Install/compile for specific Silverlight build - silverlight

I updated Silverlight on my dev. machine, but clients still have older Silverlight version and they do not want to update.
Now I need to revert Silverlight 4 back to older version (50401). I tried to uninstall Silverlight and install older version, this required my to install developer tools, too.
No luck, still it requires newer version on clients machines. So I suppose real version is inside developer tools?
The question is, how do I make VS2010 to compile project for specific Silverlight 4 build?

I already stumbled on that kind of problem, and I had to re-install my sdk.
Check out that great article from Tim Heuer:


Silverlight plugin install base with version breakdown

I would like to choose which versions of Silverlight plugin to target, but can't find any recent statistics on the install base, let alone the version break down. isn't returning any data and is down. Some articles are referencing a 76% web clients installation base around 2012 with high Silverlight version 4 usage, but that's pretty outdated information. Does anyone have up to date information for the Silverlight plugin install base, preferably with version breakdown?
The client is backwards compatible. I think you will find most users are running the V5 client as that is pushed out with MS updates and was released 2+ years ago. You can set the min runtime version on the html Silverlight plugin element to alert users running an older version to upgrade to a version compatible with the version your app is compiled against.

VS 2010 SP1 Forcing Silverlight Upgrade

On our developer machines, we have Silverlight 4 installed. We upgraded to VS 2010 SP1, and now our Silverlight projects won't open; it is prompting us that we need to install the newer version of Silverlight, and takes us to a link to download Silverlight 5.
We are not ready to go to Silverlight 5 yet, and need to be able to open up our Silverlight 4 projects in VS 2010 SP1.
Any suggestions?
This sounds like it may be a duplicate of this question, but since you say you had Silverlight 4 installed before it may not be.
I recently rebuild my development machine and ran into a similar problem, but closer to that other question. Ultimately, I found this blog post, which led me to a installer for Silverlight 4 Developer Runtime.
There was one issue the author mentioned, that I have not run into yet:
I have noticed a large number of people hitting this page. Well,
let me help you guys out a little more. It turns out that EVERY time
Microsoft decides to update the Silverlight runtime. A patch, string
change, someone looked at it wrong, the Developer runtime gets
You will need to reinstall it each time. So make sure you keep it
handy! Thanks Microsoft for such a wonder feature. I love reinstalling
things every week.
I ran into the issue mentioned above and reinstalling the Silverlight 4 Developer Runtime did not fix the issue for me. I ended up installing the Silverlight 5 Developer Runtime (32 bit, 64 bit), which I obtained from this page, and that fixed the issue.

Installing Silverlight 4 Toolkit without Visual studio 2010 (for build server)

I have just been informed that the Silverlight 4 Toolkit (latest download) requires the prior installation of VS 2010.
We are setting up an automated build server for a very large Silverlight Prism project and would prefer not to do a full install of VS 2010 on an unmanned build machine.
Is VS 2010 actually required for an install of the Silverlight 4 Toolkit?
Why is it required?
Is it possible to work around this (copy specific pieces from another Dev machine?)
Thanks in advance for any information.
The problem with this is that it doesn't install the msbuild tasks. I have found that it is possible to install just the SDK by extracting it from the tools download. For details see here:
Don't install the Toolkit at all. In these large controlled scenarios you would probably want to copy the toolkit dlls to folder owned by your change control system anyway.
Ultimately the toolkit is just a set of dlls. On install it does other things to make using it as a developer convenient in VS and Blend but it has no special requirements at build time.

SL 4 Version Hell? The silverlight developer runtime is not installed please install a matching version

I've been developing for and running Silverlight 4 for about a week. A week ago I installed the Silverlight 4 design time components to develop and debug silverlight for VS 2010 - I posted some of these apps and they were used by users running SL4. Today, I went to a website that told me to upgrade my SL (I think it was the MS expression site) - so I did that and all the sudden I get this error when running SL 4 apps within VS 2010.
The silverlight developer runtime is not installed please install a matching version
Installing the latest version of the Silverlight SDK does not correct this. Basically I am stuck and unable to run Silverlight apps from VS2010.
Are versioning problems like this a common theme in SilverLight? The only thing I can think of is that there is a minor version difference between the versions used on the the MS Expression web site and the version (SL4) I installed from MS site a few days ago? However re-installing the latest version of SL4 does not correct this.
Any help?
The developer runtime is a different download than the normal "end user" runtime.
Again quoting from Tim Heur's Blog, you need to look for the link under "getting the updates" that points to the developer runtime. This will allow you to debug etc.

Silverlight 3 version compatibility

We've noticed a compatibility issue with a Silverlight 3 app which runs fine with v3.0.40818, v3.0.50106 and v4.0.50401 but refuses to load in v3.0.40624. Instead it gives a message box saying a more recent version of Silverlight is required.
Does anyone know what the changes were between 3.0.40624 and 3.0.40818 or why the app might not be compatible?
I think you'll find that 3.0.40624 is a Beta version of Silverlight 3. You should recommend to any users you have that still have this Beta version to upgrade.
