Validation When Using MVVM (WPF) with a DDD-Based Model - wpf

A common MVVM/WPF approach is to data-bind the UI's controls directly to the underlying model object. The model object may contain its own validation logic (perhaps exposed via IDataErrorInfo) or may be validated by a helper class checks a model object instance for errors. In either case, at times the model have invalid data in it and so be in an invalid state.
However, in the DDD world, the model is never to be in an invalid state. How do you suggest performing validation when using WPF and DDD?

I don't think the View in MVVM should be binding directly to the domain model, it really should be binding to a View Model instead. Then the View Model can be in an "invalid" state which can be reflected through IDataErrorInfo. Only later when a user operation (e.g. Save, OK, Apply) applies this to the underlying domain model should the domain model enforce validity, you can also prevent the apply by not allowing the operation in the UI.
Although I must say I've found that it's not always easy to do this without duplicating the validation logic to some extent.

I'm tending to think that a facade or similar layer should be used as the MVVM "model." This facade can be in an invalid state (unlike the DDD model). For validation, it can either contain its own logic or a tool like FluentValidation can be used. Once it is in a valid state, its "do action" function can be called. This will pass the data in the facade to the underlying DDD model. With this approach, at no point does the DDD model encounter invalid data.
With this approach, the facade and its validation logic could be used by multiple view/view model pairs, eliminating the validation logic duplication present when each view model does its own validation.

Validation belongs in your business logic (domain model). I suggest taking a look at FluentValidation for .NET.
I've actually had good luck having the ViewModel setter call the underlying Model object, and letting FluentValidation throw an exception. If you're using a WPF TextBox, the binding will keep working, but the TextBox will show a red outline (assuming you've used the syntax where the TextBox updates the ViewModel on each and every keystroke). Just don't throw an exception in the getter or you'll break the binding.
It's better to route all your communication from the ViewModel to the Model through some intermediary (I introduced a Presenter, but this can be as simple as passing the Model operation as a lambda to a callback on some mediator). When an exception happens while operating on the Model, the Presenter catches the exception and displays a friendly message to the user with the details from the exception. FluentValidation produces really nice default error messages for this purpose.


Autogenerated MVVM: Validation and INotifyPropertyChanged

I known there are several existing questions about whether to implement INPC on the model, most arguments are about code repetition because of property proxies, which will be not a concern in this case, because the Model and the ViewModel will be autogenerated by a tool, so any code-size arguments is invalid.
There are any drawbacks in not implementing INotifyPropertyChanged on the Model besides code size?
Also, the generated Model will be used directly by the programmers but the ViewModel will only be used by other generated code, so the size and complexity of the view model will be hidden, but the Model has to be as simple as possible without losing functionality, in this case Is better to implement validation and calculated properties on the model or in the view model?
Consider that the model may be or not database entities.
This is too generic a question to be answered.
"Is better to implement ... ?" : This depends on the application need . Ideally the Model has all the properties and the Viewmodel is just the place where you fill the Model and write the necessary business logic.
Since you are talking about autogeneration, i suppose you have written some util which does this creation. Ideally the validation should be present in both Model and ViewModel. Model side validations are supposed to check any DB/server side validation if present and the ViewModel(VM) is supposed to validate the client for eg: In VM you validate for whether a property is greater than some other property, but in the Model validation you would validate for uniqness or null etc.
Other thing is the calculated properties(I hope this means calculation done in the database and filled in a property), these properties ideally should reside on the ViewModel .
Hope this answers your question.

MVVM model validation and data binding?

When looking up tutorials for the best practices to do property validation in WPF MVVM I see a lot of people use the interface IDataErrorInfo I was just wondering if it is possible to setup automatic validation like that used in ASP .Net MVC using attributes?
Can anyone sugest what the best practices are for model validation in MVVM? Should the validation be on the base model class? or on the view model class?
Silverlight has a control called the DataForm that works using the DataAnnotations Attributes and someone was kind enough to port that control to WPF. I believe that is something along the lines of what you're looking for.
These are good questions!! Validation belongs in BOTH the Model and the ViewModel(s). Here is how I usually approach it:
First I put as much validation in the Model as I can - these will be rules that are independent of a given presentation. For example, assume an employee in your domain is not valid if it doesn't have a EmployeeNumber property that is not null, and six characters in length, and each of the six characters must be a digit.
Secondly, I have a base ViewModel class that implements IDataErrorInfo. In this base class I basically ask the Model if it is valid, triggering an error if it isn't (which is easy to translate to the View by virtue of IDataErrorInfo). I also make the implementing methods of IDataError info virtual, because...
Lastly, there will be edge cases unique to a given presentation that cannot be captured by the Model. For a (contrived) example, assume you have one presentation in which an employee is valid if only his first and last name are entered, and another that requires a middle initial as well. While you certainly can and should have a FullName component / valueObject property in Employee to validate that the property is not null, you need a subclassed ViewModel for each presentation to know if the user entries for the properties of the Fullame are valid in this case.
Finally, you can and should use a Validator for your Model validation - I like NHibernateValidator but there are certainly other (very) good ones available. Most of them, including NHibernate's, will support the attribute validation you are looking for. I prefer a cleaner alternative to attributes however, whereby I setup all validation rules for my validator in a separate project (ie, MyDomainImpl). Cleaner in the sense of less noise in the Model, and a cleaner separation of concerns.
Feel free to ask questions if you need to Also give yourself some time to work thru this until you have an approach that works for you - this is not a trivial topic.
My take is that validation should be on ViewModel and not on Model because :
Validations are for incorrect input
and the first logical point of UI is
ViewModel. It is good practice to
validate and stop request at
ViewModel and not send across invalid
data to the Model
Also many a times Models are legacy and the assumption is that they
cannot be modified. ViewModel creates
a good wrapper over the model.
If you are using any Dependency Injection tool for your aplication like Unity, Windsor Castle etc., you can use interceptors to validate ViewModels. Interceptors are invoked first before any call to ViewModel methods.
An example of using interceptor with Castle can be found here -
Where to put the validation logic?
Software systems mostly need some kind
of validation to ensure that the
business logic has to deal with
correct data only. These validation
rules are defined by the business
model and so the Domain layer is the
right place to implement them. Just
keep in mind that you don’t start to
duplicate the validation code between
the business objects.
You might be interested in the sample applications of the WPF Application Framework (WAF). They show how to use the .NET DataAnnotations validation attributes together with the MVVM pattern.

MVVM: does change notification muddy the separation between model and viewmodel?

Let's say I have a model which exposes a collection of objects which I will display and change in a GUI.
So we have Model exposing a collection of ModelItem.
The View binds to a ViewModel which exposes an ObservableCollection of ViewModelItem. ViewModelItem is the Viewmodel of ModelItem
The View contains a ListBox and a DataTemplate. the DataTemplate is for items of type ViewModelItem. The View DataContext points at an instance of ViewModel. The ListBox binds to the ObservableCollection.
I control all the code.
So far so simple. Question:
Is it acceptable to expose the collection on the Model as an ObservableCollection? Further, is it acceptable to implement INotifyPropertyChanged on Model and ModelItem?
My concern is I'm muddying the separation between model and viewmodel, but then common sense says, here's a mechanism for notifying changes to elements in my model, lets use it...
Just wanted to get some perspective from others.
Short answer:
YES. Use your notification interfaces on your model when you need to notify of changes. Do not worry about muddying your code with this. Be pragmatic.
Long answer:
My philosophy goes like this: When implementing MVVM, bind directly to model objects when there is nothing extra to do. When you need something new (new behavior, properties the view will utilize, etc) then you wrap the model objects in ViewModel objects. A ViewModel that does nothing but delegate data from the model is nothing but extra code. The moment you need to do something to that data past what the model object gives you, you introduce the layer.
So, to extend my thoughts further on that, (and to answer your question more directly), there needs to be a way for the model to tell the ViewModel when something changes. Often, model data is immutable so it doesn't need this notification mechanism, so it isn't necessary. BUT, it is also often the case that the model DOES change. When that happens, the model has two options: use a custom notification method (events, delegates, etc) or use INotifyPropertyChanged.
If you look at the namespace for INotifyPropertyChanged, it is in System.ComponentModel -- not the view -- so I prefer to use it in the model. It is a well-known interface and you can use it to bind directly to your model from your view. No need to implement anything different.
Taking this philosophy one step further, ObservableCollection is in System.Collections.ObjectModel -- also not view-specific -- and it implements System.Collections.Specialized.INotifyCollectionChanged which also is not view-specific. In other words, ObservableCollection was designed to be a collection that notifies its observers of changes. If you have a model that needs to do that, then ObservableCollection is your tool. It just happens to be convenient (not by accident, though) that WPF and Silverlight use these interfaces for data binding.
I guess this is a long-winded way of saying: "YES. Use your notification interfaces on your model when you need to notify of changes. Do not worry about muddying your code with this. Be pragmatic."
It is definitely acceptable to do both. I would even say it's required to do both. Your common sense abilities work just fine. :)
I would only add that if you don't need all the MVVM functionality for your ModelItems, then you can cut some corners by exposing an ObservableCollection<ModelItem> instead of an ObservableCollection<ViewModelItem>, and modifying your DataTemplate to suit. This will save you quite a bit of "preparation" code, so weigh the pros and cons.
It's certainly acceptable to use change notification in the data model if the data model needs change notification. It's also questionable to use change notification in the data model just because the UI needs change notification.
Generally, I design the data model as if there were no UI, and use the view model as an abstraction layer that hides the data model's implementation details from the UI. On the other hand, in a dynamic application it can be the case that the need for change notification is pervasive enough that it just makes more sense to put it in the data model.
No. It's horrible. Your model should not know how it is used. Giving it this knowledge defeats the object of MVVM.
The model should never know it is being used by WPF, winforms, a dos console, as a service or as a lib. If you tell it this, you are going wrong.
It should also be framework independent, not minding if it's part of MVVM, MVC or MXXX!

Validation in WPF - Custom validation rule or IDataErrorInfo

As a new WPF programer I cant find the difference between two different way to validate user input:
What are the pros and cons of writing custom validation rule against implementing IDataErrorInfo, and vice versa? WhenShould I prefer one over the other?
Though I got my answer already, I found related article that may help others.
Basically, if you implement IDataErrorInfo, validation is implemented in the bound object, whereas if you implement validation rules, validation is implemented in objects attached to the binding.
Personally, if you're using MVVM, I think you'd have to be crazy to ever use anything except IDataErrorInfo. You want validation to live in the view model. If it's in your view model, it's centralized and it's testable. If it's in your view, then your validation logic can be wrong, or missing, and the only way to find it is by manually testing your view. That's a huge potential source of avoidable bugs.
There are places where it makes sense to use validation rules - if, for instance, you're building a UI around dumb objects (an XmlDataSource, for example). But for most production applications, I wouldn't go near it.
Validation logic keep in view model and easy to implement and maintain
Full control over all fields in the viewmodel
Validation Rule
Maintains the validation rule in separate class
Increase re-usability. For example you can implement required field
validations class reuse it throughout the application.
My opinion is, for common validation like required field validations, email address validattions you can use validation rule. If you need to do custom validations like range validations , or whatever custom validation use IDataerrorinfo.
You implement IDataErrorInfo to be able to use databinding with eas. You still build your custom validation rules.

How do you keep view logic out of the model and business logic out of the view-model in MVVM?

I can't quite figure out how to get the view model to be notified of changes in the model without adding a bunch of UI specific stuff like INotifyProperyChanged and INotifyCollectionChanged in my model or create tons of different events and do a bunch of things that feel like they're UI specific and should stay out of the model.
Otherwise I'd just have to duplicate all the business logic in the view-model to make sure everything is up to date, and then what's the point of having the model then?
One of the tricky ones that I have in my model is a property of a "Category" class. You can think of it as a tree structure and the property is all leaf-node descendants. Well in the model that property is generated on the fly recursively through all it's children, which is all fine and good. The view-model however needs to bind to that property and needs to know when it changes. Should I just change the model to accommodate the view-model? If I do then the view-model doesn't really do anything at this point, the model raises all the necessary notifications of changes and the view can just bind straight to the model. Also if the model was something I didn't have the source to, how would I get around this?
I disagree that INotifyPropertyChanged and INotifyCollectionChanged are UI-specific. They are in namespaces and assemblies that are not tied to any particular UI stack. For that reason, I typically put that kind of behavior as low in the system as I can (usually the data layer).
If there's some reason you don't want to put it at that level, that's fine. You can put it in at a higher level such as the service or UI layer. However, you need to make sure all changes to the data structures occur through that layer also.
