WPF Custom Navigation Buttons and calling one page from another - wpf

I have a window which contains a Frame which references a 'home' page that has buttons on it. When a button is clicked I want another page to show depending on which button was pressed. I attempted to use
and that works however, I want to use a customized navigation panel. I call
this.ShowsNavigationUI = false;
on my 'home' page but the bar still shows. Is there a way to accomplish what I am trying to do?
My page with the frame is a window so I do not know how to disable the Navigation bar there where I guess it is coming from.
Further testing shows that the ShowsNavigationUI property is false yet the nav bar shows itself in the parent window once there is a second page to go to (showing the 'home' page in the history.

if i understand you correctly you want to hide the navigation chrome of a Frame, to do so set
<Frame Name="hostFrame" NavigationUIVisibility="Hidden"/>


WPF: Adorner + Popup = Modal Popup

So here's the idea of it...
I have an application that I am designing with WPF. It has a Main Window with a frame inside to navigate through pages. The navigation aspect is done through the window (kind of like a template with a footer that has the navigation controls) and the pages have the individual content. On certain pages I would like to have an ADD (+) button that causes a popup that has a form inside to add personal information to the database (First name, last name, address, .etc) While this popup is open I would not like them to be able to access any other part of the application until they press OK or CANCEL. I'd like to be able to call this popup from the individual pages unless there is another workaround.
Any ideas or assistance would be appreciated!
some wpf popups Here and Here.

Switch tab on click in storyboard

I am using storyboards to develop an application, i have a viewcontroller which has two buttons. I launch a tabbar controller on 1st button's click with first tab as default tab bar, now on 2nd button's click I want to launch the same tabbar controller and display 2nd tab on it.
I have tried setting the tab by using setSelectedIndex in prepareForSegue method, by giving an identifier to that segue. Help needed!

Sencha Touch: TabPanel with bottom TabBar not working when using Stores

We're developing a simple app with the sencha framework
The app consist of a few tabs( a tabPanle with bottom tabBar) and the switching between tabs works perfectly when we use it as it is on the sencha docs, alas when no live data is present.
When we add stores within the single tabs, functionalities breaks, tabs stop switching and every time one clicks a tab to change the view, a flickering appears, the default tab is loaded again(from the chrome console we can see that all the remote data request of the loginView get reissued) and the only tab that remain visible to the user is tab[0].
app.js --> http://pastebin.com/S9qaNfij
mainView.js ---> http://pastebin.com/uiG2E0AW
controller.js ---> http://pastebin.com/8MTfxC85
This was created with senchaArchitect, that btw is awful and quite useless if not to work visually with the components.
here is a little movie of the thing happaning.
What are we doing wrong?
I think it's your button listener, it seems that it might be being triggered on even the tab panel button taps. I would try giving your button a unique ID and then create a ref and an action to login based on that ID.

Got to specific tab on button/link click, ExtJs tabpanel

I've a ext js tab panel defined with some tabs.
On the same page I've a menu of hyper links for asking user which tab to open.
I want open the selected tab when the user clicks the link.
Basically when u click on the tab header to open the tab, I want exact same thing to happen on clicking some button/hyperlink.
Seems like a pretty normal thing, but I can't find the solution anywhere!!
Please help.
ues setActiveTab( newItem ) method of tabpanel.You can pass an ID, index or the component itself as newItem.

Silverlight Navigation Application

Is there anyway I can have one mainpage, with tabs, which load child pages in the content area, but also have within the child page another navigation menu which loads siblings into the same content area it itself is in?
This is just a nested navigation frame situation really.
Do not create a second navigation frame. Simply set the datacontext of the hyperlink button on the nested page to the page where your navigation frame is, that way it can be targeted.
