Winform user authorization via active directory - winforms

I have a situation where I am using the following code to verify user membership in AD before executing tasks in my app
using System.Security.Principal;
WindowsIdentity identity = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent();
WindowsPrincipal principal = new WindowsPrincipal(identity);
return principal.IsInRole("someGroup");
The above code works fine for machines on my domain, however I do have some machines which are not on my domain on which I have the WINFORM application installed. How can I verify the user membership in AD?
Edit - is there a way to prompt the windows login?

Since your computer is not joined to domain at all, we cannot use WindowsIdentity or WindowsPrincipal and then check its IsInRole() method. The IsInRole() method works only if your computer is joined to the domain and it's using your domain machine account to do S4USelf.
You cannot use LogonUser approach too because your computer won't let you create a logon session from an untrusted forest.
I think we can only query the Active Directory directly to get the information we want. The code in your posted Microsoft KB does not work very well as far as I can tell. It's trying to query from memberOf attribute. The group information is not always available from the memberOf attributes.
I just wrote an IsInRole() function using AccountManagement. I guess this is what you want. The IsInRole() function will call a recursive function IsInGroup() to find out all the groups the user belongs to.
private bool IsInRole(string domain, string username, string password, string role)
using (var context = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, domain, username, password))
GroupPrincipal group = GroupPrincipal.FindByIdentity(context, IdentityType.SamAccountName, role);
UserPrincipal user = UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity(context, IdentityType.SamAccountName, username);
return IsInGroup(user, group);
private bool IsInGroup(Principal principal, GroupPrincipal group )
if (principal.IsMemberOf(group))
return true;
foreach (var g in principal.GetGroups())
if (IsInGroup(g, group))
return true;
return false;
To use this IsInRole() function, you need to provide your domain name and domain credentials. If the username and password provided are wrong, you will get an exception.
You need .NET 3.5 SP1 to use AccountManagement API. Also, you may like to pay attention to this hotfix. The AccountManagement API got some bugs if running in some environment. You may need to apply the hotfix.


Get login user's Full Name when login to different domain windows authentication C#

We have problem like, unable to get the user full name when reading from different domain.
eg: My userName is dom1\jsmith and full name is John Smith. When we deploy the project in dom1 domain, we are able to login and get the full name of the user. When we deploy the project in another domain(dom2) where the user(dom1\jsmith) has login permission, able to access the site but not able to get the full name.
We tried different solutions but didn't work.
//output: dom1\jsmith
//output: dom1\jsmith
string s = System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name;
//output: dom1\jsmith
string sUserName = System.Environment.UserName;
//output: John Smith in same domain but not able to find identity
using (var context = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain))
var principal = UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity(context, User.Identity.Name);
if (principal != null)
var fullName = string.Format("{0} {1}", principal.GivenName, principal.Surname);
Pass the name of the logon domain into the constructor for PrincipalContext. So split the DOMAIN\username that you have, and use just the domain portion:
var split = User.Identity.Name.Split('\\');
using (var context = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, split[0])) {
Although I am surprised it doesn't work as you have it, since it works for me and I log into a different domain than what my computer is joined to. Although in my case, the two domains are in the same AD forest. Maybe that's not the case for you.

Active Directory - Cross Domains

My role on the developer side. I have an application that I am trying check to see if a user has access to a share. In the application, I check the groups on that share. Then I check all the groups the user is in.
In one case, I not able to see the Local group that the users is in both code or the AD in windows
For example:
Domain A\User1 > Domain A\Global Group > Do not see: Domain B\Local Group
But when I look from Domain B I see:
Share > Domain B\Local Group > Domain A\Global Group > Do not see Domain A\User1
Is there some security setting that is not set correctly since I dont see in the windows tool or code.
I have tried the following code. I am still unable to to see Domain B\Local Group.
string account = "{User**Or**Group}";
string domain = "{Domain}";
string dn = ADHelper.GetDistinguishedName(domain, account);
using (var forest = Forest.GetCurrentForest())
foreach (Domain domainName in forest.Domains)
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Domain: {0}", domainName.Name));
GetAllGroups(dn, domainName.Name);
void GetAllGroups(string dn, string domain)
DirectorySearcher ds = new DirectorySearcher(string.Format("GC://{0}", domain));
ds.Filter = String.Format("(&(distinguishedName={0}))", dn);
SearchResult sr = ds.FindOne();
if (sr == null)
DirectoryEntry Diruser = sr.GetDirectoryEntry();
Diruser.RefreshCache(new string[] { "tokenGroups" });
for (int i = 0; i < Diruser.Properties["tokenGroups"].Count; i++)
SecurityIdentifier sid = new SecurityIdentifier((byte[])Diruser.Properties["tokenGroups"][i], 0);
NTAccount nt = (NTAccount)sid.Translate(typeof(NTAccount));
Console.WriteLine(nt.Value + "\t" + domain);
catch { }
In order to retrieve all groups user belongs to you have to query one Global Catalog in each domain of the entire forest for the user's membership (user's tokenGroups attribute will return you nested groups as well), then remove duplicated groups.
Be aware that Active Directory cannot return more than 5K values of a single attribute in one query.
If a user belongs to more than 10K groups, then AD will return you only first 5K. You have to use technique called range retrieval to query for membership in that case.
Also, there may be some external trusted domains that you also have to handle.
Other solution is to use GetEffectiveRightsFromAcl function to calculate effective user permissions for the specified share.
The solution is described here
Note that you will need to pass SE_OBJECT_TYPE.SE_LMSHARE as and object type to the function.

Azure Active Directory: Consent Framework has stopped granting consent

I have just written an app with Azure Active Directory Single Sign-On.
The consent framework is handled in the AccountController, in the ApplyForConsent action listed below. Until recently, everything has worked seamlessly. I could grant consent as an admin user of an external tenant, then sign out of the app, and sign in again as a non-admin user.
My Azure Active Directory app requires the following delegated permissions:
Read directory data
Enable sign-on and read users' profiles
Access your organisation's directory
Now, after I have gone through the consent framework (by POSTing from a form to ApplyForConsent as an admin user), signing in as a non-admin user fails with the error message AADSTS90093 (This operation can only be performed by an administrator). Unhelpfully, the error message doesn't say what "this operation" actually is, but I suspect it is the third one (Access your organisation's directory).
I stress again, this has only recently stopped working. Nothing has changed in this part of the code, although I grant it is possible that other changes elsewhere in the codebase may have had knock-on effects of which I remain blissfully ignorant.
Looking at the documentation, it seems that this use of the consent framework is already considered "Legacy", but I'm having a difficult time finding a more up-to-date implementation.
The requested permissions in the code sample below is the single string "DirectoryReaders".
I have three questions for helping me debug this code:
What is the difference between "Read directory data" and "Access your organisation's directory"? When would I need one rather than another?
Do I need to request more than just "DirectoryReaders"?
Is there now a better way to implement the Consent Framework?
This is the existing code:
private static readonly string ClientId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ida:ClientID"];
public ActionResult ApplyForConsent()
string signupToken = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
string replyUrl = Url.Action("ConsentCallback", "Account", new { signupToken }, Request.Url.Scheme);
DatabaseIssuerNameRegistry.AddSignupToken(signupToken, DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddMinutes(5));
return new RedirectResult(CreateConsentUrl(ClientId, "DirectoryReaders", replyUrl));
public ActionResult ConsentCallback()
string tenantId = Request.QueryString["TenantId"];
string signupToken = Request.QueryString["signupToken"];
if (DatabaseIssuerNameRegistry.ContainsTenant(tenantId))
return RedirectToAction("Validate");
string consent = Request.QueryString["Consent"];
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(tenantId) && String.Equals(consent, "Granted", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
if (DatabaseIssuerNameRegistry.TryAddTenant(tenantId, signupToken))
return RedirectToAction("Validate");
const string error = "Consent could not be provided to your Active Directory. Please contact SharpCloud for assistance.";
var reply = Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + Url.Action("Consent", new { error });
var config = FederatedAuthentication.FederationConfiguration.WsFederationConfiguration;
var signoutMessage = new SignOutRequestMessage(new Uri(config.Issuer), reply);
signoutMessage.SetParameter("wtrealm", config.Realm);
return Redirect(signoutMessage.WriteQueryString());
private static string CreateConsentUrl(string clientId, string requestedPermissions, string consentReturnUrl)
string consentUrl = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, ConsentUrlFormat, HttpUtility.UrlEncode(clientId));
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(requestedPermissions))
consentUrl += "&RequestedPermissions=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(requestedPermissions);
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(consentReturnUrl))
consentUrl += "&ConsentReturnURL=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(consentReturnUrl);
return consentUrl;
I think this link addresses your issue:
The quick summary is that now only admins can grant consent to a web app for '•Access your organisation's directory'.
This change was made back in March. Native apps are not affected by the change.
My suspicion was correct. I was using legacy tech in the question. By moving to Owin and Identity 2.0, all issues were solved.
The new approach is summarised by

Azure Graph service not finding newly created user

I have a web application that uses Azure ACS and Azure AD to handle our authentication.
We have a user management feature in the web application that allows a user to create new users. This takes the details such as username, password, email etc. and uses the graph service to create a user in azure.
var newUser = new Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ActiveDirectory.User
userPrincipalName = user.UserName,
mailNickname = user.MailNickname,
accountEnabled = true,
displayName = user.FirstName + " " + user.Surname,
givenName = user.FirstName,
surname = user.Surname
newUser.passwordProfile = new PasswordProfile
forceChangePasswordNextLogin = false,
password = user.Password
var graphService = GetGraphService(tenantName);
We are then required to create a record in the web application database for this user. The record needs the object ID from azure. So we use the graphService to get the newly-created user details. This is where my problem lies. It doesn't find the user.
private string GetObjectIdFromAzure(string userName, string tenantName)
var graphService = GetGraphService(tenantName);
var users = graphService.users;
QueryOperationResponse<Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ActiveDirectory.User> response;
response = users.Execute() as QueryOperationResponse<Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ActiveDirectory.User>;
var user = response.FirstOrDefault(x => x.userPrincipalName == userName);
return user != null ? user.objectId : "";
My code was working without any issues for a few months and only today I am having issues. What frustrates me more it that I have another deployment of the same code where it works without any issues. Some differences between the two deployments are:
The deployments use different Access control namespaces in Azure
The deployments have separate applications in Azure AD
One is https, one is http
The users for both system are under the same Directory.
I have put in logging in both deployments to get the number of users returned by
In both systems it reported 100 (they share the same users)
Any ideas of what would cause this to stop working? I didn't change any code relating to this recently, I haven't changed any configuration on Azure and I didn't change the web.config of the application
The problem was caused by the fact that I was filtering the users after retrieving them. The graph API was only returning a maximum of 100 users.
So the process was like so:
User created in Azure
Success message returned
Web App searches Azure for user to get Object ID
Graph Api only returns top 100 users. User was not in top 100 alphabetically so error thrown
The reason it was working on our second deployment was that I was prefixing the user name with demo_ (we use this site to demo new features before releasing). This meant that it was being returned in the top 100 users.
I changed the code as follows so it filters during the retrieval instead of after:
private Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ActiveDirectory.User GetUserFromAzure(string userName, string tenantName, out DirectoryDataService graphService)
graphService = GetGraphService(tenantName);
var users = (DataServiceQuery<Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ActiveDirectory.User>)graphService.users.Where(x => x.userPrincipalName == userName);
QueryOperationResponse<Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ActiveDirectory.User> response;
response = users.Execute() as QueryOperationResponse<Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ActiveDirectory.User>;
var user = response.FirstOrDefault();
return user;

What "domain" should I specify in JNDI login to an Active Directory Server?

I'm wondering what "principal" I should specify to login in to an Active Directory server. Should the principal be a user inside the AD I try to log into? Or it can be a user in the domain I specify as long as the user has privileges to access the AD?
I tried both with credentials error 49. But I can log in to the AD with ldp.exe by using the Administrator account of the server that AD is installed on.
Here is my code. Many thanks for any prompt help.
Hashtable env= new Hashtable(11);
env.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION,"simple"); // Also tried none w/ the same error
// What principal should I use??
//env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, user + "#" + domain); // Tried w/ the same error
env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "ross");//Password
env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory");
DirContext ctx = new InitialDirContext(env); <-- Fails with AuthenticationException: [LDAP: error code 49 - 8009030C
You either can provide:
NT-style login name
Kerberos UPN (implicit UPN)
explicit UPN (if additional UPN suffices have been defined)
More over, NEVER ever perform a simple bind! Either Digest or GSS-API.
According to the following example from Oracle site, the security Principal is a distinguished name.
Here is some code working for me from a computer inside the domain :
Hashtable<String, String> ldapEnv = new Hashtable<String, String>(11);
ldapEnv.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory");
ldapEnv.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "ldap://");
ldapEnv.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, "simple");
ldapEnv.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "cn=administrateur,cn=users,dc=societe,dc=fr");
ldapEnv.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "test.2011");
ldapContext = new InitialDirContext(ldapEnv);
The principal can be a user inside the AD as long as he has privileges to access the AD.
