fopen does not return - c

I used 'fopen' in a C program to open a file in readonly mode (r). But in my case I observed that fopen call does not return. It does not return NULL or valid pointer - execution gets blocked at fopen call. The patch of file is absolutely correct (I have already verified that) and there is no permission related issues. Can anybody please tell what could be the reason for this kind if behavior. Any kind of help is really appreciable. Is there anything related to gcc or glibc?
Here is the sample code
printf("%s %d\n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__);
if ((fp = fopen(argv[1], "r")) == NULL) {
printf("%s %d\n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__);
printf("%s %d\n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__);
When I run this code, I only get the first print (before calling fopen) and after that program just halts. So fopen does not complete it's operation. The file is a simple configuration file with '.conf' extension and this file can be opened by all other means like vi, cat etc. There should not be any NFS related issue. Filesystem is ext3.
Thanks in advance,

Here's a few reasons:
You've corrupted memory somewhere, and all bets are off as to what's happening (run your program through valgrind)
You're calling this code inside a signal handler, fopen() is not signal async safe, so really anything could happen (a deadlock due to the FILE* internal mutex is common though)
The file is a fifo , in which cases opening the file will block until someone opens the file at the other end(read/writing)
The file is on a stale NFS mount.
The file is a character/block special file with semantics that open blocks until something interesting happens,

So what? fopen is allowed to block until the file has been opened, or until it has been determined that access is denied. If you have a slow storage device, it is absolutely correct to wait until that becomes available. But that is an operating system issue then, not C's.

I notice you don't close the file if you open it successfully.
Is it possible you that you have run it before and killed it, and now you have a process out there which has the file open, and locked?
If so, then maybe fopen is waiting for the lock to be released.

Is it possible that you've redefined a symbol in the reserved namespace: either something beginning with two underscores, an underscore and a capital letter, or any of the standard C library functions? If so, that results in undefined behavior, and it's possible that fopen somehow ends up calling part of your code instead of the correct code in the standard library.
This question has a major "missing information" smell to it. I seriously doubt the code snippet in the question has the behavior OP has described when it appears by itself in main, and I wonder if OP hasn't done some bogus stuff he's not telling us about...


confused about using ftell() to check if the file is empty

I want to add a structure to a binary file but first i need to check whether the file has previous data stored in it, and if not i can add the structure,otherwise ill have to read all the stored data and stick the structure in its correct place, but i got confused about how to check if the file is empty ,i thought about trying something like this:
size = 0
fseek (fp, 0, SEEK_END);
size = ftell (fp);
if (size==0)
// print your error message here
but if the file is empty or still not created how can the file pointer not be NULL ? whats the point of using ftell() if i can simply do something like this :
i know that NULL can be returned in other cases such as protected files but still i cant understand how using ftell() is effective when file pointers will always return NULL if the file is empty.any help will be appreciated :)
i need to check whether the file has previous data stored in it
There might be no portable and robust way to do that (that file might change during the check, because other processes are using it). For example, on Unix or Linux, that file might be opened by another process writing into it while your own program is running (and that might even happen between your ftell and your rewind). And your program might be running in several processes.
You could use operating system specific functions. For POSIX (including Linux and many Unixes like MacOSX or Android), you might use stat(2) to query the file status (including its size with st_size). But after that, some other process might still write data into that file.
You might consider advisory locking, e.g. with flock(2), but then you adopt the system-wide convention that every program using that file would lock it.
You could use some database with ACID properties. Look into sqlite or into RDBMS systems like PostGreSQL or MariaDB. Or indexed file library like gdbm.
You can continue coding with the implicit assumption (but be aware of it) that only your program is using that file, and that your program has at most one process running it.
if the file is empty [...] how can the file pointer not be NULL ?
As Increasingly Idiotic answered, fopen can fail, but usually don't fail on empty files. Of course, you need to handle fopen failure (see also this). So most of the time, your fp would be valid, and your code chunk (assuming no other process is changing that file simulateously) using ftell and rewind is an approximate way to check that the file is empty. BTW, if you read (e.g. with fread or fgetc) something from that file, that read would fail if your file was empty, so you probably don't need to check its emptiness before.
A POSIX specific way to query the status (including size) of some fopen-ed file is to use fileno(3) and fstat(2) together like fstat(fileno(fp), &mystat) after having declared struct stat mystat;
fopen() does not return NULL for empty files.
From the documentation:
If successful, returns a pointer to the object that controls the opened file stream ... On error, returns a null pointer.
NULL is returned only when the file could not be opened. The file could fail to open due to any number of reasons such as:
The file doesn't exist
You don't have permissions to read the file
The file cannot be opened multiple times simultaneously.
More possible reasons in this SO answer
In your case, if fp == NULL you'll need to figure out why fopen failed and handle each case accordingly. In most cases, an empty file will open just fine and return a non NULL file pointer.

What is the need for closing a file?

Why do we need to close a file that we opened? I know the problems like - it can't be accessed by another process if the current process doesn't close it. But why at the end of execution of a process the OS checks whether it is closed and closes it if opened. There must be a reason for that.
When you close a file the buffer is flushed and all you wrote on it it's persisted to the file. If you suddenly exit your program without flush (or close) your FILE * stream, you will probably lose your data.
Two words: Resource exhaustion. File handles, no matter platform, is a limited resource. If a process just opens file and never closes them, it will soon run out of file handles.
A file can certainly be accessed by another process while it is opened by one. Some semantics depend on the operating system. For example, in Unix, two or more processes may open a file concurrently to write. Almost all systems will allow readonly access to multiple processes.
You open a file to connect the byte stream into the process. You close the file to disconnect the two. When you write into the file, the file may not get modified right away due to buffering. That implies that the memory buffer of the file is modified but the change is not immediately reflected into the file on disk. The OS will reflect the changes in disk when it has enough data for performance reason. When you close the file, the OS will flush out the changes into the file on disk.
If you "get" a resource, it is good practice to release it when you have done.
I think it's not a good thing to trust what an O.S. would do when the process end: it might free resources or not. Common O.S. does it: they close files, free allocated memory, …
But if it's not part of the standard of the language you use (e.g. if it implements garbage collectors), then you shouldn't rely on that common behaviour.
Otherwise, the risk is that your application would lock/eat resources on some systems, even if it ended.
In this way it is just a good practise. You are not obliged to close files at the end.
Imagine you'll write a genial but messy method. You'll forget about the caveats and later find out, that this method may be used somewhere else. Then you'll try to use this method maybe in a loop and you'll find out that your programm is unexpectedly crashing. You'll have to go deeper in the code and fix that. So why won't you make the function clean at the beginning?
Do you have something against (or are you afraid of) closing files?
Here is a good explanation:
When writing into an output file, the information is hold in a buffer and closing the file is a way to be sure that everything is posted to the file.

Can a failed fopen impact the filesystem?

If fopen( path, "w" ) succeeds, then the file will be truncated. If the fopen fails, are there an guarantees that the file is not modified?
No there are no guarantees about the state of a file if fopen(path, "w") fails. The failure could be coming from any operation from opening the file, committing the truncation to disk, etc ... The only guarantee a failure provides is that you don't have access to the file.
The only reason why fopen() would fail would be if the file is somehow inaccessible or cannot be modified. If you are worried, though, about the file being modified, you could instead use the open() command with the flag O_WRITE. You could then convert this to a FILE* pointer by using fdopen().
Excellent question, and I think the answer is no. fopen has to allocate a FILE structure, and the natural order of operations when implementing it would be to open the file first, then attempt allocating the FILE. This way, fopen is just a wrapper around fdopen (or a similar function with some leading underscores or whatnot for namespace conformance).
Personally I would not use stdio functions at all when you care about the state of your files after any failure. Even once you have the file open, stdio's buffering makes it almost impossible to know where an error occurred if a write function ever returns failure, and even more impossible to return your file to a usable, consistent state.

lseek/write suddenly returns -1 with errno = 9 (Bad file descriptor)

My application uses lseek() to seek the desired position to write data.
The file is successfully opened using open() and my application was able to use lseek() and write() lots of times.
At a given time, for some users and not easily reproducable, lseek() returns -1 with an errno of 9. File is not closed before this and the filehandle (int) isn't reset.
After this, another file is created; open() is okay again and lseek() and write() works again.
To make it even worse, this user tried the complete sequence again and all was well.
So my question is, can the OS close the file handle for me for some reason?
What could cause this? A file indexer or file scanner of some sort?
What is the best way to solve this; is this pseudo code the best solution?
(never mind the code layout, will create functions for it)
int fd=open(...);
if (fd>-1) {
long result = lseek(fd,....);
if (result == -1 && errno==9) {
close(fd..); //make sure we try to close nicely
result = lseek(fd,....);
Anybody experience with something similar?
Summary: file seek and write works okay for a given fd and suddenly gives back errno=9 without a reason.
So my question is, can the OS close the file handle for me for some reason? What could cause > this? A file indexer or file scanner of some sort?
No, this will not happen.
What is the best way to solve this; is
this pseudo code the best solution?
(never mind the code layout, will
create functions for it)
No, the best way is to find the bug and fix it.
Anybody experience with something similar?
I've seen fds getting messed up many times, resulting in EBADF in the some of the cases,
and blowing up spectacularly in others, it's been:
buffer overflows - overflowing something and writing a nonsense value into a 'int fd;' variable.
silly bugs that happen because some corner case someone did
if(fd = foo[i].fd) when they meant if(fd == foo[i].fd)
Raceconditions between threads, some thread closes the wrong file descriptor that some other thread wants to use.
If you can find a way to reproduce this problem, run your program under 'strace', so you can see whats going on.
The OS shall not close file handles randomly (I am assuming a Unix-like system). If your file handle is closed, then there is something wrong with your code, most probably elsewhere (thanks to the C language and the Unix API, this can be really anywhere in the code, and may be due to, e.g., a slight buffer overflow in some piece of code which really looks like to be unrelated).
Your pseudo-code is the worst solution, since it will give you the impression of having fixed the problem, while the bug still lurks.
I suggest that you add debug prints (i.e. printf() calls) wherever you open and close a file or socket. Also, try Valgrind.
(I just had yesterday a spooky off-by-1 buffer overflow, which damaged the least significant byte of a temporary slot generated by the compiler to save a CPU register; the indirect effect was that a structure in another function appeared to be shifted by a few bytes. It took me quite some time to understand what was going on, including some thorough reading of Mips assembly code).
I don't know what type of setup you have, but the following scenario, could I think produce such an effect (or else one similar to it). I have not tested this to verify, so please take it with a grain of salt.
If the file/device you are opening implemented as a server application (eg NFS), consider what could happen if the server application goes down / restarts / reboots. The file descriptor though originally valid at the client end might no longer map to a valid file handle at the server end. This can conceivably lead to a sequence of events wherein the client will get EBADF.
Hope this helps.
No, the OS should not close file handles just like that, and other applications (file scanners etc.) should not be able to do it.
Do not work around the problem, find it's source. If you don't know what the reason for your problem was, you will never know if your workaround actually does work.
Check your assumptions. Is errno set to 0 before the call? Is fd really valid at the point the call is being made? (I know you said it is, but did you check it?)
What is the output of puts( strerror( 9 ) ); on your platform?

Is it ‘safe’ to remove() open file?

I think about adding possibility of using same the filename for both input and output file to my program, so that it will replace the input file.
As the processed file may be quite large, I think that best solution would to be first open the file, then remove it and create a new one, i.e. like that:
/* input == output in this case */
FILE *inf = fopen(input, "r");
FILE *outf = fopen(output, "w");
(of course, with error handling added)
I am aware that not all systems are going to allow me to remove open file and that's acceptable as long as remove() is going to fail in that case.
I am worried though if there isn't any system which will allow me to remove that open file and then fail to read its' contents.
C99 standard specifies behavior in that case as ‘implementation-defined’; SUS doesn't even mention the case.
What is your opinion/experience? Do I have to worry? Should I avoid such solutions?
EDIT: Please note this isn't supposed to be some mainline feature but rather ‘last resort’ in the case user specifies same filename as both input and output file.
EDIT: Ok, one more question then: is it possible that in this particular case the solution proposed by me is able to do more evil than just opening the output file write-only (i.e. like above but without the remove() call).
No, it's not safe. It may work on your file system, but fail on others. Or it may intermittently fail. It really depends on your operating system AND file system. For an in depth look at Solaris, see this article on file rotation.
Take a look at GNU sed's '--in-place' option. This option works by writing the output to a temporary file, and then copying over the original. This is the only safe, compatible method.
You should also consider that your program could fail at any time, due to a power outage or the process being killed. If this occurs, then your original file will be lost. Additionally, for file systems which do have reference counting, your not saving any space, over the temp file solution, as both files have to exist on disk until the input file is closed.
If the files are huge, and space is at premium, and developer time is cheap, you may be able to open a single for read/write, and ensure that your write pointer does not advance beyond your read pointer.
All systems that I'm aware of that let you remove open files implement some form of reference-counting for file nodes. So, removing a file removes the directory entry, but the file node itself still has one reference from open file handle. In such an implementation, removing a file obviously won't affect the ability to keep reading it, and I find it hard to imagine any other reasonable way to implement this behavior.
I've always got this to work on Linux/Unix. Never on Windows, OS/2, or (shudder) DOS. Any other platforms you are concerned about?
This behaviour actually is useful in using temporary diskspace - open the file for read/write, and immediately delete it. It gets cleaned up automatically on program exit (for any reason, including power-outage), and makes it much harder (but not impossible) for others to monitor it (/proc can give clues, if you have read access to that process).
