Does every malloc call have to be freed - c

From what I understand because malloc dynamically assigns mem , you need to free that mem so that it can be used again.
What happens if you return a char* that was created using malloc (i.e. how are you supposed to free that)
If you leave the pointer as it is
and exit the application will it be
freed.(I cant find a definite answer on this , some say yes , some say no).

The caller has to free it (or arrange for it to be freed). This means that functions that create and return resources need to document exactly how it should be freed.
Most OSes will free the memory when the program exits, as part of the definition of a "process". The C standard doesn't care what happens, it's beyond the scope of the program. Not all OSes have a full process abstraction, but desktop-style OSes certainly do.
The main reasons to free it before that are:
If you free memory as soon as possible, often a long time before process exit, your program uses less memory total.
If you don't free it, and you later want to change your program into a routine within another program, that perhaps is called many times, then suddenly you require many times as much memory as before (memory leak).
There are debugging tools that will help you identify memory leaks, by warning you about memory that is still allocated when the program exits. These don't really help much if there's a lot of deliberately-leaked junk to wade through.
If you don't free it and you hit any problems, it's much harder to go back later and find all the memory that needs freeing, than it is to do it right in the first place.
There are so many cases where you do need to free the memory (to prevent huge memory use in long-running programs), that your default strategy must be to clean pretty much everything up anyway.
The vaguely plausible reasons not to free are:
Less code.
If you have squillions of blocks to free individually, immediately before program exit, then it might be much faster to let the OS drop the whole process.
Stuff which is created on demand and stored in globals might be quite difficult to clean up safely, if you don't know exactly where it's used. Think of some kind of cache that's populated as you go along, that might have MRU rules to limit how much memory it occupies, so it's not an unlimited leak. OK, so this is one bad thing (unrestricted globals) causing another bad thing (unfreed memory), but it's worth knowing about as a reason why you might see unfreed blocks in existing code, and you can't necessarily just go in and fix them.
The reasons for freeing almost always outweigh the reasons against.

If you have a pointer to memory created by malloc, freeing that memory, using that pointer, will do the right thing. Yes, there is some magic involved; this will be taken care of by your compiler.
Yes, if you ignore the memory freeing, and exit the application, the OS will release the memory. However, it's considered bad practice to leave it unfreed. The OS may not do the right thing (especially in embedded settings), or may not do it in a timely fashion. Also, if you're running your program continuously, you may end up consuming a growing amount of memory, eventually consuming it all, and running out of memory and crashing.

Yes. If you malloc, you need to free. You are guaranteeing memory leaks while your program is running if you don't free.
Free it.

Yes, every call to malloc() has to be matched with a call to free().
To answer your specific questions:
You have to explicitly document your API telling the user whether the returned pointer has to be free()'d
The OS will free all memory allocated to the process.

If you write the function yourself: Avoid doing that.
Instead, let the caller pass a buffer, let the caller specify the buffer's size and copy the data into that buffer. That way, you can use your function from other modules that don't use the same heap (other programming languages, different C runtime...)
If you for whatever reason can not use such an interface, specify in the function's documentation that the caller has to free the returned pointer after it is done with it.
If you are using a library function: Have a look at the documentation.
If the documentation states that you have to free, do so.
If the documentation states that you don't have to, it might be some global cleanup function that has to be called to free the module's resources.
Regarding your second question, freeing before exiting is recommended. Technically it wont hurt, but when you ever want to reuse your code in a bigger project, you will be thankful that you wrote the correct cleanup in the first place.

The C standard has no concept of the system environment outside of a single program's execution, so it cannot specify what happens "after the program exits". At the same time, nowhere does it make any requirement that memory obtained with malloc should or must be released with free before a call to exit or a return from main, and I think it's pretty clear that the intention is that exiting without manually freeing memory will not leave resources tied up - much like how calling exit without closing all files first automatically closes them (including flushing them).
Now, as for whether you should or should not call free, that depends a lot on your particular program.
Any library code should free any memory that it obtained purely for internal use as soon as possible.
A library which returns allocated objects to the calling program should always provide a corresponding call to free those objects.
A library which performs any allocations as part of a global initialization (note: this is a very bad design, but sometimes inevitable) should provide a way for the application to reverse that initialization and free everything that was allocated. This is especially important if the library might ever be loaded dynamically (even as a consequence of satisfying another dynamically-loaded library's dependencies).
So far I've only talked about library code. At this point, all that's left is allocations made by the application itself or on the application's behalf by libraries. My view, and I will admit that it is unorthodox, is that freeing such objects is not just unnecessary but harmful. The main reason I say this is that most long-lived applications will have accumulated quite a bit of allocated memory which they are not making significant use of (think of the undo buffer in a word processor or the history in a browser). On a moderately loaded system, much of this data has been swapped to disk by the time the application terminates. If you want to free it, you're going to end up walking all over swapped-out memory addresses tracking down all the pointers to free,
putting useless wear on the physical components of the hard drive
making the user wait for your application to exit
causing other still-in-use applications' data to get swapped out, making them run slower
All of this in the name of a ridiculous "you must free everything you allocate" rule.
For short-lived applications, it's not so much of a big deal, but you can often simplify the implementation of short-lived applications that perform a single linear task and exit if you don't bother freeing all the memory they allocate. Think of most unix command line utilities. Is there any use to writing the loops for sed to free all its compiled regular expressions before exiting? Couldn't programmers' time be spent on something more productive?

1) The same way you'd free the memory normally, i.e.
p = func();
The trick is in making sure that you always do it...
2) Generally speaking, yes. But you should still free any memory you use as good practice. Not spending the time to figure out where to free the memory is just being lazy.

Let's take those one point at a time...
If you return a char * that you know was created with malloc, then yes, it is your responsibility to free that. You can do that with free(myCharPtr).
The OS will claim the memory back, and it won't be lost forever, but there's technically no guarantee that it will be reclaimed right when the application dies. That just depends on the operating system.

I wouldn't go so far as to say every malloc must be freed, but I would say that, no matter how long a program runs, there must be a bounded number of allocations (and total size) that won't be freed. The number need not be a static constant, but it must be specifiable in terms of something else (e.g. this program processes widgets; it will allocate one 64-byte struct for each quizzix in the largest widget). One may not know beforehand the size of the largest widget, but if e.g. one knows that the temporary storage required to process a widget is proportional to the square of its size, one might safely infer that the largest widget will be small enough that the total amount of memory stranded will be pretty slight.


Do we really have to free() when we malloc()? What makes it different from an automatic variable then?

The OS will just recover it (after the program exits) right? So what's the use other than good programming style? Or is there something I'm misunderstanding? What makes it different from "automatic" allocation since both can be changed during run time, and both end after program execution?
When your application is working with vast amounts of data, you must free in order to conserve heap space. If you don't, several bad things can happen:
the OS will stop allocating memory for you (crashing)
the OS will start swapping your data to disk (thrashing)
other applications will have less space to put their data
The fact that the OS collects all the space you allocate when the application exits does not mean you should rely upon this to write a solid application. This would be like trying to rely on the compiler to optimize poor programming. Memory management is crucial for good performance, scalability, and reliability.
As others have mentioned, malloc allocates space in the heap, while auto variables are created on the stack. There are uses for both, but they are indeed very different. Heap space must be allocated and managed by the OS and can store data dynamically and of different sizes.
If you call a macro for thousand times without using free() then compiler or safe to say system will assign you thousand different address, but if you use free() after each malloc then only one memory address will be given to you every time.
So chances of memory leak, bus error, memory out of bound and crash would be minimum.
Its safe to use free().
In C/C++ "auto" variables are allocated on the stack. They are destroyed right at the exit from the function. This will happen automatically. You do not need to write anything for this.
Heap allocations (result of a call to malloc) are either released explicitly (with a call to free) or they are cleaned up when the process ends.
If you are writing small program that will be used maybe once or twice, then it is ok not to free your heap allocations. This is not nice but acceptable.
If you are writing medium or big project or are planning to include your code into other project, you should definitely release every heap allocation. Not doing this will create HUGE trouble. The heap memory is not endless. Program may use it all. Even if you will allocate small amount of memory, this will still create unnedded pressure on the OS, cause swapping, etc.
The bottom line: freeing allocations is much more than just a style or a good habit.
An automatic variable is destroyed (and its memory is re-usable) as soon as you exit the scope in which it is defined. For most variables that's much earlier than program exit.
If you malloc and don't free, then the memory isn't re-usable until the program exits. Not even then, on some systems with very minimal OS.
So yes, there's big difference between an automatic variable and a leaked memory allocation. Call a function that leaks an allocation enough times, and you'll run out of memory. Call a function with an automatic variable in it as many times as you like, the memory is re-usable.
It is good programming style and it's more than that. Not doing proper memory management in non-trivial programs will eventually influence the usability of your program. Sure the OS can reclaim any resources that you've allocated/used after your program terminates, but that doesn't alleviate the burden or potential issues during program execution.
Consider the web browser that you've used to post this question: if the browser is written in a language that requires memory management, and the code didn't do it properly, how long do you think it would be before you'd notice that it's eating up all your memory? How long do you think the browser would remain usable? Now consider that users often leave browsers open for long periods of time: without proper memory management, they would become unusable after few page loads.
If your program does not exit immediately and you're not freeing your memory you're going to end up wasting it. Either you'll run out of memory eventually, or you'll start swapping to disk (which is slow, and also not unlimited).
automatic variable is on the stack and its size should be known on compilation time. if you need to store data that you don't the size, for example, maintain a binary tree, where the user add and removes objects. beside that stack size might be limited (depends on your target), for example, linux kernel the stack is 4k-8k usually. you also trash the instruction cache, which affects performance,
Yes you absolutely have to use free() after malloc() (as well as closing files and other resources when you're done). While it's true that the OS will recover it after execution, a long running process will leak memory that way. If your program is as simple as a main method that runs a single method then exists, it's probably not a big deal, albeit incredibly sloppy. You should get in the habit of managing memory properly in C because one day you may want to write a nontrivial program that runs for more than a second, and if you don't learn how to do it in advance, you'll have a huge headache dealing with memory leaks.

Why is malloc really non-deterministic? (Linux/Unix)

malloc is not guaranteed to return 0'ed memory. The conventional wisdom is not only that, but that the contents of the memory malloc returns are actually non-deterministic, e.g. openssl used them for extra randomness.
However, as far as I know, malloc is built on top of brk/sbrk, which do "return" 0'ed memory. I can see why the contents of what malloc returns may be non-0, e.g. from previously free'd memory, but why would they be non-deterministic in "normal" single-threaded software?
Is the conventional wisdom really true (assuming the same binary and libraries)
If so, Why?
Edit Several people answered explaining why the memory can be non-0, which I already explained in the question above. What I'm asking is why the program using the contents of what malloc returns may be non-deterministic, i.e. why it could have different behavior every time it's run (assuming the same binary and libraries). Non-deterministic behavior is not implied by non-0's. To put it differently: why it could have different contents every time the binary is run.
Malloc does not guarantee unpredictability... it just doesn't guarantee predictability.
E.g. Consider that
return 0;
Is a valid implementation of malloc.
The initial values of memory returned by malloc are unspecified, which means that the specifications of the C and C++ languages put no restrictions on what values can be handed back. This makes the language easier to implement on a variety of platforms. While it might be true that in Linux malloc is implemented with brk and sbrk and the memory should be zeroed (I'm not even sure that this is necessarily true, by the way), on other platforms, perhaps an embedded platform, there's no reason that this would have to be the case. For example, an embedded device might not want to zero the memory, since doing so costs CPU cycles and thus power and time. Also, in the interest of efficiency, for example, the memory allocator could recycle blocks that had previously been freed without zeroing them out first. This means that even if the memory from the OS is initially zeroed out, the memory from malloc needn't be.
The conventional wisdom that the values are nondeterministic is probably a good one because it forces you to realize that any memory you get back might have garbage data in it that could crash your program. That said, you should not assume that the values are truly random. You should, however, realize that the values handed back are not magically going to be what you want. You are responsible for setting them up correctly. Assuming the values are truly random is a Really Bad Idea, since there is nothing at all to suggest that they would be.
If you want memory that is guaranteed to be zeroed out, use calloc instead.
Hope this helps!
malloc is defined on many systems that can be programmed in C/C++, including many non-UNIX systems, and many systems that lack operating system altogether. Requiring malloc to zero out the memory goes against C's philosophy of saving CPU as much as possible.
The standard provides a zeroing cal calloc that can be used if you need to zero out the memory. But in cases when you are planning to initialize the memory yourself as soon as you get it, the CPU cycles spent making sure the block is zeroed out are a waste; C standard aims to avoid this waste as much as possible, often at the expense of predictability.
Memory returned by mallocis not zeroed (or rather, is not guaranteed to be zeroed) because it does not need to. There is no security risk in reusing uninitialized memory pulled from your own process' address space or page pool. You already know it's there, and you already know the contents. There is also no issue with the contents in a practical sense, because you're going to overwrite it anyway.
Incidentially, the memory returned by malloc is zeroed upon first allocation, because an operating system kernel cannot afford the risk of giving one process data that another process owned previously. Therefore, when the OS faults in a new page, it only ever provides one that has been zeroed. However, this is totally unrelated to malloc.
(Slightly off-topic: The Debian security thing you mentioned had a few more implications than using uninitialized memory for randomness. A packager who was not familiar with the inner workings of the code and did not know the precise implications patched out a couple of places that Valgrind had reported, presumably with good intent but to desastrous effect. Among these was the "random from uninitilized memory", but it was by far not the most severe one.)
I think that the assumption that it is non-deterministic is plain wrong, particularly as you ask for a non-threaded context. (In a threaded context due to scheduling alea you could have some non-determinism).
Just try it out. Create a sequential, deterministic application that
does a whole bunch of allocations
fills the memory with some pattern, eg fill it with the value of a counter
free every second of these allocations
newly allocate the same amount
run through these new allocations and register the value of the first byte in a file (as textual numbers one per line)
run this program twice and register the result in two different files. My idea is that these files will be identical.
Even in "normal" single-threaded programs, memory is freed and reallocated many times. Malloc will return to you memory that you had used before.
Even single-threaded code may do malloc then free then malloc and get back previously used, non-zero memory.
There is no guarantee that brk/sbrk return 0ed-out data; this is an implementation detail. It is generally a good idea for an OS to do that to reduce the possibility that sensitive information from one process finds its way into another process, but nothing in the specification says that it will be the case.
Also, the fact that malloc is implemented on top of brk/sbrk is also implementation-dependent, and can even vary based on the size of the allocation; for example, large allocations on Linux have traditionally used mmap on /dev/zero instead.
Basically, you can neither rely on malloc()ed regions containing garbage nor on it being all-0, and no program should assume one way or the other about it.
The simplest way I can think of putting the answer is like this:
If I am looking for wall space to paint a mural, I don't care whether it is white or covered with old graffiti, since I'm going to prime it and paint over it. I only care whether I have enough square footage to accommodate the picture, and I care that I'm not painting over an area that belongs to someone else.
That is how malloc thinks. Zeroing memory every time a process ends would be wasted computational effort. It would be like re-priming the wall every time you finish painting.
There is an whole ecosystem of programs living inside a computer memmory and you cannot control the order in which mallocs and frees are happening.
Imagine that the first time you run your application and malloc() something, it gives you an address with some garbage. Then your program shuts down, your OS marks that area as free. Another program takes it with another malloc(), writes a lot of stuff and then leaves. You run your program again, it might happen that malloc() gives you the same address, but now there's different garbage there, that the previous program might have written.
I don't actually know the implementation of malloc() in any system and I don't know if it implements any kind of security measure (like randomizing the returned address), but I don't think so.
It is very deterministic.

C - Design your own free( ) function

Today, I appeared for an interview and the interviewer asked me this,
Tell me the steps how will you design your own free( ) function for
deallocate the allocated memory.
How can it be more efficient than C's default free() function ? What can you conclude ?
I was confused, couldn't think of the way to design.
What do you think guys ?
EDIT : Since we need to know about how malloc() works, can you tell me the steps to write our own malloc() function
That's actually a pretty vague question, and that's probably why you got confused. Does he mean, given an existing malloc implementation, how would you go about trying to develop a more efficient way to free the underlying memory? Or was he expecting you to start discussing different kinds of malloc implementations and their benefits and problems? Did he expect you to know how virtual memory functions on the x86 architecture?
Also, by more efficient, does he mean more space efficient or more time efficient? Does free() have to be deterministic? Does it have to return as much memory to the OS as possible because it's in a low-memory, multi-tasking environment? What's our criteria here?
It's hard to say where to start with a vague question like that, other than to start asking your own questions to get clarification. After all, in order to design your own free function, you first have to know how malloc is implemented. So chances are, the question was really about whether or not you knew anything about how malloc can be implemented.
If you're not familiar with the internals of memory management, the easiest way to get started with understanding how malloc is implemented is to first write your own.
Check out this IBM DeveloperWorks article called "Inside Memory Management" for starters.
But before you can write your own malloc/free, you first need memory to allocate/free. Unfortunately, in a protected mode OS, you can't directly address the memory on the machine. So how do you get it?
You ask the OS for it. With the virtual memory features of the x86, any piece of RAM or swap memory can be mapped to a memory address by the OS. What your program sees as memory could be physically fragmented throughout the entire system, but thanks to the kernel's virtual memory manager, it all looks the same.
The kernel usually provides system calls that allow you to map in additional memory for your process. On older UNIX OS's this was usually brk/sbrk to grow heap memory onto the edge of your process or shrink it off, but a lot of systems also provide mmap/munmap to simply map a large block of heap memory in. It's only once you have access to a large, contiguous looking block of memory that you need malloc/free to manage it.
Once your process has some heap memory available to it, it's all about splitting it into chunks, with each chunk containing its own meta information about its size and position and whether or not it's allocated, and then managing those chunks. A simple list of structs, each containing some fields for meta information and a large array of bytes, could work, in which case malloc has to run through the list until if finds a large enough unallocated chunk (or chunks it can combine), and then map in more memory if it can't find a big enough chunk. Once you find a chunk, you just return a pointer to the data. free() can then use that pointer to reverse back a few bytes to the member fields that exist in the structure, which it can then modify (i.e. marking chunk.allocated = false;). If there's enough unallocated chunks at the end of your list, you can even remove them from the list and unmap or shrink that memory off your process's heap.
That's a real simple method of implementing malloc though. As you can imagine, there's a lot of possible ways of splitting your memory into chunks and then managing those chunks. There's as many ways as there are data structures and algorithms. They're all designed for different purposes too, like limiting fragmentation due to small, allocated chunks mixed with small, unallocated chunks, or ensuring that malloc and free run fast (or sometimes even more slowly, but predictably slowly). There's dlmalloc, ptmalloc, jemalloc, Hoard's malloc, and many more out there, and many of them are quite small and succinct, so don't be afraid to read them. If I remember correctly, "The C Programming Language" by Kernighan and Ritchie even uses a simple malloc implementation as one of their examples.
You can't blindly design free() without knowing how malloc() works under the hood because your implementation of free() would need to know how to manipulate the bookkeeping data and that's impossible without knowing how malloc() is implemented.
So an unswerable question could be how you would design malloc() and free() instead which is not a trivial question but you could answer it partially for example by proposing some very simple implementation of a memory pool that would not be equivalent to malloc() of course but would indicate your presence of knowledge.
One common approach when you only have access to user space (generally known as memory pool) is to get a large chunk of memory from the OS on application start-up. Your malloc needs to check which areas of the right size of that pool are still free (through some data structure) and hand out pointers to that memory. Your free needs to mark the memory as free again in the data structure and possibly needs to check for fragmentation of the pool.
The benefits are that you can do allocation in nearly constant time, the drawback is that your application consumes more memory than actually is needed.
Tell me the steps how will you design your own free( ) function for deallocate the allocated memory.
#include <stdlib.h>
#undef free
#define free(X) my_free(X)
inline void my_free(void *ptr) { }
How can it be more efficient than C's default free() function ?
It is extremely fast, requiring zero machine cycles. It also makes use-after-free bugs go away. It's a very useful free function for use in programs which are instantiated as short-lived batch processes; it can usefully be deployed in some production situations.
What can you conclude ?
I really want this job, but in another company.
Memory usage patterns could be a factor. A default implementation of free can't assume anything about how often you allocate/deallocate and what sizes you allocate when you do.
For example, if you frequently allocate and deallocate objects that are of similar size, you could gain speed, memory efficiency, and reduced fragmentation by using a memory pool.
EDIT: as sharptooth noted, only makes sense to design free and malloc together. So the first thing would be to figure out how malloc is implemented.
malloc and free only have a meaning if your app is to work on top of an OS. If you would like to write your own memory management functions you would have to know how to request the memory from that specific OS or you could reserve the heap memory right away using existing malloc and then use your own functions to distribute/redistribute the allocated memory through out your app
There is an architecture that malloc and free are supposed to adhere to -- essentially a class architecture permitting different strategies to coexist. Then the version of free that is executed corresponds to the version of malloc used.
However, I'm not sure how often this architecture is observed.
The knowledge of working of malloc() is necessary to implement free(). You can find a implementation of malloc() and free() using the sbrk() system call in K&R The C Programming Language Chapter 8, Section 8.7 "Example--A Storage Allocator" pp.185-189.

does free always (portably) frees & reserve memory for the process or returns to the OS

I have read that free() "generally" does not return memory to the OS. Can we portably make use of this feature of free(). For example,is this portable?
/* Assume I know i would need memory equivalent to 10000 integers at max
during the lifetime of the process */
unsigned int* p = malloc(sizeof(unsigned int) * 10000);
if ( p == NULL)
return 1;
/* Different points in the program */
unsigned int* q = malloc(sizeof(unsigned int) * 5);
/* No need to check for the return value of malloc */
I am writing a demo where I would know in advance how many call contexts to support.
Is it feasible to allocate "n" number of "call contexts" structures in advance and then free them immediately. Would that guarantee that my future malloc calls would not fail?
Does this give me any advantage with regards to efficiency? I am thinking one less "if" check plus would memory management work better if a large chunk was initially acquired and is now available with free. Would this cause less fragmentation?
You would be better off keeping the initial block of memory allocated then using a pool to make it available to clients in your application. It isn't good form to rely on esoteric behaviors to maintain the stability of your code. If anything changes, you could be dealing with bad pointers and having program crashes.
You are asking for a portable and low level way to control what happens on the OS side of the memory interface.
On any OS (because c is one of the most widely ported languages out there).
Think about that and keep in mind that OSs differ in their construction and goals and have widely varying sets of needs and properties.
There is a reason the usual c APIs only define how things should look and behave from the c side of the interface, and not how things should be on the OS side.
No, you can't reliably do such a thing. It is portable only in the sense that it's valid C and will probably compile anywhere you try it, but it is still incorrect to rely on this supposed (and undocumented) behaviour.
You will also not get any appreciably better performance. A simple check for NULL returns from malloc() is not what's making your program slow. If you think all your calls to malloc() and free() are slowing your program down, write your own allocation system with the behaviour you want.
You cannot portably rely on any such behavior of malloc(). You can only rely on malloc() giving you a pointer to a block memory of the given size which you can use until you call free().
Hmm, no. What malloc(3) does internally is call the brk(2) to extend the data segment if it's too small for given allocation request. It does touch some of the pages for its internal bookkeeping, but generally not all allocated pages might be backed by physical memory at that point.
This is because many OS-es do memory overcommit - promising the application whatever it requested regardless of available physical memory in hopes that not all memory will be used by the app, that other apps release memory/terminate, and falling back on swapping as last resort. Say on Linux malloc(3) pretty much never fails.
When memory actually gets referenced the kernel will have to find available physical pages to back it up, create/update page tables and TLBs, etc. - normal handling for a page fault. So again, no, you will not get any speedup later unless you go and touch every page in that allocated chunk.
Disclamer: the above is might not be accurate for Windows (so, no again - nothing close to portable.)
No, there's no guarantee free() will not release the memory back, and there's no guarantee your second malloc will succeed.
Even platforms who "generally" don't return memory to the OS, does so at times if it can. You could end up with your first malloc succeeding, and your next malloc not succeding since in the mean time some other part of the system used up your memory.
Not at all. It's not portable at all. In addition, there's no guarantee that another process won't have used the memory in question- C runs on many devices like embedded where virtual memory addressing doesn't exist. Nor will it reduce fragmentation- you'd have to know the page size of the machine and allocate an exact number of pages- and then, when you freed them, they'd be just unfragmented again.
If you really want to guarantee malloced memory, malloc a large block and manually place objects into it. That's the only way. As for efficiency, you must be running on an incredibly starved device in order to save a few ifs.
malloc(3) also does mmap(2), consequently, free(3) does munmap(2), consequently, second malloc() can in theory fail.
The C standard can be read as requiring this, but from a practical viewpoint there are implementations known that don't follow that, so whether it's required or not you can't really depend on it.
So, if you want this to be guaranteed, you'll pretty much need to write your own allocator. A typical strategy is to allocate a big block from malloc (or whatever) and sub-allocate pieces for the rest of the program to use out of that large block (or perhaps a number of large blocks).
For better control you should create your own memory allocator. An example of memory allocator is this one. This is the only way you will have predictable results. Everything else that relies on obscure/undocumented features and works can be attributed to luck.

Patterns for freeing memory in C?

I'm currently working on a C based application am a bit stuck on freeing memory in a non-antipattern fashion. I am a memory-management amateur.
My main problem is I declare memory structures in various different scopes, and these structures get passed around by reference to other functions. Some of those functions may throw errors and exit().
How do I go about freeing my structures if I exit() in one scope, but not all my data structures are in that scope?
I get the feeling I need to wrap it all up in a psuedo exception handler and have the handler deal with freeing, but that still seems ugly because it would have to know about everything I may or may not need to free...
Consider wrappers to malloc and using them in a disciplined way. Track the memory that you do allocate (in a linked list maybe) and use a wrapper to exit to enumerate your memory to free it. You could also name the memory with an additional parameter and member of your linked list structure. In applications where allocated memory is highly scope dependent you will find yourself leaking memory and this can be a good method to dump the memory and analyze it.
Threading in your application will make this very complex. See other answers regarding threading issues.
You don't need to worry about freeing memory when exit() is called. When the process exits, the operating system will free all of the associated memory.
I think to answer this question appropriately, we would need to know about the architecture of your entire program (or system, or whatever the case may be).
The answer is: it depends. There are a number of strategies you can use.
As others have pointed out, on a modern desktop or server operating system, you can exit() and not worry about the memory your program has allocated.
This strategy changes, for example, if you are developing on an embedded operating system where exit() might not clean everything up. Typically what I see is when individual functions return due to an error, they make sure to clean up anything they themselves have allocated. You wouldn't see any exit() calls after calling, say, 10 functions. Each function would in turn indicate an error when it returns, and each function would clean up after itself. The original main() function (if you will - it might not be called main()) would detect the error, clean up any memory it had allocated, and take the appropriate actions.
When you just have scopes-within-scopes, it's not rocket science. Where it gets difficult is if you have multiple threads of execution, and shared data structures. Then you might need a garbage collector or a way to count references and free the memory when the last user of the structure is done with it. For example, if you look at the source to the BSD networking stack, you'll see that it uses a refcnt (reference count) value in some structures that need to be kept "alive" for an extended period of time and shared among different users. (This is basically what garbage collectors do, as well.)
You can create a simple memory manager for malloc'd memory that is shared between scopes/functions.
Register it when you malloc it, de-register it when you free it. Have a function that frees all registered memory before you call exit.
It adds a bit of overhead, but it helps keep track of memory. It can also help you hunt down pesky memory leaks.
Michael's advice is sound - if you are exiting, you don't need to worry about freeing the memory since the system will reclaim it anyway.
One exception to that is shared memory segments - at least under System V Shared Memory. Those segments can persist longer than the program that creates them.
One option not mentioned so far is to use an arena-based memory allocation scheme, built on top of standard malloc(). If the entire application uses a single arena, your cleanup code can release that arena, and all is freed at once. (APR - Apache Portable Runtime - provides a pools feature which I believe is similar; David Hanson's "C Interfaces and Implementations" provides an arena-based memory allocation system; I've written one that you could use if you wanted to.) You can think of this as "poor man's garbage collection".
As a general memory discipline, every time you allocate memory dynamically, you should understand which code is going to release it and when it can be released. There are a few standard patterns. The simplest is "allocated in this function; released before this function returns". This keeps the memory largely under control (if you don't run too many iterations on the loop that contains the memory allocation), and scopes it so that it can be made available to the current function and the functions it calls. Obviously, you have to be reasonably sure that the functions you call are not going to squirrel away (cache) pointers to the data and try to reuse them later after you've released and reused the memory.
The next standard pattern is exemplified by fopen() and fclose(); there's a function that allocates a pointer to some memory, which can be used by the calling code, and then released when the program has finished with it. However, this often becomes very similar to the first case - it is usually a good idea to call fclose() in the function that called fopen() too.
Most of the remaining 'patterns' are somewhat ad hoc.
People have already pointed out that you probably don't need to worry about freeing memory if you're just exiting (or aborting) your code in case of error. But just in case, here's a pattern I developed and use a lot for creating and tearing down resources in case of error. NOTE: I'm showing a pattern here to make a point, not writing real code!
int foo_create(foo_t *foo_out) {
int res;
foo_t foo;
bar_t bar;
baz_t baz;
res = bar_create(&bar);
if (res != 0)
goto fail_bar;
res = baz_create(&baz);
if (res != 0)
goto fail_baz;
foo = malloc(sizeof(foo_s));
if (foo == NULL)
goto fail_alloc;
foo->bar = bar;
foo->baz = baz;
etc. etc. you get the idea
*foo_out = foo;
return 0; /* meaning OK */
/* tear down stuff */
return res; /* propagate error code */
I can bet I'm going to get some comments saying "this is bad because you use goto". But this is a disciplined and structured use of goto that makes code clearer, simpler, and easier to maintain if applied consistently. You can't achieve a simple, documented tear-down path through the code without it.
If you want to see this in real in-use commercial code, take a look at, say, arena.c from the MPS (which is coincidentally a memory management system).
It's a kind of poor-man's try...finish handler, and gives you something a bit like destructors.
I'm going to sound like a greybeard now, but in my many years of working on other people's C code, lack of clear error paths is often a very serious problem, especially in network code and other unreliable situations. Introducing them has occasionally made me quite a bit of consultancy income.
There are plenty of other things to say about your question -- I'm just going to leave it with this pattern in case that's useful.
Very simply, why not have a reference counted implementation, so when you create an object and pass it around you increment and decrement the reference counted number (remember to be atomic if you have more than one thread).
That way, when an object is no longer used (zero references) you can safely delete it, or automatically delete it in the reference count decrement call.
This sounds like a task for a Boehm garbage collector.
Depends on the system of course whether you can or should afford to use it.
