How to draw a chart in Google App Engine? - google-app-engine

I wonder Google App Engine can return a chart ?
What I want is a statistical chart, is there a way for my app in Google App Engine to create a .png chart then return it to the browser ?
For instance when I click a url such as :
It will show me a graphic chart.

Your best bet is to use the Google Visualization API.

A couple of years too late, but we now have Matplotlib available for Python 2.7 apps. (It's currently marked "experimental" so you shouldn't rely on it, but it is an option.)


What chart used in google analytics for "Views by Page title and screen class"?

I am looking for a chart name which is used in Google Analytics dashboard (see the snapshots)
I am using react-google-charts on my web app but can't found the same type of chart in it.
The chart that you're looking for will only be available to you once you upgrade to Google Analytics 4.

Can I start Zoom video meeting through the java codenameone mobile app?

I would like to start a video conference/ meeting through my java codenameone mobile app.
Can I integrate zoom video calling features in my app?
The simplest way would be to open a zoom URL using Display.execute(url) which will launch it in a cross platform way. I'm sure there are ways to integrate it deeper but I'll need to understand what you're trying to do to help further.
If you wish to integrate the SDK check out the integrating 3rd party SDKs feature on our blog which is also discussed in the developer guide. You generally wrap the sdk with a cn1lib, you can look at existing cn1libs for samples.

Ionic Offline MAP

I am working on a hybrid mobile app using ionic. I have developed all feature of app but One of the features I need is offline google map. I want to get lattitude and longitude of user when there was no internet and after reaching in interent zone it threw data using web API.
Is there a way how to do it? I want it for Android and Ios both.
If your issue is only getting the user location, that can be done with no need for internet. Instead, you can use GPS to get the location, and that can be specified by some options when you are getting the location, depending on what library you are using.

How to get a Google Streetview in pano mode?

I recently came across many sites showing a Google streetview in panoramic mode, like this one:, in the right bottom you will see it.
How was that generated? Google? or by the website itself?
Javascript API for google maps has a panoramic mode.

How to use Pisa on Google App Engine to generate PDF from HTML/CSS

I'm developing a simple GAE application that crawls some data from a given site and presenst it formatted in html/css.
What I would like to do now is to offer an Export to PDF feature trasforming the formatted html/css to PDF.
I've imported Reportlab Toolkit and it works good but it's not what I need since it forces me to create PDF manually like:
pcanvas.drawString(10, 10, 'This is the title Blah blah blah')
What I really need is a library like PISA that trasforms Html/Css to PDF.
Anyone has managed to succesfully intregrate and use PISA on Google App Engine? itself is hosted on GAE for several years now.
This discussion is about the problems you face on GAE.
