are there any Query Optimization Tools for SQL Server? [closed] - sql-server

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Are there any tools that do Query Optimizations for SQL Server 2005 and above?
I've searched & didn't find anything.
What do you recommend?
If this Question was repeated before you can close it but I didn't see anything similar

The best tool I've ever used for optimizing queries in MS SQL Server, by far, is the "Include Actual Execution Plan" option in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. It displays detailed information about the execution path taken by the server when running your query. (Note that this works best when there's data in the tables. Of course, without a good bit of test data, any optimization is purely theoretical anyway.)
It basically gives you three very important things:
It tells you which steps take the most processing time and what they're doing at that step.
It tells you which steps carry the most data to the next step, including how many records, which helps identify places where you can be more specific about the data you want and exclude unnecessary records.
It gives you a ton of insight into the inner workings of SQL Server and what it does with your queries. This knowledge will help you optimize things a lot over time.

In SSMS - Tools | Database Engine Tuning Advisor - Does not work on Express versions.

One very good tool and now free for use is Plan Explorer from SentryOne:
(they also have many other optimization software, like Azure specific software etc.)

One of the best query optimizers is just running the query in SQL Management Studio, and then inspecting the query plan. This will give you clues as to what indexes it is (or is not) using, and how you can change the query to take advantage of those.

As John Saunders commented, the best tool at your disposal is your own mind. Following bernd_k's comment, here are a few suggestions for sharpening that tool.
SQL Server 2008 Query Performance Tuning Distilled
Professional SQL Server 2008 Internals and Troubleshooting
SQL Server MVP Deep Dives

Also this is a good tool for monitor and optimize queries:
Sql Monitor by Red Gate


Simplest means to develop relational database for SQL Server [closed]

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Closed 5 months ago.
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For those of you have have experience of this, what particular tools would you recommend?
MS Access
MS Visual Studio
SQL Management Studio
For use with SQL Server 2008 R2 as part of an online booking system with multiple tables and relationships, and incorporated into an ASP.Net site.
Both SQL Management Studio and Visual Studio are good options. With Visual Studio you can work with the database and your projects in one window. You can do most basic database operations in Visual Studio. SQL Management gives you additional options and flexibility like backing up database wizard, SQL Profiler, Execution Plan
I would go with SQL Management Studio. I've worked with it before and it met all demands, and didn't have any problems. And I would think with SQL Server 2008 R2 it wold be a safe choice.
Your question is a little vague, so I'm going to give an answer that is probably a little more broad than you need.
TL;DR - SSMS gives a great development environment for databases.
Typically, when building a new system, I design my data structures on a whiteboard. Once these are pretty well defined, I put them into SQL using SSMS's table designer, including Primary Keys and Foreign Keys, but no additional indexes.
Once I have the basic layout defined, I'll generate a Database Diagram, print it out, and review to make sure 1) I've built the system as defined, and 2) I don't see any glaring items that are missing. Assuming no issues, I'll start development.
At this point, if I want to use Entity Framework, I can just use the DB-First method, and I'm ready to go. If I want to use an alternate method, such as DataReaders/DataSets, I'm also good to go.
Any views, stored procedures, etc I build by hand inside of SSMS.
I leave out indexes until a good portion of the functionality is complete, so as to not prematurely create indexes that end up giving no value.

sql server client for mac [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm looking for a SQL Server client that will run on Mac OS X. Ideally, I'd like something lightweight that allows me to easily browse the schema, run adhoc queries, highlight SQL syntax, etc.
I really like SQL Yog, so something like that would be perfect, any recommendations?
You may like SQLPro for MSSQL (App Store).
The app has a few neat features such as:
Syntax highlighting.
Tabbed based interface.
Support for executing multiple queries at once.
Quick access to tables, columns and more.
Query primary key detection and the ability to edit/delete/insert rows directory from query results.
Support for MSSQL 2005+ database, including those hosted on Azure.
NTLMv2 supported (but not required).
Netbios hostnames supported.
There is a seven day trial available via the website. If you purchase via our website, use the promo code STACK25 to save 25%.
Disclaimer: I'm the developer.
I would suggest you NAVICAT. It's not free but it's not that expensive either. Other than that, any JDBC based solution would work, although they might not be as lightweight as you may want. SQuirreL SQL is pretty good.
Have you tried Aqua Data Studio? It's not very lightweight but if the database is small it should handle it easily.
DBVisualizer. Been around for a while. Not the cheapest but has a lot of bell/whistles and works very consistently bet/ MAC and Windows.
Supports all commercial/popular DBs.
You may like Valentina Studio, which is FREE for its 80% of features. Some advanced features go as Pro Edition.
The app has a few neat features such as:
Syntax highlighting.
Tabbed based interface.
Support for executing multiple queries at once.
Quick access to tables, columns and more.
Support for MSSQL 2005+ database, including those hosted on Azure.
Have powerful Report Tools
Query Builder
Schema Editor
Diagram Editor, forward and reverse engineering
Data Editor with unique Related Tables feature
SQL Diff
Works in mac, win and Linux also. Natively. C++ app.
etc and etc
Disclaimer: I'm from Paradigma Software.

Should I learn SQL Server 2008 or Oracle 11g [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I have been using MySQL for my school projects, personal web site for years.
My company is using MySQL in all web projects as well.
Now I am thinking to pay for some classes to learn another new Database system, but
I have no idea whether I shall choose MS SQL Server 2008 or Oracle 11g.
I hope to find a better job with high paid salary.
I need some advice and suggestions.
Unless Oracle is giving away downloads of 11G for you to learn on, I'd say that Oracle will be a pricey path to take. They don't list prices that I can see on the web site. (Maybe I didn't look hard enough.) Oracle DBA certification is another expensive proposition. I think it's rigorous, so it might be worth having, but it'll cost you in courses and test fees.
SQL Server won't cost as much. You can download Express for free. I'm sure it won't help you with all the enterprise features that will be missing.
if you are a java developer i think Oracle 11g is better,
or if you are a .net developer ms sql would be a better choice.
Both MS SQL and Oracle has "express editions" which are somewhat restricted, but free versions that you can try at home. Pick the one you like the most.
The salary will depend more on how good you are than the system you pick (why not both?).
You certainly should not pay in order to learn a new database system. You can get a free version of MS SQL Server Express together with Management Studio on the web. There are loads and loads of materials and tutorials on the web on MS SQL Server. I bet the same can be said about Oracle. In general, go out there and explore the web, it's a much better way to learn than paying for some courses, which might not give you what you need.
It can also depend on your area and what you are trying to get into. It seems like certain segments of the business world use MSSQL or Oracle exclusively. I would say that MSSQL is easier to get into but that's just opinion. Overall it seems like there's more MSSQL jobs but the oracle jobs pay a little better...but again that's a very person experience. I don't think you'd go wrong with either direction. I would agree with the others though that you should just download the free versions and play around a little and see which ones catches your attention more and go from there.
Let's revert roles. I ask the question and you answer.
My question to you is "Should I learn to drive a Ford or should I learn to drive a chevy".
The answer is the same because the question is the same, the tiny and irrelevant difference of problem domain notwithstanding.
You should learn oracle as oracle is bitter complex to learn where as SQL Servers is easy becoz of GUI..once you hands on with oracle,,it is easier to learn SQL Server.As a DBA you should have the knowledge of both the DBses...expertise in oracle and minor knowledge of sql server...
Check this out guys .It is very useful .Share with your friends.;postID=7162651198801267960

What profiler to use with sql express? [closed]

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Questions asking us to recommend or find a tool, library or favorite off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow as they tend to attract opinionated answers and spam. Instead, describe the problem and what has been done so far to solve it.
Closed 8 years ago.
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is there a way to monitor detail of sql calls in express version?
Try SQL Express Profiler.
I've used it a bit and it seems to work as advertised.
As most of the profilers mentioned above seem to be dead or gone commercial, I would like to share what I found some days ago:
SQL Express Profiler
Since CodePlex has been retired, the project moved to GitHub and seems to have no binary download options anymore, so you have to compile it from source code.
I'm currently using it with SQL Server Express 2012 to monitor queries form my NHibernate applications (didn't want to add log4net just for this purpose and show_sql outputs only to console window which I don't have in my WCF service).
Really nice and stable utility. I find it much easier to use than MS SQL Profiler which needs various settings, trace profiles for various server versions and what not. Express Profiler - just launch, hit Run, and all the T-SQL and sp_execute queries are displayed.
It's open source, you can add even more features if you wish. I guess, Clear button would be useful because now you have to Stop and Run again to clear the list.
Express edition is just the full version with some limitations (2GB ram, 2 cpu cores, 4GB DB), so if you have the tools for the full version, use them. I think the trial version off the MS website will allow you to use the tools - but not the engine - for more than 60 days..... tho there may be an official package of the tools around for express
I have been using AnjLab Sql Profiler for quite some time. I have had no problems with it.
Here is the link:
The mentioned SqlProfiler For Express Edition works fine for development.
But I have not found it always useful in solving production emergencies, like when sqlexpress takes 100% of server processor capacity. I couldn't get the profiler produce any trace in one such case. Perhaps there are similar experiences?
The free SQL profiler others mention appears no longer available. Next best alternative might be something like this:
You could rather use SQL Server Extended Events instead of any Profiler.
Extended Events are available from within the Express version. There is UI management from SQL Server 2012 under the Management folder of a server in the Object Explorer window.
You can read a good answer on the advantages of using Extended Events over SQL Profiler -which include less performance overhead- at Stack Exchange:
"Extended Events is the future of monitoring & troubleshooting going forward and some day in the future SQL Trace will be removed"
As a developer we can buy SQL Server 2005/08 Developer Edition which is available for $50 or so. It has full featured SQL Profiler and works beyond SQL Server Express SKUs limitations.
If not than use SQL Express Profiler
Hope this helps!

Any good spatial database tutorials out there? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I was looking to explore the spatial capabilities of PostGIS or SQL Server 2008. Maybe Oracle as well.
I was wondering if there are any good tutorials out there exploring the spatial capabilities of these database in particular or of this type of capability in general.
Does anyone know of any? Book recommendations would work as well.
I wrote a little blogpost about SQL Server geography data type here: SQL Server 2008 Proximity Search With The Geography Data Type
This isn't a tutorial, bit it's a good comparison of the various offerings, to see how they stack up against one another:
Spatial Database Cross Compare
A great introduction to SQL Server 2008 Spatial in 8 parts. Projections, geography / geometry, spatial SQL functions etc.
A few extra links and SQL examples here -
They mostly cover Postgres/PostGIS, though they talk about SQL Server also. There are some pretty good examples.
The PostGIS manual is really good too, chapters 4 and 6 in particular, though it is all worth reading.
PostGIS again, but this book is really very comprehensive in its coverage of spatial sql, and many of the queries will port to other dbs, particularly Oracle -- as the Postgres devs have made an effort to be compatable with Oracle syntax, where possible. It starts with the basics, but some of the later examples are really very advanced.
You may be interested in ESRI's ArcSDE tutorials.
Edit: Sorry... I just read the question details. And this doesn't really answer your specific need. However, for people looking for an SDE tutorial that are using the ESRI products, they may find this useful.
While it doesn't specifically address SQL Server 2008, Boundless has a very good tutorial on PostGIS. I didn't use their OpenGeo Suite to follow along but instead adapted the examples to PostgreSQL which is what I use. In the end, I learned a lot from this tutorial paired with the PostGIS user manual.
