I have trouble deallocating memory that I allocated using malloc. The program runs fine until it the part where it's supposed to deallocate memory using free. Here the program freezes. So I was wondering what the problem could be since I'm just learning C. Syntactically the code seems correct so could it be that I need to delete all the stuff in that location before deallocating memory from that location or something else?
Here's the code.
// Program to accept and print out five strings
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define BUFFSIZE 255
int main()
char buffer[BUFFSIZE];//buffer to temporarily store strings input by user
char *arrayOfStrngs[NOOFSTRINGS];
int i;
for(i=0; i<NOOFSTRINGS; i++)
printf("Enter string %d:\n",(i+1));
arrayOfStrngs[i]=(char*)malloc(strlen(gets(buffer)+1));//calculates string length and allocates appropriate memory
if( arrayOfStrngs[i] != NULL)//checking if memory allocation was successful
strcpy(arrayOfStrngs[i], buffer);//copies input string srom buffer to a storage loacation
else//prints error message and exits
printf("Debug: Dynamic memory allocation failed");
printf("\nHere are the strings you typed in:\n");
//outputting all the strings input by the user
for(i=0; i<NOOFSTRINGS; i++)
//Freeing up allocated memory
for(i=0; i<NOOFSTRINGS; i++)
if(arrayOfStrngs[i] != NULL)
printf("Debug: Memory deallocation failed");
return 0;
You misuse strlen() and this results in buffer overrun:
arrayOfStrngs[i]=(char*)malloc(strlen(gets(buffer)+1)); //pointer from gets() is incremented and passed to strlen() - that's wrong
should be
arrayOfStrngs[i]=(char*)malloc(strlen(gets(buffer))+1); //pointer from gets() is passed to strlen(), then returned value is incremented - correct
also free() doesn't change the pointer passed to it. So that
char* originalValue = pointerToFree;
free( pointerToFree );
assert( pointerToFree == originalValue ); //condition will always hold true
and so in your code freeing memory should just be
//Freeing up allocated memory
for(i=0; i<NOOFSTRINGS; i++)
arrayOfStrngs[i]=(char*)malloc(strlen(gets(buffer)+1));//calculates string length and allocates appropriate memory
Shouldn't that be
My program takes an arbitrary number of words at runtime and stores them in a dynamically-sized array of words.
Currently, my program runs well, except when I use free() to free up the memory of the temporary double pointer temp. I am not quite sure why it does this, as I thought it would cause errors if I didn't use it.
int wordSize = 10, arrSize = 1, i = 0;
char **stringArr, **temp;
char *input;
stringArr = malloc(arrSize * sizeof(char *));
puts("Accepting input...");
for (;;) {
if (i >= arrSize) {
arrSize += 1;
temp = realloc(stringArr, arrSize * sizeof(char *));
if (temp != NULL) {
stringArr = temp;
free(temp); // This is the line that is giving me issues; removing it works
} else {
puts("Could not allocate more memory");
return 0;
stringArr[i] = malloc(sizeof(input));
input = malloc(wordSize * sizeof(char));
scanf("%10s", input);
if (strcmp(input, "END")) {
strcpy(stringArr[i], input);
} else
At the bottom of my program I use free() without any issues. How come it works OK here but not earlier on in the program.
I feel I am missing something about how free() works.
Note: this is my first program implementing malloc() and realloc(), so I am only just getting used to how they work. If you know of a better way to accomplish what I am doing that, please feel free to describe.
The free(temp); line is causing an error (later on) because, in the preceding line, stringArr = temp;, you are assigning the address that is stored in the temp pointer to that in the stringArr pointer. Thus, when you free the memory pointed to by temp you also free the memory pointed to by stringArr, because it is the same memory block. Copying a pointer's value from one variable to another does not make a (separate) copy of the memory.
Omitting the free(temp); line is correct, because that memory is freed later on, in the free(stringArr); call.
You must not free the reallocated array when reallocation was successful. If you do that, the code will modify this freed block, which has undefined behavior and you will have further undefined behavior when you later try and reallocate or free this block.
Note also the following:
pre-allocating stringArr with a size of 1 is not necessary. Just initialize stringArr to 0 and arrSize to 0. realloc() can take a null pointer and will behave like malloc().
stringArr[i] = malloc(sizeof(input)); is incorrect: it will allocate a char array with a size of 4 or 8 depending on the size of a pointer on the target architecture, not 11 bytes as it should.
if the wordSize is the maximum length of a word, you should allocate one more byte for the null terminator. The 10 in %10s must match the value of wordSize, which is cumbersome because there is no easy way to pass this to scanf() as a variable.
you do not check the return value of scanf(), causing undefined behavior in case of premature end of file.
you have memory leaks: input is allocated for each iteration but never freed, freeing stringArr without freeing the strings pointed to by its elements makes them inaccessible.
It would be more efficient to use a local array to try and read the words with scanf() and only allocate the string and reallocate the array if successful.
Here is a modified version:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int main() {
int arrSize = 0;
char **stringArr = NULL;
char input[11];
puts("Accepting input...");
while (scanf("%10s", input) == 1 && strcmp(input, "END") != 0) {
char **temp = realloc(stringArr, (arrSize + 1) * sizeof(*stringArr));
if (temp != NULL) {
stringArr = temp;
} else {
puts("Could not allocate more memory");
stringArr[arrSize] = strdup(input);
if (stringArr[arrSize] == NULL) {
puts("Could not allocate more memory");
puts("Array contents:");
for (int i = 0; i < arrSize; i++) {
printf("%i: %s\n", i, stringArr[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < arrSize; i++) {
return 0;
I've been getting segmentation fault in this piece of code, in the part where I scanf for the values of the board. In the beginning, I scan two times for the dimensions.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "maxsum.h"
int main() {
int x,y,n,m,**board;
scanf("%d %d",&n,&m);
if (board==NULL) {
printf("Unable to allocate memory \n");
return 1;
for (x=0;x<n;x++) {
if (*(board+x)==NULL) {
printf("Unable to allocate memory \n");
return 1;
for (x=0;x<n;x++) {
for (y=0;y<m;y++) {
scanf("%d",&board[x][y]); // the error happens in this line ,and only when variable x is about to become n-1 when n>4 (very confused as to why)//
printf("%d \n",Solve(n,m,board)); //not relevant //
return 0;
You're not allocating the right amount of memory:
You're setting up board as an array of int *, but you're only allocating space for an array of int. Most likely an int is smaller than an int * on your system, so you're not allocating enough. You subsequently write past the end of allocated memory resulting in undefined behavior.
Change this allocation to:
board=malloc(n*sizeof(int *));
Or better yet:
I got and error which says
Debug assertation failed and heat corruption detected
like everything is working good in my program but I get that error. Where is the memory leak here? I have to free that memory in the main because my functions need to return pointers.
My code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int *dynamic_reader(unsigned int n) {
/*making new array and checking if allocation succeeded*/
int *mem;
mem = malloc(n * sizeof(int));
if (!mem) {
printf("Memory allocation failed\n");
/*letting the user to input the values for the array*/
int i = 0;
while (i < n) {
scanf("\n%d", &mem[i]);
/*printing the array just to make sure everything is good*/
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
printf("%d ", mem[j]);
return mem;
int *insert_into_array(int *arr, unsigned int num, int newval) {
/*making new bigger array*/
int *newarr = realloc(arr, (num + 1) * sizeof(int));
/*adding the integer to this new array */
newarr[num] = newval;
/*printing to make sure everything is correct*/
for (int j = 0; j < num + 1; j++) {
printf("%d ", newarr[j]);
return newarr;
int main(void) {
/*In dynamic_reader function I need to make an array which size is given as a parameter*/
/*In this case I choosed 3*/
int *arr = dynamic_reader(3);
int num = 3;
/*In insert_into_array function I need to add one integer to this array I made in dynamic_reader*/
/*The parameters are the array, the number of elements in the array already done and the integer I want to add*/
int *c = insert_into_array(arr, num, 9);
/*I free the memory here because I need to return the pointers of these arrays in the function so it cant be done there*/
You are double freeing your memory. Check the documentation for realloc. Realloc will either 1) expand the passed buffer or 2) will allocate a new buffer, copy the data, and free the original buffer. When you do:
You are double freeing a value that was either once already freed by realloc or already freed by the first free(arr)
Additionally, you should check if realloc fails (returns NULL) and if so, handle the case appropriately.
First you malloc an array, which you return to your main function as arr. Then in another function, you realloc where arr is an argument to the realloc, but some other pointer stores the results. Depending on what happened in realloc, you've either got arr and newarr pointing to the same location, or newarr pointing to a valid location and arr pointing to an invalid location that has been freed. Either way, freeing both of them at the end is a problem.
No need to free(arr), that is taken care of when you realloc() it. The pointer returned by realloc() will either point to memory which includes the original memory, or free the old memory after copying its content to a new, larger chunk of memory.
I'm writing a small program that reads multiple input lines from the user:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define MAXINPUT 256
#define MAXLINES 32
/* Reads at most maxLines inputs from stdin. Returns number of lines. */
int readlines(char** buffer, int maxLines, size_t maxInput);
/* Gets input from stdin with maxInput as the limit. Returns size of string. Terminates at newline. */
int getstdline(char* buffer, int maxInput);
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
char** buffer = malloc((sizeof buffer[0]) * MAXLINES);
int numlines = readlines(buffer, MAXLINES, MAXINPUT);
/* free memory that was allocated for each str */
for(int i = 0; i < numlines; ++i) {
/* free memory that was allocated to hold all the strings */
int readlines(char** buffer, int maxLines, size_t maxInput) {
int linecount = 0;
while(maxLines--) {
char* tmp = malloc(maxInput);
/* if empty string, exit loop */
if(getstdline(tmp, maxInput) <= 0) {
*buffer = tmp;
return linecount;
My question is regarding the call to malloc() in readlines(char**,int,size_t). I obviously can't free() the memory within the function so to free it at the end of the program, I tried to loop through the array of char* and free them individually. I then also free char** buffer in main() because it was also allocated using malloc().
Looping through each of them gives me the error :
object was probably modified after being freed.
Freeing char** buffer at the end works fine.
So it seems there is a concept of dynamic memory I am not quite understanding. Why is this happening and what would be the correct way to handle memory in this specific program?
The problem is that you are modifying the buffer pointer by running buffer++ so when you call free(buffer) you are passing in the wrong pointer. You can rewrite your loop to not modify that pointer.
Hallo the following code read the stdin and put it into stdout, but in reverse. I used for this a static array, because I know how much characters are in the input.txt. My question is how can I change my array in a dynamic array(pointer) with using malloc and realloc? All my tries failed.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main()
char ch;
int i,counter;
char array[50];
counter = 0;
i = 0;
while((ch=getchar()) != EOF)
array[i] = ch;
for(i = (counter + 1); i >= 0; i--)
return 0;
Even if you know that the input you use never has more than 50 characters, you should enforce that limit. When the program is run with arbitrary input, you will eventually access data beyond the array's end.
Anyway, here's your program core, extracted into a function:
void rev1()
char array[50]; // Allocate 50 bytes on the stack
int i = 0;
char ch;
while (i < 50 && (ch = getchar()) != EOF) array[i++] = ch;
while (i--) putchar(array[i]);
// Do nothing - array goes out of scope
If you just want to use the same fixed-length buffer on the heap, the code is very similar. You should define a pointer to char instead of the array and then call malloc in order to obtain the required memory. After you are done using that memory, you must release it with free.
Here's a second version that uses memory on the heap:
void rev2()
char *array;
int i = 0;
char ch;
array = malloc(50 * sizeof(*array)); // Allocate on the heap
if (array == NULL) exit(1); // Check for failure
while (i < 50 && (ch = getchar()) != EOF) array[i++] = ch;
while (i--) putchar(array[i]);
free(array); // Explicitly release data after use
Things to note:
sizeof(*array) is sizeof(char) in this case, which is always 1 and therefore often is omitted. But p = malloc(count * sizeof(*p)) is a very useful allocation pattern for allocating an array of count elements that will still work if you change the type of the things pointed to.
Memory allocation on the heap may fail; malloc will then return NULL. You must cater for such cases. The simple strategy is to just print an error message and abort the program. Depending on what you need the memory for, you might chose other failure strategies.
Note how the core of the function, the loop is exactly the same as in the first version.
You also must enforce the limit of 50 chars. The array is on the heap, but it doesn't grow.
Free the memory after use. If you don't you "leak memory", i.e. you keep chunks of memory blocked. Here, array - the pointer variable that holds the array, not the array itself - is a local variable that goes out of scope. Forgetting to free the memory here will mean that you lose its address and can't access it again.
The variable array points to the start of the memory. This variable must be passed to free. Don't change this variable, e.g. by incrementing it, otherwise you will lose your "key" to the memory.
A slightly more involved version re-allocates memory as needed. You can use realloc instead of malloc if your array grows. The already allocated data stays in place, even if the memory is not the same:
void rev3()
char *array = NULL; // Initially unallocated NULL array
size_t size = 0; // Allocated size, initially 0
int i = 0;
char ch;
while ((ch = getchar()) != EOF) {
if (i >= size) { // Check current bounds
size += 50; // Increase memory
array = realloc(array, // Reallocate
size * sizeof(*array));
if (array == NULL) exit(1);
array[i++] = ch;
while (i--) putchar(array[i]);
free(array); // Explicitly release data after use
realloc(NULL, size) behaves like malloc(size). Therefore you can implement a reallocation scheme easily by starting with a NULL pointer.
Although the kernel keeps track of the allocated size internally, you have no means to know it, so you must keep track of this information yourself, in this case with size.
Again, you must ensure the the allocation was successful. I've used quick-and-dirty (and silent) program termination above, but you can chose other strategies.
In this case, the core loop is somewhat more involved. Before appending to the memory, you must check whether you should increase it. After you have populated your memory, access (within the allocated bounds) is as usual.
The obvious solution:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
void readandprint(void)
int c = getchar();
if (c == EOF)
printf("%c", c);
int main()
return 0;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(void){
int ch;//It must be int for comparison with the EOF.
int i, counter;
char *array = malloc(50);
int size = 50;
counter = 0;
while((ch=getchar()) != EOF){
array[counter++] = ch;
if(counter == size){
char *temp = realloc(array, size += 50);
fprintf(stderr, "realloc error!\n");
return -1;
array = temp;
printf("%c", array[--counter]);
return 0;