Perl: Hash within Array within Hash - arrays

I am trying to build a Hash that has an array as one value; this array will then contain hashes. Unfortunately, I have coded it wrong and it is being interpreted as a psuedo-hash. Please help!
my $xcHash = {};
my $xcLine;
#populate hash header
$xcHash->{XC_HASH_LINES} = ();
#for each line of data
$xcLine = {};
#populate line hash
push(#{$xcHash->{XC_HASH_LINES}}, $xcLine);
foreach $xcLine ($xcHash->{XC_HASH_LINES})
#psuedo-hash error occurs when I try to use $xcLine->{...}

$xcHash->{XC_HASH_LINES} is an arrayref and not an array. So
$xcHash->{XC_HASH_LINES} = ();
should be:
$xcHash->{XC_HASH_LINES} = [];
foreach takes a list. It can be a list containing a single scalar (foreach ($foo)), but that's not what you want here.
foreach $xcLine ($xcHash->{XC_HASH_LINES})
should be:
foreach my $xcLine (#{$xcHash->{XC_HASH_LINES}})

foreach $xcLine ($xcHash->{XC_HASH_LINES})
should be
foreach $xcLine ( #{ $xcHash->{XC_HASH_LINES} } )
See for easy to remember rules for how to dereference complex data structures.

Golden Rule #1
use strict;
use warnings;
It might seem like a fight at the beginning, but they will instill good Perl practices and help identify many syntactical errors that might otherwise go unnoticed.
Also, Perl has a neat feature called autovivification. It means that $xcHash and $xcLine need not be pre-defined or constructed as references to arrays or hashes.
The issue faced here is to do with the not uncommon notion that a scalar can hold an array or hash; it doesn't. What it holds is a reference. This means that the $xcHash->{XC_HASH_LINES} is an arrayref, not an array, which is why it needs to be dereferenced as an array using the #{...} notation.

Here's what I would do:
my %xcHash;
for each line of data:
push #{$xcHash{XC_HASH_LINES}},$xcLine;


Can't use string as an ARRAY ref while strict refs in use

Getting an error when I attempt to dump out part of a multi dimensional hash array. Perl spits out
Can't use string ("somedata") as an ARRAY ref while "strict refs" in use at ./
I have tried multiple ways to access part of the array I want to see but I always get an error. I've used Dumper to see the entire array and it looks fine.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper);
use String::Util qw(trim);
my %arrHosts;
open(my $filehdl, "<textfile.txt") || die "Cannot open or find file textfile.txt: $!\n";
while( my $strInputline = <$filehdl> ) {
my ($strHostname,$strOS,$strVer,$strEnv) = split(/:/, $strInputline);
$strOS = lc($strOS);
$strVer = trim($strVer);
$strEnv = trim($strEnv);
$strOS = trim($strOS);
$arrHosts{$strOS}{$strVer}{$strEnv} = $strHostname;
# If you want to see the entire database, remove the # in front of Dumper
print Dumper \%arrHosts;
foreach my $machine (#{$arrHosts{solaris}{10}{DEV}}) {
print "$machine\n";
The data is in the form
machine:OS:OS version:Environment
For example
I want to print out only the servers that are solaris, version 11, in DEV. Using hashes seems the easiest way to store the data but alas, Perl barfs when attempting to print out only a portion of it. Dumper works great but I don't want to see everything. Where did I go wrong??
You have the following:
$arrHosts{$strOS}{$strVer}{$strEnv} = $strHostname;
That means the following contains a string:
You are treating it as if it contains a reference to an array. To group the hosts by OS+ver+env, replace
$arrHosts{$strOS}{$strVer}{$strEnv} = $strHostname;
push #{ $arrHosts{$strOS}{$strVer}{$strEnv} }, $strHostname;
Iterating over #{ $arrHosts{solaris}{10}{DEV} } will then make sense.
My previous code also had the obvious problem whereby if the combo of OS, Version, and Environment were the same it wrote over previous data. Blunderful. Push is the trick

Perl data structures - looping an array of hashes inside a hash

I need a data structure to keep metadata about a field in a database, which I'm going to access to write dynamic SQL.
I'm using a hash to store things like the name, maybe data type, etc. And most importantly, an array of hashes containing information about the values I want to query out of the field, and the name I want to alias them with.
When I try to access elements of that array, I get:
Global symbol "%elem" requires explicit package name at line 18.
It sounds like maybe it's having trouble registering the fact that the loop variable representing the array elements is a hash, not a scalar. If I try:
foreach my %elem
then I get:
Missing $ on loop variable at line 17 (#1)
So far I can't find the relevant Perl documentation that addresses this.
use warnings;
use strict;
use diagnostics;
use POSIX 'strftime';
my %struct = (
#"field" = "foobar",
"values" => [
{value => "Y", name => "FOO"}
, {value => "N", name => "BAR"}
foreach my $elem (#{$struct->{'values'}}) {
print $elem->{'value'};
I expect the program to print "YN" to the console.
UPDATE, as someone pointed out I needed to use %hash->{'ref'} in the loop addressing. I added it. Now, I get a notification saying that using a hash as a reference is deprecated (?) but it is printing to the console now!
When I tried running your code, I got a different error than you reported:
Global symbol "$struct" requires explicit package name
This is because you've defined a hash %struct, not a hashref $struct, so you don't need to dereference it. Thus, I changed the line
foreach my $elem (#{$struct->{'values'}}) {
foreach my $elem (#{$struct{'values'}}) {
(note no -> to dereference) and it ran perfectly, no errors or warnings, and emitted the output
as expected.
%struct is a hash, not a hash reference. Therefore, $struct->{'values'} is not the correct way to access the values key.
for my $elem (#{$struct{values}}) {
print "$elem->{value}\n";

Looping through array contained in a hash

So I have an object that contains an array:
package MyObject;
sub new {
my($type) = #_;
my $self->{Params}{Status}{Packages} = [];
I have a add new package sub which appends onto this "Package" array like:
sub add_package {
my($self, $package_obj) = #_;
push $self->{Params}{Status}{Packages}, $package;
Now when I go to find all the packages in my array I have issues. Whenever I try and pull out the packages like this:
foreach my $package($self->{Params}{Status}{Packages}) {
# do something with $package.
This only loops through one time. Now from what I understand the hash actually stores a pointer to the array so I tried to do:
foreach my $package(#$self->{Params}{Status}{Packages}) {
# do something with $package.
But then there is an error saying that $self is not an array. I did notice when I do:
scalar $self->{Params}{Status}{Packages};
It returns:
#ARRAY(0xSome Address);
What am I missing? And how can I use a foreach loop to go through my array?
$self->{Params}{Status}{Packages} is a reference to an array, in Perl terminology. When you have a reference to something, put the right character in front of it to dereference it. If the reference is more than just a name with possibly some sigils in front, you need to surround it with braces. It's a matter of precedence: #$self->{Params}{Status}{Packages} is parsed as (#$self)->{Params}{Status}{Packages}, but you need
i.e. the array referenced by the expression $self->{Params}{Status}{Packages}.
In this case, you need to wrap it all in the array dereference block #{} so perl knows which portion you're trying to dereference...
for my $package (#{ $self->{Params}{Status}{Packages} }){
print "$package\n";
Also, just to keep things consistent, I prefer to always deref the array with the block when extracting, or inserting:
push #{ $self->{Params}{Status}{Packages} }, $package;
UPDATE: As of 5.24.0+, autoderef (using keys(), values() or each() with a reference) will almost certainly be removed, and replaced with postfix references. However, using the #{} and %{} will continue to be supported, and is backwards compatible, so I'd recommend using them at all times.
In my view, the clearest way to do this is to extract the array reference to a temporary scalar variable, which makes accessing the array very straightforward
my $packages = $self->{Params}{Status}{Packages};
for my $package ( #$packages ) {
# do something with $package.
Also, if you have use strict and use warnings enabled as you should, your add_package subroutine will produce the message
push on reference is experimental
This isn't something you can safely ignore. Experimental features may change their behaviour or disappear completely in later versions of Perl, and it is unwise to make use of them in production code. You can fix your subroutine in a similar way, like this
sub add_package {
my ($self, $package_obj) = #_;
my $packages = $self->{Params}{Status}{Packages};
push #$packages, $package;

perl, removing elements from array in for loop

will the following code always work in perl ?
for loop iterating over #array {
# do something
if ($condition) {
remove current element from #array
Because I know in Java this results in some Exceptions, The above code is working for me for now, but I want to be sure that it will work for all cases in perl. Thanks
Well, it's said in the doc:
If any part of LIST is an array, foreach will get very confused if you
add or remove elements within the loop body, for example with splice.
So don't do that.
It's a bit better with each:
If you add or delete a hash's elements while iterating over it,
entries may be skipped or duplicated--so don't do that. Exception: In
the current implementation, it is always safe to delete the item most
recently returned by each(), so the following code works properly:
while (($key, $value) = each %hash) {
print $key, "\n";
delete $hash{$key}; # This is safe
But I suppose the best option here would be just using grep:
#some_array = grep {
# do something with $_
} #some_array;

Array.Add vs +=

I've found some interesting behaviour in PowerShell Arrays, namely, if I declare an array as:
$array = #()
And then try to add items to it using the $array.Add("item") method, I receive the following error:
Exception calling "Add" with "1" argument(s): "Collection was of a fixed size."
However, if I append items using $array += "item", the item is accepted without a problem and the "fixed size" restriction doesn't seem to apply.
Why is this?
When using the $array.Add()-method, you're trying to add the element into the existing array. An array is a collection of fixed size, so you will receive an error because it can't be extended.
$array += $element creates a new array with the same elements as old one + the new item, and this new larger array replaces the old one in the $array-variable
You can use the += operator to add an element to an array. When you
it, Windows PowerShell actually creates a new array with the values of the
original array and the added value. For example, to add an element with a
value of 200 to the array in the $a variable, type:
$a += 200
Source: about_Arrays
+= is an expensive operation, so when you need to add many items you should try to add them in as few operations as possible, ex:
$arr = 1..3 #Array
$arr += (4..5) #Combine with another array in a single write-operation
If that's not possible, consider using a more efficient collection like List or ArrayList (see the other answer).
If you want a dynamically sized array, then you should make a list. Not only will you get the .Add() functionality, but as #frode-f explains, dynamic arrays are more memory efficient and a better practice anyway.
And it's so easy to use.
Instead of your array declaration, try this:
$outItems = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]
Adding items is simple.
And if you really want an array when you're done, there's a function for that too.
The most common idiom for creating an array without using the inefficient += is something like this, from the output of a loop:
$array = foreach($i in 1..10) {
Adding to a preexisting array:
[collections.arraylist]$array = 1..10
$array.add(11) > $null
