2 Questions about Philosophy and Best Practices in Database Development - database

Which one is best, regarding the implementation of a database for a web application: a lean and very small database with only the bare information, sided with a application that "recalculates" all the secondary information, on demand, based on those basic ones, OR, a database filled with all those secondary information already previously calculated, but possibly outdated?
Obviously, there is a trade-of there and I think that anyone would say that the best answer to this question is: "depends" or "is a mix between the two". But I'm really not to comfortable or experienced enough to reason alone about this subject. Could someone share some thoughts?
Also, another different question:
Should a database be the "snapshot" of a particular moment in time or should a database accumulate all the information from previous time, allowing the retrace of what happened? For instance, let's say that I'm modeling a Bank Account. Should I only keep the one's balance on that day, or should I keep all the one's transactions, and from those transactions infer the balance?
Any pointer on this kind of stuff that is, somehow, more deep in database design?

My quick answer would be to store everything in the database. The cost of storage is far lower than the cost of processing when talking about very large scale applications. On small scale applications, the data would be far less, so storage would still be an appropriate solution.
Most RDMSes are extremely good at handling vast amounts of data, so when there are millions/trillions of records, the data can still be extracted relatively quickly, which can't be said about processing the data manually each time.
If you choose to calculate data rather than store it, the processing time doesn't increase at the same rate as the size of data does - the more data ~ the more users. This would generally mean that processing times would multiply by the data's size and the number of users.
processing_time = data_size * num_users
To answer your other question, I think it would be best practice to introduce a "snapshot" of a particular moment only when data amounts to such a high value that processing time will be significant.
When calculating large sums, such as bank balances, it would be good practice to store the result of any heavy calculations, along with their date stamp, to the database. This would simply mean that they will not need calculating again until it becomes out of date.

There is no reason to ever have out of date pre-calulated values. That's what trigger are for (among other things). However for most applications, I would not start precalculating until you need to. It may be that the calculation speed is always there. Now in a banking application, where you need to pre-calculate from thousands or even millions of records almost immediately, yes, design a precalulation process bases on triggers that adjust the values every time they are changed.
As to whether to store just a picture in time or historical values, that depends largely on what you are storing. If it has anything to do with financial data, store the history. You will need it when you are audited. Incidentally, design to store some data as of the date of the action (this is not denormalization). For instance, you have an order, do not rely onthe customer address table or the product table to get data about where the prodcts were shipped to or what they cost at the time of the order. This data changes over time and then you orders are no longer accurate. You don't want your financial reports to change the dollar amount sold because the price changed 6 months later.
There are other things that may not need to be stored historically. In most applications we don't need to know that you were Judy Jones 2 years ago and are Judy Smith now (HR application are usually an exception).

I'd say start off just tracking the data you need and perform the calculations on the fly, but throughout the design process and well into the test/production of the software keep in mind that you may have to switch to storing the pre-calculated values at some point. Design with the ability to move to that model if the need arises.
Adding the pre-calculated values is one of those things that sounds good (because in many cases it is good) but might not be needed. Keep the design as simple as it needs to be. If performance becomes an issue in doing the calculations on the fly, then you can add fields to the database to store the calculations and run a batch overnight to catch up and fill in the legacy data.
As for the banking metaphor, definitely store a complete record of all transactions. Store any data that's relevant. A database should be a store of data, past and present. Audit trails, etc. The "current state" can either be calculated on the fly or it can be maintained in a flat table and re-calculated during writes to other tables (triggers are good for that sort of thing) if performance demands it.

It depends :) Persisting derived data in the database can be useful because it enables you to implement constraints and other logic against it. Also it can be indexed or you may be able to put the calculations in a view. In any case, try to stick to Boyce-Codd / 5th Normal Form as a guide for your database design. Contrary to what you may sometimes hear, normalization does not mean you cannot store derived data - it just means data shouldn't be derived from nonkey attributes in the same table.
Fundamentally any database is a record of the known facts at a particular point in time. Most databases include some time component and some data is preserved whereas some is not - requirements should dictate this.

You've answered your own question.
Any choices that you make depend on the requirements of the application.
Sometimes speed wins, sometimes space wins. Sometime data accuracy wins, sometimes snapshots win.
While you may not have the ability to tell what's important, the person you're solving the problem for should be able to answer that for you.

I like dynamic programming(not calculate anything twise). If you're not limited with space and are fine with a bit outdated data, then precalculate it and store in the DB. This will give you additional benefit of being able to run sanity checks and ensure that data is always consistent.
But as others already replied, it depends :)


Suggestions on how to store and retrieve time-series data

I am currently working on a project that requires us to store a large amount of time series data, but more importantly, retrieve large amounts of it quick.
There will be N devices (>10,000) which will periodically send data to the system, lets say every 5 seconds. This data will quickly build up, but we are generally only interested in the most recent data, and want to compact the older data. We don't want to remove it, as it is still useful, but instead of having thousands of data point for a day, we might save just 5 or 10 after N days/weeks/months have passed.
Specifically we want to be able to fetch sampled data over a large time period, say a year or two. There might be millions of points here, but we just want a small, linearly distributed, sample of this data.
Today we are experimenting with influxdb, which initially seemed like an alright solution. It was fast enough and allows us to store our data in a reasonable structure, but we have found that it is not completely satisfactory. We were unable to perform the sample query described above and in general the system does not feel mature enough for us.
Any advice on how we can proceed, or alternative solutions, is much appreciated.
You might be interested in looking at TimescaleDB:
It builds a time-series DB on top of Postgres and so offers full SQL support, as well as generally the Postgres ecosystem/reliability. This can give you a lot greater query flexibility, which sounds like you want.
In terms of your specific use case, there would really be two solutions.
First, what people typically would do is to create two "hypertables", one for raw data, another for sampled data. These hypertables look like standard tables to the user, although heavily partitioned under the covers for much better scalability (e.g., 20x insert throughput vs. postgres for large table sizes).
Then you basically do a roll-up from the raw to the sampled table, and use a different data retention policy on each (so you keep raw data for say 1 month, with sampled data for years).
Second, you can go with a single hypertable, and then just schedule a normal SQL query to delete individual rows from data that's older than a certain time period.
We might even in the future add better first-class support for this latter approach if it becomes a common-enough requested feature, although most use cases we've encountered to date seemed more focused on #1, esp. in order to to keep statistical data about removed data-points, as opposed to just straight samples.
(Disclaimer: I'm one of the authors of TimescaleDB.)

Is it good practice to store a calculated value?

I'm working on a billing system, and calculating the total amount of an invoice on the database requires quite a bit of SQL. For instance:
some items are taxable, some aren't;
some items have discounts;
some are calculated dividing the price by an interval (e.g. € 30,00/month);
invoices may have overdue fees;
invoices have different tax rates.
Since performing queries is becoming more and more complex with every feature I add, I'm thinking about storing some calculations (net and gross amounts for invoice items and for the invoice). I've seen some invoicing frameworks doing it, so I thought it's not a bad practice per se.
However, I'm a bit worried about data integrity.
Cache invalidation in my application shouldn't be too hard: whenever an invoice gets changed somehow, I re-run the calculations and save the new values. But what if, someday, someone runs a script or some SQL code directly on the database?
I know there are some questions about the topic, but I'd like to discuss it further.
Yes, caching is fine as long as you don't forget to invalidate it when necessary (which is one of the two hardest problems in CS).
But what if, someday, someone runs a script or some SQL code directly on the database?
Well, with great power comes great responsibility. If you don't want responsibility, take the power away (forbid direct sql access). There's really nothing else you can do here.

Does storing aggregated data go against database normalization?

On sites like SO, I'm sure it's absolutely necessary to store as much aggregated data as possible to avoid performing all those complex queries/calculations on every page load. For instance, storing a running tally of the vote count for each question/answer, or storing the number of answers for each question, or the number of times a question has been viewed so that these queries don't need to be performed as often.
But does doing this go against db normalization, or any other standards/best-practices? And what is the best way to do this, e.g., should every table have another table for aggregated data, should it be stored in the same table it represents, when should the aggregated data be updated?
Storing aggregated data is not itself a violation of any Normal Form. Normalization is concerned only with redundancies due to functional dependencies, multi-valued dependencies and join dependencies. It doesn't deal with any other kinds of redundancy.
The phrase to remember is "Normalize till it hurts, Denormalize till it works"
It means: normalise all your domain relationships (to at least Third Normal Form (3NF)). If you measure there is a lack of performance, then investigate (and measure) whether denormalisation will provide performance benefits.
So, Yes. Storing aggregated data 'goes against' normalisation.
There is no 'one best way' to denormalise; it depends what you are doing with the data.
Denormalisation should be treated the same way as premature optimisation: don't do it unless you have measured a performance problem.
Too much normalization will hurt performance so in the real world you have to find your balance.
I've handled a situation like this in two ways.
1) using DB2 I used a MQT (Materialized Query Table) that works like a view only it's driven by a query and you can schedule how often you want it to refresh; e.g. every 5 min. Then that table stored the count values.
2) in the software package itself I set information like that as a system variable. So in Apache you can set a system wide variable and refresh it every 5 minutes. Then it's somewhat accurate but your only running your "count(*)" query once every five minutes. You can have a daemon run it or have it driven by page requests.
I used a wrapper class to do it so it's been while but I think in PHP was was as simple as:
$_SERVER['report_page_count'] = array('timeout'=>1234569783, 'count'=>15);
Nonetheless, however you store that single value it saves you from running it with every request.

Computed Values

Like most people, I work on a data-driven object-oriented business application. I use a relational database to store my data.
I have designed my application so far that I never store computed values. That is, if a user would like to consult the output of a "simulation" he ran last year, my application would simply recompute the report from existing historical data, instead of reading the result of the simulation. Since the report takes very little time to create - it's mostly simple arithmetic - can I safely assume I can get by without storing the result of their reports? I'm having a hard time figuring out a future business requirement which would make me regret not having stored the results in the first place.
Not storing the result of computations reduces redundancy and is generally, in my opinion, a good thing - but it comes down to a case of normalization vs. computational power required for an operation. Often, databases don't get 100% normalized because we don't live in the ideal world where that would be ideal (infinite CPU power and I/O speed), and so it should really be determined on a case-by-case basis.
If you can't foresee a need for storing the results of a computation in the DB, I'd suggest you don't store it. A DB is generally easier to maintain, the more normalized it is.
Tax changes, any other regulation that apply to All the data.
You can get around it by using values at the time, but when it involves any calculation that's changed complexity starts to build up.
If you have all the data you and can compute simulations based on that data then you should be fine. If in the future you find that these simulations are taking too long to run then you can begin storing the computed values and simply change your application to pull historical values from there.

Am i right to sacrifice database design fundamentals in this case for the sake of speed?

I work in a company that uses single table Access database for its outbound cms, which I moved to a SQL server based system. There's a data list table (not normalized) and a calls table. This has about one update per second currently. All call outcomes along with date, time, and agent id are stored in the calls table. Agents have a predefined set of records that they will call each day (this comprises records from various data lists sorted to give an even spread throughout their set). Note a data list record is called once per day.
In order to ensure speed, live updates to this system are stored in a duplicate of the calls table fields in the data list table. These are then copied to the calls table in a batch process at the end of the day.
The reason for this is not obviously the speed at which a new record could be added to the calls table live, but when the user app is closed/opened and loads the user's data set again I need to check which records have not been called today - I would need to run a stored proc on the server that picked the last most call from the calls table and check if its calldate didn't match today's date. I believe a more expensive query than checking if a field in the data list table is NULL.
With this setup I only run the expensive query at the end of each day.
There are many pitfalls in this design, the main limitation is my inexperience. This is my first SQL server system. It's pretty critical, and I had to ensure it would work and I could easily dump data back to access db during a live failure. It has worked for 11 months now (and no live failure, less downtime than the old system).
I have created pretty well normalized databases for other things (with far fewer users), but I'm hesitant to implement this for the calling database.
Specifically, I would like to know your thoughts on whether the duplication of the calls fields in the data list table is necessary in my current setup or whether I should be able to use the calls table. Please try and answer this from my perspective. I know you DBAs may be cringing!
Redesigning an already working Database may become the major flaw here. Rather try to optimize what you have got running currently instead if starting from scratch. Think of indices, referential integrity, key assigning methods, proper usage of joins and the like.
In fact, have a look here:
Database development mistakes made by application developers
This outlines some very useful pointers.
The thing the "Normalisation Nazis" out there forget is that database design typically has two stages, the "Logical Design" and the "Physical Design". The logical design is for normalisation, and the physical design is for "now lets get the thing working", considering among other things the benefits of normalisation vs. the benefits of breaking nomalisation.
The classic example is an Order table and an Order-Detail table and the Order header table has "total price" where that value was derived from the Order-Detail and related tables. Having total price on Order in this case still make sense, but it breaks normalisation.
A normalised database is meant to give your database high maintainability and flexibility. But optimising for performance is one of the considerations that physical design considers. Look at reporting databases for example. And don't get me started about storing time-series data.
Ask yourself, has my maintainability or flexibility been significantly hindered by this decision? Does it cause me lots of code changes or data redesign when I change something? If not, and you're happy that your design is working as required, then I wouldn't worry.
I think whether to normalize it depends on how much you can do, and what may be needed.
For example, as Ian mentioned, it has been working for so long, is there some features they want to add that will impact the database schema?
If not, then just leave it as it is, but, if you need to add new features that change the database, you may want to see about normalizing it at that point.
You wouldn't need to call a stored procedure, you should be able to use a select statement to get the max(id) by the user id, or the max(id) in the table, depending on what you need to do.
Before deciding to normalize, or to make any major architectural changes, first look at why you are doing it. If you are doing it just because you think it needs to be done, then stop, and see if there is anything else you can do, perhaps add unit tests, so you can get some times for how long operations take. Numbers are good before making major changes, to see if there is any real benefit.
I would ask you to be a little more clear about the specific dilemma you face. If your system has worked so well for 11 months, what makes you think it needs any change?
I'm not sure you are aware of the fact that "Database design fundamentals" might relate to "logical database design fundamentals" as well as "physical database design fundamentals", nor whether you are aware of the difference.
Logical database design fundamentals should not (and actually cannot) be "sacrificed" for speed precisely because speed is only determined by physical design choices, the prime desision factor in which is precisely speed and performance.
