Creating Project from existing source code in Eclipse - c

I am new to Eclipse. Working on school project from source code provided by instructor. Project compiles without problems using provided makefile, but I want to compile/edit inside of Eclipse.
I have tried to import as Makefile project, but right away getting an error
make: *** No rule to make target `all'.
Here is a basic list of files.
Why I can't simply "Import" source, as I can do it in Visual Studio ?
Thanks !

CDT will attempt to build the project using make all, and it seems that your Makefile does not have that target. Easiest is to add:
all: your-target-to-make-stuff
to your Makefile. If you want to configure how CDT invokes make, you can right-click on the project, select Properties → C/C++ Build. Under the Behavior tab, you can select which make targets CDT should invoke when building and cleaning.

I don't have an Eclipse with C/C++ plugin at my hands right now, but I have an idea what it could be:
It appears that your Eclipse is starting make with the specific target 'all', which doesn't seem to exist in the Makefile - you should be able to reproduce this behavior on the command line with the command make all instead of just make.
If this is the case, there are two solutions: one is to modify the Makefile to introduce a target 'all'; or modify the C/C++ builder settings in Eclipse to execute the make without any argument.

You can install the C/C++ for developers plugin.
Or in many cases I would use Ant to create or call make files.


How to setup eclipse with C for university work

I'm fairly new to eclipse but have figured out how to use it with Java.
However, we are now moving on to C and I am having a hard time using it. I just want to use eclipse for my labs - i.e. to create / compile / test / run C exercises or tasks that have been set.
I created a new 'Labs' C project and have been creating the files ex1.c, ex2.c etc in the src folder. Eclipse doesn't like this due to more than one main across multiple files, but the files aren't related and each is supposed to have their own main.
Can someone advise me as to whether there is a better way to setup / organise my workspace for this labwork or alternatively how to compile / run single files at a time in eclipse?
You have a few options:
Create one project per executable (the projects can be in the same workspace). This is pretty self-explanatory, but it might get annoying if you have a lot of executables. Also, if you need to share code between your executables, you'd have to create a separate project for the shared code and set up dependencies.
Create one project with multiple build configurations, one per executable. See this answer for how to do that.
Use Eclipse for navigating and editing your code only, and build (and run/debug) your executables from the command line. This way, the organization of the Eclipse project(s) is irrelevant, and you can build from the command line however you want (at this stage, a simple Makefile is probably the easiest).
I prefer option #3, but to some extent it's a matter of taste; if you like to do everything including building from the IDE, go with #1 or #2.
EDIT: A simple Makefile might look like this:
ex1 : src/ex1.c
gcc -o ex1 src/ex1.c
ex2 : src/ex2.c
gcc -o ex2 src/ex2.c
put into a file named makefile, and you would then run make to build. (If you're on Windows you would write ex1.exe instead of just ex1.)
Have a look at a tutorial like this one to understand how Makefiles work.

Eclipse - Build vs Rebuild (makefile C project)

I have a makefile C project on Eclipse.
When looking in the menu under Project > Build Targets there are a few options. These two interest me:
Rebuild Last Target
The basic question is what does Eclipse to differently in both cases? To be more specific:
What build goals does it set in the two cases?
Does it do anything different before invoking make?
Why can you rebuild only the last target?
You can create custom targets (Window -> Show View -> Build Targets). Those targets can have special parameters linked with your Makefile, by example it can change the verbosity, the level of optimization or even change the features included in your software.
When you use the simple Build command, Eclipse will execute the default build command which is usually make all. But when you use your custom target, then it's your custom parameters that are used, which could be by example :
After this, if you use Rebuild last target it's your custom target which will be built.
As an example, working in embedded systems I usually have a mix of targets that enable or disable :
Code optimization (it's often easier to debug a code that wasn't optimized)
Debug printfs
Debug GPIO
With build targets you are allowed to add/use non-default make targets for your makefile projects.
Build targets/build lets you first select target from a list of targets then executes make "selected-target".
Build targets/build last target repeats build with last target selected via targets/build.
You might be looking at the wrong menu if you are only looking to build your makefile project.
You do that by Project/Build project. This by default executes "make all", but you can configure this via "Project/Properties/C/C++ build/Behavior".

Setting Default NetBeans Options (-std=c99, -Wall) for C programs

I have NetBeans 6.9 installed and working fine on Ubuntu Linux 11.10. My goal is to set compiler options like -Wall and -std=c99 to be used by default. Currently, I have to right click on my project -> Properties -> C Compiler -> Warning Level to "More Warnings" and add -std=c99 to Additional Options. This is obviously a pain when creating many projects, and I'm sure there is a way to make all of this the default.
I found this thread which relates closely to my question. However, the only answer involves installing Code::Blocks and MSYS 1.0.11, which doesn't make much sense to me. I don't see how installing another IDE will help me, and MSYS seems unnecessary, as I am already using Linux.
I have tried every reasonable search term I can imagine, and am very surprised how little info I have turned up. It seems like most everyone who uses NetBeans should have to change this type of thing at some point. Terms I'm searching for: 'NetBeans -std=c99 default', 'NetBeans set default compile options', 'how to make NetBeans use c99 by default' and 'Code::Blocks settings into NetBeans'.
Here are some different things that you can do:
Copy and share the configuration files between projects, so you won't have to set every setting.
Create a default project, and configure however you like it. When you want to create a new project, just copy the default project and rename it to something else.
Modify your toolchain properties.
For details, see here:
NetBeans settings for GCC
You can create a Project Template Module. I was aware this is possible but didn't try it before, and this link is explaining how to do it;
(First you need NetBeans with platform SDK, not just C/C++ Bundle.)
I followed steps;
Open/Create your project with settings you want to use.
Create a NetBeans module project, choose a Code Base Name, i gave my.templates.ctemplate1
Add "Module Development > Project Template" to the module project. Choose your C project in "Select Project" step.
At next step select the Category as C/C++ and give a name for template i used MyCTemplate1.
Right click on module project and select "Create NBM", it will create my-templates-ctemplate1.nbm in the build folder of the module project.
Tools > Plugins > Downloaded , click "Add Plugin" and point to the nbm file in the build folder. Select install, it will give warnings because it's not signed.
When you want to create a new C/C++ project you will see your template in the wizard which will have all the settings as your first C project has.
Enjoy other possibilities; files, folders in original project will be there.
Have you tried editing your netbeans.conf file (for me, it's in /usr/local/netbeans-7.0.1/etc/netbeans.conf) and adding the options you need to the netbeans_default_options line? From looking at my version of the file, you might need to prepend -J to the switches (hence -Wall would become -J-Wall.)

Replace BuildAll by Makefile

Is it possible to replace BuildAll of Eclipse CDT by a Makefile?
I mean I have a Makefile in C and I would buildall from this file. I build a Target in Eclipse to compile but I would use the Ctrl+B to buildall. My environment is Eclipse-Cdt.
There is no problem in creating a makefile that would invoke other make files.
But achieving interaction between Eclipse and the makefile would be extremely hard.
If I recall correctly, you can tell Eclipse CDT to use your own makefile instead of generating one. And you can tell Eclispe to use a specific target. So it should be easy.
I found the solution to use my own makefile. In fact it's very easy. The alone think that I did is to precise the emplacement of the makefile in the build properties.

Using custom Makefile with Eclipse/CDT [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to use external makefile in Eclipse
(3 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I have a project of multiple .c and .h files and I write my own makefile.
How can I configure Eclipse to use my makefile and my source files from their original locations?
You can create a custom Makefile and make sure it's in your project root. Then you need to disable the auto generated makefiles. You can do that by going here:
Project Properties (right click on project and select properties) -> C/C++ Build -> in that window uncheck "Generate Makefiles Automatically."
To use your own targets you can open the View called "Make Target":
Window -> Show View -> Make Target
In that view you can create a new target that will use the corresponding target in your custom Makefile.
There is an option to create a project from existing makefiles: use the "Project Wizard" and select "Makefile project".
You can disable "Generate makefiles automatically" in eclipse project properties -> c/c++ build (builder settings.)
In my latest attempt to compile a Cross ARM compile, I made a painful discovery on how to get this working.
First I created a "Makefile project with existing Code". I selected the Cross ARM tool chain. If I now open a console within Eclipse and make, it works.
Now to build within the GUI, I had to:
Change properties to Internal Builder, with Generate Makefile
The settings option now offers Build Artifact tab. pick executable with ${Project}.
Build. This will result in error in link stage.
Switch the settings to External Builder, uncheck "Automatic Makefile generation"
All that you have to do is tell gmake to use your makefile. The default command for Code Composer Studio is ${CCS_UTILS_DIR}/bin/gmake. Simply tell gmake to use your own makefile (e.g. We do this with the -f option. So the default command would become ${CCS_UTILS_DIR}/bin/gmake -f ../
Note that Code Composer Studio is Eclipse based.
Here are the instructions:
project->properties->C/C++ Build
click on the 'Builder' tab
Un-select 'Use default build command"
Change the command to ${CCS_UTILS_DIR}/bin/gmake -f ../
Note that the build is kicked off from the Debug directory. The Debug directory contains the makefiles that are generated by Eclipse. I put my makefile in the top level directory of the project so that's why I put ../ in -f ../
Also, there might be a line that says "default: esh $(PLUGIN_SO)," or something along those lines depending on your project. I've found that changing the "default" to "all" will enable the project to compile too. This is a handy feature, eclipse :)
