How do I send UDP packet from a specific interface on Linux? - c

How do I send UDP packet from a specific interface on Linux using C? Should I use bind? Is it possible to send UDP from the interface not having IP address?

Use bind. You cannot send UDP packets via an interface that does not have an IP address, because UDP uses the Internet Protocol and the Internet Protocol requires an IP address.

You can bind a socket to a specific interface by using the SO_BINDTODEVICE socket option, however this requires root privileges.
Alternately, you can set the IP_PKTINFO option, and use sendmsg for sending, setting the in_pktinfo's ipi_ifindex to the index of your interface.

You need to use socket option IP_MULTICAST_IF.
See here: Multicast-HOWTO-6.html


Sending multicast udp from multihomed computer

I need to send a multicast udp from multihomed computer. Found that in case socket is not bound to some specific interface, default interface will be used (whatever it could mean). My question: is it possible to specify something like inaddr_any to send multicast udp from all available interfaces or is it only possible to do that by enumerating all interfaces and manually send from each? Is there a standard for that?
Thank you
You can set which network interface IPv4 multicast packets leave from by setting the IP_MULTICAST_IF socket option. The value passed to setsockopt should be the address of a struct in_addr containing the IP address of the interface in question.
If you want to send a multicast packet on multiple interfaces, you'll need to call sendto multiple times, setting the IP_MULTICAST_IF option before each one.

Check incoming interface on TCP socket

In network programming (C & Linux) with a TCP socket, how can I check the interface that received the packet. I know this can be done very easily with a SOCK_DGRAM and the IP option IP_PKTINFO, but this option does not work on SOCK_STREAM. In this case (for what im programming) I must know the interface that received the packet (the respond that gives back the server depends on that).
One possible solution that I found is to use SOCK_RAW and IPPROTO_TCP (with SOCK_RAW I can set the IP_PKTINFO option) but that implies that i'll be receiving all the TCP traffic that arrives to the machine and i don't want that. Another possible solution that I'm thinking is to check the destination IP against the routing table and get the exit interface from there but what about IPv6? What if the destiny IP its IPv6 link-local?
If anyone has another solution or idea I'll be glad to read it. Thanks in advance
When your TCP server accepted a client connection, you will have a socket to represent the connection, you could call getsockname on the socket, it will give you the address associated on the socket, namely the ip addresses on your side.
Next step, you can call getifaddrs to get all the interfaces and their information on your system, including name(like eth0) and ip address. At this point, you can search this list with the ip obtained previously via getsockname, you can get the interface you want as a result.

Multicasting through all network interfaces by setting IP_MULTICAST_IF?

I need to multicast a packet through all the interfaces that have multicast capabilities in my machine. By setting IP_MULTICAST_IF with setsockopt() I can choose through which interface I'd like to multicast my packets. Unfortunately I can only choose one (can't I?). A possible solution would be to set IP_MULTICAST_IF, multicast the packet through that interface reset IP_MULTICAST_IF, send another packet and so on. Unfortunately, socket options cannot be modified while the socket is connected... what could be a possible solution to my problem?
The simplest solution is to have a socket per interface, but I would question your network setup where you "need to multicast a packet through all the interfaces" - that usually is a sign of bad design.

Sending packets on a defined Ethernet Interface

I have 2 Ethernet interfaces configured in my Linux Machine.
Lets say Interface A and Interface B.
I am writing a tcp client socket program and need to send the packets on the defined interface.
For example.
./client -intf interface A/B
if it the input is interface A, then the client has to send packets only via interface A and vice versa.
Could anyone provides some hint on how to implement this?.
Thanks in advance!!!
You can use bind() before you call connect() to bind your client socket to a particular IP address. You can use getifaddrs() to list the interfaces and their associated IP addresses.
Had to do something similar before, have you tried this?

How to broadcast a message in a network?

I'm working on a client-server application written in C. I want to broadcast a message to all the machines available on the local network.
How can I do that using the usual socket system calls in C?
Just send the message to the broadcast address of your subnet, which for is, or just broadcast to
you have to use UDP to send a broadcast message over a network. when creating your socket using the socket() function, specify AF_INET for the family parameter and SOCK_DGRAM for the type parameter. on some systems, you have to enable the sending of broadcast packet by setting the SO_BROADCAST socket option to 1, using setsockopt().
then use the sendto() function call to send a datagram, and use as the destination address. (for datagram sockets, you don't need to call connect(), since there is no 'connection').
in standard implementations, this address broadcasts to all computer in the local network, this means that the packet will not cross gateway boundaries and will not be received by computers using a network mask diferent from the network mask of the sending computer.
Have a look at UDP sockets.
I recomend Beej's Guide to Network Programming. Have a look at 6.3 Datagram Sockets
You can use the special address of to send a broadcast message to every computer on the local network.
For more info see section IP Network Broadcasting.
