Segmentation fault using arrays - c

Well, I've been at this forever and I know exactly where the fault is, but no clue how to fix it. I already know fgets and scanf would be better for this program, but I can't do that.
The program worked about 10 minutes ago, then I changed it and got a seg fault. Then I changed it back and still got a seg fault. Anyway, I'm sure the fresh eyes will see it right away. Have at it :D
PS: Please note my (lessthan) instead of < because I don't know how to properly leave those in my code examples still :(
#define WORDLENGTH 15
#define MAXLINE 1000
int main()
char *line[MAXLINE];
int i = 0;
int j;
int n;
char c;
for (n=0; c!=EOF; n++){
char *tmp = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char)*WORDLENGTH);
while ((c=getchar())!=' ')
printf("\n%s\n",line[n]); //
for(j = 0; j < n; j++){
printf("\n%s\n", line[j]);
free (line[j]);
return 0;

you are doing line[n++] = tmp. And then accessing line[n] after that. But line[n] hasn't been assigned.
To change it, you can print line[n-1] instead, but clearer would be:
line[n] = tmp;
i = 0;
printf(... line[n]);
and place the increment in the for statement instead i.e. for (n = 0; c != EOF; n++).
This is a summary of what I would do:
Place the i=0 assignment at the start of the loop. Logically, it is an initialization of i and currently it is done in two places (at int i = 0; and after the assignment of line[n]). Both places are not near where one would expect an initialization of a variable used in the while loop to be.
Guard against nonsense input by checking that i does not exceed WORDLENGTH-1. Actually, I would probably code the inner while loop as a for loop on i like so:
for (i = 0; i < WORDLENGTH; i++) {
tmp[i] = getchar();
if (tmp[i] == ' ') break;
tmp[i] = 0;
or (in my character) for(i = 0; i < WORDLENGTH; ++i) if ((tmp[i] = getchar()) == ' ') break; followed by..
tmp[i] = 0 to NUL-terminate the string. Since malloc doesn't necessarily return a 0-filled memory block.

there are still bugs in the suggested solution !
malloc() can fail and return a NULL pointer
at the end of the for () the maximum i value is WORDLENGTH
so this assignment isn't correct ( out of bounds )
tmp[i]= 0;
Can fix both with
char *tmp = (char *) malloc( sizeof(char) * (WORDLENGTH + 1) );
if ( tmp == NULL ) // end of available memory
moreover, it isn't clear if you allow EOF inside the last string.


Can someone please explain why I'm getting a seg fault error

This code compiles successfully but when I debug it shows a SIGSEV seg fault error. Can someone help please?
char *_strdup(char *str)
int i, size = 0;
char *mp;
if (str == NULL)
return (NULL);
for (; str[size] != '0'; size++)
mp = malloc(size * sizeof(str) + 1);
/* + 1 to get last part of the str */
if (mp == 0)
return (NULL);
for (; i < size; i++)
mp[i] = str[i];
return (mp);
First, just because it compiles successfully, this does not mean that your code is correct. It just means that syntactically the compiler is fine. I hope you use the maximum warning level and correct your code until all warnings and errors are gone.
You have multiple problems:
You seem to look for the terminating end-of-string marker. But instead of the correct '\0' you typed '0'. This can lead to a much too big size, depending where a zero digit is found. Depending on your system, a segmentation fault is also possible.
sizeof is an operator that yields the size of its argument, in your case the size of a pointer. str is of type char *. Effectively you allocate too much, but this is harmless.
The for loop uses the memory allocation as its body. I'm sure you didn't mean this, but there is no empty statement. So you are allocating multiple memory spaces, which are leaks in the end.
An empty statement is a single semicolon or an empty pair of curly braces.
What you most probably want to achieve is to find the number of characters that str points to. You can get it by calling strlen(str).
i is not initialized, it can have any value. This can lead to a segmentation fault, if it starts with a negative value.
You did not add the end-of-string marker in the duplicate. Depending on the other code we don't see, this can lead to segmentation faults.
This is a possible solution without calling strlen():
char *_strdup(const char *str)
int i;
int size;
char *mp;
if (str == NULL)
return NULL;
for (size = 0; str[size] != '\0'; size++)
/* just looking for the end of the string */
/* + 1 for the end-of-string marker */
mp = malloc(size);
if (mp == NULL)
return NULL;
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
mp[i] = str[i];
return mp;
I made a bit more:
Use separate variable definitions, it avoid errors and eases maintenance.
return is not a function and needs no parentheses for its expression.
Put the initialization of the index variable where it belongs, in the initializing statement of for. This way everything about this index is at one place.
Consider the end-of-string marker by incrementing size. This eases the following code.
Since sizeof (char) is 1, it can be ommitted at the calculation of the needed memory size.
Compare mp with NULL instead of 0. It is a pointer, and this is C, not C++.
Your variable i has been declared but not initialized so a random number is used in your for(; i < size;
Just add int i = 0, size = 0; at the beginning or change your for statement to for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
This was the reason for your segmentation fault. Some other issues:
As mentioned in comments string termination character is not '0'. It's either 0 or '\0'.
You are calling malloc on each iteration of your for statement. This causes memory leak.Just call it once after you got your string size right. This is fixed by putting a semicolon after the for.
Maybe something like this.
char *_strdup (char *str)
int i, size;
char *mp;
if (str == NULL)
return (NULL);
for (size = 0; str[size] != 0; size++);
mp = malloc (size * sizeof (str) + 1);
/* + 1 to get last part of the str */
if (mp == 0)
return (NULL);
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
mp[i] = str[i];
return (mp);

Segmentation Fault:11 in C [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 6 years ago.
Improve this question
I am writing a program in C that replaces a number in a char* called "template" with a string, but I continually get a Segmentation Fault: 11 error.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
char *rep_str(const char *s, const char *old, const char *new1){
char *ret;
int i, count = 0;
int newlen = strlen(new1);
int oldlen = strlen(old);
for (i = 0; s[i] != '\0'; i++){
if (strstr(&s[i], old) == &s[i]){
i += oldlen - 1;
ret = (char*)malloc(i + count * (newlen - oldlen));
if (ret == NULL)
i = 0;
while (*s){
if (strstr(s, old) == s){ //compare the substring with the newstring
strcpy(&ret[i], new1);
i += newlen; //adding newlength to the new string
s += oldlen;//adding the same old length the old string
} else {
ret[i++] = *s++;
ret[i] = '\0';
return ret;
char* madlib_by_numbers(char* temp, int word_count, char* words[]){
char* numbers[] = {"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"};
int tempSize = strlen(temp);
for (int i = 0; i < tempSize; i++){
if (isdigit(temp[i])){
for (int j = 0; j < (sizeof(numbers) / sizeof(char*)); j++){
temp = rep_str(temp, numbers[j], words[j]); //it makes it to this line, but never gets to assert()
return temp;
int main() {
char* temp1 = "The 1 0 likes to 2 in the moonlight.";
char* words[] = {"git", "brilliant", "swim"};
char* result = "The brilliant git likes to swim in the moonlight.";
int stringLength = strlen(result);
char* test = madlib_by_numbers(temp1, 3, words);
assert(strncmp(test, result, stringLength) == 0);
return 0;
and when I run the debugger, it simply says: Segmentation Fault: 11
What i just want to understand is where the segmentation fault error is coming from, I have the suspicion one of my loops is running too many times.
There are a few issue with your code. However, the direct answer to your question is in this loop:
for (int j = 0; j < (sizeof(numbers) / sizeof(char*)); j++){
temp = rep_str(temp, numbers[j], words[j]);
You are calling rep_str for every digit while you mean call rep_str only if the digit in temp matches the corresponding digit in numbers. So add this conditional if(strcmp(temp,numbers[j]) == 0) right before the line temp=.... Then it'll solve your current problem.
The segfault is caused because there are only three elements in the words array. Your old loop indexes from 0 to 9 and fails when j=3, out of bound.
Also, delete the free() at the end of your program. test was never allocated and will cause a core dump.
ret = (char*)malloc(i + count * (newlen - oldlen));
There are a few problems with this line of code.
For a start, don't cast malloc (or any void * that you're assigning to a variable of different pointer type, or vice versa).
If you intended to allocate space to store a string, where's the string-terminating '\0' going to go? You need to realise that for an empty old string, this will be malloc(0) and zero bytes is not enough to store an empty string.
There's also a problem if you expect that old may be a substring of new (for example, you're replacing "0" with "hell0"). You'll need to tweak your algorithm to handle this problem. I'll leave that as a challenge for you to attempt :)
for (int i = 0; i < tempSize; i++){
if (isdigit(temp[i])){
for (int j = 0; j < (sizeof(numbers) / sizeof(char*)); j++){
temp = rep_str(temp, numbers[j], words[j]); //it makes it to this line, but never gets to assert()
users previous answer highlighted this code correctly, but not for the right reason... and so the solution he/she presented is wrong.
isdigit(temp[i]) may also cause segfaults for some inputs. I recommend using isdigit((unsigned char) temp[i]) instead, in this case.
It's not valid to access words[j] where word_count is 3 and j is greater or equal to 3; you're accessing that array out of bounds.
You also need to be careful to free any memory you *alloc (while simultaneously not freeing memory that you don't *alloc). Forgetting to do the former won't cause crashes, but your program won't run happily; it'll use heaps of memory.
Consider something like this, instead:
temp = strdup(temp);
if (temp == NULL) {
for (int i = 0; i < tempSize; i++){
if (isdigit((unsigned char) temp[i])){
for (int i = min(word_count, sizeof(numbers) / sizeof(char*)), j = 0; j < i; j++){
char *new = rep_str(temp, numbers[j], words[j]);
temp = new;

Segmentation Fault when I add a for Loop

When I add the for loop I get segmentation fault. Also, when I add buffer[i] !='\0' in the while loop condition, I get segmentation fault error. I am having a hard time trying to understand why this error pops up. Thanks.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main()
char buffer[2000] = "-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp ftp 614400 Oct 18 2006\r\n"
char String[2000];
int i, j, k= 0;
int nextline= 0;
for(k = 0; k<strlen(buffer);k++)
while((buffer[i] != '\r' && buffer[i+1] != '\n'))
String[j] = buffer[i];
printf("%s", String);
A loop of the form for(k=0; k < strlen(buffer); k++) { ... } is generally very bad code. It is O(n²), meaning that the time for the loop increases quadradically as n increases. Why? Each pass through the loop, the strlen function is called to determine the length of the string in buffer. If the string is 1000 character long, each strlen internally loops 1000 times, and it itself is called 1000 times, for 1000000 iterations of the inner loop! Instead, the length of the string should be calculated once, outside the loop. Eg)
int buffer_len = strlen(buffer);
for(k=0; k<buffer_len; k++) { ... }
You could also use a char * as your loop index, and loop until you encounter the null character:
for(char *c_ptr = buffer; *c_ptr != '\0'; *c_ptr++) { ... }
At any rate, for your problem, you do not need the double loop:
for(k = 0; k < strlen(buffer); k++)
// ...
while( /* incorrect condition here */ ) {
// ...
// ...
The above suggests you want to loop through each character in your string, and then starting at each of those characters, perform another inner loop. What you probably want is just an if( ) statement:
for(k = 0; k < strlen(buffer); k++)
// ...
if( buffer[k] == '\r' && buffer[k+1] == '\n' ) {
// ...
// ...
I'll leave you to struggle with what goes in the // ... comments, if anything. You learn more by doing.
As others have pointed out, your i & j variables were left uninitialized. You will want to ensure you initialize them properly before using them. You did initialize k to zero, which was actually unnecessary since the for(k=0; ... ; ...) loop is already initializing the value of k.

Deleting unused variable causes code to crash

So I'm trying to load the s-records from a .s19 file into memory for an assignment I'm working on, and its working. However, when I delete an unused array from my code, everything stops working and crashes.
The unused array is:
char test[65536];
And this is the loader I've written:
void loader(FILE * srec)
char instring[SREC_LEN];
char test[65536]; // This isn't used, but the program crashes without it for some reason
int i=0;
int j=0, k,l;
while (fgets(instring, SREC_LEN, srec) != NULL)
while(instring[i] != '\n') // Counts the characters in the s-record
j = j+i;
for(k=0;k<=i;k++) // Puts the records into memory
memory[l] = instring[k];
l = j;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("MEMORY: %s",memory);
#endif // DEBUG
If you could help me to understand why this is happening, I would appreciate it.
Your code has undefined behavior, it only works by sheer luck:
fgets() may return without writing a newline character into the buffer if EOF is reached prematurely. So you should at least account for that in your loop. Also you never reset i to 0, which you should. Change this:
while(instring[i] != '\n') // Counts the characters in the s-record
i = 0;
while(instring[i] != '\n' && instring[i] != '\0') // Counts the characters in the s-record
l is never initialized; you are probably writing out of bounds in memory. Initialize l to 0:
int j = 0, k, l = 0;
(I assume that memory is large enough to hold everything).
It also looks to me like you want for(k = 0; k < i; k++) rather than for(k = 0; k <= i; k++), since i is the count of characters you want to copy.
You might want to use memcpy() instead.

realloc() seems to affect already allocated memory

I am experiencing an issue where the invocation of realloc seems to modify the contents of another string, keyfile.
It's supposed to run through a null-terminated char* (keyfile), which contains just above 500 characters. The problem, however, is that the reallocation I perform in the while-loop seems to modify the contents of the keyfile.
I tried removing the dynamic reallocation with realloc and instead initialize the pointers in the for-loop with a size of 200*sizeof(int) instead. The problem remains, the keyfile string is modified during the (re)allocation of memory, and I have no idea why. I have confirmed this by printing the keyfile-string before and after both the malloc and realloc statements.
Note: The keyfile only contains the characters a-z, no digits, spaces, linebreaks or uppercase. Only a text of 26, lowercase letters.
int **getCharMap(const char *keyfile) {
char *alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
int **charmap = malloc(26*sizeof(int));
for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
charmap[(int) alphabet[i]] = malloc(sizeof(int));
charmap[(int) alphabet[i]][0] = 0; // place a counter at index 0
int letter;
int count = 0;
unsigned char c = keyfile[count];
while (c != '\0') {
int arr_count = charmap[c][0];
charmap[c] = realloc(charmap[c], (arr_count+1)*sizeof(int));
charmap[c][0] = arr_count;
charmap[c][arr_count] = count;
c = keyfile[++count];
// Just inspecting the results for debugging
for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
letter = (int) alphabet[i];
printf("%c: ", (char) letter);
int count = charmap[letter][0];
printf("%d", charmap[letter][0]);
if (count > 0) {
for (int j = 1; j < count+1; j++) {
printf(",%d", charmap[letter][j]);
return charmap;
charmap[(int) alphabet[i]] = malloc(sizeof(int));
charmap[(int) alphabet[i]][0] = 0; // place a counter at index 0
You are writing beyond the end of your charmap array. So, you are invoking undefined behaviour and it's not surprising that you are seeing weird effects.
You are using the character codes as an index into the array, but they do not start at 0! They start at whatever the ASCII code for a is.
You should use alphabet[i] - 'a' as your array index.
The following piece of code is a source of troubles:
int **charmap = malloc(26*sizeof(int));
for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++)
charmap[...] = ...;
If sizeof(int) < sizeof(int*), then it will be performing illegal memory access operations.
For example, on 64-bit platforms, the case is usually sizeof(int) == 4 < 8 == sizeof(int*).
Under that scenario, by writing into charmap[13...25], you will be accessing unallocated memory.
Change this:
int **charmap = malloc(26*sizeof(int));
To this:
int **charmap = malloc(26*sizeof(int*));
