FrameworkElement that steals the DataContext from the main View and offers it to the logical child such as ContextMenu or DataGridColumn. For that it must be hosted as a Content into an invisible ContentControl which is under the same View.
I hope this guides you in correct direction.
A slightly shorter alternative to using a StaticResource as in the accepted answer is x:Reference:
<!--Set the DataContext here if you do not want to inherit the parent one-->
<FrameworkElement x:Name="ProxyElement" Visibility="Collapsed"/>
Header="{Binding DataContext.Whatever, Source={x:Reference ProxyElement}}"
Binding="{Binding ...}" />
The main advantage of this is: if you already have an element which is not a DataGrid's ancestor (i.e. not the StackPanel in the example above), you can just give it a name and use it as the x:Reference instead, hence not needing to define any dummy FrameworkElement at all.
If you try referencing an ancestor, you will get a XamlParseException at run-time due to a cyclical dependency.
The way without a proxy is to set bindings in the constructor:
var i = 0;
var converter = new BooleanToVisibilityConverter();
foreach(var column in DataGrid.Columns)
BindingOperations.SetBinding(column, DataGridColumn.VisibilityProperty, new Binding($"Columns[{i++}].IsSelected")
Source = ViewModel,
Converter = converter,
The Proxy Element didn't work for me, for a tooltip. For an infragistics DataGrid I did this, you might change it easily to your kind of grid:
<igDP:ImageField Label="_Invited" Name="Invited">
<Style TargetType="{x:Type igDP:CellValuePresenter}">
<Setter Property="ToolTip">
<Label Content="{Binding DataItem.InvitationSent, Converter={StaticResource dateTimeConverter}}"/>

Binding ListBoxItem's IsEnabled property with ItemTemplate set

I have the following ListBox:
<ListBox ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Disabled"
ItemsSource="{Binding Movies}"
ItemContainerStyle="{StaticResource HeaderListBoxItemStyle}">
<Controls:MoviesItemControl Header="{Binding Title}"
Detail="{Binding FormattedDescription}"
Rating="{Binding Rating}"
Opacity="{Binding IsSuppressed, Converter={StaticResource DimIfTrueConverter}}"
IsEnabled="{Binding IsSuppressed, Converter={StaticResource InverseBooleanConverter}}"/>
I'm trying to set the Disabled state of ListBoxItems that are 'Suppressed' (Movies with no description found). I have a property which I am able to bind to my individual control, but I want them to not be selectable in the actual list. (And use the disabled state included in my ItemsContainerStyle)
I have seen a few implementations on SO using Trigger, but that does not seem to be available in WP7, and I would prefer to not have to create a different style for each control so that they bind properly.
Any ideas?
See the following question: WP7 - Databind ListboxItem's IsEnabled Property
Which in turn links to this: Better SetterValueBindingHelper makes Silverlight Setters better-er!
I tried out SetterValueBindingHelper by David Anson for this specific scenario and it worked great. All you have to do is to add SetterValueBindingHelper.cs to your project and then you can bind IsEnabled in the setter like this
<Style x:Key="HeaderListBoxItemStyle" TargetType="ListBoxItem">
<Setter Property="delay:SetterValueBindingHelper.PropertyBinding">
<delay:SetterValueBindingHelper Property="IsEnabled"
Binding="{Binding IsSuppressed}"/>

How to create a standard DataTemplate for DataGridTemplateColumn?

I've got a DataTemplate for a DataGridTemplateColum wich looks like this:
<toolkit:DataGridTemplateColumn x:Name="DataGridTextColumnIstVorvorjahr" IsReadOnly="True" SortMemberPath="SummeIstVorvorjahr">
<toolkit:DataGridTemplateColumn.CellTemplate >
<Grid HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" Background="Transparent" Margin="0,-5">
<DockPanel VerticalAlignment="Stretch" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch">
<TextBlock Panel.ZIndex="100" Style="{DynamicResource CellText}" Text="{Binding Path=SummeIstVorvorjahrGerundet, Converter={StaticResource numberFormatter}, ConverterParameter='#,0.0 T€'}" DockPanel.Dock="Right"/>
<Image Panel.ZIndex="90" DockPanel.Dock="Left" MouseLeftButtonUp="FilterDataGridAnalyse_MouseDoubleClick" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="5,0,0,0" Width="20" Height="20" Visibility="Hidden" Name="ImageNormal" Source="pack://application:,,,/Cis.Common.Presentation;component/Resources/Images/Lupe.png" />
<Trigger Property="IsMouseOver" Value="true">
<Setter TargetName="ImageNormal" Property="Visibility" Value="Visible" />
<DataTemplate >
<DockPanel VerticalAlignment="Stretch" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" LastChildFill="False">
<TextBlock x:Name="TextBlockHeaderZeile1" Text="Ist" DockPanel.Dock="Top" />
<WrapPanel DockPanel.Dock="Top">
<TextBlock x:Name="TextBlockHeaderZeile2" Text=""/>
<ContentPresenter x:Name="contentPresenter">
<Binding RelativeSource="{RelativeSource TemplatedParent}" Path="Content" />
<Border Style="{DynamicResource borderline}">
<TextBlock VerticalAlignment="Stretch" x:Name="TextBlockSumme" Text="{Binding Path=KumulierteSummeIstVorvorjahr, Converter={StaticResource numberFormatter}, ConverterParameter='#,0.0 T€', RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type cis:ChildWindow}}}"
Now I want to make a StandartTemplate for this Type because I've got many Colums like this, with only differ in the bindings of the texts in the colums as well as in their headers.
As far I've tried to make a Style for this, but this won't work, I tried to create an usercontrol (but I think it's like taking a sledgehammer to crack a nut).
So any help or hint how to solve this problem would be appreciated.
I don't see why you've rejected the UserControl approach. UserControls are pretty lightweight. They add very little overhead at runtime. They are an extra feature in your project of course, but I usually find that to be an improvement - WPF projects with a small number of large Xaml files are typically hard to maintain.
Far from being a 'sledgehammer', they seem like exactly the right solution here to me.
Add the DataTemplate into the Resources and then access it via a StaticResource
<DataTemplate x:Key="MyColumnTemplate">
<DataTemplate x:Key="MyColumnTemplateHeader">
<toolkit:DataGridTemplateColumn x:Name="DataGridTextColumnIstVorvorjahr" IsReadOnly="True" SortMemberPath="SummeIstVorvorjahr"
CellTemplate={StaticResource MyColumnTemplate}
HeaderTemplate={StaticResource MyColumnTemplateHeader}
If I understand you, you try to bind the same column template with different data and to have different header's content relative with column data. So, you may use "dynamic XAML" (XAML used in C# code - that is dynamic) which allows you to use one template for different data.
Here a simple example.
In C# code we create DataGridTemplateColumn object:
DataGridTemplateColumn tc = new DataGridTemplateColumn();
Then we set the CellTemplate property with template which is created dynamically in special function:
tc.CellTemplate = (DataTemplate)XamlReader.Parse(GetTextCellDataTemplate(someText));
Here is a special function which creates our template:
public static string GetTextCellDataTemplate(string bindingPath)
return #"
xmlns:x="""" >
<ScrollViewer MaxHeight=""200"" MaxWidth=""250"" VerticalScrollBarVisibility=""Auto"">
<TextBlock Text=""{Binding Path=" + bindingPath + #"}""
TextWrapping=""Wrap"" />
Now you may send various information in this function as text and get the same template. You may choose the template from the information you want to put in the cell. For this you must write various function which will return various templates.
The same approach can be applied to header template.
