clear text in extjs textfield - extjs

I am using extjs textfield in one of the grids in a webpage. This is how i have created the textfield
xtype: 'textfield',
id: 'logicrelation',
allowBlank: true
I want to clear this textfield in one of the handlers. I tried clearing it like this, Ext.get('logicrelation').setValue(""); but I get a message in the console that the setValue function is not available. I tried reset function also and that did not help either. Appreciate your help

Ext.get returns Ext.Elements.
You are looking for Ext.getCmp.


ExtJS 6. Adding column to grid

I want to add additional column to grid dynamically on table instantiation.
So, I've added process function to gridPanel with following section
var clmn = {
xtype: 'checkcolumn',
dataIndex: 'test,
editor: {
xtype: 'checkboxfield'
As you can see, rowediting plugin is used here too.
Actually column is added and displayed on screen. But it is not hold correct data that has been loaded, only defaultValue from model.
On row modification (when rowediting plugin is started) real data is displayed.
What is the issue here? May be there is some refresh method that should be used to refresh metadata or sth like this..
Please, take into consideration that i am working via Sencha Architect
columns.push() is not proper way to do this. So you should use reconfigure method which is mentioned here. If your store is already have fields for new columns you don't have to pass it again. Just get your current columns and add your new columns and reconfigure the grid.
edit for answer : Your problem easer than before. you can just pass your columns to it like below;
var yourGenericColumns = [
{text: 'First Name', dataIndex:'firstname'},
{text: 'Last Name', dataIndex:'lastname'}];
yourGenericColumns.push({text : 'Age', dataIndex: 'age'});
columns : yourGenericColumns

Bootstrap Datepicker with angular JS issue (again)

I am trying to create an editable Grid in which there is a dateField which is editable. The cell will be shown as editable only if Cell is focussed
$scope.gridOptions = {
data: 'result',
enableCellSelection: true,
enableRowSelection: false,
enableCellEditOnFocus: true,
multiSelect: false,
columnDefs: [
{ field: 'name', displayName: 'Name', enableCellEdit: false, width: 60 },
{ field: 'age', displayName: 'Age', enableCellEdit: false, width: 60 },
{ field: 'sex', displayName: 'Sex', enableCellEdit: false, width: 90 },
{ field: 'dob', displayName: 'DOB', width: 150,
editableCellTemplate: '<input type="text" datepicker-popup="dd/MM/yyyy" is-open="true" ng-input="COL_FIELD" ng-model="COL_FIELD" datepicker-append-to-body=true />',
In the editableCellTemplate, if i am not using is-open="true", then pop up is not coming. If i am not using ng-input="COL_FIELD", focus is not getting removed from any cell. So, datepicker is not getting hidden .But if i am using both then, value is not getting selected. In the console the error says Expression 'true' used with directive 'datepickerPopup' is non-assignable!
There are a lot of questions on stackoverflow for this. I tried almost all, but no sucess.
What can be done? How can i remove the error? Please provide me with a working plunker. I am not able to create this issue with the plunker.
I think, i could not remove the error. The error is still the same
Expression 'true' used with directive 'datepickerPopup' is non-assignable!
How can i remove it? After removing it, i am sure it will work. I tried taking it as a scope variable, and referencing it, but value is not getting replaces as true in when i am checking it using Inspect element. If i am using it as a variable and concatenating the value in template like 'is-open="' + $scope.dateFormat.opened + '"' , still the same error is there.
Edit 2
What is this is-open used for? Somewhere i see its value equlas to true, somewhere just opened. In one of the example over here in Stackoverflow its just opened1 and opened2. What is this? And how to use this?
I have removed the error using bcombs technique
Edit 3
After further debugging, i found that, datePicker is getting opened (if i am using the method mentioned by bcombs)but, it is getting closed as soon as it is opening.
$scope.$on('ngGridEventStartCellEdit', function () {
Edit 4
From more manipulation what i concluded is
If ng-input is used, then it breaks the 2 way binding. i.e If u change the date value textfield, then in the datePicker it will be reflected, but if you will try to change the value using datePicker, it will not be reflected in textField.
If you remove ng-input, this 2 way binding, remain correct, so it works, but this causes ngGridEventEndCellEdit event NOT fired. so, the focus is not getting lost. Value is getting selected, datePicker is getting closed (if instead enableCellEditOnFocus:true, i use enableCellEdit:true), but focus remains on the textField..
Need help. Hope the update helps in solving the issue
I'm no expert on bootstrap directives or their angular implementations... But to directly answer the question of how to remove the bug:
I'm fairly certain that the is-open attribute cannot be a primitive value. It needs to be a variable that will hold the (boolean) state of whether this particular widget is open. In my code, I use a single object to hold these flags for all my datepickers, such as:
openDatePickers: {}
Then, in the cellTemplate string, I give it a unique id such as:
' is-open="openDatePickers[\'dob_{{}}\']" '
(note that I'm using the "name" property to match your example, but a unique ID is preferred).
Edit in response to comment:
The celltemplate has access to its controller scope, so the simplest approach is to simply declare:
As for how this works, it depends a little on which codebase you are using.
I'm using angular-ui, and in ui-bootstrap-tpls-0.8.0.js at line 1140 you can see where the directive manages the "is-open" attribute.
If the attribute is not supplied, the directive manages this flag internally with a closure, but behavior is different When the attribute IS supplied. The way the assignment works is straightforward in both cases: the variable (whether the internal closure, or the one you supplied in the attribute) is simply toggled between states.
Edit in response to your debugging
As far as the focus thing: I don't use ng-input or enableCellEditOnFocus. I do use:
enableCellSelection: true
...and our client didn't want manual edits of the field to be allowed, so my input element has:
This should be a functional workaround for your issue as long as your use case doesn't require that you allow manual edits to the input field.

Timefield hideMode visibility
change:function(cmp,nv) {
if(nv) Ext.getCmp("time").hide();
else Ext.getCmp("time").show();
I'm using hideMode:'visibility' but TimeField does display:hidden.
Did I do error in code, or is this bug in ExtJS?
This is ExtJS.
The "hidden component is considered hidden so it won't participate in a layout, regardless of the hideMode".
This has been reported as a bug at least twice that I could find, but apparently the developers decided this is what they intended.
See this bug report for the details: hideMode: "visibility" not working for toolbar items?
See this also: BUG: hideMode=visibility does not work for hbox
If you still want to do it though, here is the workaround proposed in the first thread:
component.el.setStyle('visibility', 'hidden');

Extjs Component Query .down()

I seem to be struggling with something I have used a million times! I dont understand why all of a sudden it doesnt work anymore :)
My Layout
an accordion
> toolbar
> tabs
>tab 1
> form.panel 1
> textfield (alias: 'widget.mytextfield')
> form.panel 2
>tab 2
> form.panel 1
Now heres the problem... when im at panel 1 and I try to access the textfield (mytextfield)
//panel, being 'tab 1 > panel 1'
var textfield = panel.down('mytextfield')
It just returns null.
My output for;
is the header of the panel (so im def at the right location) -> it seems as if it cant find the body of the panel
Any ideas? Totally stuck!
The only way I get get 'mytextfield' is with
var textfield = panel.items.items[0];
But if the textfield changes order then the above code wouldnt work anymore of course
Thanks in advance!
Ok, I've figured something out... which is strange
If I take the textfield out of the panel and place it in a separate file. Then include it using requires. I can access the textfield with .down()
For example in my main form panel
xtype:'mytextfield' //i can access you with .down()
alias:'widget.mytextfield2' //you are showing up - but I CANT access you with .down() - only panel.items.items[0]
Ext.define('App.view.MyTextField', {
Any ideas why?
How and where do you get your parent panel component? — works for me.
According to documentation:
List of short aliases for class names.
Most useful for defining xtypes for widgets.
So keep in mind that items: {xtype: 'blah'} != Ext.define('My.Class.Blah', {alias: 'widget.blah'}).
First it's just an instantiation of the second one.
And alias: 'widget.mycoolpanel' is just a shorthand for helper function Ext.widget that searches components with xtype: 'widget.<…>'.

how to enable button in extjs?

I am new to ExtJs(using EXT js 4 ), I am trying out simple code.
I have a submit button which is set disabled by default
buttons: [{
text: 'Submit',
I want to enable the button based on certain conditon.Something like
if (validation_status== "success") {
//Enable the submit button
//Ext.get('submit').dom.disabled = false; -- Not working
//Ext.get('submit').enable(); -- Not working
I tried above 2 option. Which did not worked for me.
Can anyone help me out?
Use this:
When you use Ext.getCmp(), it gives you the component which has a number of component methods to use. If you use Ext.get(), it gives you the element with a number of dom element modification functions. So, its always better to test in firebug console for any of these to know what methods are there.
