Does anybody know if there is a way to get direct links to advertisers on Commission Junction with tracking? We don't want to rely on the links sent down in the feed because a lot of them are junk.
What I'd like is a link that just goes to the advertiser's homepage and still allows us to receive commissions. Something like:
If it has to run through CJ's tracking URL's that's fine too, but I just want the user on the homepage.
Old thread but figured it needs an answer. Solution is quite simple.
What you need to construct is a URL that like this:
Pick a CJ root domain to link on., or any others on this thread will work.
Find any generic link ID for the advertiser by logging into CJ and viewing the Links tab. A good link to use will be something that's not likely to be deleted, like their brand logo.
Take note of your Publisher PID
URL-encode the actual destination you want to link to
Nick, I am not entirely sure what exactly you are asking for...
A CJ html link generally appears as such :<img src="" width="1" height="1" border="0"/>
You can track links by using server side coding such as PHP to add, in the case of CJ an SID which can be unique as the case as a username, product code/name on your website. So the resulting link will now appear as :<img src="" width="1" height="1" border="0"/>
You should be alright to strip the URL further, although if you remove the img src, CJ won't be able to support you with impression data, only clickthroughs.
<a href="$userid">
I am not familar with all the CJ api's however I assume when you refer to feeds you are downloading something from the Product Search Service API or something similar in which case you will need to run a script to go through each url to search for '?' where you can add in the sid parameter, as a simple example:
$url = '';
$track_url = str_replace("?", "?sid=123book", "$url");
echo $track_url;
I'm having an issue while trying to test a creation process of a user, i.e. I should try different cases while creating users, with name, without name, with symbols in name and etc...
My issue is that when I press the "Create" button, In case if the user is created I'm getting navigated to the users page which link looks like this, so I have to check if the link is "" in case if I expect any issues, but how do I check if user is successfully created if I can't handle the id of user earlier then it is created.
In general, there is a keyword to check if link is the one I need which is 'Link Should Be ${link}'.
But I also need some keyword which does the opposite action like 'Link Should Not Be ${link}'.
I have tried looking in the web if there is a keyword like the one I need, but I found nothing, I also looked for another solution for my problem but in that case as well I found no solution.
#dot Helped out with this, the issue can be easily solved if the page won't contain the field, so by checking that you can be sure that the test is complete!
Sorry for so brief title. I am wondering how Google+ makes user URLs so clean. I mean like :
Would take me to my page. I want to know how is that + after/ was put and how it loaded the corresponding page. I want a database to get the URL. The URL actually should have been like
Plus.Google. com/user?id=134566
Looking for a good answer please help
An example is of this page's URL
You can also do like that... just you need to create folder of name
here PuruVijay is folder you need to create in you Website directory.. and put index file in that folder
In a comment you say you are using an Apache server. The typical way to handle URL manipulations like this is the module mod_rewrite, which you can find documentation on here. This uses regular expressions to match URLs and direct to another. For example, a rule for /~user to /u/user is
RewriteRule ^/~([^/]+)/?(.*) /u/$1/$2
For the Google+ example, you say you want to translate from /+PuruVijay to /user?id=134566. This will be a little more complicated because the URL as given does not include the User ID, so you will have to retrieve the number some other way. You can however use mod_rewrite to redirect to /user?name=+PuruVijay. This would look something like (not tested!)
RewriteRule ^/\+(.*) /user?id=$1
Then, your user page can get the id parameter and look it up in the database to display the correct page, while allowing the user to type in an easy-to-remember URL.
As far as mapping PuruVijay to 134566, Google+ requires the custom URLs to be unique, so there is a 1-1 correspondence between the handle PuruVijay and the user ID number 134566. Otherwise it would be impossible to look up a specific ID number given a custom URL. Your site would have to place a similar restriction if you decide to allow custom handles like this.
(I know there's a couple of other reverse-routing-slugs questions on this site, but I'm not having much luck relating the answers to my particular issue, so I'll ask my more specific question...)
I am building a site whose URLs now need to be slug-based, i.e. what was initially news/item/1 now has to have the URL news/firstnewsitem. And so on for a number of other controllers. I can easily get these addresses to work, and maybe even not stomp on my existing utility actions, with something like:
array('pass'=>array('slug'), 'slug'=>'[^(index|add|edit|view|delete)]')
However, the reverse routing of these new links seems to be a non-starter: Cake is still generating such links as news/item/3. It seems optimistic to hope that a slug-based URL would automagically happen, but is there any array that I can pass in my Html->link parameters that will create the :controller/:slug format I'm looking for? Or do I have to cut my losses and back away from reverse routing at this point?
There's a pretty decent plugin for handling slug-based routing here:
If you used this, you would be able to create links something like this
$html->link("some item", array(
and that would output a link to /items/view/slug-for-your-item
I am rewriting our company website in cakephp, and need to find a way to do the following:
A user enters our site by using one
of the promotional alias URLS that
has been pregenerated for a specific
media advert ( magazine, web
promotion etc )
The URL is checked against a
database of alias URLs, and if an
alias exists, then a specific
tracking code is written into the
I have considered several options, none of which seem suitable for this purpose. They are:
Putting the lookup script in the
beforeFilter() in appcontroller, so
that its included in every
controller. (Writes a session value
so it only perfoms once.)
This option only works for existing contollers, and gives the
Cake 'missing controller' error if a
URL doesn't exist.
Specific routes for each alias in
Routes.php - Works but there are
potentially hundreds of alias urls
added/removed regularly via admin
Route all site URLs to their own
actions, and having an 'everything
else' rule, for the alias URLs that
maps to my lookup script. - Messy
and I lose the built in Cake
Custom 404. - I don't want to
return 404's for these urls, as I
feel its bad practice unless they
really don't map to anything.
I really could do with a place in the application flow where I can put this lookup/tracking script, and I'm fairly new to cake so I'm stumped.
EDIT: Also, I know that a subfolder called say 'promo' would easily do this, but I have a lot of legacy URLS from our old site, that need handling too.
Note: I'm making an assumption that your promo URLs are in the form of "" or something like that (i.e. no "'). That would be just too simple :)
Hopefully, you can use the routing with some regex. Add this to your /config/routes.php and let me know if a different regex will help :)
$controllers = Configure::listObjects('controller');
foreach ($controllers as &$value)
$value = Inflector::underscore($value);
Router::connect('/:promo', array('controller' => 'promos', 'action' => 'process'), array('promo' => '(?!('.implode('|', $controllers).')\W+)[a-zA-Z\-_]+/?$'));
Now you can handle all your promo codes in PromosController::process().
Basically, it checks for a promo code in url, excluding those in the $controllers array (i.e. your regular routes won't be messed up).
Later on you might want to consider caching the value of Configure::listObjects() depending on the speed of your app and your requirements.
A very interesting question. I think I would use item #3. It's not really that messy -- after all, this typically is handled by the pages controller in my stuff. That's how I'd handle it - hardcode your routes to your controllers in routes.php, then have a matchall route that will work for your promo codes. This allows you to keep legacy URLs, as well as use a lot of the standard cake stuff (you probably will just have to explicitly state each of your controllers routes, not such a chore...) Additionally, it will let you do some cool stuff with 404 errors -- you can put some logic in there to try and figure out where they were trying to go, so you can superpower your 404's.
A friend of mine is now building a web application with J2EE and Struts, and it's going to be prepared to display pages in several languages.
I was told that the best way to support a multi-language site is to use a properties file where you store all the strings of your pages, something like:
welcome.english = "Welcome!"
welcome.spanish = "¡Bienvenido!"
This solution is ok, but what happens if your site displays news or something like that (a blog)? I mean, content that is not static, that is updated often... The people that keep the site have to write every new entry in each supported language, and store each version of the entry in the database. The application loads only the entries in the user's chosen language.
How do you design the database to support this kind of implementation?
Warning: I'm not a java hacker, so YMMV but...
The problem with using a list of "properties" is that you need a lot of discipline. Every time you add a string that should be output to the user you will need to open your properties file, look to see if that string (or something roughly equivalent to it) is already in the file, and then go and add the new property if it isn't. On top of this, you'd have to hope the properties file was fairly human readable / editable if you wanted to give it to an external translation team to deal with.
The database based approach is useful for all your database based content. Ideally you want to make it easy to tie pieces of content together with their translations. It only really falls down for all the places you may want to output something that isn't out of a database (error messages etc.).
One fairly old technology which we find still works really well, is to use gettext. Gettext or some variant seems to be available for most languages and platforms. The basic premise is that you wrap your output in a special function call like so:
echo _("Please do not press this button again");
Then running the gettext tools over your source code will extract all the instances wrapped like that into a "po" file. This will contain entries such as:
#: myfolder/my.source:239
msgid "Please do not press this button again"
msgstr ""
And you can add your translation to the appropriate place:
#: myfolder/my.source:239
msgid "Please do not press this button again"
msgstr "s’il vous plaît ne pas appuyer sur le bouton ci-dessous à nouveau"
Subsequent runs of the gettext tools simply update your po files. You don't even need to extract the po file from your source. If you know you may want to translate your site down the line, then you can just use the format shown above (the underscored function) with all your output. If you don't provide a po file it will just return whatever you put in the quotes. gettext is designed to work with locales so the users locale is used to retrieve the appropriate po file. This makes it really easy to add new translations.
Gettext Pros
Doesn't get in your way while coding
Very easy to add translations
PO files can be compiled down for speed
There are libraries available for most languages / platforms
There are good cross platform tools for dealing with translations. It is actually possible to get your translation team set up with a tool such as poEdit to make it very easy for them to manage translation projects
Gettext Cons
Solves your site "furniture" needs, but you would usually still want a database based approach for your database driven content
For more info on gettext see this wikipedia page
They way I have designed the database before is to have an News-table containing basic info like NewsID (int), NewsPubDate (datetime), NewsAuthor (varchar/int) and then have a linked table NewsText that has these columns: NewsID(int), NewsText(text), NewsLanguageID(int). And at last you have a Language-table that has LanguageID(int) and LanguageName(varchar).
Then, when you want to show your users the news-page you do:
SELECT NewsText FROM News INNER JOIN NewsText ON News.NewsID = NewsText.NewsID
WHERE NewsText.NewsLanguageID = <<Session["UserLanguageID"]>>
That Session-bit is a local variable where you store the users language when they log in or enters the site for the first time.
Java web applications support internationalization using the java standard tag library.
You've really got 2 problems. Static content and dynamic content.
for static content you can use jstl. It uses java ResourceBundles to accomplish this. I managed to get a Databased backed bundle working with the help of this site.
The second problem is dynamic content.
To solve this problem you'll need to store the data so that you can retrieve different translations based on the user's Locale. (Locale includes Country and Language).
It's not trivial, but it is something you can do with a little planning up front.
thats what we apply it to. Our apps are all PHP, but gettext has a long heritage.
Looks like there is a good Java implementation
Tag libraries are fine if you're using JSP, but you can also achieve I18N using a template-based technology such as FreeMarker.