Interview Question-Concatenate two Strings without using strcat in C - c

Recently I attended an interview where they asked me to write a C program to concatenate two strings without using strcat(), strlen() and strcmp() and that function should not exceed two (2) lines.
I know how to concatenate two strings without using strcat(). But my method has nearly 15 lines. I dont know how to write it in two lines.

I expect they wanted something like this:
void mystrcat(char * dest, const char * src)
//advance dest until we find the terminating null
while (*dest) ++dest;
//copy src to dest including terminating null, until we hit the end of src
//Edit: originally this:
//for (; *dest = *src, *src; ++dest, ++src);
//...which is the same as this
for (; *dest = *src; ++dest, ++src);
It doesn't return the end of the concatenated string like the real strcat, but that doesn't seem to be required.
I don't necessarily know if this sort of thing is a good interview question - it shows that you can code tersely, and that you know what strcat does, but that's about it.
Edit: as aib writes, the statement
while (*dest++ = *src++); perhaps a more conventional way of writing the second loop (instead of using for).

Given that the task was to concatenate two strings, not to create a duplicate of strcat, I'd go with the simple option of creating a completely new string that is a combination of the two.
char buffer[REASONABLE_MAX] = {0};
snprintf(buffer, REASONABLE_MAX - 1, "%s%s", string1, string2);

The proper answer to that question is that the question would demonstrate a skill that it is bad to have. They are wanting you to demonstrate the ability to write hacker code. They are wanting you to invent your own implementation of things provided already by every C compiler, which is waste of time. They are wanting you to write streamlined code which, by definition, is not readable. The 15 line implementation is probably better if it is more readable. Most projects do not fail because the developers wasted 150 clock cycles. Some do fail because someone wrote unmaintainable code. If you did have to write that, it would need a 15 line comment. So my answer to that would be, show me the performance metrics that defend needing to not use the standard libraries and requiring the most optimal solution. Time is much better spent on design and gathering those performance metrics.
Never forget - you are also interviewing them.
//assuming szA contains "first string" and szB contains "second string"
//and both are null terminated
// iterate over A until you get to null, then iterate over B and add to the end of A
// and then add null termination to A
// WARNING: memory corruption likely if either string is not NULL terminated
// WARNING: memory corruption likely if the storage buffer for A was not allocated large
// enough for A to store all of B's data
// Justification: Performance metric XXX has shown this optimization is needed
for(int i=0; szA[i]!='\0'; i++);
for(int j=0; (j==0)||(szB[j-1]!='\0'); j++) szA[i+j] = szB[j];
*edit, 9/27/2010
After reading some other solutions to this, I think the following is probably the best code answer:
//Posted by Doug in answer below this one
void my_strcat(char * dest, const char * src)
while (*dest) ++dest;
while (*dest++ = *src++);
But I would follow that up with a safe version of that:
void my_safe_strcat(char * dest, const unsigned int max_size, const char * src)
int characters_used=0;
while (*dest) { ++dest; characters_used++; }
while ( (characters_used < (max_size-1) ) && (*dest++ = *src++) ) characters_used++;
*dest = 0; //ensure we end with a null
And follow that up with (full answer, which compiler will optimize to be the same as above, along with application which was the real question):
void my_readable_safe_strcat(char * dest, const unsigned int max_size, const char * src)
unsigned int characters_used = 0;
while (*dest != '\0')
while ( (characters_used < (max_size-1) ) && (*dest = *src) )
*dest = 0; //ensure we end with a null
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
char szTooShort[15] = "First String";
char szLongEnough[50] = "First String";
char szClean[] = "Second String";
char szDirty[5] = {'f','g','h','i','j'};
printf("This string should be cut off:\n%s\n\n",szTooShort);
printf("This string should be complete:\n%s\n\n",szLongEnough);
printf("This string probably has junk data in it, but shouldn't crash the app:\n%s\n\n",szLongEnough);

Two lines? Bwah...
void another_strcat(char* str1, const char* str2)
strcpy(strchr(str1, '\0'), str2);
EDIT: I'm very upset that people are so against strcpy and strchr. Waah! So, I thought I'd play by the spirit of the rules:
char thing(char* p, const char* s)
return *p ? thing(&p[1], s) : *s ? (*p++ = *s++, thing(p, s)) : *p = '\0';
I still can't understand how anyone would take 2 whole lines ;-P.

I tested this bit in VS2008, and it worked fine.
void NewStrCat(char* dest, const char* src)
while (*dest) ++dest;
while (*dest++ = *src++);

Any function can be made to fit in a single line by simply removing all the \n.
However, I think you're looking for this answer:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(void)
char string1[32] = "Hello";
char string2[] = ", World!";
char *dst = string1 + strlen(string1);
char *src = string2;
while (*dst++ = *src++); //single statement
printf("\"%s\"\n", string1);
The explanation is rather simple:
src++ returns a pointer to the current character being copied before incrementing to point to the next one. * dereferences this pointer, and a similar expression on the LHS copies it to dst. Result of the whole = expression is the character that was copied, hence a simple while loops it until a \0 is encountered and copied.
strcat() is easier to read and possibly much faster. Any other solution is feasible only when strcat() is not available. (Or when you're in an interview, apparently.)
And replace strcat() above with strncat() unless you're really really sure the destination string is big enough.
Edit: I missed the part about strlen() being disallowed. Here's the two-statement function:
void my_strcat(char * restrict dst, const char * restrict src)
while (*dst) ++dst; //move dst to the end of the string
while (*dst++ = *src++); //copy src to dst
Note that the standard strcat() function returns the original value of dst.

One line:
sprintf(string1, "%s%s", string1, string2);
(Note that this might possibly invoke undefined behavior.)
The ISO C99 standard states that:
If copying takes place between objects that overlap, the behavior is undefined.
That being said, the code above will still probably work correctly. It works with MS VC 2010.

I have a feeling such questions are meant to be elimination questions rather than selection. It is easier to eliminate candidates for them based on such convoluted questions rather than select candidates by asking them more real world questions.
Just a rant from me, since I am also looking for a job and facing such questions and answered quite a few of them thanks to SO!

void StringCatenation(char *str1,char *str2)
int len1,i=0;

void my_strcat(char* dest, const char* src)
while (*dest) ++dest;
while (*dest++ = *src++);
*dest = '\0';
Destination string must end with NULL terminated.


Copying array to array using pointer

Like a question below, i have to use the pointer concept to copy array from one to another in mystrcpy2 function, unlike mystrcpy function that does not use the pointer concept. Anyway, I typed my answer, " dest = src;" which seemed to be overly simple but right answer for me. But when I type in the input, like "Hello World", it shows like "Hello World ???" like strange letters in the back. But when I type short words like "abc", the result is exactly "abc."
Is it simply a matter of computer or did I do something wrong?
I"m also wondering if "while (*src) *dest++=*src++;" works as well?
/*Complete the mystrcpy2() function that copies the null-terminated string pointed by src to the string pointed by dest.
The mystrcpy2() should give the same result with the mystrcpy() that uses an index based array traversal approach.
Note that adding local variables are not allowed in implementing the mystrcpy2().
Write and submit the source code of your "mystrcpy2()" function.
#include <stdio.h>
void mystrcpy(char dest[], char src[])
int i=0,j=0;
while (src[i])
dest[j++] = src[i++];
void mystrcpy2(char *dest, char *src)
dest = src;
int main(void)
char mystr1[256];
char mystr2[256];
mystrcpy(mystr2, mystr1);
mystrcpy2(mystr2, mystr1);
return 0;
Your implementation of mystrcpy2 does not copy anything. In fact, it does nothing at all. When you execute dest = src, you are copying the memory location pointed to by the src variable, not the data at that location. To actually copy the data, you need to deference the pointer, using '*'. So you would do
*dest = *src;
This copies the data from src to dest. But it only copies one character. You need to increment src and dest and then do this again to copy the next character, and you need to keep doing this until you hit the string terminator i.e. until *src == 0. Here's the full implementation.
void mystrcpy2(char *dest, char *src)
while (*src != 0) {
*dest = *src;
// don't forget to add a terminator
// to the copied string
*dest = 0;
And here's the exact same thing in a shorter version.
void mystrcpy2(char *dest, char *src)
while (*(dest++) = *(src++));

How to create a copy of strcat?

I have to create a copy of some elements of the standard library in C and I have to create a copy of strcat. So I have to create a function that concatenate two strings in C. I know arrays in C can't change the allocated size. The only fonction i'm allowed to use is copies i made of strlen, strstr, and write() ... My code looks like this :
char *my_strcat(char *dest, char *src)
int dest_size;
int src_size;
int current_pos;
int free_space;
int pos_in_src;
src_size = my_strlen(src);
dest_size = my_strlen(dest);
while (dest[current_pos] != '\0')
current_pos = current_pos + 1;
free_space = dest_size - current_pos;
if (free_space < src_size)
return (0);
while (src[pos_in_src] != '\0')
dest[current_pos] = src[pos_in_src];
pos_in_src = pos_in_src + 1;
current_pos = current_pos + 1;
return (dest);
But I don't know how to declare my dest and src in the main.
I don't know how to create an array with a big size, declare it as a string like dest = "Hello\0" but this array has to still contains more than 6 characters.
Can you help me please ?
char dest[19] = "epite";
char *src = "chor42spotted";
my_strcat(dest, src);
Also, read the man for strcat(3)
the dest string must have enough space for the result.
So your function is behaving incorrectly, you do not need to check that you have enough free space in dest
You want a function mystrcat which behaves exactly like stdlib strcat.
So the prototype is
concatenate src to dest
dest [in / out] - the string to add to (buffer must be large enough)
src [in] - the string to concatenate.
Returns: dest (useless little detail for historical reasons).
char *mystrcat(char *dest, const char *src);
Now we call it like this
int main(void)
char buff[1024]; // nice big buffer */
strcpy(buff, "Hello ");
mystrcat(buff, "world");
/* print the output to test it */
printf("%s\n", buff);
return 0;
But I'm not going to write mystrcat for you. That would make your homework exercise pointless.
The 1st parameter of the array simply has to be large enough to contain both strings + one null terminator. So if you for example have "hello" and "world", you need 5 + 5 +1 = 11 characters. Example:
#define LARGE_ENOUGH 11
int main (void)
char str[LARGE_ENOUGH] = "hello";
my_strcat(str, "world");
puts(str); // gives "helloworld"
In real world applications, you would typically allocate space for the array to either be same large number (couple of hundred bytes) or with a length based on strlen calls.
As for the implementation itself, your solution is needlessly complicated. Please note that the real strcat leaves all error checking to the caller. It is most likely implemented like this:
char* strcat (char* restrict s1, const char* restrict s2)
return strcpy(&s1[strlen(s1)], s2);
The most important part here is to note the const-correctness of the s2 parameter.
The restrict keywords are just micro-optimizations from the C standard, that tells the compiler that it can assume that the pointers point at different memory areas.
If you wish to roll out your own version with no library function calls just for fun, it is still rather easy, you just need two loops. Something like this perhaps:
char* lolcat (char* restrict s1, const char* restrict s2)
char* s1_end = s1;
while(*s1_end != '\0') // find the end of s1
do // overwrite the end of s1 including null terminator
*s1_end = *s2;
} while(*s1_end != '\0'); // loop until the null term from s2 is copied
return s1;

C: One error In strcpy function and cannot find it

I know that this strcpy function below is incorrect, but I cannot seem to figure out the one or two things I need to change to fix it. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I am completely stuck on this:
void strcpy(char *destString, char *sourceString)
char *marker, *t;
for(marker = sourceString, t = destString; *marker; marker++, t++)
*t = *marker;
Well it depends on your environment..
For example I see a few things I don't like:
You do not check for input parameters to be != NULL. This will cause a *0 access
I see you are not terminating your string with the '\0' character (or 0).. So, after the loop (please intent.) add *t = 0;
strcpy() is a predefined function and you are trying to create your own strcpy function. so, when you compile your program, you are getting conflicting types error. So, first rename your function name.
If you want to implement your own strcpy(), then i would suggest to implement strncpy(). It will copy at-most n-1 bytes from source null-terminated character array to destination character array and also add null character at the end of the destination character array.
void strcpy(char *dest, const char *src, size_t n)
if ((dest == NULL) || (src == NULL))
int i;
for(i=0; i<(n-1) && src[i]; i++)
dest[i] = src[i];
It wouldn't let buffer overflow.
Note - My implementation is different from standard library strncpy() implementation. The standard library function strncpy() copies at most n bytes of src. If there is no null byte among the first n bytes of src, the string placed in dest will not be null-terminated.
I know that this strcpy function below is incorrect, but I cannot seem to figure out the one or two things I need to change to fix it.
You only need to add null character at the end of destination array.
void strcpy(char *destString, char *sourceString)
char *marker, *t;
for(marker = sourceString, t = destString; *marker; marker++, t++)
*t = *marker;
This is a very simple aproach:
void copy(char * src, char * dst){
while(*src != '\0'){
*dst = *src;
*dst = '\0';
int main(int argc, char** argv){
char src [] = "hello";
char dst [] = "----";
copy(src, dst);
printf("src: %s\n", src);
printf("dst: %s\n", dst );
It's more or less like wildplasser comment. First you iterate over the src pointer. In c, if you have '\0' (in a well formed string) then you can exit because it is the final character. Ok, you iterate over the src pointer and assign the value of src (*src) to the value of dst (*dst) and then you only have to increase both pointers...
It's all
A very easy strcpy function would be:
int strcpy(char *dest,char *source)
if (source==NULL)
printf("The source pointer is NULL");
return 0;
if (dest==NULL)
int i;
for (i=0;source[i]!='\0';i++)
return 1;
You should have no problem copying strings this way. Always use indexes instead of pointer operations, it's easier imo.
If you use an IDE, you should learn to use the debug function to discover the errors and problems, usually when you deal with strings one of the most common RUNTIME problems is the lack of a '\0', which automatically make your string functions go to memory zones where they shouldn`t be.

my version of strlcpy

gcc 4.4.4 c89
My program does a lot of string coping. I don't want to use the strncpy as it doesn't nul terminate. And I can't use strlcpy as its not portable.
Just a few questions. How can I put my function through its paces to ensure that it is completely safe and stable. Unit testing?
Is this good enough for production?
size_t s_strlcpy(char *dest, const char *src, const size_t len)
size_t i = 0;
/* Always copy 1 less then the destination to make room for the nul */
for(i = 0; i < len - 1; i++)
/* only copy up to the first nul is reached */
if(*src != '\0') {
*dest++ = *src++;
else {
/* nul terminate the string */
*dest = '\0';
/* Return the number of bytes copied */
return i;
Many thanks for any suggestions,
Although you could simply use another strlcpy function as another post recommends, or use snprintf(dest, len, "%s", src) (which always terminates the buffer), here are the things I noticed looking at your code:
size_t s_strlcpy(char *dest, const char *src, const size_t len)
size_t i = 0;
No need to make len const here, but it can be helpful since it checks to make sure you didn't modify it.
/* Always copy 1 less then the destination to make room for the nul */
for(i = 0; i < len - 1; i++)
Oops. What if len is 0? size_t is usually unsigned, so (size_t)0 - 1 will end up becoming something like 4294967295, causing your routine to careen through your program's memory and crash into an unmapped page.
/* only copy up to the first nul is reached */
if(*src != '\0') {
*dest++ = *src++;
else {
/* nul terminate the string */
*dest = '\0';
The above code looks fine to me.
/* Return the number of bytes copied */
return i;
According to Wikipedia, strlcpy returns strlen(src) (the actual length of the string), not the number of bytes copied. Hence, you need to keep counting the characters in src until you hit '\0', even if it exceeds len.
Also, if your for loop terminates on the len - 1 condition, your function will return len-1, not len like you'd expect it to.
When I write functions like this, I usually prefer to use a start pointer (call it S) and end pointer (call it E). S points to the first character, while E points to one character after the last character (which makes it so E - S is the length of the string). Although this technique may seem ugly and obscure, I've found it to be fairly robust.
Here's an over-commented version of how I would write strlcpy:
size_t s_strlcpy(char *dest, const char *src, size_t len)
char *d = dest;
char *e = dest + len; /* end of destination buffer */
const char *s = src;
/* Insert characters into the destination buffer
until we reach the end of the source string
or the end of the destination buffer, whichever
comes first. */
while (*s != '\0' && d < e)
*d++ = *s++;
/* Terminate the destination buffer, being wary of the fact
that len might be zero. */
if (d < e) // If the destination buffer still has room.
*d = 0;
else if (len > 0) // We ran out of room, so zero out the last char
// (if the destination buffer has any items at all).
d[-1] = 0;
/* Advance to the end of the source string. */
while (*s != '\0')
/* Return the number of characters
between *src and *s,
including *src but not including *s .
This is the length of the source string. */
return s - src;
IMHO, just barrow the original strlcpy, which Ignacio Vazquez-Abram tersely stated. OpenBSDs code is battletested and the license terms rock ;).
As to your code, something I would add to what has already been said by others, is just a matter of personal taste:
/* only copy up to the first nul is reached */
if(*src != '\0') {
*dest++ = *src++;
else {
I would have written this like this:
if(*src == '\0') {
*dest++ = *src++;
Both because it reduces on the amount of unnecessary code people need to read, and because it is my 'style' to consistently write that way, instead of if (ok) { do } else { handle error }. The comment above the if is also redundant (see comment above the for loop).
Why don't you use something like memccpy() instead of rolling your own? You just have to terminate with a null byte, but it's easier and generally faster to augment a standard function than to start from scratch.
Some architectures will heavily optimize or even use assembly for string functions to squeeze good performance out of them.
Without building or debugging:
str = memccpy (dest, src, '\0', len);
*str = '\0';
Yes, unit testing. Check with lots of randomly generated strings.
Looks fine to me, though.
I would suggest that White-box testing is useful for a function like this (a form of unit testing).
There is the DRY principle "don't repeat yourself". In other words do not create new code to do something that is already a done deal - check in the standard C library as the example above (WhilrWind) shows.
One reason is the testing mentioned. The standard C library has been tested for years, so it is a safe bet it works as advertised.
Learning by playing around with code is a great idea, keep on trying.
Unit testing?
Is this good enough for production?
Probably for a "simple" function like this it may be sufficient, although the only real way to test a function is to try and break it.
Pass to it NULL pointers, 10k character long strings, negative values of len, somehow corrupted data, and so on. In general think: if you were a malicious user trying to break it, how would you do that?
See the link in my response here
I think it's a mistake to rely so much on the length, and doing arithmetic on it.
The size_t type is unsigned. Consider how your function will behave if called with a 0-sized destination.
There's always static code analysis.
Edit: List of tools for static code analysis
Hmmm, did not realize this is an old post.
Is this good enough for production?
completely safe and stable (?)
Does not handle len == 0 correctly - easy to fix.
Return value questionable when source is long - easy to fix.
(Not discussed yet) Does not consider overlapping dest, src.
It is easy enough to incur an unexpected result with if(*src != '\0') { *dest++ = *src++; } overwriting the null chracter before it is read, thus iteration ventures beyond the original '\0'.
// pathological example
char buf[16] = "abc";
const char *src = buf; // "abc"
const char *dest = buf + 2; // "c"
size_t dest_sz = sizeof buf - 2;
s_strlcpy(dest, src, dest_sz);
puts(dest); // "ababababababa", usual expectation "abc"
Two solutions forward:
Since C99, C has restrict which indicates to the compiler that it can assume the data read via src and written via dest will not overlap. This allows the compiler to use certain optimizations it otherwise cannot use. restrict also informs the user should not provide over-lapping buffers.
Code can still fail as above, but then that is the caller breaking the contract, not s_strlcpy().
Notes: const in const size_t len is a distraction in the function declaration. Also clearer to use size_t size, than size_t len.
size_t s_strlcpy(char * restrict dest, const char * restrict src, size_t size);
This restrict usage is like the standard library strcpy() and others.
char *strcpy(char * restrict s1, const char * restrict s2);
Handle overlap
The other is to make s_strlcpy() tolerant of overlapping memory as below. That pretty much implies code needs to use memmove().
size_t s_strlcpy(char *dest, const char *src, const size_t dest_size) {
size_t src_len = strlen(src);
if (src_len < dest_size) {
memmove(dest, src, src_len + 1); // handles overlap without UB
} else if (dest_size > 0) {
// Not enough room
memmove(dest, src, dest_size - 1); // handles overlap without UB
dest[dest_size - 1] = '\0';
return src_len; // I do not think OP's return value is correct. S/B src length.
Hopefully I coded all the functionality of strlcpy() correctly. The edge cases take time to sort out.

Copying a part of a string (substring) in C

I have a string:
char * someString;
If I want the first five letters of this string and want to set it to otherString, how would I do it?
#include <string.h>
char otherString[6]; // note 6, not 5, there's one there for the null terminator
strncpy(otherString, someString, 5);
otherString[5] = '\0'; // place the null terminator
char* subString (const char* input, int offset, int len, char* dest)
int input_len = strlen (input);
if (offset + len > input_len)
return NULL;
strncpy (dest, input + offset, len);
return dest;
char dest[80];
const char* source = "hello world";
if (subString (source, 0, 5, dest))
printf ("%s\n", dest);
char* someString = "abcdedgh";
char* otherString = 0;
otherString = (char*)malloc(5+1);
otherString[5] = 0;
Tip: A good way to understand definitions is called the right-left rule (some links at the end):
Start reading from identifier and say aloud => "someString is..."
Now go to right of someString (statement has ended with a semicolon, nothing to say).
Now go left of identifier (* is encountered) => so say "...a pointer to...".
Now go to left of "*" (the keyword char is found) => say "..char".
So char* someString; => "someString is a pointer to char".
Since a pointer simply points to a certain memory address, it can also be used as the "starting point" for an "array" of characters.
That works with anything .. give it a go:
char* s[2]; //=> s is an array of two pointers to char
char** someThing; //=> someThing is a pointer to a pointer to char.
//Note: We look in the brackets first, and then move outward
char (* s)[2]; //=> s is a pointer to an array of two char
Some links:
How to interpret complex C/C++ declarations and
How To Read C Declarations
You'll need to allocate memory for the new string otherString. In general for a substring of length n, something like this may work for you (don't forget to do bounds checking...)
char *subString(char *someString, int n)
char *new = malloc(sizeof(char)*n+1);
strncpy(new, someString, n);
new[n] = '\0';
return new;
This will return a substring of the first n characters of someString. Make sure you free the memory when you are done with it using free().
You can use snprintf to get a substring of a char array with precision:
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
const char source[] = "This is a string array";
char dest[17];
// get first 16 characters using precision
snprintf(dest, sizeof(dest), "%.16s", source);
// print substring
} // end main
This is a string
For further information see printf man page.
You can treat C strings like pointers. So when you declare:
char str[10];
str can be used as a pointer. So if you want to copy just a portion of the string you can use:
char str1[24] = "This is a simple string.";
char str2[6];
strncpy(str1 + 10, str2,6);
This will copy 6 characters from the str1 array into str2 starting at the 11th element.
I had not seen this post until now, the present collection of answers form an orgy of bad advise and compiler errors, only a few recommending memcpy are correct. Basically the answer to the question is:
someString = allocated_memory; // statically or dynamically
memcpy(someString, otherString, 5);
someString[5] = '\0';
This assuming that we know that otherString is at least 5 characters long, then this is the correct answer, period. memcpy is faster and safer than strncpy and there is no confusion about whether memcpy null terminates the string or not - it doesn't, so we definitely have to append the null termination manually.
The main problem here is that strncpy is a very dangerous function that should not be used for any purpose. The function was never intended to be used for null terminated strings and it's presence in the C standard is a mistake. See Is strcpy dangerous and what should be used instead?, I will quote some relevant parts from that post for convenience:
Somewhere at the time when Microsoft flagged strcpy as obsolete and dangerous, some other misguided rumour started. This nasty rumour said that strncpy should be used as a safer version of strcpy. Since it takes the size as parameter and it's already part of the C standard lib, so it's portable. This seemed very convenient - spread the word, forget about non-standard strcpy_s, lets use strncpy! No, this is not a good idea...
Looking at the history of strncpy, it goes back to the very earliest days of Unix, where several string formats co-existed. Something called "fixed width strings" existed - they were not null terminated but came with a fixed size stored together with the string. One of the things Dennis Ritchie (the inventor of the C language) wished to avoid when creating C, was to store the size together with arrays [The Development of the C Language, Dennis M. Ritchie]. Likely in the same spirit as this, the "fixed width strings" were getting phased out over time, in favour for null terminated ones.
The function used to copy these old fixed width strings was named strncpy. This is the sole purpose that it was created for. It has no relation to strcpy. In particular it was never intended to be some more secure version - computer program security wasn't even invented when these functions were made.
Somehow strncpy still made it into the first C standard in 1989. A whole lot of highly questionable functions did - the reason was always backwards compatibility. We can also read the story about strncpy in the C99 rationale
The strncpy function
strncpy was initially introduced into the C library to deal with fixed-length name fields in
structures such as directory entries. Such fields are not used in the same way as strings: the
trailing null is unnecessary for a maximum-length field, and setting trailing bytes for shorter
5 names to null assures efficient field-wise comparisons. strncpy is not by origin a “bounded
strcpy,” and the Committee preferred to recognize existing practice rather than alter the function
to better suit it to such use.
The Codidact link also contains some examples showing how strncpy will fail to terminate a copied string.
I think it's easy way... but I don't know how I can pass the result variable directly then I create a local char array as temp and return it.
char* substr(char *buff, uint8_t start,uint8_t len, char* substr)
strncpy(substr, buff+start, len);
substr[len] = 0;
return substr;
strncpy(otherString, someString, 5);
Don't forget to allocate memory for otherString.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main ()
char someString[]="abcdedgh";
char otherString[]="00000";
memcpy (otherString, someString, 5);
printf ("someString: %s\notherString: %s\n", someString, otherString);
return 0;
You will not need stdio.h if you don't use the printf statement and putting constants in all but the smallest programs is bad form and should be avoided.
Doing it all in two fell swoops:
char *otherString = strncpy((char*)malloc(6), someString);
otherString[5] = 0;
char largeSrt[] = "123456789-123"; // original string
char * substr;
substr = strchr(largeSrt, '-'); // we save the new string "-123"
int substringLength = strlen(largeSrt) - strlen(substr); // 13-4=9 (bigger string size) - (new string size)
char *newStr = malloc(sizeof(char) * substringLength + 1);// keep memory free to new string
strncpy(newStr, largeSrt, substringLength); // copy only 9 characters
newStr[substringLength] = '\0'; // close the new string with final character
printf("newStr=%s\n", newStr);
free(newStr); // you free the memory
Try this code:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
char* substr(const char *src, unsigned int start, unsigned int end);
int main(void)
char *text = "The test string is here";
char *subtext = substr(text,9,14);
printf("The original string is: %s\n",text);
printf("Substring is: %s",subtext);
return 0;
char* substr(const char *src, unsigned int start, unsigned int end)
unsigned int subtext_len = end-start+2;
char *subtext = malloc(sizeof(char)*subtext_len);
subtext[subtext_len-1] = '\0';
return subtext;
