Database: Schema Verification [closed] - database

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Can I please get input on the following subset of a schema?
One of the goals of this database is to be able to store the membership info for two completely different types of members. In this schema I just named them Users and Businesses. I am far enough along in the design of this database and know that Users and Businesses will come from different tables as represented here. The concern is tracking their membership information.
Here are some knowns:
Both types of members will be paying parties
Memberships can lapse and it is important to check when memberships are due
In tracking the status of a membership dates, subscription dates will need to be posted for the members to see and reminders sent out for renewal of membership
Suspended members will still exist in the DB for reactivation but will not have access until then
Each member, regardless of type, will have its own unique member id and each user/business can only have one membership
The Membership_Types table will hold information in regards to whether or not a member is a paying member or a comp member or part of any group memberships.
In the User_Memberships and Business_Memberships tables I have identified a member_status attribute as I will need a quick look into the active state of a membership. Instead of using a boolean status here should I switch it out with a membership_suspended_date and perform a calculation off of that instead?
Any input into the good or bad of this design will be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Attempt #2 trying to take into consideration input from dportas.
Since a there can only be a given unique instance of a member (user or business) I added membership_change_date to capture the history of a member if they are to switch from free to paid to free etc.
Any inputs here still considering the original criteria listed above.

The two inline graphics do not appear in my browsers, so I am going by your text, and Ken's answer.
I do not believe this question has been dealt with fully.
Your desc of Membership_Type seems to me to be Subscription_Type
SubscriptionType holds generic info re pricing, terms, etc
Subscription holds info re the specific pricing, expiration dates, etc for a Member.
Yes, this is a classic case for Supertype-Subtypes or Orthogonal Design (commonly required but unfortunately not commonly understood)
Member is the Supertype; User and Business are Exclusive Subtypes. The Relational is 1::0-or-1 and one Subtype must exist for each Member
UserId and BusinessId are RoleNames for MemberId, implemented as Primary Keys in the Subtypes, which is also the Foreign Key to Member; there is no additional Id column in the Subtypes.
Easily implemented declaratively in SQL
This is pure Fifth Normal Form
Full Referential and Data Integrity is maintained in any Standard SQL (code in the Non-SQLs)
The Status of a Member is easily derived from the latest Subscription row MAX(Subcription.Date).
Any flag or boolean in Member for that purpose is duplicate data and will introduce an Update Anomaly (where the Normalised model has none).
▶Membership Entity Relation Diagram◀
Readers who are unfamiliar with the Standard for Modelling Relational Databases may find ▶IDEF1X Notational◀ useful.
If you provide the Group::Member info, I can model that.

"each user/business can only have one membership"
The table design you have displayed seems "over-normalized" and does not model what you are describing. The key insight is that a member of any kind is recorded only once regardless of whether they are a business or a "user", and they retain their account forever even if it lapses and gets reinstated repeatedly. This means you are only tracking one thing: users=members=businesses. That means, so far, one table.
Your second table is a transaction history for each member/user/business. Note that a comp goes in as a payment with 0.00 dollars.
"The Membership_Types table will hold information in regards to whether or not a member is a paying member or a comp member or part of any group memberships."
OK, this is the third table, membership types, with details on pricing.
You would have to tell us more about the group memberships before I can say what to do with those.
As for most of the rest of these requirements, they are all about notifications, those come out of the transaction table.

I suggest you create a new supertype table for all the data common to both types of membership (type code, status, date, duration). As a rule, I think it would be better for those columns to appear in one table, not two. In fact there's a name for this rule: The Principle of Orthogonal Design.
This pattern might also be useful to you:


How to deal with similar fields across SQL Server database tables in a dimension

I am working on a data warehouse solution, and I am trying to build a dimensional model from tables held in a SQL Server database. Some of the tables include but aren't limited to Customer, Customer Payments, Customer Address, etc.
All these tables in the DB have some fields that are repeated multiple times across each table i.e. Record update date, record creatuin date, active flag, closed flag and a few others. These tables all relate to the Customer in some way, but the tables can be updated independently.
I am in the process of building out a dimension(s) on the back of these tables, but I am struggling to see how best to deal with these repeated fields in an elegant way, as they are all used.
I'll appreciate any guidance from people who have experience with scenarios like this, as I ammjust starting out
If more details are needed, I am happy to provide
Before you even consider how to include them, ask if those metadata fields even need to be in your dimensional model? If no one will use the Customer Payment Update Date (vs Created Date or Payment Date), don't bring it into your model. If the customer model includes the current address, you won't need the CustomerAddress.Active flag included as well. You don't need every OLTP field in your model.
Make notes about how you talk about the fields in conversation. How do you identify the current customer address? Check the CurrentAddress flag (CustomerAddress.IsActive). When was the Customer's payment? Check the Customer Payment Date (CustomerPayment.PaymentDate or possibly CustomerPayment.CreatedDate). Try to describe them in common language terms. This will provide the best success in making your model discoverable by your users and intuitive to use.
Naming the columns in the model and source as similar as possible will also help with maintenance and troubleshooting.
Also, make sure you delineate the entities properly. A customer payment would likely be in a separate dimension from the customer. The current address may be in customer, but if there is any value to historical address details, it may make sense to put it into its own dimension, with the Active flag as well.

Have I resolved my database relationships correctly?

I'm sorry if this is the wrong place for this question. I volunteer for a charity group that has to store sensitive data, as we are a new type of format, there are no systems that fit within our needs or our budget. Someone else started building the database, I wasn't sure he was resolving the relationships correctly, so I presented him with an alternate ER model and now we haven't heard back from him, so I am left to build it by myself.
As we have to store sensitive data, I'm reluctant to put my database design on here in it's entirety, so if there is a way I can privately discuss this with someone, that would be my preference, as I would love to get someone else to check it in full to make sure it's ALL good... but for now, can someone confirm if I have resolved the relationships correctly, or if the original design was better?
The database description is: There are different types of members -
Client, Staff, Professional (Offsite), Supplier, Family, General. There are different types of Staff members: Managers, Volunteer, Professional (Onsite), Admin, Committee, Lecturer. A member can be one or many types eg: Client/Volunteer/Family, Supplier/Volunteer, Manager/Lecturer/Volunteer/Committee/Family.
The original guy resolved this by creating a separate table for each user, each table storing a name and address eg:
Client - ClientName, ClientAddress
Professional - ProfessionalName, ProfessionalAddress
Employee - EmployeeName, EmployeeAddress
Family - FamilyName, FamilyAddress
My only problem with this is that I would ideally like one person to have one MemberID with their name and address, but with the original design each person would have a different ID for each type of person that they were, all storing name, address, phone number, email etc.
I thought that creating a Member table and having a Member Type table with a joining Member Type List table would be a better design. This is how I have resolved the issue:
Member Tables
Have I done this correctly or should I continue with the original design?
Staff Model
It makes sense to store all member related data within one table.
Also for programming, I cannot imagine any use case that would support having different tables for each member type.
That being said, I advise you to look up the concept of "user roles", since this seems very similar.
You have different users (members) and they can have different roles (member type). Based on your roles you might want to show different data / allow different actions / send specific mails (or whatever else you can imagine).
So generally your approach looks good. The only thing I think about is that right now you don't have stored who is a "Staff" member for example. If you just have one list with different names you don't store the structure.
Depending on your use cases you can e.g. make another column in MemberType table "isStaff". Or, if you need to be more flexible and there are likely more different member types in the future, you can make another table (e.g.) MemberTypeParent and set a foreign key on your MemberType table to that table to make the connection.
It all depends on what you want to do with the data in the future.

How to design a database table from a form? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm learning how to design databases, and i've been ask to create the table that will hold this form: Medical History I'm learning to use Django/Python i've already made the markup in HTML and CSS, but I don't think that making each question on the form an column would be the best approach. For example in the family history i've thought of making it a separate table, while in the review of systems i want to make each to be a set.
A pragmatic approach is to define tables based on the following criteria:
1) easy to select data from them (not to obtain many JOINs or convoluted queries that require ORs or strings splitting)
2) easy to understand (each concept maps to one table)
=> usually, normalized structures do the trick here
Of course, above are challenged in high transactional environments (INSERTs, UPDATEs, DELETEs).
I would assume then your case has moderate INSERTs, but more SELECTs (reports).
For Family history section I would normalize everything:
Code -- use to separate from a name that can change in time
Name -- breast cancer, colon cancer etc.
Code -- I would put UNIQUE constraints on Codes and Names
Name -- no, yes, father
FamilyHistoryId INT PK IDENTITY -- this may be missing, but I prefer if I use an ORM
PatientId -> FK -> Patient
DiseaseTypeId -> FK -> DiseaseType
CollateralOptionId FK -> CollateralOption
Checked BIT -- you may not define this and have records for Checked ones.
-- having this may put some storage pressure
-- but prevent some "stuffing" in the queries
These structures allow to easily COUNT number of patients with colon cancer cases in their family, for example.
Shortly put: if there is not serious reason against it, go for normalized structures.
I don't see any advantage to perform any design tricks on this data structure. Yes, making a boolean attribute of each of your checkboxes, and a string attribute of each of your free texts, will lead to a high number of attributes in one table. But this is just the logical structure of your data. All these attributes are dependent on the key, some person id, (or at least that's what I assume, as a medical layman). Also, I assume that they are independent of each other, i.e. not determined by some other combination of attributes. So they go to the same table. Putting them on several tables won't gain anything, but will force you to do lots of joins if you query on different types of attributes (like all patients whose mother had breast cancer and who now have breast lumps).
I don't know exactly what you mean by making sets of some attributes. Do you mean to have just one attribute, and encode the sequence of boolean values e.g. in one integer, like 5 for yes-no-yes? Again that's not worth the trouble, as it won't save any space or whatever, but will make queries more complicated.
If you are still in doubt, try to formulate the most frequent use cases for those data, which will probably be typical queries on combinations of these attributes. Then we might see whether a different structure would make your life easier.

One-To-Many join table to avoid nullable columns [closed]

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Closed 10 months ago.
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I'M wondering myself whether am I the first programmer struggling with this problem, but i can't find anything in SO about this.
Point of my question, is it a good idea to make a One-To-Many join table, in order to prevent NULL references.
Let's explain, in our business requirements, we have some activities that causes a payment, i.e. sales, loans, rents, services etc. each activity can have zero or one or more payments.
When designing the DB, we have tables for each activity, Sales – Loans – Rents - Services etc, and a Payment table. The relation between the activities and the payments are one to many, each loan can have many payments, and each rent can have many payments.
But there is a problem, each payment can be a loan or a sale or any other activity, we need to relate it to its corresponding activity. I think about two options:
1) Add some Foreign keys in the Payments table for each kind of activity, LoanID - RentID - ServiceID etc. And make them Nullable, due to a loan is neither a service nor a rent.
I personally don't like this solution, it is very error prone, man can very easy forgot to add the matching FK due to it is Nullable, and then we don't know what this payment is about, we lose the Referential integrity. Although it is possible to overcome this problem by creating some constraint to ensure that there are Neither more nor less than one FK, but it is not so easy to create the right constraint and take into account all possible options, and it is hard to recreate the constraint when adding new FK columns.
Needless to say about the ugliness of such a table. Don't speak about the main issue of letting unnecessary nullable columns in a table.
2) A second solution, to create join tables in between for each kind of activity, called ActivityPayments i.e. LoanPayments etc., that holds the activity ID and the payment ID, like Many-To-Many table.
There aren’t the problems described above, each payment is related to its corresponding activity, there are no referential integrity loss, no Nullable columns.
The problem is however that it enlarges the Database, and adds another layer between the tables, and needs more work when joining in queries.
Has someone any idea?
Another option is to create a supertype table, say Activity, with all of the common attributes:
This should keep the number of tables small, and still allow you to identify the activity type for a payment. Note that this assumes that common attributes exist between the different activities. If that is not the case, the second option you listed is probably the way to go.
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Single table inheritance is similar you the solution you presented, and that you are unhappy with. Yes, it does involve NULLS. Generally, user errors here are prevented by the application.
Class-table-inheritance is like the solution offered by AMS. Note that SalesID and LoanID are listed as both a PK and an FK. This hints at the technique of shared primary key. With this, SalesID and LoanID are copies of a value in ActivityID. Again, it's the application layer that does the necessary work to mke sure the copies are right.
in this specific case (not necessarily applicable in similiar situations), we usualy calculate dynamically, in a view/function, each payment for what it was (in chronological order)
in other instances we had one sale table where each product can be a physical product or service or any other for-pay offer. so that limits all debit transactions to one tbale

Which is a good design for a database table that can be owned by two different resources, and therefore needs two different foreign keys? [closed]

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Closed 11 months ago.
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My application has notification settings for users that can belong to groups. A group administrator can define settings for the entire group, so that when any user performs an action, the administrator is notified. The administrator can also define settings for an individual user, which will override the group setting.
Right now I have a database with columns: group_id, action1, action2, action3, .... The actions are booleans that determine if the administrator is notified when that action is performed by a user in his or her group.
I could make a separate table owned by the User model instead of the Group model, but it feels inefficient to store the exact same data in an entirely separate table save changing the group_id to user_id.
Another option is to add user_id to the table I already have, and allow null values for group_id. When determining notification settings for a User, the application would first choose the setting based on User, and fallback to the setting where group_id is not null. This feels inefficient because there will be many null values in the database, but it definitely requires less work on my part.
Is there a design for this situation that is more efficient than the two I've described?
Generally, there are two strategies to handle a situation like this:
Use Exclusive FKs
Essentially, each of the possible parent tables will have its own, separate foreign key in the child table, and there is a CHECK enforcing exactly one of them is non-NULL. Since FKs are only enforced on non-NULL fields (meaning, when a FK is set to NULL there is no database-level validation), only one of the FKs will be enforced.
For example:
(relationship between user and group omitted)
(group_id IS NOT NULL AND user_id IS NULL)
OR (group_id IS NULL AND user_id IS NOT NULL)
Use Inheritance
Inherit user and group from a common supertype and then connect the setting to the supertype:
For more information on inheritance (aka. category, subclassing, subtype, generalization hierarchy etc.), take a look at "Subtype Relationships" chapter of ERwin Methods Guide. Unfortunately, modern DBMSes don't natively support inheritance - for some ideas about physically implementing it, take a look at this post.
This is a heavy-duty solution probably not justified for just two tables (groups and users), but can be quite "scalable" for many tables.
how about an Actions table instead?
It could have the columns:
Table Actions:
ActionId - Identity columns
Action - Store your action here; type would depend on your system
RefId - The Id for either the user or the group
RefTable - either User or Group
then when accessing the table you know your ID already, and you know if it's a group or user and can then get the appropriate action.
This make sense?
If its possible that you could have the same action for both user/group and want one to take priority (as you mentioned in your Q) you could also add a priority column and set it as a tinyInt - lower number = higher priority. Then when you select the actions you can order them by this priority. Then perform the first action, or each action in order.
