Unable to view RadChart data when RadScheduleView placed in the same view - wpf

I have a screen in which i am required to place both RadChart and RadScheduleView . RadChart has some data associated with it, and RadScheduleView has no data. When I add the reference for RadScheduleView , which is "Telerik.Windows.Controls.ScheduleView", the data which is associated with the charts are no longer visible and in place of that data, random data like " Chart axis label, ChartChartTitle" etc appears. Why is this happening, and how can this be solved?
Please refer the following link for sample code regarding the mentioned error


BIRT Reporting tool - I had to added header details but it is coming in details section, can any one please guide and resolve

I have created Report Development on Eclipse BIRT reporting tool and created sample report and when I tried to enter image description here (https://i.stack.imgur.com/16Ten.jpg)? Can anyone help in this regard.
Pictures are attached for your Reference
to add header components, It was showing in details columns.
expecting to show the header columns at the top of the report not in detail.
I can only guess because your screenshot doesn't show the outline view, which would show the structure of the layout. You better reset the perspective.
It looks like your header information (the labels in the row with the gray background) isn't placed in the header row, but in an additional detail row instead, for whatever reason.
Just move the labels one row up into the one which is marked as header row.
Then remove the superfluous first detail row.

SSRS Report Designer Cutting off Column Chart in Print Layout

I have a problem with my rdl report cutting off the column chart I put in when viewing it in print layout. The layout of the page is correct as no additional pages appear in the print layout.
I have a column chart that consists if 11 columns (categories) and it only seems to display 9 and half of the tenth off. It does not matter if I put the page orientation in landscape of portrait, the same problem exists. It also does not matter what size I make the chart, it seems to cut of the last column in print layout.
When I export the file to pdf then it works perfecty.
Can anyone assist me please?
Kind Regards
You can try to change size of the print page and orientation. press F4 on Design screen, you will see properties bar. There is a button (looks like a wierd spaceship or key) named "property pages".Paper size, orientation, mergins etc. can be set here

WPF MVVM binding controls with helper methods PDFTron PDFViewer

I am struggling with a WPF MVVM problem using a control that has helper functions and exposing those helper functions to my viewmodels.
I am using the PDFTron viewer control that shows a PDFDocument object. Items in that PDFDocument are specified in terms of a PDFTron.Rect structure with the elements measured in points(1/72th inch) and a page number
To help convert the coordinate systems to and from screen position the PDFTron ViewerControl has various function on itself.
e.g. To convert from a screen point
Double x, y;
int page = Control.GetPageNumberFromScreenPt(x, y);
Control.ConvScreenPtToPagePt(ref x, ref y, page);
To convert to a screen point is from the object being examined
PDFTron.Rect r = Control.GetScreenRectForAnnot(embeddedObject, pageNumber);
What the best way of calling/exposing or binding to functions like this between the view model(s) and the PDF control as I would really like to databind to coordinates.
For instance I have an adorner defined in XAML that allows me to move an image I have read from the embeddedobject about the page by dragging and I can also resize the image. The viewmodel knows As my view model knows the image the embedded object its page and Rectangle on that page, but as PDF coordinates. But this needs to be translated to screen coordinates for the X, Y, Width and Height for binding to the XAML Attributes. I cannot quite see how to do this as it seems beyond a dataconverter.
So the control in the xaml has attributes measured in screen units
AdornerLeft="{Binding Data.X, Mode=TwoWay}"
AdornerTop="{Binding Data.Y, Mode=TwoWay}"
AdornerWidth="{Binding Data.Width, Mode=TwoWay}"
AdornerHeight="{Binding Data.Height, Mode=TwoWay}"
If the X and Y change I need the change to be reflected eventually as the page,x,y coordinates of the viewer as they are what are used by the underlying model.
I did wonder would it be wise to make a series of dependency properties so if I change one it ripples the change through the others as a conversion? So for example I have a property ScreenY When that changes it updates PDFY and PDFPage and vice versa but that seems overly complicated. Any suggestions?
Typically what is done, is that during user interaction, so while your user is moving and resizing the image, everything is drawn overtop of PDFViewWPF viewer.
You can get a Canvas object from PDFViewWPF.GetCanvas() and then you can draw your image on that if you like.
At this point, nothing relates to the PDF, you are just dealing with WPF coordinates.
Only once the user is done moving and dragging, and you want to add the image to the PDF page, perhaps as a Stamp annotation, or even injecting the image into the page content, only then would you erase all your graphics, and inject the image into the PDF. Only at this point would you need to translate between coordinate systems.
Please take a closer look at the PDFViewWPFTools project, and see how something like the Rectangle annotations are created.
This post might provide additional clarity for you.
I ended up using the Prism library and the eventAggregator to pass the details back to a the View and get the results, also using events to refresh the view. The PDFWPFViewer MVVM sample from PdfTron beside having some issues with incorrect bindings, essentially uses a tool library that is shared and acts like a windows forms library, no behaviors for controlling adorner drag etc.

At WPF using Live Charts, Can I add emphasis line on multiple specific label?

I'm using wpf with live charts library.
While I draw line chart, I want to add emphasis line on specific label.
It can be a important date with an event.
At first, I added another lineseries about the event. to use geometry
as a marker. But the geometry is somewhat small. Therefore some people couldn't find the event data.
So I want to add lines at tham. But I don't know how to.
Can someone help me?

Interrupted line/error mark in Dynamic Data Display Chart

I'm using Dynamic Data Display, for line chart (in WPF). I would like to interrupt the line, and display some "Error" label in that point (or on the X axis). Can somebody help me ?
Thank you.
You might use a DataPoint template selector for your datapoint in lineseries, when datapoint values are matching some errors criteria you can apply a different template to the datapoint and show an error label.
The way that I would approach this, is I would add a marker to your line graph every time this "error" occurred along your axes. If you wanted, you could make the tooltip for the marker say "error" or, even better, you could display some information about that error in the tooltip. You can use one of the markers already made in D3, or it's quite easy to create your own!
If you down load the source from Dynamic Data Display, there's many examples that have a similar requirement to yours that you could base your solution off of.
