Why won't GCC auto-vectorize this loop? - c

I have the following C program (a simplification of my actual use case which exhibits the same behavior)
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
const float * __restrict__ const input = malloc(20000*sizeof(float));
float * __restrict__ const output = malloc(20000*sizeof(float));
unsigned int pos=0;
while(1) {
unsigned int rest=100;
for(unsigned int i=pos;i<pos+rest; i++) {
output[i] = input[i] * 0.1;
if(pos>10000) {
When I compile with
-O3 -g -Wall -ftree-vectorizer-verbose=5 -msse -msse2 -msse3 -march=native -mtune=native --std=c99 -fPIC -ffast-math
I get the output
main.c:10: note: not vectorized: unhandled data-ref
where 10 is the line of the inner for loop. When I looked up why it might say this, it seemed to be saying that the pointers could be aliased, but they can't be in my code, as I have the __restrict keyword. They also suggested including the -msse flags, but they don't seem to do anything either. Any help?

It certainly seems like a bug. In the following, equivalent functions, foo() is vectorised but bar() is not, when compiling for an x86-64 target:
void foo(const float * restrict input, float * restrict output)
unsigned int pos;
for (pos = 0; pos < 10100; pos++)
output[pos] = input[pos] * 0.1;
void bar(const float * restrict input, float * restrict output)
unsigned int pos;
unsigned int i;
for (pos = 0; pos <= 10000; pos += 100)
for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
output[pos + i] = input[pos + i] * 0.1;
Adding the -m32 flag, to compile for an x86 target instead, causes both functions to be vectorised.

It doesn't like the outer loop format which is preventing it from understanding the inner loop. I can get it to vectorize if I just fold it into a single loop:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
const float * __restrict__ input = malloc(20000*sizeof(float));
float * __restrict__ output = malloc(20000*sizeof(float));
for(unsigned int i=0; i<=10100; i++) {
output[i] = input[i] * 0.1f;
(note that I didn't think too hard about how to properly translate the pos+rest limit into a single for loop condition, it may be wrong)
You might be able to take advantage of this by putting a simplified inner loop into a function which you call with pointers and a count. Even when it is inlined again it may work fine. This is assuming you deleted parts of your while() loop that I have just simplified away but you need to retain.

const float * __restrict__ input = ...;
float * __restrict__ output = ...;
experiment a bit by changing things around:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
const float * __restrict__ input = new float[20000];
float * __restrict__ output = new float[20000];
unsigned int pos=0;
while(1) {
unsigned int rest=100;
output += pos;
input += pos;
for(unsigned int i=0;i<rest; ++i) {
output[i] = input[i] * 0.1;
if(pos>10000) {
g++ -O3 -g -Wall -ftree-vectorizer-verbose=7 -msse -msse2 -msse3 -c test.cpp
test.cpp:14: note: versioning for alias required: can't determine dependence between *D.4096_24 and *D.4095_21
test.cpp:14: note: mark for run-time aliasing test between *D.4096_24 and *D.4095_21
test.cpp:14: note: Alignment of access forced using versioning.
test.cpp:14: note: Vectorizing an unaligned access.
test.cpp:14: note: vect_model_load_cost: unaligned supported by hardware.
test.cpp:14: note: vect_model_load_cost: inside_cost = 2, outside_cost = 0 .
test.cpp:14: note: vect_model_simple_cost: inside_cost = 2, outside_cost = 0 .
test.cpp:14: note: vect_model_simple_cost: inside_cost = 2, outside_cost = 1 .
test.cpp:14: note: vect_model_simple_cost: inside_cost = 1, outside_cost = 0 .
test.cpp:14: note: vect_model_store_cost: inside_cost = 1, outside_cost = 0 .
test.cpp:14: note: cost model: Adding cost of checks for loop versioning to treat misalignment.
test.cpp:14: note: cost model: Adding cost of checks for loop versioning aliasing.
test.cpp:14: note: Cost model analysis:
Vector inside of loop cost: 8
Vector outside of loop cost: 6
Scalar iteration cost: 5
Scalar outside cost: 1
prologue iterations: 0
epilogue iterations: 0
Calculated minimum iters for profitability: 2
test.cpp:14: note: Profitability threshold = 3
test.cpp:14: note: Vectorization may not be profitable.
test.cpp:14: note: create runtime check for data references *D.4096_24 and *D.4095_21
test.cpp:14: note: created 1 versioning for alias checks.
test.cpp:14: note: LOOP VECTORIZED.
test.cpp:4: note: vectorized 1 loops in function.
Compilation finished at Wed Feb 16 19:17:59


gcc not autovectorising matrix-vector multiplication

I have just begun playing around with my vectorising code. My matrix-vector multiplication code is not being autovectorised by gcc, I’d like to know why. This pastebin contains the output from -fopt-info-vec-missed.
I’m having trouble understanding what the output is telling me and seeing how it matches up to what I’ve written in code.
For instance, I see a number of lines saying not enough data-refs in basic block, I can’t find much detail online with a google search about this. I also see that there’s issues relating to memory alignment e.g. Unknown misalignment, naturally aligned and vector alignment may not be reachable. All of my memory allocation was for double types using malloc, which I believed was guaranteed to be aligned for that type.
Environment: compiling with gcc on WSL2
gcc -v: gcc version 7.5.0 (Ubuntu 7.5.0-3ubuntu1~18.04)
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <omp.h>
#define N 4000 // Matrix size will be N x N
#define T 1
//gcc -fopenmp -g vectorisation.c -o main -O3 -march=native -fopt-info-vec-missed=missed.txt
void doParallelComputation(double *A, double *V, double *results, unsigned long matrixSize, int numThreads)
unsigned long i, j;
#pragma omp parallel for simd private(j)
for (i = 0; i < matrixSize; i++)
// double *AHead = &A[i * matrixSize];
// double tmp = 0;
for (j = 0; j < matrixSize; j++)
results[i] += A[i * matrixSize + j] * V[j];
// also tried tmp += A[i * matrixSize + j] * V[j];
// results[i] = tmp;
void genRandVector(double *S, unsigned long size)
unsigned long i;
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
double n = rand() % 5;
S[i] = n;
void genRandMatrix(double *A, unsigned long size)
unsigned long i, j;
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
for (j = 0; j < size; j++)
double n = rand() % 5;
A[i*size + j] = n;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
double *V = (double *)malloc(N * sizeof(double)); // v in our A*v = parV computation
double *parV = (double *)malloc(N * sizeof(double)); // Parallel computed vector
double *A = (double *)malloc(N * N * sizeof(double)); // NxN Matrix to multiply by V
genRandVector(V, N);
doParallelComputation(A, V, parV, N, T);
return 0;
Adding double *restrict results to promise non-overlapping input/output helped, without OpenMP but with -ffast-math. https://godbolt.org/z/qaPh1v
You need to tell OpenMP about reductions specifically, to let it relax FP-math associativity. (-ffast-math doesn't help the OpenMP vectorizer). With that as well, we get what you want:
#pragma omp simd reduction(+:tmp)
With just restrict and no -ffast-math or -fopenmp, you get total garbage: it does a SIMD FP multiply, but then unpacks that for 4x vaddsd into the scalar accumulator, not helping hide FP latency at all.
With restrict and -fopenmp (without fast-math), it just does scalar FMA.
With restrict and -ffast-math (without -fopenmp or #pragma commented) it auto-vectorizes nicely: vfmadd231pd ymm inside the loop, shuffle / add horizontal sum outside. (But doesn't parallelize). https://godbolt.org/z/f36oG3
With restrict and -ffast-math (with -fopenmp) it still doesn't auto-vectorize. The OpenMP vectorizer is different, and maybe doesn't take advantage of fast-math, instead needing you to tell it about reductions?
Also note that with your data layout, the loop you want to parallelize (outer) is different from the loop you want to vectorize with SIMD (inner). Both the input "vectors" for the inner dot-product loop are in contiguous memory so it makes the most sense to read those, instead of trying to SIMD shuffle data from 4 different columns into one vector to accumulate 4 result[i+0..3] results in 1 vector.
However, unrolling the outer loop by 4 to use each V[j+0..3] with data from 4 different columns would improve computational intensity (closer to 1 load per FMA, rather than 2)
(As long as V[] and a row of the matrix fits in L1d cache, this is good. If not, it's actually pretty bad and should get cache-blocked. Or actually if you unroll the outer loop, 4 rows of the matrix.)
Also note that double tmp = 0; would be a good idea: your current version adds into result[i], reading it before writing. That would require zero-init before you could use it as a pure output.
Auto-vec auto-par version:
I think this is correct; the asm looks like it auto-parallelized as well as auto-vectorizing the inner loop.
void doParallelComputation(double *restrict A, double *restrict V, double *restrict results, unsigned long matrixSize, int numThreads)
unsigned long i, j;
#pragma omp parallel for private(j)
for (i = 0; i < matrixSize; i++)
// double *AHead = &A[i * matrixSize];
double tmp = 0;
// TODO: unroll outer loop and cache-block it.
#pragma omp simd reduction(+:tmp)
for (j = 0; j < matrixSize; j++)
//results[i] += A[i * matrixSize + j] * V[j];
tmp += A[i * matrixSize + j] * V[j]; //
results[i] = tmp; // write-only to results, not adding to old value.
Compiles (Godbolt) with a vectorized inner loop inside the OpenMPified helper function doParallelComputation._omp_fn.0:
# gcc7.5 -xc -O3 -fopenmp -march=skylake
add rdx, 1 # loop counter; newer GCC just compares the end-pointer
vmovupd ymm2, YMMWORD PTR [rcx+rax] # 32-byte load
vfmadd231pd ymm0, ymm2, YMMWORD PTR [rsi+rax] # 32-byte memory-source FMA
add rax, 32 # pointer increment
cmp rdi, rdx
ja .L6
Then a horizontal sum of mediocre efficiency after the loop; unfortunately the OpenMP vectorizer isn't as smart as the "normal" -ftree-vectorize vectorizer, but that requires -ffast-math to do anything here.

Is _mm256_store_ps() function is atomic ? while using alongside openmp

I am trying to create a simple program that uses Intel's AVX technology and perform vector multiplication and addition. Here I am using Open MP alongside this. But it is getting segmentation fault due to the function call _mm256_store_ps().
I have tried with OpenMP atomic features like atomic, critical, etc so that if this function is atomic in nature and multiple cores are attempting to execute at the same time, but it is not working.
#define N 64
__m256 multiply_and_add_intel(__m256 a, __m256 b, __m256 c) {
return _mm256_add_ps(_mm256_mul_ps(a, b),c);
void multiply_and_add_intel_total_omp(const float* a, const float* b, const float* c, float* d)
__m256 a_intel, b_intel, c_intel, d_intel;
#pragma omp parallel for private(a_intel,b_intel,c_intel,d_intel)
for(long i=0; i<N; i=i+8) {
a_intel = _mm256_loadu_ps(&a[i]);
b_intel = _mm256_loadu_ps(&b[i]);
c_intel = _mm256_loadu_ps(&c[i]);
d_intel = multiply_and_add_intel(a_intel, b_intel, c_intel);
int main()
float * a = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * N);
float * b = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * N);
float * c = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * N);
float * d_intel_avx_omp = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * N);
int i;
a[i] = (float)(rand()%10);
b[i] = (float)(rand()%10);
c[i] = (float)(rand()%10);
double time_t = omp_get_wtime();
time_t = omp_get_wtime() - time_t;
printf("\nTime taken to calculate with AVX2 and OMP : %0.5lf\n",time_t);
return 0;
I expect that I will get d = a * b + c but it is showing segmentation fault. I have tried to perform the same task without OpenMP and it working errorless. Please let me know if there is any compatibility issue or I am missing any part.
gcc version 7.3.0
Intel® Core™ i3-3110M Processor
OS Ubuntu 18.04
Open MP 4.5, I have executed the command $ echo |cpp -fopenmp -dM |grep -i open and it showed #define _OPENMP 201511
Command to compile, gcc first_int.c -mavx -fopenmp
** UPDATE **
As per the discussions and suggestions, the new code is,
float * a = (float *) aligned_alloc(N, sizeof(float) * N);
float * b = (float *) aligned_alloc(N, sizeof(float) * N);
float * c = (float *) aligned_alloc(N, sizeof(float) * N);
float * d_intel_avx_omp = (float *)aligned_alloc(N, sizeof(float) * N);
This working without perfectly.
Just a note, I was trying to compare general calculations, avx calculation and avx+openmp calculation. This is the result I got,
Time taken to calculate without AVX : 0.00037
Time taken to calculate with AVX : 0.00024
Time taken to calculate with AVX and OMP : 0.00019
N = 50000
The documentation for _mm256_store_ps says:
Store 256-bits (composed of 8 packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements) from a into memory. mem_addr must be aligned on a 32-byte boundary or a general-protection exception may be generated.
You can use _mm256_storeu_si256 instead for unaligned stores.
A better option is to align all your arrays on a 32-byte boundary (for 256-bit avx registers) and use aligned load and stores for maximum performance because unaligned loads/stores crossing a cache line boundary incur performance penalty.
Use std::aligned_alloc (or C11 aligned_alloc, memalign, posix_memalign, whatever you have available) instead of malloc(size), e.g.:
float* allocate_aligned(size_t n) {
constexpr size_t alignment = alignof(__m256);
return static_cast<float*>(aligned_alloc(alignment, sizeof(float) * n));
// ...
float* a = allocate_aligned(N);
float* b = allocate_aligned(N);
float* c = allocate_aligned(N);
float* d_intel_avx_omp = allocate_aligned(N);
In C++-17 new can allocate with alignment:
float* allocate_aligned(size_t n) {
constexpr auto alignment = std::align_val_t{alignof(__m256)};
return new(alignment) float[n];
Alternatively, use Vc: portable, zero-overhead C++ types for explicitly data-parallel programming that aligns heap-allocated SIMD vectors for you:
#include <cstdio>
#include <memory>
#include <chrono>
#include <Vc/Vc>
Vc::float_v random_float_v() {
alignas(Vc::VectorAlignment) float t[Vc::float_v::Size];
for(unsigned i = 0; i < Vc::float_v::Size; ++i)
t[i] = std::rand() % 10;
return Vc::float_v(t, Vc::Aligned);
unsigned reverse_crc32(void const* vbegin, void const* vend) {
unsigned const* begin = reinterpret_cast<unsigned const*>(vbegin);
unsigned const* end = reinterpret_cast<unsigned const*>(vend);
unsigned r = 0;
while(begin != end)
r = __builtin_ia32_crc32si(r, *--end);
return r;
int main() {
constexpr size_t N = 65536;
constexpr size_t M = N / Vc::float_v::Size;
std::unique_ptr<Vc::float_v[]> a(new Vc::float_v[M]);
std::unique_ptr<Vc::float_v[]> b(new Vc::float_v[M]);
std::unique_ptr<Vc::float_v[]> c(new Vc::float_v[M]);
std::unique_ptr<Vc::float_v[]> d_intel_avx_omp(new Vc::float_v[M]);
for(unsigned i = 0; i < M; ++i) {
a[i] = random_float_v();
b[i] = random_float_v();
c[i] = random_float_v();
auto t0 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
for(unsigned i = 0; i < M; ++i)
d_intel_avx_omp[i] = a[i] * b[i] + c[i];
auto t1 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
double seconds = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::duration<double>>(t1 - t0).count();
unsigned crc = reverse_crc32(d_intel_avx_omp.get(), d_intel_avx_omp.get() + M); // Make sure d_intel_avx_omp isn't optimized out.
std::printf("crc: %u, time: %.09f seconds\n", crc, seconds);
Parallel version:
#include <tbb/parallel_for.h>
// ...
auto t0 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
tbb::parallel_for(size_t{0}, M, [&](unsigned i) {
d_intel_avx_omp[i] = a[i] * b[i] + c[i];
auto t1 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
You must use aligned memory for these intrinsics. Change your malloc(...) to aligned_alloc(sizeof(float) * 8, ...) (C11).
This is completely unrelated to atomics. You are working on entirely separate pieces of data (even on different cache lines), so there is no need for any protection.

Why does OpenMP speed up a SINGLE-ITERATION loop?

I'm using the "read" benchmark from Why is writing to memory much slower than reading it?, and I added just two lines:
#pragma omp parallel for
for(unsigned dummy = 0; dummy < 1; ++dummy)
They should have no effect, because OpenMP should only parallelize the outer loop, but the code now consistently runs twice faster.
Update: These lines aren't even necessary. Simply adding
(implicitly declared) in the same place has the same effect.
Complete code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
unsigned long do_xor(const unsigned long* p, unsigned long n)
unsigned long i, x = 0;
for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
x ^= p[i];
return x;
int main()
unsigned long n, r, i;
unsigned long *p;
clock_t c0, c1;
double elapsed;
n = 1000 * 1000 * 1000; /* GB */
r = 100; /* repeat */
p = calloc(n/sizeof(unsigned long), sizeof(unsigned long));
c0 = clock();
#pragma omp parallel for
for(unsigned dummy = 0; dummy < 1; ++dummy)
for(i = 0; i < r; ++i) {
p[0] = do_xor(p, n / sizeof(unsigned long)); /* "use" the result */
printf("%4ld/%4ld\r", i, r);
c1 = clock();
elapsed = (c1 - c0) / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
printf("Bandwidth = %6.3f GB/s (Giga = 10^9)\n", (double)n * r / elapsed / 1e9);
Compiled and executed with
gcc -O3 -Wall -fopenmp single_iteration.c && time taskset -c 0 ./a.out
The wall time reported by time is 3.4s vs 7.5s.
GCC 7.3.0 (Ubuntu)
The reason for the performance difference is not actually any difference in code, but in how memory is mapped. In the fast case you are reading from zero-pages, i.e. all virtual addresses are mapped to a single physical page - so nothing has to be read from memory. In the slow case, it is not zeroed. For details see this answer from a slightly different context.
On the other side, it is not caused by calling omp_get_num_threads or the pragma itstelf, but merely linking to the OpenMP runtime library. You can confirm that by using -Wl,--no-as-needed -fopenmp. If you just specify -fopenmp but don't use it at all, the linker will omit it.
Now unfortunately I am still missing the final puzzle piece: why does linking to OpenMP change the behavior of calloc regarding zero'd pages .

OpenMP slower than single threaded even though embarrassingly parallelizable [duplicate]

I have optimized as much as I could my function for sequential running.
When I use openMP I see no gain in performance.
I tried my program on a machine with 1 cores and on a machine with 8 cores, and the performance is the same.
With year set to 20, I have
1 core: 1 sec.
8 core: 1 sec.
With year set to 25 I have
1 core: 40 sec.
8 core: 40 sec.
1 core machine: my laptop's intel core 2 duo 1.8 GHz, ubuntu linux
8 core machine: 3.25 GHz, ubuntu linux
My program enumerate all the possible path of a binomial tree and do some work on each path. So my loop size increase exponentially and I would expect the footprint of openMP thread to be zero. In my loop, I only do a reduction of one variable. All other variable are read-only. I only use function I wrote, and I think they are thread safe.
I also run Valgrind cachegrind on my program. I don't fully understand the output but there seems to be no cache miss or false sharing.
I compile with
gcc -O3 -g3 -Wall -c -fmessage-length=0 -lm -fopenmp -ffast-math
My complete program is as below. Sorry for posting a lot of code. I'm not familiar with openMP nor C, and I couldn't resume my code more without loosing the main task.
How can I improve performance when I use openMP?
Are they some compiler flags or C tricks that will make the program run faster?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <omp.h>
#include "test.h"
int main(){
int year=20;
int tradingdate0=1;
int i;
float v=0;
long n=pow(tradingdate0+1,year);
#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:v)
return 0;
//***function on which openMP is applied
float pathvalue(long pathindex) {
float value = -ctx.firstpremium;
float personalaccount = ctx.personalaccountat0;
float account = ctx.firstpremium;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < ctx.year-1; i++) {
value *= ctx.accumulationfactor;
double index = getindex(i,pathindex);
account = account * index;
double death = fmaxf(account,ctx.guarantee[i]);
value += qx(i) * death;
if (haswithdraw(i)){
double withdraw = personalaccount*ctx.allowed;
value += px(i) * withdraw;
personalaccount = fmaxf(personalaccount-withdraw,0);
account = fmaxf(account-withdraw,0);
//last year
double index = getindex(ctx.year-1,pathindex);
account = account * index;
return value * ctx.discountfactor;
int haswithdraw(int period){
return 1;
float getindex(int period, long pathindex){
int ndx = (pathindex/ctx.chunksize[period])%ctx.tradingdate;
return ctx.stock[ndx];
float qx(int period){
return 0;
float px(int period){
return 1;
struct context ctx;
void globalinit(int year, int tradingdate0){
ctx.year = year;
ctx.tradingdate0 = tradingdate0;
ctx.firstpremium = 1;
ctx.riskfreerate = 0.06;
ctx.personalaccountat0 = 1;
ctx.allowed = 0.07;
ctx.guaranteerate = 0.03;
ctx.beta = 1;
ctx.discountfactor = exp(-ctx.riskfreerate * ctx.year);
ctx.accumulationfactor = exp(ctx.riskfreerate);
ctx.guaranteefactor = 1+ctx.guaranteerate;
int i;
void globaldel(){
float pathvalue(long pathindex);
int haswithdraw(int period);
float getindex(int period, long pathindex);
float qx(int period);
float px(int period);
struct context{
int year;
int tradingdate0;
float firstpremium;
float riskfreerate;
float volatility;
float personalaccountat0;
float allowed;
float guaranteerate;
float alpha;
float beta;
int tradingdate;
float discountfactor;
float accumulationfactor;
float guaranteefactor;
float upmove;
float downmove;
float* stock;
long* chunksize;
float* guarantee;
struct context ctx;
void globalinit();
void globaldel();
EDIT I simplify all global variables as constant. For 20 year, the program run two time faster (great!). I tried to set the number of thread with OMP_NUM_THREADS=4 ./test for example. But it didn't give me any performance gain.
Can my gcc have some problem?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <omp.h>
#include "test.h"
int main(){
int i;
float v=0;
#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:v)
return 0;
//function on which openMP is applied
float pathvalue(long pathindex) {
float value = -firstpremium;
float personalaccount = personalaccountat0;
float account = firstpremium;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < year-1; i++) {
value *= accumulationfactor;
double index = getindex(i,pathindex);
account = account * index;
double death = fmaxf(account,guarantee[i]);
value += death;
double withdraw = personalaccount*allowed;
value += withdraw;
personalaccount = fmaxf(personalaccount-withdraw,0);
account = fmaxf(account-withdraw,0);
//last year
double index = getindex(year-1,pathindex);
account = account * index;
return value * discountfactor;
float getindex(int period, long pathindex){
int ndx = (pathindex/chunksize[period])%tradingdate;
return stock[ndx];
clock_t begin;
void starttimer(){
begin = clock();
void endtimer(){
clock_t end = clock();
double elapsed = (double)(end - begin) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
printf("\nelapsed: %f\n",elapsed);
float pathvalue(long pathindex);
int haswithdraw(int period);
float getindex(int period, long pathindex);
float qx(int period);
float px(int period);
void starttimer();
void endtimer();
const int year= 20 ;
const int tradingdate0= 1 ;
const float firstpremium= 1 ;
const float riskfreerate= 0.06 ;
const float volatility= 0.25 ;
const float personalaccountat0= 1 ;
const float allowed= 0.07 ;
const float guaranteerate= 0.03 ;
const float alpha= 1 ;
const float beta= 1 ;
const int tradingdate= 2 ;
const int numberofpath= 1048576 ;
const float discountfactor= 0.301194211912 ;
const float accumulationfactor= 1.06183654655 ;
const float guaranteefactor= 1.03 ;
const float upmove= 1.28402541669 ;
const float downmove= 0.778800783071 ;
const float stock[2]={1.2840254166877414, 0.7788007830714049};
const long chunksize[20]={524288, 262144, 131072, 65536, 32768, 16384, 8192, 4096, 2048, 1024, 512, 256, 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1};
const float guarantee[20]={1.03, 1.0609, 1.092727, 1.1255088100000001, 1.1592740743, 1.1940522965290001, 1.2298738654248702, 1.2667700813876164, 1.304773183829245, 1.3439163793441222, 1.384233870724446, 1.4257608868461793, 1.4685337134515648, 1.512589724855112, 1.557967416600765, 1.6047064390987882, 1.6528476322717518, 1.7024330612399046, 1.7535060530771016, 1.8061112346694148};
Even if your program benefits from using OpenMP, you won't see it because you are measuring the wrong time.
clock() returns the total CPU time spent in all threads. If you run with four threads and each runs for 1/4 of the time, clock() will still return the same value since 4*(1/4) = 1. You should be measuring the wall-clock time instead.
Replace calls to clock() with omp_get_wtime() or gettimeofday(). They both provide high precision wall-clock timing.
P.S. Why are there so many people around SO using clock() for timing?
It seems as if it should work. Probably you need to specify the number of threads to use. You can do so by setting the OMP_NUM_THREADS variable. For instance, for using 4 threads:
EDIT: I just compiled the code and I observe significant speedups when changing the number of threads.
I don't see any section in which you're specifying the number of cores OpenMP will use. It's supposed to, by default, use the number of CPUs it sees, but for my purposes, I've always forced it to use as many as I specified.
Add this line before your parallel for construct:
#pragma omp parallel num_threads(num_threads)
// Your parallel for follows here
...where num_threads is an integer between 1 and the number of cores on your machine.
EDIT: Here's the makefile used to build the code. Place this in a text file named Makefile in the same directory.
test: test.c test.h
cc -o $# $< -O3 -g3 -fmessage-length=0 -lm -fopenmp -ffast-math

GCC 4.8.2 vectorization avoid simple loop

Here is excerpt from my C code. I hope I copied all relevant parts.
#define SIN_LEN 22050
#define CALC_N 4100
#define CHUNK_LEN 22050
float __attribute__((aligned(16))) sin_array[SIN_LEN];
float __attribute__((aligned(16))) cos_array[SIN_LEN];
short __attribute__((aligned(16))) data[CHUNK_LEN];
size_t __attribute__((aligned(16))) a1[CHUNK_LEN];
float sinus_sum __attribute__((aligned(16)));
float cosinus_sum __attribute__((aligned(16)));
float __attribute__((aligned(16))) temp1[CHUNK_LEN];
float __attribute__((aligned(16))) temp2[CHUNK_LEN];
void sin_summ(long n, float* restrict sin_s, float* restrict cos_s ) {
sinus_sum = 0;
cosinus_sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < CHUNK_LEN; i++ )
a1[i] = (n*i) % SIN_LEN;
for (int i = 0; i < CHUNK_LEN; i++) {
temp1[i] = sin_array[a1[i]];
temp2[i] = cos_array[a1[i]];
for (int i = 0; i < CHUNK_LEN; i++) {
sinus_sum += data[i] * temp1[i];
cosinus_sum += data[i] * temp2[i];
*sin_s = sinus_sum;
*cos_s = cosinus_sum;
Function sin_summ is called in loop too. The GCC parameters are -O3 -march=armv7-a -mtune=cortex-a8 -mfloat-abi=hard -ffast-math -mfpu=neon -ftree-vectorize -ftree-vectorizer-verbose=1 -funsafe-math-optimizations -fstrict-aliasing -Wstrict-aliasing The architecture is armv7-neon (BeagleBone Black).
The problem is loops #1 and #3 are vectorized, but #2 is not. I guess it is because of [a[i]] part. Somebody please suggest how to make it vectorizable. Right now single non-vectorized loop works 40% faster than what is written here.
