FluentNHibernate SQL Server 2005/2008 Setup Tutorial - sql-server

Does anybody know of any good tutorials that show how to configure FluentNhibernate for SQL Server 2005/2008. The ones I have found usually just use SQLite, but I would like to see one that specifically targets SQL Server 2005/2008.
I really liked the sample tutorial on the FluentNhibernate website (http://wiki.fluentnhibernate.org/Getting_started#Your_first_project), but it looks like most tutorials I have found seem to only deal with SQLite. It would be great to see a working tutorial that deals with the more common databases in real world applications like SQL Server 2005/2008, MySQL, etc

Tutorials use SQLite not because it's "quick & dirty" but because it's embedded, small, and free. Anyone can download System.Data.SQLite and start working in about 60 seconds, and later switch (or not) to another database with minimum impact. That's one of the major benefits of using an ORM.
Just in case, I want to clarify that SQLite is not a toy database, for many applications it's enough and even necessary since the characteristics I mentioned above aren't too common for a relational databse.
In the case of fluent-nhibernate, the only difference is that instead of:
you'll have:
.ConnectionString("a raw string"))...
Each database engine config has its own specific optional settings.
More information about configuring different databases in the fluent-nhibernate wiki.


Using SQL Server for practise on Cloud

Is anyone offering SQL Server for free on cloud for learning purposes? I need it for running simple queries that we come across while learning SQL concepts online. If available I can run the queries in my mobile or tab
If you are looking for online sql , I would like to suggest you
http://sqlfiddle.com for practice purpose.It support MySQL, Oracle, MS SqlServer, Postgre, SQLlite (create your account and save your work)
http://www.w3schools.com/sql/default.asp is another great option to
run queries while learning it.
Another +1 to w3schools. They have various demo databases that you can both query AS WELL AS modify. You can restore the original database with the click of a button which is great if you are learning. I have put a screenshot of an example that I just did so you can see what it looks like.
Also, because this is web based and all of the queries are handled on the server side, you can use this from any device with internet access, including iPad/Phone whatever.
SQLFiddle is another great option, especially because you can select specifically which language you are using (MySQL, Oracle, MSSQL, etc) but it is a bit more advanced if you are just starting out because you will have to create a database/schema and insert data instead of simply manipulating existing data like you can with w3schools.

Choosing database and licensing for Delphi application

We have Delphi XE2. We are looking for a database for our application. We have tried Absolute Database and it supports most of SQL commands we need. I see most of Delphi users choose Firebird but it seems to hard to work with. I am so much confused about databases and licenses. Here are my problems:
When we choose a database, let's say Absolute Database, Firebird, MySql embedded etc. and if we have for example 3.000 customers, do we still need to pay to Database developers? Or is it one time fee? I am so much confused because they say when we buy, we can use it inside our building ( http://www.componentace.com/order/licenses.php ). But when we release our software, our customers will need to use the same database of course.
Absolute DB is easy to install and supports most of SQL queries. Firebird does not support most of SQL queries. Is this correct?
When we try to use Firebird, we use FlameRobin to design database. But when we try to connect using IB components, it says "Unable to connect database".
Thank you very much...
Firebird has no licensing fees at all. However, it's smart to help maintain this great project once you rely on it. There is a lot of ways to help Firebird project:
Not correct. Firebird is very powerful and supports most SQL standards plus a great SQL extensions for stored procedures and triggers
Check your database connection string. It's usually something like server_ip:full_db_path if you're connecting over a network, or just full_db_path if local. You can always use an ALIAS in place of full_db_path. Make sure you have Firebird server running or, if using embedded, if it's installed correctly. Firebird has a great and very complete documentation and one of the best support groups on open source projects.
It depends on database. Absolute Database is embedded database, everything is included in your exe. Most database engines however are standalone, so they are installed as applications. It looks like if you buy commercial Absolute Database licence, no royalties are needed: http://www.componentace.com/order/order_product.php?id=8
Firebird supports most SQL standards. According to this answer, most SQL compliant embedded database is Firebird: Which embedded database has maximum SQL compliance, and concurrency support?
You must have some configuration issues with IB components, hard to say more without more information. On the otherhand, IB components are for Interbase, so you might find something else better, like UIB.
If you'll choose Firebird, then take a look at IBExpert. This is absolutely the best administration tool available for Firebird. But not cheap. =(
You should also look at Interbase, also marketed by Embarcadero, the Delphi vendor. Interbase is not the same thing as Firebird, which is probably why the IB components you mentioned didn't work.
Yes, each customer will usually have to purchase the IB database. However, there are additional choices with Interbase, depending on how you structure your application. Check how they work and see if they can fit better with what you are trying to do.

Trying to deploy an Entity Framework Code First application without much luck? Best Deployment strategy?

Despite a few hiccups and a few workarounds, my MVC based Entity Framework (Code First) application is now complete and ready for deployment.
I originally tried developing through SQL Express, however, I had non stop problems with the Code First approach as I asked about here which made it completely unworkable.
So, in the end, I developed it following the majority of guidelines and used SQL Compact Edition. This has been absolutely brilliant for development - but - now it has come to deployment and I am stuck.
I have seen some people saying about generating the Schema from the .SDF file, however, there are differences and restrictions in Compact edition such as nvarchar being limited to a length of 4000, and I need max in my application.
So basically, what can I do?
In addition - but not essential - , I am going to be moving on to the next project shortly, It will involve heavy usage of items needing to be stored in a database that are longer than 4000 characters. Are there any better strategies now for development / Is it possible to use Code First with SQL Server Express or SQL Full (I have MSDN and willing to install/use anything that will help).
Here are my unofficial recommendations:
SQL CE is not a viable option for most production applications that are based on MVC (although I have used it in production services in rare cases).
I would try to avoid switching databases between development and production - i.e., don't test on SQL CE and deploy to SQL Express or something else.
I have never tried to open an MDF inside of Visual Studio - maybe I'm misunderstanding what you're saying here, but in general I'd recommend using the SQL Server-specific tools to manage databases: http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/search.aspx?q=sql+server+management+studio+express.
Regarding the other post, I would generally discourage using the AttachDBFilename portion of connection strings unless you need it for a specific purpose.
It sounds like you may want to review the available database initialization strategies: http://blog.oneunicorn.com/2011/03/31/configuring-database-initializers-in-a-config-file/.
There are lots of walkthroughs on our blog and the MVC MSDN site - if those don't work for you feel free to reach out to us from our blog and provide feedback on what we can do better!
Our blog: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/adonet/
MVC walkthroughs: http://www.asp.net/mvc/tutorials/getting-started-with-mvc3-part4-cs
On the one hand regarding deployment/migration you might want to take a look at http://exportsqlce.codeplex.com
On the other hand I've been checking Microsoft SQL Server Compact 4.0 Books Online and in principle there is no known issues with data types, although the limitation you mentioned for nvarchar is confirmed.
Finally in order to elaborate a strategy you might find interesting the Differences Between SQL Server Compact and SQL Server
You need to create a debug and a release specific web.config file:
In the release specific file you remove the connection string, so it creates a database for you.
In the debug specific file you keep the connection string.
However, I would suggest you to not use a connection string and use SQL Management Studio instead. Given that the Compact Edition does not support your requirement, this is a good time to switch...

Getting started with VB.NET Databases

I'm having trouble figuring out databases in VB.NET. (VS 2008)
What control(s) do I need to use and how do I use them? I am ,looking for tutorials and sample code too.
I'm working on a trivia game where the admin can remove and add questions to a database.
The program must be able to do all of the DB interactions itself through code.
Regarding DB portability...
I do not intend to install it on many machines, so portability is not a major issue, but I's rather not be bound to Access or SQL Server. (Is that possible? - A portable database file?)
A bit more complaining...
I really need help with connection strings and the whole DB gamut in VB. I've done DBs in PHP so I'm not completely ignorant. It's the VB side of things that's confusing.
Have you considered SQLite DB? It's a very small DB and is used my many vendors. I have not used SQLite personally, but I do know that Firefox uses it and so does iPhone (from what i've read).
SQLite does not require you to install anything (as per the post below). It's a nice alternative to Access or carrying around SQL Server Express.
If you do decide to use SQL Server Express, you will be required to install the run-time, from here for each machine it's used on.
Below are some links which may help you get started
Google for SQLite DB
ADO.NET 2.0 Provider for SQLite
And finally, here's a blog post outlining how to get it done, and quickly.
I would suggest Microsoft's Enterprise Library - The hands on labs available make it a breeze to setup access to a database, and can make it as simple as a config change to point to a new/different DB.
Also, check out http://connectionstrings.com/ for related info.

PowerBuilder app with embedded database?

Is it possible to use e.g. SQLite with PowerBuilder? I need an embedded open source database (no additional costs).
Like Bernard said, you'll need an ODBC driver, so as long as you're willing to go third party (if I understand the SQLite situation correctly), that should be no problem.
That said, if you have PowerBuilder, you have license to distribute the single-user SQL Anywhere run time engine. If no-cost is your only criteria, and you're only connecting locally, SQL Anywhere may be an option to evaluate. Not only is it an incredibly solid database, but there's a much larger base of documentation and experience connecting PowerBuilder to SQL Anywhere, so if you run into problems, you're more likely to get some help.
Good luck.
I don't believe that PowerBuilder contains a driver for native support to SQLite. But it definitely has a driver for ODBC, so that is always an option even if it isn't the most efficient one.
I used to use SQL Anywhere, but eventually ditched it for the reasons Joe Landau gave - can't change the schema using the distributable runtime engine.
I switched to Firebird, which has an embedded version, and that seems solid. The only issue is that the ODBC driver I'm using (Gemini), which seems to be the best one available, seems to have gone out of business. (I just checked - it seems to be available on other sites.) And you have to add the following to your PBODB*.INI file:
CreateTable='CREATE TABLE &TableName (::ColumnElement[::ColumnElement]...)'
ColumnElement='&ColumnName &DataType'
DropTable='DROP TABLE &TableName'
GetIdentity='Select gen_id(GEN_&TableName,0) from RDB$DATABASE'
I've been very happy with it. Using it for almost 2 years, with over 1,000 users, and no problems whatsoever. You can also easily switch to the Firebird server version if some users need that.
As noted, SQL Anywhere is available and solid. But it has a disadvantage--you can't change the schema using the run time engine. This makes it hard to, say, add a column to a db that you have distributed.
++ to the comments by DC on Firebird. One of the best free databases out there. I have used it for years for a PB application I sell to Law Firms.
Although I use the server version even if the target is a single workstation. Simplifies the deployment and the issue of adding workstations later if desired.
I use the standard Firebird ODBC driver at http://www.firebirdsql.org/index.php?op=files&id=odbc
There are two good GUI front database management tools that I hve used - IBOConsole and Flamerobin.
