Change filter in Silverlight Pivot Viewer to use AND instead of OR - silverlight

I need to modify the way the filter acts in the Silverlight Pivot viewer.
I have this filter:
x Keyword a
_ Keyword b
x Keyword c
_ Keyword d
_ Keyword e
The filter generates “Keyword a OR Keyword c”. What I need is “Keyword a AND Keyword c”.
Is that possible?
Any help is appreciated!

What Poker Villain says is quite right but that doesn't mean the PivotViewer is not a solution for you. I had a similar problem with a system I've been working on and managed to find a suitable way of making the PivotViewer play nice. This will only work for JIT collections though since it relies on re-fetching the data.
Essentially the system I've been working on is a case management system. Much of the data associated with a case is mutually exclusive and so fits the model of the PivotViewer but there is also the ability to add 'tags' to a case and like you suggest, often the user will want to combinational logic there. Here's what I did to fix the problem.
First off,'re gonna want a copy of Silverlight Spy. Now in the explorer tab of SSpy, you can drill right down the Visual Tree and look at the guts of the PivotViewer. Here's how mine looks...
You can see I've drilled right down into the control named 'PART_FacetPane'. Below that there's a bunch of CustomAccordianItems. Essentially, you just need to subclass the PivotViewer (that's why mine says PivotViewerEx) and override the OnApplyTemplate method.
In here you will be able to use GetTemplateChild or some other means to navigate the VisualTree and add another control yourself. In my project, I used a simple tag cloud control I'd previously built.
What I do is handle the events of the tag cloud control and append querystring values to the URL used to build the CXML and filter the data based on these parameters. It's not as fluid as being able to filter the data 'live' as it were but it's a solution for now.
It's probably worth mentioning that depending on your circumstances, you may need to add a final, randomly generated querystring value to the CXML URL so you don't get a cached copy of the data.
HTH, Stimul8d.

bottom line ... NO.
You get what you get with this control. (for now)
but you could generate a "dummy" facet that was the concatenation of all the keywords for an item. But if you had more than a few keywords, it would look very ugly.


How to implement an intelligent drag drop (like this) in react? Canvas or non-canvas based approach?

What approach to do intelligent drag drop like this in react? (canvas or non-canvas based approach?). That is to use React (with a library such as React DND) without using cavas, OR move to rendering/drawing this within React using HTML 5 "canvas" (with potentially a library such as "react-konva".
when dragging the item, the other items behind "move" to calculate
and show what the final re-arrangement will look like (if the drag is
may be drop points for which move is not allowed so would highlight
this as well (e.g. if some other items in the timeline were "locked")
I have checked React DND, react-konva, and others. The issue they use the transform property and that prevents moving the placeholder separately from dragging the item.
So here is the custom implementation:
It is still unfinished (buggy), later I will fix and clean up the code. But for now, I would like to share it, to know is it what you wanted or if I missing something.
Have a look at this online documentation for MDBootstrap:
Go to "Horizontal example" section, this might be what you are looking for.
Edit: Sadly this is a premium feature :(

On using ConfuserEx combobox shows id's instead of values as dropdowns

I have used Confuserex to obfuscate my code which is using .net 4.5. Post compilation everything seems ok except for the behaviour of combobox (across all winforms i had in the project). The comboboxes are now showing id instead of the values as dropdowns. (Whereas these were running absolutely fine from visual studio in debug mode as well as the builds from the release mode).
In confuserex I have tried setting the preset to Aggressive, Maximum ... but same issue irrespective of whichever preset i use.
Not putting any code here as there is no issue with the code per se. This is most likely a issue in Confuserex.
Is this a known issue and does a solution exists? Please let me know if any further details are required for providing help.
There's no way to give you a singular answer, but perhaps I can steer you in the right direction:
In recently implementing ConfuserEx in a Winforms post-build event, I found that some third party controls were not displaying data correctly, or at all. Like you, I changed the preset from Aggressive to Normal, to no avail. I then went and excluded some of the methods that were binding data from obfuscation. It alleviated the problem in some cases, on a data grid view and list box, specifically. In those controls, I was receiving weird glitches like extra columns, cells rendered blank (with data present in the underlying object), et al.
All bets are off for third party controls with obfuscation - you'll never know if they will play ball or not. Sometimes you'll experience this with .Net controls as well. Obfuscation and Reflection also do not get along. Perhaps check your combo box data bind technique, and lift the obfuscation from the method where it is being populated with data, if nothing else. This is, of course, if you can live with this method being exposed. Here's one way to do it:
[System.Reflection.Obfuscation(Exclude = true)]
public void MethodYouDontWantToObfuscate()
//Your method code
Until just now I had a similar problem with WPF.
Our comboboxitems were in their own class. To solve the issue I added
[System.Reflection.Obfuscation(Exclude = true)]
in front of the class-declaration (like MoSSBerG suggested) and now everything works like a charm.

Winform equivalent to Android's fragments?

You know, like in CCleaner app where main activity is on the left side of the app and the right side area is changeable fragment.
How to do it? I imagine I could do it by putting all fragments in the same place and just change their visibility to show just 1 at the moment, but that would make the code a whole lot of mess.
I've done this in the past by using UserControls. It's worked nicely for things like choosing payment methods (cash, cc, cheque...).
There are a couple of options for changing the display, either have all the UserControls present on the form and hide or show them as required or have an empty placeholder panel and use a factory to construct the appropriate UserControl as needed. I've done both and it really depends on the complexity (and expected longevity and users) of the project as to which is appropriate.
Using a Model-View-Presenter pattern helped with managing all of this.
What you don't want to end up with is a massive switch statement that changes the visibility of dozens of manually positioned controls individually. I've seen it and that way lies madness.

How to reuse array of items collection in Ext Js widgets?

I'm using Ext Js 4.1.1.
In many of the Ext JS widgets I am using, I am required to reuse data. For example, the items collection for buttongroup in top toolbar may be repeated in menu bar on the left side. For manageability, I should be able to have the array for items collection defined in a separate file (which could potentially follow the class naming convention for auto loading).
The approach I tried is that I am creating a class that has statics. Each static function returns an array that can be assigned to items collection of the widget. This works but I believe that using a class is an overkill if I can just use an array. Any suggestions?
Not sure if it will be useful to create separate objects for storing configuration for toolbars, buttons groups and etc. In the context of the extjs in almost all cases you need not only manage configuration but also behavior of a component.
The best way for me here - creation of generic/basic predefined classes, where you can state not only configuration but work around the behavior, add you'r custom events and process any unexpected results. After it you can easily reuse and extend it easily.
For instance you have a menu or a toolbar with 3 items A, B, C. For sure you need to know wherever you use it what was clicked (for instance) A, B or C. Creating a class and manages required events you can fire you own events which will tell you what was clicked and it is much easier to use in any context where this component will be used. Add post and pre processing, template methods and etc...
Creating a big file just with configuration is not readable and not extendable, will be a case whre you will need to add functionality and behavior to all such generic components and it will be not easier to do with just arrays or simple configs. Separating even just simple general components having just simple configuration (in the beginning) will bring more expressive in the code structure and readability and in the later time gives you the power to manage it.
Pure configurations can just keep the code accurateness and re-usability but what about behavior for in almost cases you need to control..
The design, maintainability and extensibility are very important points in every big web-applications and in context of extjs 4.

What's the purpose of Winforms controls tags?

I see a 'Tag' property in the design view for most WinForms controls. I have never used this tag and want to know why I would want to use it.
It allows you to store some of your own data with a control. It mostly useful in tree controls where you might want each node/leaf to have some extra data associated with it. This way when you click on a node you can perform an action relevant to the node.
Its a general "catch-all" for additional data you wish to store with a control.
I too have never used it.
We perform heavy use of tags. We have some methods for checking input, and these methods checks whats in the tags in order to know what control to perform.
IE: if a textbox has RQ=1;DT=int;MAX=100
the automatic method knows that this text can not be left blank, that should accept only integers within 0 and 100.
We have a complete pseudo declarative language for this.
Kind of useful!
More specific for your question, Tags are for your use.
for example you have a lot of buttons with single method handling clicks. then at handler you have do differentiate them from each other. So you put some sort of id (or reference) and then access it there.
