How to use AMQP with Apache Camel and Apache CXF? - cxf

Greetings all
I am using Apache Camel and Apache CXF in this example:
and I want to use AMQP instead of JMS but I don't know the configuration,
also I need to change the version of QPID client
if anyone can help, this will be great, thanks in advance.

Have you seen the unit test of camel-amqp component?

I don't think the AMQP component which is developed based on Qpid project is matured to a stage where it can work succesfully. There is no good POC supported for this component either. Check


How to use dubbo(a rpc framework from alibaba-group) in Apache Camel?

As i can't find any component for dubbo in Apache Camel components, who can tell me how to use dubbo in Apache Camel?Provide an example for best.

Embedding jetty for Apache camel

I have a file transfer routing developed in Apache camel. I want to embed Jetty server into this project so that i can keep the service running without deploying it to another server. It will be really helpful if someone can put some code.
Thank You.
You should use Camel's Jetty component and declare a consumer, which will automatically bring up an embedded Jetty:
.process(new MyProcessor());
You have 2 options, they are quite popular:
Use maven camel:run plugin, you have to just enable this in your pom file and run the command. (I am not too sure whether they use Jetty internally, but it works)
Spring boot, Its quite easy to create a project nowadays, using the web portal.
There is one more maven plugin as well for Jetty , which is mvn jetty:run

Can you read messages in camunda like we do in Mqueue ?

can we read messages in camunda like we do in Mqueue ? can camunda be a substitute for Apache camel routing framework ?
Camunda is not a integration engine/framework, but it does support Apache Camel integration. Which means, Camunda will use Apache Camel for talking to MQueue.
Regardless, you need to give bit more context. There might not be any need for camunda + camel, Camel will be able to do stuff on its own / you may not need Camel as well. All depends on the details you provide and what you want to achieve.

Apache camel jcr

I am new to camel as well as JCR's.
I am trying to connect to Liferay's content repository using the JCR component in Camel. What I am trying to achieve is pass a content id explicitly and using Camel, I want to hit the content repository of Liferay and retrive the relevant data.
I am trying my hands at the fuse IDE tool as well to get this done.
What I have managed to do so far is configure the endpoint uri to hit my repository. Not sure how to proceed further. Havent found much info on implementations
with Camel JCR.
Any pointers will be of great help!!!
Did you have chance to check out this wiki page?

Using ServiceMix to Proxy Remote Web Service

This might be obvious but i just still don't understand how i'd do it with ServiceMix :
An external web service
My platform is for example
I'd like to use OSGI bundles
Is this what i need ? :
A cxfbc:provider (this is the one that talks to the remote service, just a wsdl in the bundle right ?)
A camel route and transformations to bridge the two
A jaxrs:server (i'd like to expose it as a REST service)
The cxfbc is a JBI component. JBI is essentially dead/legacy, so I suggest to not use that for new projects. You can read more about JBI is dead here:
So Apache ServiceMix is the server where you can host your Camel applications. So I suggest to look into how to do a webservice proxy with Camel.
For example there is an example with Camel
That example is OSGi ready and can be deployed in Apache ServiceMix.
Also check out some of the CXF examples that are shipped with Apache ServiceMix, in the examples directory
The Camel CXF component can do both REST and WS.
Also there is the camel-restlet component for REST support as well:
