Forking and Process Management - c

System information: I am running 64bit Ubuntu 10.10 on a 2 month old laptop.
Hi everyone, I've got a question about the fork() function in C. From the resources I'm using (Stevens/Rago, YoLinux, and Opengroup) it is my understanding that when you fork a process, both the parent and child continue execution from the next command. Since fork() returns 0 to the child, and the process id of the child to the parent, you can diverge their behavior with two if statements, one if(pid = 0) for the child and if(pid > 0), assuming you forked with pid = fork().
Now, I am having the weirdest thing occur. At the beginning of my main function, I am printing to stdout a couple of command line arguments that have been assigned to variables. This is this first non assignment statement in the entire program, yet, it would seem that sometimes when I call fork later in the program, this print statement is executed.
The goal of my program is to create a "process tree" with each process having two children, down to a depth of 3, thus creating 14 total children of the initial executable. Each process prints its parent's process ID and its process ID before and after the fork.
My code is as follows and is properly commented, command line arguments should be "ofile 3 2 -p" (i haven't gotten to implementing -p/-c flags yet":
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
if(argc != 5)//checks for correct amount of arguments
return 0;
FILE * ofile;//file to write to
pid_t pid = 1;//holds child process id
int depth = atoi(argv[2]);//depth of the process tree
int arity = atoi(argv[3]);//number of children each process should have
printf("%d%d", depth, arity);
ofile = fopen(argv[1], "w+");//opens specified file for writing
int a = 0;//counter for arity
int d = 0;//counter for depth
while(a < arity && d < depth)//makes sure depth and arity are within limits, if the children reach too high(low?) of a depth, loop fails to execute
//and if the process has forked arity times, then the loop fails to execute
fprintf(ofile, "before fork: parent's pid: %d, current pid: %d\n", getppid(), getpid());//prints parent and self id to buffer
pid = fork(); //forks program
if(pid == 0)//executes for child
fprintf(ofile, "after fork (child):parent's pid: %d, current pid: %d\n", getppid(), getpid());//prints parent's id and self id to buffer
a=-1;//resets arity to 0 (after current iteration of loop is finished), so new process makes correct number of children
d++;//increases depth counter for child and all of its children
if(pid > 0)//executes for parent process
waitpid(pid, NULL, 0);//waits on child to execute to print status
fprintf(ofile, "after fork (parent):parent's pid: %d, current pid: %d\n", getppid(), getpid());//prints parent's id and self id to buffer
a++;//increments arity counter
When I run "gcc main.c -o ptree" then "ptree ofile 3 2 -p", the console is spammed with "32" a few times, and the file "ofile" is of seemingly proper format, but a bit too large for what I think my program should be doing, showing 34 child processes, when there should be 2^3+2^2+2^1=14. I think this is somehow related to the statement that is printing "32", as that would seem to possibly spawn more forks than intended.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

When you call printf, the data is stored in a buffer internally. When you fork, that buffer is inherited by the child. At some point, (when you call printf again, or when you close the file), the buffer is flushed and data is written to the underlying file descriptor. To prevent the data in the buffer from being inherited by the child, you can flush the FILE * before you call fork, via fflush.


How do I consistently find the PID of a program OR how do I send the kill shortcut to my terminal from a C script?

I'm answering my own question here because all of the other threads talking about this gave generally inefficient solutions to this problem[refer to title].
The most logical way to find the PID of a program is with getpid. However for some reason getpid command always gives you the PID that is two numbers behind the actual program ID it's about to be assigned. I'm sure someone more familiar with the linux kernel will be sure to explain why I'm an idiot in the comments below, so the reasoning for the -2 pid is probably down there.
Anyway, here's a reverse engineered c script(from MTU) that gives you the PID of the program.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
void main(void)
pid_t pid;
char fetch[50];
pid = getpid();
int pid2=pid+2;
sprintf(fetch, "echo hello world! my PID is %d", pid2);
However for some reason getpid command always gives you the PID that is two numbers behind the actual program ID it's about to be assigned.
Well, getpid returns the PID of the current process.
How can it return the PID of a new process that doesn't exist yet? How could it possibly know?
The current process has a process ID. When you call system, it creates a child process, with its own process ID. Presumably the child process then creates another child to execute the command you passed to system.
By default the first child's PID will be the current process PID + 1. And the second child's PID will be the current process PID + 2. However, if either of those IDs are already in use (or you hit the maximum value of a pid_t and wrap around), this brittle logic will break completely.
If you want to get a child process' PID, call fork directly:
pid_t childpid = fork();
if (childpid < 0) {
perror("failed to fork");
if (childpid == 0) {
/* this path executes in the child process */
} else {
/* this path executes in the parent */

C program, creating processes , PID

The task is as follows
Write a program that would run another process in memory and leave it running in an infinite loop. When the program is restarted, it must remove the previously started process from memory (you can use kill).
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <spawn.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
int main(void){
int pid = getpid(); // we find out the PID of the current process and store it in a variable
FILE *file = fopen("example.txt", "r"); // getting information from a file about a child process
int filePid = 0;
fscanf(file, "%d", filePid);
switch (filePid){
case -1:{ // if there is no child process, then run it and write the PID to a file
filePid = fork();
file = fopen("example.txt", "w");
fprintf(file, "%d", filePid);
case 0:{ // if this process is a child, then we go into an infinite loop
sleep(7); // waiting for seven seconds so that the system is not heavily loaded
default:{ // if this program is started again with a child process, then we send a signal to the child process
kill(filePid, SIGKILL); // we send a signal to the child process so that it ends, and after that we write the information to the file
file = fopen("example.txt", "w"); // we write information to the file that the child process is missing
fprintf(file, "%d", -1);
/Yes, I have to do it through the qnx operating system./
the errors are as follows..I'm a little confused with getpid, because I haven't used the pid variable anywhere.
and another mistake.
I will be grateful for your help.since I'm a little confused...
I can't get the value 0
UPD: how could it execute both cases, i mean "if" and "else" blocks at the same time?
how could it execute both cases, i mean "if" and "else" blocks at the same time?
You have to have a clear understanding of how fork works, when you use fork two identical processes are created parent and child and they run simultaneously, when you say filePid = fork() and if the operation is successful then the parent process will hold the process id of the child process and child process will hold 0. So here in parent process filePid == child process ID and in child process filePid == 0.
See man fork
On success, the PID of the child process is returned in the parent,
and 0 is returned in the child. On failure, -1 is returned in the
parent, no child process is created, and errno is set appropriately.
So whatever you put in the if (filePid == 0) block will be executed by the child process and whatever you put in the else block will be executed by the parent process simultaneously.
This will be helpful if you want to know more about fork.
fork() system call creates a child process and return its pid so once child is created you have two process running same instruction after fork() one is checking pid is greater which means its parent which gets child pid and in child context OS will set the pid value to 0 so it will enter condition block intended for child

C - fork() and processes behaviour

I have a small program written in C on linux. It's purpose is to examine the behaviour of the fork() call and the resulting child processes
Upon first inspection everything seems simple enough. However
Sometimes output is written in a funny order
Sometimes the child PPID is '1' not whatever the parent PID is.
I can't find any pattern or correlation between when it works as expected and when it does not.
I think that point 2. is probably caused by the parent process dying before the child process has executed fully. If so, is there a way to stop this from happening.
However I have no idea what is causing point 1.
Code below:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main()
int x = fork();
if (x == 0)
printf ("\nChild PID : %d", getpid());
printf ("\nChild PPID: %d", getppid());
printf("\nHello Child World\n");
if (x != 0)
printf("Parent :");
printf ("\nParent PID : %d", getpid());
printf ("\nParent PPID: %d", getppid());
printf("\nHello Parent World\n");
return 0;
this behaviour is seen because of scheduling policy of operating system. if you are aware of process management concepts of os, then if your parent code is running and fork() is encountered, child is created, but if within that time, parent's time slice has not been completed, then parent continues running and if within its time slice, parent executes and terminates, then child becomes orphan precess and after parent process' time slice completes, child's execution starts, thats why getppid() function returns 1, because child is an orphan process and it it now adopted by init process which starts first when operating system boots and is having process id 1.
Explanation of Behaviour 1:
The order of output cannot be controlled by the program normally. That's the point of parallel process. The OS decides which process to execute at any point of time and both processes are executed simultaneously (to the human eye).
Thus the output would generally be inter-tweened.
Explanation of Behaviour 2:
You guessed that right.
The parent process has finished before the forked one.
If you want the parent pid, you can use waitpid(x, &status, 0) in the parent process if you need the parent to stay alive till child execution. This link may help you.

Ring of processes using fork() and pipes

I've been wracking my brain about this problem during an hour. I have to create a ring of processes with n processes (quantity is passed as an argument via cmd). The parent process sends his PID to his first child, and this one sends his parent's PID plus his own PID to his next brother, and it happens until we have created n children. After that, the parent process gets the addition of the PID of all his children.
Let's suppose that the parent process' PID is 3400 and we create two children, so the ring is made of three processes
3400 + 3401(first child's PID) + 3402(second child's PID) = 10203
The parent process should get this 10203.
I have thought about one "for" loop in which child processes send the addition of their brothers PID from brother to brother, using only one pipe. Nonetheless, I haven't come across a solution yet.
Given that the task is to use fork() and pipe(), you probably need to use an algorithm like:
Parent creates pipe for it to write to 1st child.
Parent keeps open the write end of pipe to 1st child.
Parent keeps open the read end of the pipe from Nth child.
For each child n = 1..N, Parent creates output pipe for nth child to talk to n+1th.
Parent forks nth child.
nth child closes the write end of its input pipe and the read end of its output pipe.
nth child reads sum of PIDs from input pipe, adds its own pid to the sum, and writes that to the output pipe, then exits.
Meanwhile, Parent closes both ends of the input pipe to the nth (except for the descriptors it must keep open), and loops back to create the n+1th child's pipe and then the child.
When all the children have been launched, parent writes its PID to 1st child and closes the write end of that pipe.
It then reads a response from the Nth child, closes the read end of the pipe, and prints the result.
What is less obvious how you can validate the sum, unless each child also writes its PID to standard output, or the parent (which knows all the child PIDs) computes the answer to verify it.
With zero marks because of the complete lack of error checking:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int N = (argc > 1) ? atoi(argv[1]) : 10;
int c1_wr;
int cN_rd;
int p1[2];
int p2[2];
int pid_chk = getpid();
if (N <= 0 || N >= 100)
N = 10;
c1_wr = dup(p1[1]);
printf("%d children\n", N);
printf("Parent = %d\n", pid_chk);
for (int n = 0; n < N; n++)
int pid;
if ((pid = fork()) == 0)
int pid_sum;
read(p1[0], &pid_sum, sizeof(pid_sum));
pid_sum += getpid();
write(p2[1], &pid_sum, sizeof(pid_sum));
printf("Child %2d = %d\n", n+1, pid);
pid_chk += pid;
p1[0] = p2[0];
p1[1] = p2[1];
cN_rd = p2[0];
int pid_sum = getpid();
write(c1_wr, &pid_sum, sizeof(pid_sum));
read(cN_rd, &pid_sum, sizeof(pid_sum));
printf("PID sum = %d\n", pid_sum);
printf("PID chk = %d\n", pid_chk);
return 0;
Sample run:
10 children
Parent = 49686
Child 1 = 49688
Child 2 = 49689
Child 3 = 49690
Child 4 = 49691
Child 5 = 49692
Child 6 = 49693
Child 7 = 49694
Child 8 = 49695
Child 9 = 49696
Child 10 = 49697
PID sum = 546611
PID chk = 546611
The purpose of the fflush(stdout); becomes clear if (a) you omit it and (b) you run the output through a pipeline. It is necessary.
You need some kind of inter process communication (IPC). Commonly used methods for IPC are:
loopback socket
shared memory
You can find all the other methods in wikipedia IPC article.
If you're in control of the behavior of the child processes, and the parent process doesn't have important/hard-to-recreate state before launching the children, you can simplify things.
Instead of an IPC, you can have the parent recursively launch the children detached, terminate itself, and have the last child re-start the parent:
Invoke parent n, where n is number of children to spawn.
invokes child arg1-1 0 and terminates,
if invoked with "0" for arg1, it adds its own PID to arg2 and you're done, even though in terms of the process tree it's not really a "parent" of anything.
invokes child arg-1 arg2+pid, where pid is child's own PID.
if invoked with "0" for arg1, it invokes parent 0 arg2+pid.

Functionality of fork()

System information: I am running 64bit Ubuntu 10.10 on a 2 month old laptop.
Hi everyone, I've got a question about the fork() function in C. From the resources I'm using (Stevens/Rago, YoLinux, and Opengroup) it is my understanding that when you fork a process, both the parent and child continue execution from the next command. Since fork() returns 0 to the child, and the process id of the child to the parent, you can diverge their behavior with two if statements, one if(pid == 0) for the child and if(pid > 0), assuming you forked with pid = fork().
Now, I am having the weirdest thing occur. At the beginning of my main function, I am printing to stdout a couple of command line arguments that have been assigned to variables. This is this first non assignment statement in the entire program, yet, it would seem that every time I call fork later in the program, these print statements are executed.
The goal of my program is to create a "process tree" with each process having two children, down to a depth of 3, thus creating 15 total children of the initial executable. Each process prints it's parent's process ID and its process ID before and after the fork.
My code is as follows and is properly commented, command line arguments should be "ofile 3 2 -p" (I haven't gotten to implementing -p/-c flags yet":
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
if(argc != 5)//checks for correct amount of arguments
return 0;
FILE * ofile;//file to write to
pid_t pid = 1;//holds child process id
int depth = atoi(argv[2]);//depth of the process tree
int arity = atoi(argv[3]);//number of children each process should have
printf("%d%d", depth, arity);
ofile = fopen(argv[1], "w+");//opens specified file for writing
int a = 0;//counter for arity
int d = 0;//counter for depth
while(a < arity && d < depth)//makes sure depth and arity are within limits, if the children reach too high(low?) of a depth, loop fails to execute
//and if the process has forked arity times, then the loop fails to execute
fprintf(ofile, "before fork: parent's pid: %d, current pid: %d\n", getppid(), getpid());//prints parent and self id to buffer
pid = fork(); //forks program
if(pid == 0)//executes for child
fprintf(ofile, "after fork (child):parent's pid: %d, current pid: %d\n", getppid(), getpid());//prints parent's id and self id to buffer
a=-1;//resets arity to 0 (after current iteration of loop is finished), so new process makes correct number of children
d++;//increases depth counter for child and all of its children
if(pid > 0)//executes for parent process
waitpid(pid, NULL, 0);//waits on child to execute to print status
fprintf(ofile, "after fork (parent):parent's pid: %d, current pid: %d\n", getppid(), getpid());//prints parent's id and self id to buffer
a++;//increments arity counter
When I run gcc main.c -o ptree then ptree ofile 3 2 -p, the console is spammed with "32" repeating seemingly infinitely, and the file ofile is of seemingly proper format, but far far too large for what I think my program should be doing.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I am not sure why the fputs to stdout would be executed for the children, and don't have a Unix box to hand to verify/test.
However, the following jumps out:
int depth = *argv[2];//depth of the process tree
int arity = *argv[3];//number of children each process should have
You are taking the ASCII codes of the first character in argv[2] and argv[3] as your depth and arity, so your code is trying to spawn 50^51 processes instead of 2^3.
What you want is:
int depth = atoi(argv[2]);//depth of the process tree
int arity = atoi(argv[3]);//number of children each process should have
Once you fix this, bleh[0] = depth and its twin will also need correcting.
edit Although this is not a problem right now, you're cutting it pretty close with the length of some of the things you're sprintfing into obuf. Make some of the messages just a little bit longer and Kaboom! At the very least you want to use snprintf or, better yet, fprintf into the file directly.
edit I've just realised that fork, being an OS function, most probably isn't aware of internal buffering done by C I/O functions. This would explain why you get duplicates (both parent and child get a copy of buffered data on fork). Try fflush(stdout) before the loop. Also fflush(ofile) before every fork.
You have 2 errors in your code :
int depth = *argv[2];//depth of the process tree
int arity = *argv[3];//number of children each process should have
With this code you are getting the first char of the strings argv[2] and argv[3].
A correct code must be like that :
int depth = atoi(argv[2]);
int arity = atoi(argv[3]);
bleh[0] = depth;
fputs(bleh, stdout);
bleh[0] = arity;
fputs(bleh, stdout);
You can do something like that bleh[0] = (char) depth; but you'll just keep the first byte of your integer and its not that you want to do i guess, if you want to print the whole integer, simply use :
printf("%d\n%d", depth, arity);
I just tryied your code with those modifications and it seems to work well :)
You can't print out numbers using that code at the start of your function. It's probably invoking undefined behavior by passing a non-string to fputs(). You should use sprintf() (or, even better, snprintf()) to format the number into the string properly, and of course make sure the buffer is large enough to hold the string representation of the integers.
Also, you seem to be emitting text to the file, but yet it is opened in binary mode which seems wrong.
