How to go through each bit of a byte - c

I do not not know how to implement the following algorithm.
For example I have int=26, this is "11010" in binary.
Now I need to implement one operation for 1, another for 0, from left to right, till the end of byte.
But I really have no idea how to implement this.
Maybe I can convert binary to char array, but I do not know how.
btw, int equals 26 only in the example, in the application it will be random.

Since you want to move from 'left to right':
unsigned char val = 26; // or whatever
unsigned int mask;
for (mask = 0x80; mask != 0; mask >>= 1) {
if (val & mask) {
// bit is 1
else {
// bit is 0
The for loop just walks thorough each bit in a byte, from the most significant bit to the least.

I use this option:
isBitSet = ((bits & 1) == 1);
bits = bits >> 1
I find the answer also in stackoverflow:
How do I properly loop through and print bits of an Int, Long, Float, or BigInteger?

You can use modulo arithmetic or bitmasking to get what you need.
Modulo arithmetic:
int x = 0b100101;
// First bit
(x >> 0) % 2; // 1
// Second bit
(x >> 1) % 2; // 0
// Third bit
(x >> 2) % 2; // 1
int x = 0b100101;
int mask = 0x01;
// First bit
((mask << 0) & x) ? 1 : 0
// Second bit
((mask << 1) & x) ? 1 : 0

In C, C++, and similarly-syntaxed languages, you can determine if the right-most bit in an integer i is 1 or 0 by examining whether i & 1 is nonzero or zero. (Note that that's a single & signifying a bitwise AND operation, not a && signifying logical AND.) For the second-to-the-right bit, you check i & 2; for the third you check i & 4, and so on by powers of two.
More generally, to determine if the bit that's jth from the right is zero, you can check whether i & (1 << (j-1)) != 0. The << indicates a left-shift; 1 << (j-1) is essentially equivalent to 2j-1.
Thus, for a 32-bit integer, your loop would look something like this:
unsigned int i = 26; /* Replace this with however it's actually defined. */
int j;
for (j = 31; j >= 0; j--)
if ((i & (1 << (j-1))) != 0)
/* do something for jth bit is 1 */
/* do something for jth bit is 0 */
Hopefully, that's enough to get you started.

Came across a similar problem so thought I'd share my solution. This is assuming your value is always one byte (8 bits)
Iterate over all 8 bits within the byte and check if that bit is set (you can do this by shifting the bit we are checking to the LSB position and masking it with 0x01)
int value = 26;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
if ((value >> i) & 0x01) {
// Bit i is 1
printf("%d is set\n", i);
else {
// Bit i is 0
printf("%d is cleared\n", i);

I'm not exactly sure what you say you want to do. You could probably use bitmasks to do any bit-manipulation in your byte, if that helps.

Look up bit shifting and bitwise and.


Bit wise operators

am having a little trouble with this function of mine. We are supposed to use bit wise operators only (that means no logical operators and no loops or if statements) and we aren't allowed to use a constant bigger than 0xFF.
I got my function to work, but it uses a huge constant. When I try to implement it with smaller numbers and shifting, I can't get it to work and I'm not sure why.
The function is supposed to check all of the even bits in a given integer, and return 1 if they are all set to 1.
Working code
int allEvenBits(int x) {
/* implements a check for all even-numbered bits in the word set to 1 */
/* if yes, the program outputs 1 WORKING */
int all_even_bits = 0x55555555;
return (!((x & all_even_bits) ^ all_even_bits));
Trying to implement with a smaller constant and shifts
int allEvenBits(int x) {
/* implements a check for all even-numbered bits in the word set to 1 */
/* if yes, the program outputs 1 WORKING */
int a, b, c, d, e = 0;
int mask = 0x55;
/* first 8 bits */
a = (x & mask)&1;
/* second eight bits */
b = ((x>>8) & mask)&1;
/* third eight bits */
c = ((x>>16) & mask)&1;
/* fourth eight bits */
d = ((x>>24) & mask)&1;
e = a & b & c & d;
return e;
What am I doing wrong here?
When you do, for example, this:
d = ((x>>24) & mask)&1;'re actually checking whether the lowest bit (with value 1) is set, not whether any of the the mask bits are set... since the &1 at the end bitwise ANDs the result of the rest with 1. If you change the &1 to == mask, you'll instead get 1 when all of the bits set in mask are set in (x>>24), as intended. And of course, the same problem exists for the other similar lines as well.
If you can't use comparisons like == or != either, then you'll need to shift all the interesting bits into the same position, then AND them together and with a mask to eliminate the other bit positions. In two steps, this could be:
/* get bits that are set in every byte of x */
x = (x >> 24) & (x >> 16) & (x >> 8) & x;
/* 1 if all of bits 0, 2, 4 and 6 are set */
return (x >> 6) & (x >> 4) & (x >> 2) & x & 1;
I don't know why you are ANDing your values with 1. What is the purpose of that?
This code is untested, but I would do something along the lines of the following.
int allEvenBits(int x) {
return (x & 0x55 == 0x55) &&
((x >> 8) & 0x55 == 0x55) &&
((x >> 16) & 0x55 == 0x55) &&
((x >> 24) & 0x55 == 0x55);
Say you are checking the first 4 least significant digits, the even ones would make 1010. Now you should AND this with the first 4 bits of the number you're checking against. All 1's should remain there. So the test would be ((number & mask) == mask) (mask is 1010) for the 4 least significant bits, you do this in blocks of 4bits (or you can use 8 since you are allowed).
If you aren't allowed to use constants larger than 0xff and your existing program works, how about replacing:
int all_even_bits = 0x55555555;
int all_even_bits = 0x55;
all_even_bits |= all_even_bits << 8; /* it's now 0x5555 */
all_even_bits |= all_even_bits << 16; /* it's now 0x55555555 */
Some of the other answers here right shift signed integers (i.e. int) which is undefined behaviour.
An alternative route is:
int allevenbitsone(unsigned int a)
a &= a>>16; /* superimpose top 16 bits on bottom */
a &= a>>8; /* superimpose top 8 bits on bottom */
a &= a>>4; /* superimpose top 4 bits on bottom */
a &= a>>2; /* and down to last 2 bits */
return a&1; /* return & of even bits */
What this is doing is and-ing together the even 16 bits into bit 0, and the odd 16 bits into bit 1, then returning bit 0.
the main problem in your code that you're doing &1, so you take first 8 bits from number, mask them with 0x55 and them use only 1st bit, which is wrong
consider straightforward approach:
int evenBitsIn8BitNumber(int a) {
return (a & (a>>2) & (a>>4) & (a>>6)) & 1;
int allEvenBits(int a) {
return evenBitsIn8BitNumber(a) &
evenBitsIn8BitNumber(a>>8) &
evenBitsIn8BitNumber(a>>16) &

Iterate through bits in C

I have a big char *str where the first 8 chars (which equals 64 bits if I'm not wrong), represents a bitmap. Is there any way to iterate through these 8 chars and see which bits are 0? I'm having alot of trouble understanding the concept of bits, as you can't "see" them in the code, so I can't think of any way to do this.
Imagine you have only one byte, a single char my_char. You can test for individual bits using bitwise operators and bit shifts.
unsigned char my_char = 0xAA;
int what_bit_i_am_testing = 0;
while (what_bit_i_am_testing < 8) {
if (my_char & 0x01) {
printf("bit %d is 1\n", what_bit_i_am_testing);
else {
printf("bit %d is 0\n", what_bit_i_am_testing);
my_char = my_char >> 1;
The part that must be new to you, is the >> operator. This operator will "insert a zero on the left and push every bit to the right, and the rightmost will be thrown away".
That was not a very technical description for a right bit shift of 1.
Here is a way to iterate over each of the set bits of an unsigned integer (use unsigned rather than signed integers for well-defined behaviour; unsigned of any width should be fine), one bit at a time.
Define the following macros:
#define LSBIT(X) ((X) & (-(X)))
#define CLEARLSBIT(X) ((X) & ((X) - 1))
Then you can use the following idiom to iterate over the set bits, LSbit first:
unsigned temp_bits;
unsigned one_bit;
temp_bits = some_value;
for ( ; temp_bits; temp_bits = CLEARLSBIT(temp_bits) ) {
one_bit = LSBIT(temp_bits);
/* Do something with one_bit */
I'm not sure whether this suits your needs. You said you want to check for 0 bits, rather than 1 bits — maybe you could bitwise-invert the initial value. Also for multi-byte values, you could put it in another for loop to process one byte/word at a time.
It's true for little-endian memory architecture:
const int cBitmapSize = 8;
const int cBitsCount = cBitmapSize * 8;
const unsigned char cBitmap[cBitmapSize] = /* some data */;
for(int n = 0; n < cBitsCount; n++)
unsigned char Mask = 1 << (n % 8);
if(cBitmap[n / 8] & Mask)
// if n'th bit is 1...
In the C language, chars are 8-bit wide bytes, and in general in computer science, data is organized around bytes as the fundamental unit.
In some cases, such as your problem, data is stored as boolean values in individual bits, so we need a way to determine whether a particular bit in a particular byte is on or off. There is already an SO solution for this explaining how to do bit manipulations in C.
To check a bit, the usual method is to AND it with the bit you want to check:
int isBitSet = bitmap & (1 << bit_position);
If the variable isBitSet is 0 after this operation, then the bit is not set. Any other value indicates that the bit is on.
For one char b you can simply iterate like this :
for (int i=0; i<8; i++) {
printf("This is the %d-th bit : %d\n",i,(b>>i)&1);
You can then iterate through the chars as needed.
What you should understand is that you cannot manipulate directly the bits, you can just use some arithmetic properties of number in base 2 to compute numbers that in some way represents some bits you want to know.
How does it work for example ? In a char there is 8 bits. A char can be see as a number written with 8 bits in base 2. If the number in b is b7b6b5b4b3b2b1b0 (each being a digit) then b>>i is b shifted to the right by i positions (in the left 0's are pushed). So, 10110111 >> 2 is 00101101, then the operation &1 isolate the last bit (bitwise and operator).
If you want to iterate through all char.
char *str = "MNO"; // M=01001101, N=01001110, O=01001111
int bit = 0;
for (int x = strlen(str)-1; x > -1; x--){ // Start from O, N, M
printf("Char %c \n", str[x]);
for(int y=0; y<8; y++){ // Iterate though every bit
// Shift bit the the right with y step and mask last position
if( str[x]>>y & 0b00000001 ){
printf("bit %d = 1\n", bit);
printf("bit %d = 0\n", bit);
Char O
bit 0 = 1
bit 1 = 1
bit 2 = 1
bit 3 = 1
bit 4 = 0
bit 5 = 0
bit 6 = 1
bit 7 = 0
Char N
bit 8 = 0
bit 9 = 1
bit 10 = 1

Insert bit into uint16_t

Is there any efficient algorithm that allows to insert bit bit to position index when working with uint16_t? I've tried reading bit-by-bit after index, storing all such bits into array of char, changing bit at index, increasing index, and then looping again, inserting bits from array, but could be there a better way? So I know how to get, set, unset or toggle specific bit, but I suppose there could be better algorithm than processing bit-by-bit.
uint16_t bit_insert(uint16_t word, int bit, int index);
bit_insert(0b0000111111111110, 1, 1); /* must return 0b0100011111111111 */
P.S. The solution must be in pure ANSI-compatible C. I know that 0b prefix may be specific to gcc, but I've used it here to make things more obvious.
Use bitwise operators:
#define BIT_INSERT(word, bit, index) \
(((word) & (~(1U << (index)))) | ((bit) << (index)))
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdint.h>
/* Insert a bit `idx' positions from the right (lsb). */
bit_insert_lsb(uint16_t n, int bit, int idx)
uint16_t lower;
if (idx > 15) {
errno = ERANGE;
return 0U;
/* Get bits 0 to `idx' inclusive. */
lower = n & ((1U << (idx + 1)) - 1);
return ((n & ~lower) | ((!!bit) << idx) | (lower >> 1));
/* Insert a bit `idx' positions from the left (msb). */
bit_insert_msb(uint16_t n, int bit, int idx)
uint16_t lower;
if (idx > 15) {
errno = ERANGE;
return 0U;
/* Get bits 0 to `16 - idx' inclusive. */
lower = n & ((1U << (15 - idx + 1)) - 1);
return ((n & ~lower) | ((!!bit) << (15 - idx)) | (lower >> 1));
Bits are typically counted from the right, where the least significant bit (lsb) resides, to the left, where the most significant bit (msb) is located. I allowed for insertion from either side by creating two functions. The one expected, according to the question, is bit_insert_msb.
Both functions perform a sanity check, setting errno to ERANGE and returning 0 if the value of idx is too large. I also provided some of C99's _Bool behaviour for the bit parameter in the return statements: 0 is 0 and any other value is 1. If you use a C99 compiler, I'd recommend changing bit's type to _Bool. You can then replace (!!bit) with bit directly.
I'd love to say it could be optimised, but that could very well make it less comprehensible.
Happy coding!
If you're counting bits from the left
mask = (1 << (16 - index + 1)) - 1; // all 1s from bit "index" to LSB
// MSB of word (from left to index) | insert bit at index | LSB of word from (index-1)
word = (word & ~mask) | (bit << (16 - index)) | ((word & mask) >> 1);
There may be many ways more efficient but this way it's easy to understand

How to tell if a 32 bit int can fit in a 16 bit short

Using only:
! ~ & ^ | + << >>
I need to find out if a signed 32 bit integer can be represented as a 16 bit, two's complement integer.
My first thoughts were to separate the MSB 16 bits and the LSB 16 bits and then use a mask to and the last 16 bits so if its not zero, it wont be able to be represented and then use that number to check the MSB bits.
An example of the function I need to write is: fitsInShort(33000) = 0 (cant be represented) and fitsInShort(-32768) = 1 (can be represented)
bool fits16(int x)
short y = x;
return y == x;
Just kidding :) Here's the real answer, assuming int is 32 bits and short is 16 bits and two's complement represantation:
Edit: Please see the last edit for the correct answer!
bool fits16(int x)
/* Mask out the least significant word */
int y = x & 0xffff0000;
if (x & 0x00008000) {
return y == 0xffff0000;
} else {
return y == 0;
Without if statements i beleive that should do it:
return (
!(!(x & 0xffff0000) || !(x & 0x00008000)) ||
!((x & 0xffff0000) || (x & 0x00008000))
Edit: Oli's right. I somehow thought that they were allowed. Here's the last attempt, with explanation:
We need the 17 most significant bits of x to be either all ones or all zeroes. So let's start by masking other bits out:
int a = x & 0xffff8000; // we need a to be either 0xffff8000 or 0x00000000
int b = a + 0x00008000; // if a == 0xffff8000 then b is now 0x00000000
// if a == 0x00000000 then b is now 0x00008000
// in any other case b has a different value
int c = b & 0xffff7fff; // all zeroes if it fits, something else if it doesn't
return c;
Or more concisely:
return ((x & 0xffff8000) + 0x8000) & 0xffff7fff;
If a 32-bit number is in the range [-32768,+32767], then the 17 msbs will all be the same.
Here's a crappy way of telling if a 3-bit number is all ones or all zeros using only your operations (I'm assuming that you're not allowed conditional control structures, because they require implicit logical operations):
int allOnes3(int x)
return ((x >> 0) & (x >> 1) & (x >> 2)) & 1;
int allTheSame3(int x)
return allOnes3(x) | allOnes3(~x);
I'll leave you to extend/improve this concept.
Here's a solution without casting, if-statements and using only the operators you asked for:
#define fitsInShort(x) !(((((x) & 0xffff8000) >> 15) + 1) & 0x1fffe)
short fitsInShort(int x)
int positiveShortRange = (int) ((short) 0xffff / (short) 2);
int negativeShortRange = (int) ((short) 0xffff / (short) 2) + 1;
if(x > negativeShortRange && x < positiveShortRange)
return (short) x;
return (short) 0;
if (!(integer_32 & 0x8000000))
/* if +ve number */
if (integer_32 & 0xffff8000)
/* cannot fit */
/* can fit */
else if (integer_32 & 0x80000000)
/* if -ve number */
if ( ~((integer_32 & 0xffff8000) | 0x00007fff))
/* cannot fit */
/* can fit */
First if Checks for +ve number first by checking the signed bit. If +ve , then it checks if the bit 15 to bit 31 are 0, if 0, then it cannot fit into short, else it can.
The negative number is withing range if bit 15 to 31 are all set (2's complement method representation).
Therefore The second if it is a -ve number, then the bit 15 to 31 are masked out and the remaining lower bits (0 to 14) are set. If this is 0xffffffff then only the one's complement will be 0, which indicates the bit 15 to 31 are all set, therefore it can fit (the else part), otherwise it cannot fit (the if condition).

Swap two bits with a single operation in C?

Let's say I have a byte with six unknown values:
and I want to swap bits 2 and 4 (without changing any of the ? values):
But how would I do this in one operation in C?
I'm performing this operation thousands of times per second on a microcontroller so performance is the top priority.
It would be fine to "toggle" these bits. Even though this is not the same as swapping the bits, toggling would work fine for my purposes.
x ^= 0x14;
That toggles both bits. It's a little bit unclear in question as you first mention swap and then give a toggle example. Anyway, to swap the bits:
x = precomputed_lookup [x];
where precomputed_lookup is a 256 byte array, could be the fastest way, it depends on the memory speed relative to the processor speed. Otherwise, it's:
x = (x & ~0x14) | ((x & 0x10) >> 2) | ((x & 0x04) << 2);
EDIT: Some more information about toggling bits.
When you xor (^) two integer values together, the xor is performed at the bit level, like this:
for each (bit in value 1 and value 2)
result bit = value 1 bit xor value 2 bit
so that bit 0 of the first value is xor'ed with bit 0 of the second value, bit 1 with bit 1 and so on. The xor operation doesn't affect the other bits in the value. In effect, it's a parallel bit xor on many bits.
Looking at the truth table for xor, you will see that xor'ing a bit with the value '1' effectively toggles the bit.
a b a^b
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0
So, to toggle bits 1 and 3, write a binary number with a one where you want the bit to toggle and a zero where you want to leave the value unchanged:
convert to hex: 0x0a. You can toggle as many bits as you want:
0x39 = 00111001
will toggle bits 0, 3, 4 and 5
You cannot "swap" two bits (i.e. the bits change places, not value) in a single instruction using bit-fiddling.
The optimum approach if you want to really swap them is probably a lookup table. This holds true for many 'awkward' transformations.
BYTE lookup[256] = {/* left this to your imagination */};
for (/*all my data values */)
newValue = lookup[oldValue];
The following method is NOT a single C instruction, it's just another bit fiddling method. The method was simplified from Swapping individual bits with XOR.
As stated in Roddy's answer, a lookup table would be best. I only suggest this in case you didn't want to use one. This will indeed swap bits also, not just toggle (that is, whatever is in bit 2 will be in 4 and vice versa).
b: your original value - ???1?0?? for instance
x: just a temp
r: the result
x = ((b >> 2) ^ (b >> 4)) & 0x01
r = b ^ ((x << 2) | (x << 4))
Quick explanation: get the two bits you want to look at and XOR them, store the value to x. By shifting this value back to bits 2 and 4 (and OR'ing together) you get a mask that when XORed back with b will swap your two original bits. The table below shows all possible cases.
bit2: 0 1 0 1
bit4: 0 0 1 1
x : 0 1 1 0 <-- Low bit of x only in this case
r2 : 0 0 1 1
r4 : 0 1 0 1
I did not fully test this, but for the few cases I tried quickly it seemed to work.
This might not be optimized, but it should work:
unsigned char bit_swap(unsigned char n, unsigned char pos1, unsigned char pos2)
unsigned char mask1 = 0x01 << pos1;
unsigned char mask2 = 0x01 << pos2;
if ( !((n & mask1) != (n & mask2)) )
n ^= (mask1 | mask2);
return n;
The function below will swap bits 2 and 4. You can use this to precompute a lookup table, if necessary (so that swapping becomes a single operation):
unsigned char swap24(unsigned char bytein) {
unsigned char mask2 = ( bytein & 0x04 ) << 2;
unsigned char mask4 = ( bytein & 0x10 ) >> 2;
unsigned char mask = mask2 | mask4 ;
return ( bytein & 0xeb ) | mask;
I wrote each operation on a separate line to make it clearer.
void swap_bits(uint32_t& n, int a, int b) {
bool r = (n & (1 << a)) != 0;
bool s = (n & (1 << b)) != 0;
if(r != s) {
if(r) {
n |= (1 << b);
n &= ~(1 << a);
else {
n &= ~(1 << b);
n |= (1 << a);
n is the integer you want to be swapped in, a and b are the positions (indexes) of the bits you want to be swapped, counting from the less significant bit and starting from zero.
Using your example (n = ???1?0??), you'd call the function as follows:
swap_bits(n, 2, 4);
Rationale: you only need to swap the bits if they are different (that's why r != s). In this case, one of them is 1 and the other is 0. After that, just notice you want to do exactly one bit set operation and one bit clear operation.
Say your value is x i.e, x=???1?0??
The two bits can be toggled by this operation:
x = x ^ ((1<<2) | (1<<4));
void printb(char x) {
int i;
for(i =7;i>=0;i--)
printf("%d",(1 & (x >> i)));
int swapb(char c, int p, int q) {
if( !((c & (1 << p)) >> p) ^ ((c & (1 << q)) >> q) )
printf("bits are not same will not be swaped\n");
else {
c = c ^ (1 << p);
c = c ^ (1 << q);
return c;
int main()
char c = 10;
c = swapb(c, 3, 1);
return 0;
