Writing a GlusterFS Translator - Any Documentation about this? - c

I would like to write a custom GlusterFS Translator for file encryption with AES. Besides this rather rare description:
http://europe.gluster.org/community/documentation/index.php/GlusterFS_Contributors_FAQ, is there any other documentation on writing a custom Translator?

Maybe HekaFS is what you need, it already has a encryption translator.

You can find some dated documentation in the hacker-guide directory of the source repository:
hacker-guide.tex should be a good place to start.

There is a detailed talk on this topic from #oscon12, which is being recorded today, from RedHat ,also suggest you download the slides
Here's a link to the presentation slides


SPIFFS on an embedded ARM project with 32mb IS25LQ032B device

I've been looking at the SPIFFS file system project on https://github.com/pellepl/spiffs and it seems like it has a pretty large user community. I've been looking at the WIKI on the integration and configuration which seems to be well documented. I didn't see a user group forum? is there one?
My question pertains to the actual formatting of the flash device, within the examples shown in the WIKI pages I didn't example code on how to format the flash. There's a description, but it doesn't show an example of how to use the API.
I'm hoping someone might know of example of how to use the APIs. Any help is greatly appreciated.
I'm all set, I took another look at the API's and I figured out how to use them to mount and format the spi flash to initialize it. I ran thru the test example and it works. It went better than expected.

What are .nsh files? Can't find any docs for it

I recently saw a .nsh file for the first time.
What is it? I can't find any docs regarding this language.
Does anyone know a good place to learn about it?
It is an installer file used by NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System), a program used for creating Windows installers; saves header information that can be included across all .NSI installer scripts; helps setup common environment conditions for an installation.

How to read .Contact files?

I will explain the situation first. We know we can send the contacts in our phone via bluetooth to other devices. Usually they will be sent as ".contact" files. In windows these files will be saved in c:/users/userName/contacts folder. In my Java program (which runs in PC), I would like to read these files. Is there any specific library to read these files? Specially libraries which are not outdated for decades? Please help!
Okay, rephrasing comments as an answer, as requested.
The .contact file you're seeing is most likely Microsoft specific, and you should look for some other format, such as vCard instead! You might also find the bluetooth software at bluecove.org interesting.

Metadata Extractor for .avi, .mkv, .mp4 files

I working on metadata of various file formats,extraction of these metadata and changing these metadata. I found some java libraries for these but I want to implement these metadata extractors in C.
Please somebody give me some advice for how to proceed for writing these extractors. I would be really happy if somebody can provide me good links regarding these also
I would suggest you take a look at libavformat, which is part of ffmpeg. It's a C library that parses essentially all important audio and video containers.
Here's the documentation: http://www.ffmpeg.org/documentation.html

Is there something similar for emacs like vims's NERDtree

For vim there is a filesystem explorer called NERDtree: https://github.com/scrooloose/nerdtree
Surely an alternative or superior package exists for Emacs?
I prefer dirtree (screenshot below) by Ye Wenbin. It feels pretty close to NERDTree / the TextMate drawer.
It took me a few minutes of trial and error to figure out the dependencies, so take a look at the install instructions (and a few minor edits to the source) I've got in this repo.
You can try NeoTree .
Have you looked at Speedbar ?
The Sunrise Commander seems to be a well written package, and it has a tree extension. For a screenshot of the tree extension in action, follow this link.
Who needs any tree, when you have the mighty ido-mode . If you can train your mind to find the files, rather than just your eyes whilst visually finding it, you will win. NO need to tell me how biology works, i don't care :-) you get the point.
Personally, I prefer the ECB's tree mode.
You should also check out the CEDET stuff.
They contain a lot of other useful stuff that you can use for similar development needs.
I use a little of emacs-nav and a little of dired to navigate my projects' file trees. For file management tasks, I mostly use bash (often from within emacs).
(Shameless reanswer from A good project tree browser for Emacs? - Stack Overflow)
I just now did a word search for "explore" in package-list-packages, and discovered project-explorer. Seems to fit exactly what I want today (I don't code hardly, but getting a grip on the structure of my Jekyll site).
Keys include TAB for folding and unfolding directories. Open files with RET or f, but with prefix, it will prompt nicely for which window, and even from there allow you to decide to use window or open up a new one to any side (I didn't find the prompt string in the package code, so it seems to leverage built in Emacs functionality nicely; indeed it looks like dired even).
It's available on Melpa and Marmalade, and packaged description points to sabof_project-explorer ยท GitHub.
I include the site's image for convenience:
I don't use projectile or helm, but it has some integration.
Try out lusty-explorer. It's a well done plugin.
Get it here
