I'm currently developing an App using Ionic 3 and Firebase. I'm using ionic-selectable (you can see my stackblitz here) for the user to select an option from my firebase database array and return the selected option to the user's id.
I have got everything to work, except that ionic-selectable is not reading the retrieved array form firebase.
I'm retrieving the array using the following code:
this.itemsRefdiag = afg.list('medicalhx');
this.items = this.itemsRefdiag.snapshotChanges().map(changes => {
return changes.map(c => ({ ...c.payload.val() }));
const dgRef = this.afg.database.ref();
dgRef.child('medicalhx').orderByChild('name').on('value', snapshot => { this.snapshot2 = JSON.stringify(snapshot).replace(/"[0-9]":{"name":|{|}/g, ""); })
My console.log results in:
"Hyperthyroidism","Hypothyroidism","Diabetes Type 1","Diabetes Type 2"
However, when using ionic-selectable for private diagnoses: Diagnosis[] = [this.snapshot2], I get 'undefined' options. However, when I manually type in private diagnoses: Diagnosis[] = ["Hyperthyroidism","Hypothyroidism","Diabetes Type 1","Diabetes Type 2"], it works. I also tried parsing the JSON array using the following code instead:
this.itemsRefdiag = afg.list('medicalhx');
this.items = this.itemsRefdiag.snapshotChanges().map(changes => {
return changes.map(c => ({ ...c.payload.val() }));
const dbRef = this.afg.database.ref();
dbRef.child('medicalhx').orderByChild('name').on('value', snapshot =>
{ let snapshot3 = JSON.stringify(snapshot).replace(/"}/g, `"`);
let snapshot4 = snapshot3.replace(/"[0-9]":{"name":|{|}|"/g, "");
this.snapshot2 = snapshot4.split(",");
My console.log results in an Object with separate strings (an array):
["Hyperthyroidism","Hypothyroidism","Diabetes Type 1","Diabetes Type 2"]
However, ionic-selectable still doesn't seem to read that and I get undefined error. Any ideas on what I may be doing wrong with the array?
It actually does work the second time around, however the console error pops up the first time and I believe this is because it's not waiting for the array results to pop-up the first time around. Is there a way to add a wait time until the array loads?
The second code listed in the question converting it to a real array worked but required a loading time, hence poping up a console error. I managed to get around the loading time issue by implementing Asynchronous searching as per this stackblitz.
I want to display some default template in text area at very first loading.I tried to get that output but my code doesn't work.I put all breakpoints that value change.that also doesn't work. When second time data will display on text area.
<textarea meditor style="height: 100%;margin-top: 10px;border: 1px solid lightgray;" ng-model="activity.GoCode" name="gocode" required>{{activity.GoCode}}</textarea>
function getGoCode(data) {
if (data.GoCode == undefined) {
$scope.activity.GoCode = "test";
} else {
$scope.activity.GoCode = data.GoCode;
I Found solution for this
I set a value initially for this variable (activity.GoCode) before that I create
'$scope.activity' object and then assign value for when data is loaded.
$scope.ReadSampleGoFile = function () {
$http.get('settings/sampleGO.txt').then(function (data) {
//use the file data here
// console.log(data.data);
When does your function getGoCode() is called, upon page load ?
I see one issue with your code even if it is not probably the problem here, having:
is redundant as explain here and will cause an exception in Internet explorer (Error: Invalid Argument) as explain here
Also what is the meditor directive doing, it is possible that this directive is the source of your problem as I don't see why your code would not work
I have a strange problem with Here maps (JS).
After catching a click event on another element in the page (ex: custom bubble or search field) the map starts to flick like in the gif below
Example : https://i.imgur.com/kKrtwMj.gif
Any idea?
I found a temporary solution.
It consist of re-instantiate the H.mapevents.MapEvents object and the H.mapevents.Behavior at the time the bug occurs.
mapEvents = new H.mapevents.MapEvents(map);
behavior = new H.mapevents.Behavior(mapEvents, { kinetics: { duration: 3, power: 1 } });
I tried to serialize my qooxdoo-object to JSON but I always get a 'too much recursion'-errormessage (in Firebug-console) if I try the following:
Also .toNativeObject-function throws this error. The API-manual is very thin for this: http://www.qooxdoo.org/current/apiviewer/#qx.util.Serializer
Does anybody have a working example for me or a suggestion what could be the reason for this?
Thank you and greetings
One of your objects must have a property or similar which refers to an object which has already been serialised - there's nothing wrong with using qx.util.Serializer, but if you give it an object which has recursive references you will get a recursion error.
You can use the Qooxdoo Playground (http://www.qooxdoo.org/devel/playground/) to create an example of your problem so that others can help diagnose you problem; when you can reproduce it, use the "Shorten URL" button to create a tinyurl link.
Here's a working example of qx.util.Serializer, you can copy & paste it into the playground (SO wont let me use tinyurls :( )
qx.Class.define("abc.MyClass", {
extend: qx.core.Object,
properties: {
alpha: {
init: null,
nullable: true
var my = new abc.MyClass();
my.set({ alpha: 1 });
/* ******************************
* Show the log by clicking the "Log" button in the toolbar to see the output
10 $digest() iterations reached. Aborting!
There is a lot of supporting text in the sense of "Watchers fired in the last 5 iterations: ", etc., but a lot of this text is Javascript code from various functions. Are there rules of thumb for diagnosing this problem? Is it a problem that can ALWAYS be mitigated, or are there applications complex enough that this issue should be treated as just a warning?
as Ven said, you are either returning different (not identical) objects on each $digest cycle, or you are altering the data too many times.
The fastest solution to figure out which part of your app is causing this behavior is:
remove all suspicious HTML - basically remove all your html from the template, and check if there are no warnings
if there are no warnings - add small parts of the html you removed and check if the problem is back
repeat step 2 until you get a warning - you will figure out which part of your html is responsible for the problem
investigate further - the part from step 3 is responsible for either mutating the objects on the $scope or is returning non-identical objects on each $digest cycle.
if you still have $digest iteration warnings after step 1, than you are probably doing something very suspicious. Repeat the same steps for parent template/scope/controller
You also want to make sure you are not altering the input of your custom filters
Keep in mind, that in JavaScript there are specific types of objects that don't behave like you would normally expect:
new Boolean(true) === new Boolean(true) // false
new Date(0) == new Date(0) // false
new String('a') == new String('a') // false
new Number(1) == new Number(1) // false
[] == [] // false
new Array == new Array // false
({})==({}) // false
Usually that happens when you're returning a different object every time.
For example, if you use this in a ng-repeat:
$scope.getObj = function () {
return [{a: 1}, {b: 2}];
You're going to get this error message because Angular tries to have the "stability" and will execute the function until it returns the same result 2 times (comparing with ===), which in our case will never return true because the function always returns a new object.
console.log({} === {}); // false. Those are two different objects!
In this case, you can fix it by storing the object in scope directly, e.g.
$scope.objData = [{a: 1}, {b: 2}];
$scope.getObj = function () {
return $scope.objData;
That way you're always returning the same object!
console.log($scope.objData === $scope.objData); // true (a bit obvious...)
(You should never encounter that, even on complex applications).
Update: Angular has added some more in-depth explanation on their website.
Just wanted to throw this solution in here, hopefully it'll help others. I was getting this iteration problem because I was iterating over a generated property which was making a new object every time it was called.
I fixed it by caching the generated object the first time it was requested, and then always returning the cache if it existed. A dirty() method was also added, which would destroy the cached results as needed.
I had something like this:
function MyObj() {
var myObj = this;
Object.defineProperty(myObj, "computedProperty" {
get: function () {
var retObj = {};
return retObj;
And here's with the solution implemented:
function MyObj() {
var myObj = this,
Object.defineProperty(myObj, "computedProperty" {
get: function () {
if ( !_cached ) {
_cached = {};
return _cached;
myObj.dirty = function () {
_cached = null;
There also is the possibility of it not being an infinite loop at all. 10 iterations is not a sufficiently large number to conclude that with any amount of certainty. So before going on a wild-goose chase it may be advisable to rule out that possibility first.
The easiest method to do so is increasing the maximum digest loop count to a much larger number, which can be done in the module.config method, using the $rootScopeProvider.digestTtl(limit) method. If the infdig error does no longer appear you simply have some sufficiently complex update logic.
If you build data or views relying on recursive watches you may want to search for iterative solutions (i.e. not relying on new digest loops to be started) using while, for or Array.forEach. Sometimes the structure is just highly nested and not even recursive, there probably is not much to be done in those cases except raising the limit.
Another method of debugging the error is looking at the digest data. If you pretty print the JSON you get an array of arrays. Each top level entry represents an iteration, each iteration consists of a list of watch entries.
If you for example have a property which is modified in a $watch on itself it is easy to see that the value is changing infinitely:
$scope.vm.value1 = true;
$scope.$watch("vm.value1", function(newValue)
$scope.vm.value1 = !newValue;
Of course in larger project this may not be as simple, especially since the msg field often has the value "fn: regularInterceptedExpression" if the watch is a {{ }} interpolation.
Other than that the already mentioned methods, like cutting down the HTML to find the source of the problem, are of course helpful.
I had the same problem - I was creating a new date every time. So for anyone dealing with dates I converted all calls like this:
var date = new Date(); // typeof returns object
var date = new Date().getTime(); // typeof returns number
Initializing a number instead of a date object solved it for me.
the easy way is :
use angular.js,not the min file.
open it and find the line:
if ((dirty || asyncQueue.length) && !(ttl--)) {
add line below:
and then refresh your page, in the develope tools console,you will
find you error code .
It's a known bug in ui-router, this helped us: https://github.com/angular-ui/ui-router/issues/600
I would also like to mention that I received this error message when I had a typo in the templateUrl of a custom directive that I had in my project. Due to the typo, the template could not be loaded.
/* #ngInject */
function topNav() {
var directive = {
bindToController: true,
controller: TopNavController,
controllerAs: 'vm',
restrict: 'EA',
scope: {
'navline': '=',
'sign': '='
templateUrl: 'app/shared/layout/top-navTHIS-IS-A-TYPO.html'
Look in the network tab of your web browser's dev tools, and look to see if any resource is having a 404 error.
Easy to overlook, because the error message is very cryptic and seemingly unrelated to the real issue.
I was having this issue in my project because the .otherwise() was missing my route definition and I was hitting wrong route.
I had this issue because I was doing this
var variableExpense = this.lodash.find(product.variableExpenseList, (ve) => {
return ve.rawMaterial.id = rawMaterial.id;
Instead of this: (notice = vs ===), my unit test started breaking and I found my stupidity
var variableExpense = this.lodash.find(product.variableExpenseList, (ve) => {
return ve.rawMaterial.id === rawMaterial.id;
I ran into this issue where I needed a dynamic tooltip... it caused angular to recalculate it every time as a new value (even though it was the same). I created a function to cache the computed value like so:
$ctrl.myObj = {
Title: 'my title',
A: 'first part of dynamic toolip',
B: 'second part of dynamic tooltip',
C: 'some other value',
getTooltip: function () {
// cache the tooltip
var obj = this;
var tooltip = '<strong>A: </strong>' + obj.A + '<br><strong>B: </strong>' + obj.B;
var $tooltip = {
raw: tooltip,
trusted: $sce.trustAsHtml(tooltip)
if (!obj.$tooltip) obj.$tooltip = $tooltip;
else if (obj.$tooltip.raw !== tooltip) obj.$tooltip = $tooltip;
return obj.$tooltip;
Then in the html, I accessed it like this:
<input type="text" ng-model="$ctrl.myObj.C" uib-tooltip-html="$ctrl.myObj.getTooltip().trusted">
this is how I approached it and found a solution:
I checked the text, it showed:
Error: [$rootScope:infdig] 10 $digest() iterations reached. Aborting!
Watchers fired in the last 5 iterations: [[{"msg":"statement === statment && functionCall()","newVal":[{"id":7287,"referen...
so if you can see the
that's the statment generating the error. I checked the function called in this message, I returned (false) from all of them just to determine which one have the problem.
one of them was calling a function that keeps changing the return, which is the problem.
As crazy as it sounds, I fixed this error just by restarting my browser when it just cropped up all of a sudden.
So one solution is to just clear your browser's cache or try restarting the browser.