Adding controls causes silverlight to hang - silverlight

I have a very strange issue that I'm finding it extremely hard to debug, thus I once more turn to the SO community. :-)
First a bit on my setup (note! I'm new to silverlight, just learning by doing, so my entire premise might be wrong!):
I have some root nodes (forms) under which are some leaves (questions).
Now, I simply want to show / hide the questions depending on which form is currently selected - fairly easy.
I do the following:
A number of controls are added to a LayoutControl (I'm using the DeveloperExpress components)
When you select another form, the created controls are saved in a list on the previously selected form
When you select a form, the list of controls is iterated through, and each element is added to my layoutcontrol again
When I save the elements in the list on a Form I make sure to first .Remove() them from their parent to make sure there are no issues with that.
And, this works.
If I have 1 or controls.
If I have MORE than that, everything is added as usual, no exception is thrown - but Silverlight apparently does an infinite loop somehow? No matter if I run it in IE or Chrome, it just crashes the browser! (Or, I guess, the browser plugin).
I've tried pausing the debugger during this to see where the problem is, but it just stops in "external code".
I don't think a code sample will do much good, but here's the two methods that save and load the elements: (Note: AddControl is a method I've defined - it wraps the element in another control to provide a bit of functionality. Likewise .MyChildren removes the control from the wrapper using .Remove() and returns it)
private void LoadElementsFromCurrentForm()
foreach (var child in _currentForm.Elements)
private void SetElementsOnCurrentForm()
foreach (var child in layoutControl1.MyChildren)
How do I even go about debugging this!?
I don't know if it matters, but all these controls have a unique name as well.

To take full advantage of Silverlight you should try to use XAML to do the markup of design.
If you want to make a list of questions use e Listbox or ItemsControl.
Then you can style each item in the list to "look right".
If you bind the listbox to ObservableCollection you just add or remove in the list and the gui will be updated according to whats in your list.
Take a look at MVVM which works really good with Silverlight.


VisualDiagnostics.VisualTreeChanged event without attached debugger?

In WPF there is an event VisualDiagnostics.VisualTreeChanged that triggers every time a new element is added to the visual tree (anywhere). The problem is that this only works when a debugger is attached to the process. Is there any way of getting around this limitation? Any other similar event that works without a debugger? Can I fake an attached debugger?
My goal is to get a list of all elements of certain types (Button, TextBox, ComboBox etc) in a Window, including those generated from a template. I need this to set certain automation properties in runtime.
One possibility is to use the Window.LayoutUpdated event, but this triggers very often and most of the times without any new elements added. I would have to iterate through the entire visual tree on every layout update to find new elements and I don't think that will be very efficient. I would certainly prefer a more direct method.
But the VisualDiagnostics.VisualTreeChanged event is not ideal either since the element in the event-args does not yet contain any of it's children. A button would for instance not even have it's own text-content yet. If there were a third option where I could get hold of the entire element-fragment of all new elements as they are added that would be great.
(Have tried overriding OnVisualChildrenChanged as well but this does not catch new descendant elements, only children it seem)

ToolStripTextBox, ToolStripComboBox not automated

In UI Automation, when automating the toolstrip items we are facing an issue which is described below
I am adding toolstrip items as follows
this.toolStrip1.Items.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem[] {
When running the UI Automation(System.Windows.Automation), UI automation finds the controls till toolStripButton2 (i.e) controls on the left side of toolstripcombobox is getting recognized but on the controls on the right side.(If i make the combobox to go the right most control everything works fine)
Note: In Inspect.exe tool from windows kits, all the controls are shown but when trying to access the last toolStripButton3 returns null.
Here i have attached the simplified code, the buttonCollection is expected to get 3 buttons but it gets only two in my case.
AutomationElement toolstrip = viewTab.FindFirst(TreeScope.Children,
new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.AutomationIdProperty, "toolStrip1"));
AutomationElementCollection buttonCollection = toolstrip.FindAll(TreeScope.Children,
new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.LocalizedControlTypeProperty, "button"));
Both ToolStripTextBox and ToolStripComboBox are showing the same behavior.
I would like know what is going wrong my approach.
I've posted one approach which would allow you to access all the buttons, in response to your question at

How to optimize TreeNode name change?

I have a TreeView which holds approximately 100,000 TreeNodes or even more, I have optimized everything related to loading or unloading them on deserialization process but now I'm stuck with an issue I can't overcome.
Its important to mention I decided not to use the LabelEdit default event given by the control since its pretty tricky to make it work as I wanted to, Its widely known that there are a lot of "problems" with this particular event which have pushed many devs to implement their own custom TreeViews.
In my case I am using a ContextMenu which has a Rename option, this brings a textbox right in front of the TreeNode and then I just simply change the TreeNode.Text property to whatever the user input was in the TextBox keydown event, once we trigger this event, the whole GUI freezes for a couple of seconds (4-5), I'm not doing any Depth search over the TreeNodeCollection or anything, I am directly accessing the TreeNode and modifying the property...
So, any thoughts on what could be wrong here? I already tried BeginUpdate / SuspendLayout / or even a custom solution found here How do I suspend painting for a control and its children? and nothing seems to help.
The first thing that comes to mind is that when the text is changed on the node, it must be redrawing the entire treeview.
In this situation, suspendlayout will not help, as the control isn't laying its contents.
I think beginupdate stops the drawing when nodes are being added to the list, but the text changed might bypass this.
Have you considered not using the keydown, and just updating the text once the user has dismissed the textbox? (i.e. done editing). Not ideal, but will limit the performance hit to once, instead of every key stroke?

WPF Printing multiple pages from a single View Model

I am currently a little bit troubled by the following problem. I have a user interface which basically shows a graphic (a canvas made of Lines, Circles, ... these are all WPF objects). Depending on the selection a user makes in the menu, some items get deleted and some get added. So the basic image looks the same, but a few modifications are made.
The user has the possibility to select - say - 10 different "pages" by clicking a Next/Previous Button.
I am using MVVM Light and my ViewModel contains all the items of the graphic (all Lines, ...).
Now I would like to print that graphic to multiple pages. The first page should contain the graphic with changes from page 1, the second page contains the graphic with changes from page 2 and so on. The actual number of pages is dynamic. I track this with a property CurrentPage and a property PagesTotal.
Whenever I push the "Next" button, this causes a command to be executed which will change the variable CurrentPage and also makes sure that the correct items are displayed.
Now I would like to print this but this is where I'm stuck. I dont' mind leaving the MVVM zone and doing some dirty work in code-behind but I would refuse to draw everything again like in the old GDI days.
Any ideas are really welcome.
Create a UserControl containing your display logic (you graphic, for instance). Grab you ViewModel list and project then in UserControls, setting each ViewModel as each UserControl's DataContext.
Force each one to render calling Measure with infinite value and then Arrange with the resulting DesiredHeight and Width. Then follow the procedures to print WPF visuals (link link link).
Essentially, this should be quite simple if and only if your views work independently; i.e. your ViewModel doesn't contain UiElements that are placed into your View.
Simple solution is to basically print your visual root. If need be encapsulate your Views in a user control first.
PrintDialog printDlg = new PrintDialog();
UserControl1 uc = new UserControl1();
printDlg.PrintVisual(uc, "User Control Printing.");
Alright, I have to admin that I now switched back to doing the printing through code only. I would have really liked doing it "WPF-style" but handling the multiple pages issue was just too much trouble.
Anyway, there is still one issue regarding the printout left but this will be another question.

WPF UI Automation - AutomationElement.FindFirst fails when there are lots of elements

We've got some automated UI tests for our WPF app (.NET 4); these test use the UI Automation API's.
We call AutomationElement.FindFirst to find a target element, and then interact with it.
Example (pseudocode):
var nameEquals = new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.NameProperty, "OurAppWindow");
var appWindow = DesktopWindow.FindFirst(TreeScope.Children, nameEquals);
// this succeeds
var idEquals = new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.AutomationIdProperty, "ControlId");
var someItem = appWindow.FindFirst(TreeScope.Descendants, idEquals);
// this suceeds sometimes, and fails sometimes!
The problem is, the appWindow.FindFirst will sometimes fail and return null, even when the element is present. I've written a helper function which walks the UI automation tree manually and prints it out, and the element with the correct ID is present in all cases.
It seems to be related to how many other items are also being displayed in the window. If there are no other items then it always succeeds, but when there are many other complex UI elements being displayed alongside it, then the find fails.
It appears as though we're hitting some kind of internal element limit. I can't find any documented element limit mentioned for any of the automation API's - is there some way around this? I'm thinking I might have to write my own implemententation of FindFirst which does the tree walk manually itself... As far as I can tell this should work, because my tree-printer utility function does exactly that, and it's ok, but it seems like this would be unnecessary and slow :-(
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Doing the tree walk manually is probably the best way to work around this issue.
And in fact, you'll probably find that an implementation of FindFirst using tree walking will be faster that using FindFirst on an element with a large number of children. If you look at the code for AutomationElement.FindFirst in Reflector, you'll see that it works by pulling accross the automation boundary all children matching the condition, then returning the first of them. By contrast, the TreeWalker approach will only attempt to pull the single first child accross the boundary.
I had the same problem in one of my Applications I was automating. I had a custom control that was on the AdornerLayer and I was modifying the UI Automation tree so the Adorner's AutomationElement appeared as a UI Visual child to the control it was decorating instead of appearing as a child of the root for the application.
When I ran UI Spy I would get a number of errors in the Output Window stating things about an invalid parent as I navigated through its tree. I resolved a bug in my code in how I was parenting the AutomationElement for the Adorner's AutomationElement. Once I fixed the bug, UI Spy no longer displayed errors in the Output Window and I was no longer getting failures from the FindFirst method calls.
If the original poster is still monitoring this question I would ask does UI Spy have any problems navigating through your Application?
I even stuck with this problem but i only have not seen my failure.
var window = new System.Windows.Window();
window.Content = addControl;
I create a window an the fly and added the control as the Content of the window. My failure here was, that i showed the window, and then assigned the Content. This even fails. After hours of searching i changed it my code to this:
var window = new System.Windows.Window();
window.Content = addControl;
... and it works.
