qooxdoo and search engines - qooxdoo

i am playing around with qooxdoo lately, it is really interresting, but all the examples build up everything from a blank html page, which would end in being the whole site not indexable from a search engine.
Is there a way to build qooxdoo widgets from html source... most important for me would be a table, so i put html code of the table in the page and tell qooxdoo to build the table from the html source, is this possible?

A general approach would be to to make all your "pages" accessible via URLs styled like example.com/#page=x. Then configure your web-server to rewrite to those URLs, so that for example page/x.html is mapped to #page=x. Finally, submit an XML-Sitemap to Google and other search engines.


How can I link custom community visualization to other pages in a report?

I built a community visualization with various fields. One field that I'm adding is a URL, composed as the documentation suggests, that links to a filter in another page.
While the URL is fine and working, I cannot use it in a normal link or a form because the iframe in which the community visualization is embedded is sandboxed to allow only scripts.
Is there another way to change the top frame navigation, or switch to another page from within the visualization? Maybe through a javascript call?
Community Visualizations do not allow links to external resources, so there's no way to make the visualization act as a link to a filter on another page.

How to modify HTMLElement in index.html before page gets returned to requestor

Based on my custom URL parameters I process, I am trying to modify dynamically a meta tag I have id'ed in index.html like so:
<meta name="og:image" content="http://example.com/someurl.jpg" id="ogImage"/>
The code below in my home.ts seems to be working
document.getElementById('ogImage').setAttribute("content", Media.ImageURL) ;
I can verify it is via the browser dev console/elements.
However, when I view from facebook via their ojbect graph debugger at
It appears to see the default
as if the index.html is shipped before my home.ts gets chance to make the update.
Perhaps, my understanding is flawed and there is better way to do this.
Thank you.
Note1: initially, I was thinking I had to make some angular binding between index.html and one of my services but I could not locate any sample code, the closest I came to was this post
How can I update meta tags in AngularJS?
But I don't know how to apply it for my ionic2/3 code, so I opted for the document.get approach.
Note2: the ultimate goal here is to share a link into a social media (web or app) like facebook, a messenger like viber/skype, etc... and have it resolve to meaningful images, title, description to drive the visit back to the site via browser, or app if the user clicking on the link is on a mobile device with my app version of the site installed on his device.
Note3: if you decide to point me to ionic deeplinking please provide code to match above, because I could not understand how to apply to my case.
If you are trying to implement dynamic open graph meta tags values in your pages, you will need a server-side scripting language like php. Such a script will run on the server, update the pages as needed, then the pages will be served to the requesting site or application.
client-side scripting (ie. JavaScript) is usually ignored when a site or app is merely visiting your site/link for the purpose of extracting (aka scrapping, parsing html) information such as the one provided by the open graph meta tags (og:title, og:description og:image...).

AngularJS application problems appearance in Google search

I have a personal project which consumes my free time and effort for about a year without significant profit. I have problems with it appearance in Google and would really appreciate to get help here.
This project (http://yuppi.com.ua - similar to craiglist in US) is WEB-based AngularJS 1.2 application that uses PHP rest API hosted on GoDaddy. And in order to make this application popular it have to be very visible in internet and very searchable in Google and users have to be able to share pages via social networks or skype.
According to Google specification, google crawlers doesn't run javascript to get content of a web page before index, so I've added _escaped_fragment_ page that displays content of web page without javascript. For example:
Page: http://yuppi.com.ua/#!/items/sub/18/_
Dirty : yuppi.com.ua/?_escaped_fragment_=/items/sub/18/_
This dirty page will be redirected here where google will see content.
So basically I have two versions on HTML file for that page. One version is the one that available to users, which has styles, a lot more HTML tags etc. And the second is the version for Google crawler - very light-weight without any styles. And I am expecting to see clean link to my site in Google, not dirty.
So, If to search all links to a web site in Google you will see that one of the links displays it's "dirty" state.
Another problem is sharing links in Skype.
When I send a link to someone, I am expecting that this link will be transformed to thumbnail image but it is not happens. Instead I see ungly link to my web site.
Please help me to understand how to make happy everyone: users, google crawler, GoDaddy and me.
I was encountering the same problems last year with a big project and we ended to use : https://prerender.io/.
It's a prerendering system that work with a phantomjs browser to detect bot request and render a full html template. It does also instanciate a cache service to not render again a template that haven't change.
Hope it help's.

Angular.js: Is there any disadvantage of hash in url with respect to SEO?

I am making a website using AngularJS, I am curious to know that is there any disadvantage of hash in url with respect to seo ?
e.g. http://www.website.com/#about-us
I'll appreciate any contribution.
If we go back to the basics, HASH # means a DIV ID in your HTML, and to talk in more details Google ignores anything after the HASH.
Example, this page www.mydomain.com is similar to www.mydomain.com/#about-us
This is an advanced technique some marketers are using it to track their campaign without using parameters like UTMs to avoid content duplication.
To make sure your page is loading without any errors, try to disable the JS from your browsers using "Web Developer Tool" and then load your page, i think you will get a white page without content and this is the way Google and most of the search engines see your pages.
Also there is another way to test it by going to Search Console "Webmaster tool" and use fetch as Google, here you will see exactly how Google view your page.

how to generate a print ready format with dynamic contents?

Hello we have a non profit application built in Google App Engine for Java.
This application allows people to register as Blood Donors on our system.
As a result we want to email them their print ready e-BloodDonor cards.
What is the way to create such cards where we can define the design of the card and contents are filled dynamically based on registered data?
Please advise
You could create the layout in HTML, just like a normal view in your app, and then email them the link to that page to print it out. You could also go the much-more-complex route of generating PDFs or images for each user. PDFBox by Apache is pretty good for PDF generation.
I'd really recommend the HTML route, though, if it works for you. In my experience, it's much easier to do HTML layouts than it is to program PDF layouts in Java.
