WPF Generate Xaml template - wpf

How do i get the default xaml template for a control?
In expression blend you can right click a control and press style then i generates the current template as xaml.. how do i do this if i don't have expression blend?

You can use XAMLPad or StyleSnooper or Reflector.

just verify this link
Control template for existing controls in WPF
You can use Reflector tool to get resource like xaml of existing controls

For WPF,
Control Styles and Templates
For Silverlight,
Control Styles and Templates

No way just Use Microsoft expression blend. use trial-ver :)


How to have properties of custom control in xaml when we drag that control?

I have created a custom control for TextBox with soem DependencyProperties and some simple properties, now, when I drag my custom control from ToolBox to designer then I want to have properties which are declared in custom control to appear in XAML by default.
Does anyone have idea about it?
Looking forward for quick reply.
We can add the properties to the control by default while you are dragging from ToolBox to the designer..
Please refer the below msdn documentation..
i think it will help you to resolve the problem..

How do I configure a WinForms TabControl inside the WindowsFormsHost WPF control?

How do I configure a WinForms TabControl inside the WindowsFormsHost WPF control, how can add TabPages using XAML?
So far as I understand it, you can create the WinForms TabPages in the same way you would create something normally in WPF with XAML. See this page for an idea of what I mean.
We solved encapsulating the TabControl and its tabpages inside a UserControl, then adding the UserControl to the WindowsFormsHost.

How to style the thumb of wpf slider?

I read about style here:
I created a UserControl with slider and UserControl.Resources section. I paste the thumb style but some tag are not recognized like vsm:VisualStateManager (I'm using VS2010) why ?
That is the documentation for Silverlight. You probably want the documentation for WPF:
Slider Styles and Templates
Just to be clear, if you are using Silverlight, you should use Silverlight templates and styles; if you are using WPF, you should use WPF templates and styles.
In any case, the VisualStateManager is a full-fledged part of both Silverlight4 and WPF4, so if you see a template with the "vsm:" namespace, the simplest option is to just remove the prefix where-ever you see it.

WPF design-time context menu

I am trying to create a custom wpf control, I'm wondering how I can add some design-time features. I've googled and can't seem to get to my goal.
So here's my simple question, how can I add an entry to the design-time context menu for my WPF usercontrol? The context menu by default has entries View Code,View XAML, etc.
You probably want to check out the WPF Designer Extensibility documentation. Specifically it sounds like you want to create a custom MenuAction.
This will help you get the context menu you require, although this applies to datagrid's still applicable;
WPF DataGrid Design-time Walkthrough

Where to find Generic.xaml for native WPF controls?

Where to find Generic.xaml (or other code with the default look) for native WPF controls such as Button, CheckBox, TextBox, etc?
In Silverlight (and I know that your question is about WPF) this information is more accessible than in WPF. You can get this information from any of these sources:
Control Styles and Templates on MSDN.
You can look at the resources of the relevant Silverlight assembly and extract the themes/generic.xaml embedded in a resource. I use Reflector to do this.
You can extract the control template of a specific control using a tool. I use Expression Blend to do this. This also works for WPF.
Unfortunately the XAML for native controls is not directly available as a file. You need to use a program for peeking into the WPF assemblies and extracting that info. I personally have used the Mole for Visual Studio tool, which has done the job very well. It integrates as a debugger-visualiser, which is quite handy.
