Silverlight View exporting DependencyProperty to ViewModel via MEF - silverlight

I have a need of one DependencyProperty from a View in my ViewModel constructor:
My problem: MEF wouldn't SatisfyImports() 'because it is marked with one or more ExportAttributes' (that is the exception)
This is the code structure for the VIEW:
public class MyView : UserControl
public Charts MyChartType
object k = GetValue(ChartTypeProperty);
Charts f = (Charts)Enum.Parse(typeof(Charts), k.ToString(), true);
return f;
SetValue(ChartTypeProperty, value);
public object ViewModel
DataContext = value;
public MyView()
if (!ViewModelBase.IsInDesignModeStatic)
// Use MEF To load the View Model
and the VIEWMODEL:
public class GenericChartViewModel
public GenericChartViewModel([Import(MethodTypes.ChartType)] Charts forChartType)
string test = forChartType.ToString();
Please give me any hints on this or maybe suggest a better solution for passing parameters through mef
In my case, I would need to pass only dependecyproperty's for now...

Your work around isn't really good.. can't you remove the export from ChartTypes and pass it manually to whoever wants it? I presume the viewmodel is only one insterested in it..

I managed to put this through !
Instead of the code in the default constructor, I use:
void MyView_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
if (!ViewModelBase.IsInDesignModeStatic)
var catalog = new TypeCatalog(typeof(GenericChartViewModel));
var container = new CompositionContainer(catalog);
and the dependencyproperty value is correctly propagated to the ViewModel
(must do this after control is loaded, or the property will have its default value)
However, I would be very grateful if someone could:
tell me how generate a catalog from another non-referenced assembly?


How to call setter to add my string to list of parent with using xaml?

I'm creating a segment view for iOS and Android with using Xamarin form.
It's working fine if I generate it from code.
But I want to generate it from xaml.
like this.
<local:Segmentbutton text="boy">
<local:Segmentbutton text="girl">
In my Segment class, it generates buttons and add to lists to control them.
When I generate My Segment with code, looks like this.
List<String> buttonTexts = new List<String>();
buttonTexts.Add ("B");
buttonTexts.Add ("G");
segment = new AXSegment (buttonTexts, 50, Color.FromHex ("#000000"), AppConstants.GlobalColor, Color.FromHex ("#EEEEEE"));
segment.buttonCallback = SexSegmentButtonChanged;
segment.SelectedIndex = 0;
What docs should I look to do it in xaml?
I looked "BindableProperty" or many thins but could not find yet.
I just want trigger SETTER when
<local:Segmentbutton text="boy">
so that I just generate button and add it to my list in MySegment.
ContentPropertyAttribute is the keyword. You have to create:
Nothing special here, just a Element with a Text property.
public class Segment : Element
public static readonly BindableProperty TextProperty = BindableProperty.Create<Segment, string>(p => p.Text, string.Empty);
public string Text
return (string)GetValue(TextProperty);
SetValue(TextProperty, value);
Inherits from View. The attribute ContentProperty tells the Xaml-Interpreter/Compiler to stuff every child node into the property called Segments.
public class SegmentedView : View
private readonly IList<Segment> _segments = new List<Segment>();
public IList<Segment> Segments
get { return _segments; }
Your custom renderer inherits from a renderer of your choice. Android.Views.View is the type of the native control. You have to change it.
public class SegmentedViewRender : ViewRenderer<SegmentedView, Android.Views.View>
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<SegmentedView> e)
// segments are in: this.Element.Segments
<local:Segment Text="Bengal"></local:Segment>
<local:Segment Text="Siam"></local:Segment>
<local:Segment Text="Maine Coon"></local:Segment>

Reactive UI with Datagrids

Currently my RadDatagrid1 has a Cell_click action for the RadDatagrid1, and when a ClientName is selected, that client info is projected in DataGrid2.
code within Mouse Double Click:
private void Cell_click(object sender, GridViewSelectedCellsChangedEventArgs e)
Var Details = (from info in contacts
where info.ClientName = sender.CurrentCell.ToString()
select new {info.ClientName, info.ClientAddress, Info.ClientNumber});
DataGrid2.ItemsSource = Details.ToList();
This is currently what i have but, it should be a reactive UI.
An example of reactitve UI i was told to look at was this in the GridViewModel:
this.WhenAny(x => x.Forename, x => x.Surname, x => x.City, (p1, p2, p3) => Unit.Default).Subscribe(x => Filter());
But that doesn't quite make sense to me. If I could get guidance and tips how to convert this to reactive UI please.
I am a newbie to Reactive UI and my experience so far has been through trial and error, due to the lack of documentation. So my method below might not be correct.
Make sure you have a ViewModel backing your WPF control (see this page)
Your ViewModel should look something like:
public class ViewModel : ReactiveObject {
// ClientInfo type is the type of object you want to bind to the DataGrid
private ClientInfo clientInfo;
public ClientInfo ClientInfo {
set { this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged(ref clientInfo, value); }
get { return clientInfo; }
// Move contacts IEnumerable/IQueryable to your ViewModel
private IQueryable<ClientInfo> contacts;
public LoadInfo(string clientName) {
ClientInfo = (from info in contacts
where info.ClientName = clientName
select new {info.ClientName, info.ClientAddress, Info.ClientNumber})
Make sure your View (the control class) implements IViewFor<T> where T is the type of your View Model. Bind views according to the documentation here.
Do something like this for your View:
// Implement the methods on that interface, which I will not include below
public partial class View : IViewFor<ViewModel> {
private ICommand loadClientInfo;
public View() { // constructor
InitializeComponent(); // Don't forget this
// Binds the data in your ViewModel with the ItemSource of your DataGrid
this.OneWayBind(ViewModel, vm => vm.ClientInfo, x => x.DataGrid2.ItemSource);
private void Cell_click(object sender, GridViewSelectedCellsChangedEventArgs e)

WPF DependencyProperty chain notification

im exploring WPF world, i find a great example on the web about how to use binding on xml
Now im trying to extends this example: i want to create a "class in the middle" between the XElement and the UI and bind all togheder in a chain so, if i have a modification into the xml, then i have the property in the middle class updated then the UI updated too.
Here some code:
This is the class that wrap the XElement
public class XElementDataProvider : ObjectDataProvider
public XElementDataProvider()
ObjectInstance = XElement.Load(#"C:\MyFile.xml");
private static XElementDataProvider instance;
public static XElementDataProvider Instance
if (instance == null)
instance = new XElementDataProvider();
return instance;
This is the MiddleClass
public class MiddleClass : DependencyObject
XElementDataProvider xElementDataProvider;
XElement myxml;
public MiddleClass()
//here i get my dataprovider
xElementDataProvider = XElementDataProvider.Instance;
myxml = xElementDataProvider.Data as XElement;
//i bind my internal collection to the Elements...
Binding binding = new Binding("Elements[book]")
Source = myxml,
Mode = BindingMode.Default//here i cant use TwoWay, give me //back an exeption
BindingOperations.SetBinding(this, XBookListProperty, binding);
//just to have confirmation of the adding
myxml.Changed += new EventHandler<XObjectChangeEventArgs (myxml_Changed);
void myxml_Changed(object sender, XObjectChangeEventArgs e)
//i use a DependencyProperty to have also a change callback
public static readonly DependencyProperty XBookListProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("XBookList", typeof(IEnumerable),
new PropertyMetadata(XBookPropertyChanged)
//here i have a notification only at start but no when i add a new book
private static void XBookPropertyChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
MiddleClass middleClass = d as MiddleClass;
middleClass.XBookPropertyChanged((IEnumerable)e.OldValue, (IEnumerable)e.NewValue);
private void XBookPropertyChanged(IEnumerable old, IEnumerable newValue)
//this is the propery i finally want to expose to the UI but im not able //to keep updated
public List<Book> bookList;
public List<Book> BookList
return bookList;
bookList = value;
//this is my internal list binded to the xml
private IEnumerable XBookList
return (IEnumerable)GetValue(XBookListProperty);
SetValue(XBookListProperty, value);
//here i try to add a book addind direcly to the xml//i expect a //notification of propery changed...but nothing
public bool AddBook(string name)
XElement newWorkSheet = new XElement("Book",
new XAttribute("Name", name)
return true;
Book is a class thar repersents a book, let say it has only a name propery for now.
The UI class misses but it should bind on public List<Book> BookList and show books names to the user in a ListBox
Enyone knows why i dont recive any notification...or what i have to do to keep the public List<Book> BookList synchronized with private IEnumerable<XBookList>?
OK, after many attempts, the only solution I found is this one:
to have notifications when something changes in the IEnumerable<XBookList> you need to clear it ad rebind after you modify it.
In this way you have a first, not used notification, about the clear and then another notification about the new set.
Then in the handler you can synchronize the new list with the old one.
public bool AddBook(string name)
XElement newWorkSheet = new XElement("Book",
new XAttribute("Name", name)
Binding binding = new Binding("Elements[book]")
Source = myxml,
Mode = BindingMode.Default
BindingOperations.SetBinding(this, XBookListProperty, binding);
return true;

override the super class methods in wpf Window

I wanna make a customized window base. So I made a custom window which inherits from Window.
For example:
public class MyWindowBase : Window
I wanna override the different Brushes of the super class Window for my own purpose.
In my previous experience, to override methods/properties with no abstract or virtual in the super class need the key word "new".
For example:
public new void DoSomething() { ........ base.DoSomething() ....... }
public new string SomeText { get { ... } set {......} }
It works in my previous work.
However, in this time of dealing with WPF Window, it doesn't work.
I tried to override the different Brushes of the super class Window as follows:
public new Brush BorderBrush
get { ... }
set { myBorderBrush = value; base.BorderBrush = null }
public new Brush Background
get { ... }
set { myBackground = value; base.Backgound = null; }
I tried the change the value of the above Brushes in MyWindowBase, it just change the value of the super class Window, it doesn't change the value of myBorderBrush and myBackground.
So, how could I override the methods and properties of the super class Window?
Actually, I want to override the base background so that it will be null or transparent forever, but the changed value will be applied on my own custom Background.
Thank you very much!
If you only want to set the value, then you can set it using
this.BorderBrush = Brushes.Blue;
this.Background = Brushes.Red;
If you wish to overwrite the Property Metadata (for things like default value, property changed logic, or validation), you can use OverrideMetadata
typeof(MyWindowBase), myPropertyMetadata);
If you simply want to add some logic on Changed, you can use a DependencyPropertyDescriptor
var dpd = DependencyPropertyDescriptor.FromProperty(
Window.BackgroundProperty, typeof(Window));
dpd.AddValueChanged(this.Value, new EventHandler(BackgroundChanged));
private void BackgroundChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
//do the code here
And if you're looking to override a Method, and not a Property, then you can use the override keyword
protected override void OnClosed(EventArgs e)

Binding where value changes are directly stored in the DB

I'm currently struggling with one of the bindings I'm trying to add to my WPF project.
In the app I have a model with a bool property that cannot be used for databinding. Behind that property is a .NET remoting object that does some validation and writes the new value into the DB.
The requirement ist that the property should be displayed as checkbox, and as the user changes the value the new value should be immediatly provided to the .NET remoting object.
My approach so far:
I've created in my ViewModel with a DependencyProperty that is bound to my checkbox.
In the propertychanged handler of the DP, I'm writting the value to the property of the remoting object.
The problems I have with this approach:
if the validation within the .net remoting object raises an exception, this exception is swallowed. In addition the checkbox state and what's in the DB is not in sync. I tried to reset the value of the DP in case of an exception, but the checkbox doesn't reflect that.
What makes the situation even worse is the fact, that this WPF controls is integrated into an existing WinForms app.
So I would like to have the same behavior for these exceptions as I have implemented in my Application.ThreadException handler.
any ideas how to approach this?
The problem is that I heard only solutions for .NET 4.0 so far, but I'm working with 3.5SP1.
Short demo code:
class TestVM : DependencyObject
private Model _m;
public TestVM()
_m = new Model();
public bool Value
get { return (bool)GetValue(ValueProperty); }
set { SetValue(ValueProperty, value); }
// Using a DependencyProperty as the backing store for Value. This enables animation, styling, binding, etc...
public static readonly DependencyProperty ValueProperty =
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(
((sender, e) => ((TestVM)sender).Apply(e))));
private bool _suppress = false;
private void Apply(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
if (_suppress) return;
_m.Value = this.Value;
_suppress = true;
this.Value = _m.Value;
_suppress = false;
You don't need to use a DependencyObject as your ViewModel. You just need to implement INotifyPropertyChanged to get data binding support:
class TestVM
: INotifyPropertyChanged
private Model _m;
public TestVM()
_m = new Model();
public bool Value
get { return _m.Value; }
_m.Value = this.Value;
protected void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
if (PropertyChanged != null)
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
Note that if you expect the setter to throw exceptions, you may want to use an ExceptionValidationRule on the binding in your view.
Update: It sounds like your problem is that the Binding won't respond to PropertyChanged events within the call to set the source. One way to get around this is to use an asynchronous binding by setting IsAsync=True in the XAML for your binding. WPF will process the PropertyChanged event after it has finished updating the source value and won't think it is a reentrant call.
You can also get around this by using a Converter and turning off updates on PropertyChanged by doing UpdateSourceTrigger=LostFocus, but I don't think you would want that behavior.
I found a solution for my problem. I'm now deriving my own binding class that does the job.
public class ExceptionBinding : Binding
public ExceptionBinding(string name)
: base(name)
public ExceptionBinding()
: base()
private void Construct()
this.ValidatesOnExceptions = true;
this.UpdateSourceExceptionFilter = new UpdateSourceExceptionFilterCallback(OnException);
private object OnException(object bindExpression, Exception exception)
// ... custom error display ...
var exp = (BindingExpressionBase)bindExpression;
return null; // null needed to avoid display of the default error template
