AppEngine entity modeling - minimizing entity groups and achieving atomic cascading update/delete - google-app-engine

Am learning AppEngine and have started developing new app and want to clarify something.
I understood that
a. To achieve atomicity of update/delete of several entities we need to do it in a transaction and hence all should fall under same entity group
b. Having big entity groups is not scalable as it causes contention.
(Q1: Correct?)
So here is an entity model of an online examination system for sake of discussion:
As you can see from top, each entity 1 - many relationship with the immediate bottom one i.e 1 Subject can have many exams, 1 exam -> many pages, 1 page can have many questions...
As you can see, i would like to establish cascading update/delete relationship among these entities (JPA datanucleus appengine implemention supports this (under the hood) by putting all entities under same entity group (Q2: Correct?) though AppEngine natively doesn't support this constraint) so naturally all would go under same entity group so that
a. i can delete a Page (if my user does) in a transaction and be sure that all pages, questions, answers are all deleted
b. or i can delete a subject altogether in a transaction all clear all stuff underneath it
So when i extend this to my real app, i see that all of my (or atleast most) entities are interrelated and fit into same entity group to be able to transact them altogether - making my model inefficient.
Q3: Please advice on how to rethink this design (and the best practice) and still achieve what i need. Ask me more if needed.
Would be great if you could point me to relevant examples.
p.s. 1 solution i could think of is having each entity in a separate entity group and a separate persistent field in each entity (say Exam) named 'IS_DELETED' defaulting to FALSE (value 0). Once a user deletes an Exam, i will set the field to 1 (TRUE) and that i don't load them anymore. I shall write a Cron job which clears all related entities in separate separate transaction in the backend which will retry upon failures if needed. But am sure this is not elegant and not sure whether this will work out..
Thanks all for your responses,

One of the simplest ways to improve things is to just have fewer entities in the first place. I can't really think of a terribly good reason why pages, questions and answers need to be separate entities. I suspect you normally display all of the questions on a single page in the same request, without exception. If that's really the case, just keep them in one entity.
It does make a lot of sense to use the Exam entities as the parent for pages; for one thing, each exam is probably limited to a reasonable, small number of pages, so scaling this up probably won't hurt much.
On the other hand, there probably are a great many exams per subject, and for that reason, subjects should not appear in the ancestry of exams (and by extension, pages).
If, for some reason you needed to delete all of the exams in the subject of math, even if they were in the same entity group, you'd probably be unable to complete the whole delete in one transaction without timing out. You might even have trouble completing the delete in a single request.
That suggests that you should be using the Task Queue for this operation. When a cascading change on a subject occurs, the request handler needs to insert a new task and then just return successfully. don't forget to just update the subject entity right there in the request handler.
The task queue pulls a block of affected entities from the datastore, updates them, and then checks the time. If there is still more time available for continued updates, it pulls another block of entities, and so on, until none remain. If time is almost up, the task just adds itself back to the queue so it can restart where it left off when it respawns.
It's a good idea to schedule the first task at least a few seconds into the future of the initial request, so that if, for instance, the subject was deleted, the delete can propagate to future requests and no new exams in that subject can be created by the time the task starts.


Customer Deduplication in Booking Application

We have a booking system where dozens of thousands of reservations are done every day. Because a customer can create a reservation without being logged in, it means that for every reservation a new customer id/row is created, even if the very same customer already have reserved in the system before. That results in a lot of customer duplicates.
The engineering team has decided that, in order to deduplicate the customers, they will run a nightly script, every day, which checks for this duplicates based on some business rules (email, address, etc). The logic for the deduplication then is:
If a new reservation is created, check if the (newly created) customer for this reservation has already an old customer id (by comparing email and other aspects).
If it has one or more old reservations, detach that reservation from the old customer id, and link it to a new customer id. Literally by changing the customer ID of that old reservation to the newly created customer.
I don't have a too strong technical background but this for me smells like terrible design. As we have several operational applications relying on that data, this creates a massive sync issue. Besides that, I was hoping to understand why exactly, in terms of application architecture, this is bad design and what would be a better solution for this problem of deduplication (if it even has to be solved in "this" application domain).
I would appreciate very much any help so I can drive the engineering team to the right direction.
In General
What's the problem you're trying to solve? Free-up disk space, get accurate analytics of user behavior or be more user friendly?
It feels a bit risky, and depends on how critical it is that you get the re-matching 100% correct. You need to ask "what's the worst that can happen?" and "does this open the system to abuse" - not because you should be paranoid, but because to not think that through feels a bit negligent. E.g. if you were a govt department matching private citizen records then that approach would be way too cavalier.
If the worst that can happen is not so bad, and the 80% you get right gets you the outcome you need, then maybe it's ok.
If there's not a process for validating the identity of the user then by definition your customer id/row is storing sessions, not Customers.
In terms of the nightly job - If your backend system is an old legacy system then I can appreciate why a nightly batch job might be the easiest option; that said, if done correctly and with the right architecture, you should be able to do that check on the fly as needed.
...check if the (newly created) customer
for this reservation has already an old customer id (by comparing
Are you validating the email - e.g. by getting users to confirm it through a confirmation email mechanism? If yes, and if email is a mandatory field, then this feels ok, and you could probably use the email exclusively.
... and other aspects.
What are those? Sometimes getting more data just makes it harder unless there's good data hygiene in place. E.g. what happens if you're checking phone numbers (and other data) and someone does a typo on the phone number which matches with some other customer - so you simultaneously match with more than one customer?
If it has one or more old reservations, detach that reservation from
the old customer id, and link it to a new customer id. Literally by
changing the customer ID of that old reservation to the newly created
Feels dangerous. What happens if the detaching process screws up? I've seen situations where instead of updating the delta, the system did a total purge then full re-import... when the second part fails the entire system is blank. It's not your exact situation but you are creating the possibility for similar types of issue.
As we have several operational applications relying on that data, this creates a massive sync issue. in point.
In your case, doing the swap in a transaction would be wise. You may want to consider tracking all Cust ID swaps so that you can revert if something goes wrong.
Option - Phased Introduction Based on Testing
You could try this:
Keep the system as-is for now.
Add the logic which does the checks you are proposing, but have it create trial data on the side - i.e. don't change the real records, just make a copy that is what the new data would be. Do this in production - you'll get a way better sample of data.
Run extensive tests over the trial data, looking for instances where you got it wrong. What's more likely, and what you could consider building, is a "scoring" algorithm. If you are checking more than one piece of data then you'll get different combinations with different likelihood of accuracy. You can use this to gauge how good your matching is. You can then decide in which circumstances it's safe to do the ID switch and when it's not.
Once you're happy, implement as you see fit - either just the algorithm & result, or the scoring harness as well so you can observe its performance over time - especially if you introduce changes.
Alternative Customer/Session Approach
Treat all bookings (excluding personal details) as bookings, with customers (little c, i.e. Sessions) but without Customers.
Allow users to optionally be validated as "Customers" (big C).
Bookings created by a validated Customer then link to each other. All bookings relate to a customer (session) which never changes, so you have traceability.
I can tweak the answer once I know more about what problem it is you are trying to solve - i.e. what your motivations are.
I wouldn't say that's a terrible design, it's just a simple approach of solving this particular problem, with some room for improvement. It's not optimal because the runtime of that job depends on the new bookings that are received during the day, which may vary from day to day, so other workflows that depend on that will be impacted.
This approach can be improved by processing new bookings in parallel, and using an index to get a fast lookup when checking if a new e-mail already exists or not.
You can also check out Bloom Filters - an efficient data structure that is able to tell you if an element is not in a given set.
The way I would do it is to store the bookings in a No-SQL DB table keyed-off the user email. You get the user email in both situations - when it has an account or when it makes a booking without an account, so you just have to make a lookup to get the bookings by email, which makes that deduplication job redundant.

Ancestor relation in datastore

I have three entities: user, post and comment. A user may have multiple posts and a post may have multiple comments.
I know I can add ancestor relations like this:
user(Grand Parent) post(parent) comment(child)
I'm little bit confused about ancestors. I read from documention and searches that ancestors are used for transactions, every ancestors are in same entity group and entity groups are stored in same datastore node which makes it less scaleable. Is this right?
Is creating user as parent of posts and post as parent of comments a good thing?
Rather than this we can add one extra property in the post entity like user_id as shown in example and filter by it.
Which is better/more scalable: filter posts by ancestors or add an extra property user_id in the post Entity and filter by it?
I know both approaches can get the same results but I want to know which one is better in performance and scalability?
Sorry, I'm new in datastore.
Update 11/4/2017
A large number of users is using this App. It's is quite possible there are more
than one posts per sec. But A single user can not create posts more than one per sec. But multiple user may be. As described in documentations maximum entity group write rate of 1/s. Is it still possible to use Ancestor ?
Same for comments. Multiple user can add comment in a same entity group. It's is
quite possible more than one comment in one sec.
Ancestor Queries are faster ?
I read in many places that ancestors queries are much faster than others.
As I know the reason why they are fast is that because it create entity group and store related data in same node. So, it require less time to get data from single node as compare to multiple nodes.
For Example: If post is store in Asia node and comment is store in Europe node and I want to get posts and comments then datastore API need to fetch two nodes to complete request. Which make it slow. Rather than if I create ancestor relation and make entity group which create a better performance.
But what if I don't need to get post and comment data at same time. If I need post in separate web page and comment in separate page.In this scenario datastore api need to fetch only one node at a time.It is not matter data save in single node or save in multiple node. What about query performance can ancestor make it fast in this case ?
Yes, you are correct: all ancestry-related entities are in the same entity group, which raises 2 scalability issues: data contention and maximum entity group write rate of 1/s. See somehow related Is there an Entity Group Max Size?
There are advantages of using ancestries and some may be willing to sacrifice scalability for them (see What would be the purpose of putting all datastore entities in a single group?), but IMHO not for your kind of app: I think you'll agree that it's not really critical to see every new user/post/comment in random searches immediately after it is created (i.e. strong consistency) - the fact that it eventually appears is IMHO good enough.
Simply having no ancestry at all and adding additional model properties (entity keys or even just entity key IDs for entities which never have ancestors) to allow cross-referencing entities is the more scalable approach and IMHO fits well with your app.
I think the question to ask is: Are you expecting:
User to create Posts more than once per seconds (I doubt :)
People to comment on a Post more than once per second (could happen)
It not, then having ancestors queries will be faster than normal queries. So it depends of your usecase. I'd go for query speed unless you know you will have thousands of comments on posts.

AppEngine transactions

I have to add to a PropertyList a value for 50 entities. I have to make sure that no other code changes the PropertyList in the same time for particular entity. Is it better to have one big transaction changing all 50 entities or 50 small ones changing only one entity?
If you need exactly what your post says (updates to many entities, and transaction safety only on each entity), then you can use many small transactions.
If you must guarantee that none of the many entities is changed during this period, you should use one transaction, with all of your entities in the same entity group. Beware that the recommended update limit to entity groups is once per second. If you really have to update 50 entities transactionally, and you cannot for some reason put them into the same entity group, you should consider reorganizing your data.
this requirements most likely implies that you might want to reconsider your design.
currently you are solving the 'how to implement this' question.
perhaps you want to share your original problem so there can be a better solution to the question of 'this is how it should work'
looking forward.

Clarification: can I put all of a user's data in a single entity group by making up an ancestor key?

I want to do several operations on a user's data in a single transaction, but won't need to update multiple users' data in a single transaction. I see from that "A good rule of thumb for entity groups is that [entity groups] should be about the size of a single user's worth of data or smaller," so I think the correct choice is to use a single parent key when building the keys for the other entities related to a user.
Does this seem like a good idea?
Is it easy to code? Something like KeyBuilder.setParent(theKeyOfMyUserEntity)?
1) It is hard to comment without some addition details about the data. There are several things you should be aware of with entity groups; the biggest is that the group will be stored together. That means if you are trying to do many (separate) updates you could face contention, limiting your app's performance.
2) yes it is easy to code. The syntax is pretty close to what you posted.
There are other options for transactions. Check out Nick Johnson's article on distributed transactions. If you are wanting transactions for aggregates you should also check out Brett Slatkin's IO talk on high-throughput data pipelines.
Yes, it seems reasonable to store some user data as child entities of a User entity.
Why do you need to manually create keys ? The db.Model() constructor already has a convenient "parent" argument which will automatically put both the parent entity and the child entity in the same entity group.

Good open-source examples of using entity groups in App Engine? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I know all details about how entity groups work in GAE's storage, but yesterday (at the App Engine meetup in Palo Alto), as a presenter was explaining his use of entity groups, it struck me that I've never really made use of them in my own GAE apps, and I don't recall seeing them used in open-source GAE apps I've used.
So, I suspect I've just been overlooking (not noticing or remembering) such examples because I'm simply not used to them enough to immediately connect "use of entity group" to "kind of application problems being solved" -- and I think I should remedy that by studying such sources with this goal in mind, focusing on what problem the EG use is solving (i.e., why the app works with it, but wouldn't work or wouldn't work well without it).
Can anybody suggest good URLs to such code? (Essays would also be welcome, if they focus on application-level problem solving, but not if, like most I've seen, they just focus on the details of how EGs work!-).
The main use of entity groups is to provide the means to update more than one entity in a transaction.
If you haven't had to use them, count your blessings. Either you have been designing your data models such that no two entities ever need to be updated at the same time in order to remain consistent, or else you do need them but you've gotten lucky :)
Imagine that I have an Invoice entity type, and a LineItem entity type. One Invoice can have multiple LineItems associated with it. My Invoice entity has a field called LastUpdated. Any time a LineItem gets added to my Invoice, I want to store the current date in the LastUpdated field.
My update function might look like this (pseudocode)
invoice.lastUpdated = now()
lineitem = new lineitem()
What happens if the invoice put() succeeds and the lineitem put() fails? My invoice date will show that something was updated, but the actual update (the new LineItem) wouldn't be there. The solution is to put both puts() inside a transaction.
An alternative solution would be to use a query to find the date of the last inserted LineItem, instead of storing this data in the lastUpdated field. But that would involve fetching both the Invoice and all the LineItems every time you wanted to know the last time a lineitem was added, costing you precious datastore quota.
Ah. I think I understand your confusion. The above paragraphs establish why transactions are important. But you say you still don't care about Entity groups, because you don't see how they relate to transactions. But if you are using, then you are using entity groups, perhaps without realizing it! Every transaction involves one and only one entity group, and any given transaction can only affect entities belonging to the same group. see here
"All datastore operations in a
transaction must operate on entities
in the same entity group".
What kind of stuff are you doing in your transactions? There are plenty of good reasons to use transactions with just one Entity, which by default is in its own Entity Group. But sometimes you need to keep 2 or more entities in sync, like in my example above. If the Invoice and the LineItem Entities are not in the same entity group, then you could not wrap the modifications to them in a call. So anytime you want to operate on 2 or more entities transactionally you need to first make sure they are in the same group. Hope that makes it more clear why they are useful.
I've used them here. I'm setting my customer object as the parent of the map markers. This creates an entity group for each customer and gives me two advantages:
Getting the markers of a customer is much faster, because they're stored physically with the customer object.(On the same server, probably on the same disk)
I can change the markers for a customer in a transaction. I suspect the reason transactions require all objects that they operate on to be in the same group is because they're stored in the same physical location, which makes it easier to implement a lock on the data.
I've used them here in this simple wiki system. The latest version of a page is always a root entity and past versions have the latest version as ancestor. The copy operation is done in a transaction to keep the version consistency and avoid losing a version in case of concurrency.
