Any one tried MongoDB on Google App Engine? - google-app-engine

I'm trying to deploy one of my java apps in GAE and I have used MongoDB. Unfortunately GAE doesn't allow me to create databases, however it suggests using Google Datastore. Are there any plugins or add-ons to use MongoDB.

You can't run MongoDB on GAE. You need to use the Google datastore.

Matt is right. If you want to deploy to Google's servers you can't use Mongo. If you are interesting in running your own server(s), check out AppScale.

If you really want to use MongoDB anyway, you'll have to find a third-party host that provides a REST interface through which you can make your transactions. I've personally tried and recommend MongoLab on App Engine. Then, in your code, use an HttpUrlConnection object to send/receive requests if you're doing it with Java.

I think you could deploy your app on app engine and create a separate vm instance in google compute engine that would have mongo installed, then you plug your GAE app on that vm for the db connection. This would allow you to keep all your app in the google cloud. See and

A lot of things have changed since this question has been asked, as of June 2021, you can use MongoDB Atlas with Google App Engine Standard running on Java 8 environment. I built my App with the Ktor framework that runs on App Engine and interacts with databases on MongoDB Atlas.

if you're still looking for an answer to this you might want to check this project that did exactly the same but in reverse, it will surely help you out with what you want to do.

you can use mongo, only if have something like on mongolab then use pymongo to connect and most important thing you need to enable socket api from gae dashboard.
it worked for me thanks


Can a Google Container Engine node access Datastore?

I've built systems on top of Google's App Engine and leveraged Google's Datastore, but for my new project I'm considering a containerized solution (using Google's Container Engine). Does anyone with experience using both technologies together know:
if this is possible to use Container Engine with Datastore?
if it's easy to set up a local containerized dev environment with gcd?
if there are some serious headaches I should consider before going down this route?
Absolutely! You can run any code you want in Container Engine, and if you add the datastore scope to your cluster when you create it, authentication to the Datastore API will be automatic if you're using Datastore's client libraries or tools.
I'm not familiar with the local gcd environment, so I can't help much here. Testing Docker containers locally before pushing them to the cloud works great, so the only question will be making sure the gcd dev environment can be exposed to your local containerized app.
The dev environment is the one issue I'm not sure of. Using Datastore from Container Engine should work fine.
What I have done is just created a service account and use the json key to access datastore when I am working locally. It seems to work pretty well.

php with google app engine or amazon-ec2

What is better to code with php in google app engine or in amazon-ec2.
I think it is better in amazon-ec2 because they support datastore with php and google app engine doesn't, what do you think ?
While its not possible to access the appengine datastore, google has a new preview service for "cloud datastore", google "cloud datastore from php" and you will see how to use it.
You really cant compare AWS with appengine as one requires managing servers and scalability manually and their noSQL solution (dynamoDB) is a joke compared to google's datastore, for example in dynamoDB you must provision your writes beforehand and even if you are all day changing provisioning, it takes sometimes hours to propagate the new setting.
I had never use Google App Engine, but several times AWS systems, and sure, as AWS EC2 could be used as Linux Server Instance, I recommend you that provider. And coz' it seems that you use PHP, they have strong API for this langage. Have fun with AWS.

Install tomcat on Google app engine?

I am pretty new to this whole idea of cloud and started of with Google app engine. I was able to create the basic 'hello world' program.
When i tried to understand the difference between a cloud and a server I learned that Cloud is where you have an access to virtual instance created exclusively for you and you are free to choose and install software of your choice.
But I don't see such an option with Google-cloud/app-engine. What if I have a tom-cat based application server which I would like to deploy on a cloud? Will Google app engine be of any help or should I try other cloud service providers such as Amazon EC2, hp cloud etc?
The cloud type that you are referring to is called Infrastructure as a Service cloud.
OTOH, Google App Engine is Platform as a Service cloud.
The difference is that IaaS are a bunch of virtual machines that you need to setup yourself (OS + app stack), while PaaS typically comes with it's own API, where you write your app against the API and the rest (sw stack + scalability) is taken care of.
AppEngine comes with it's own servlet container (Tomcat is also a servlet container), so from this standpoint you could use your code on AppEngine. But the problem lies elsewhere: AppEngine imposes a set of limitation on the apps:
app must use GAE provided databases.
app can not write to filesystem
app can not have listening sockets
requests must finish in 60 seconds (e.g. no Comet or WebSockets -> no push)
You might want to review the FAQ.
To add to Peter's excellent answer, note that Google also has an IaaS service called Google Compute Engine.
Regarding other cloud query-
Before you start with cloud you might once try other options. Currently deploying application in almost all services are very easy.
few of them are-
Jelastic , Heroku , rackspace , nimbus , openshift etc.
Difference between cloud and server is very well explained already.
Since you mentioned about tomcat based application , I have worked with Jelastic for the same and found very easy to implement.
Try all possible option , it will help you more .

Alternative to Google App Engine API?

I'm looking for an alternative of the Google App Engine API. I mean I'm searching an API for coding in JAVA that provides :
Simple DB API, with no conf
Simple User API, with no need to implements the login/register/user management process
Simple Task API, with no need to configure any third lib
Google App Engine is really attractive because it provides all theses functionalities with no effort ... But I need to port my app to my own server... Using appScale is not for me because I don't need something really scalable ... I just want to code the business model, not all things that should already exists.
Hope my question is clear :)
Thanks in advance for help, sincerely,
You can run AppScale on a single node deployment, you'll just lack fault tolerance. I am currently unaware of any other project that runs Java GAE apps.

can we use cassandra / couchdb / mongodb with google app engine infrastructure?

Is there anyway we can use Google App Engine but do not use google's bigtable?
Like for storing my data, I would prefer to use cassandra and have the ability to plug and unplug additional database servers.
And say if I would like to use CouchDb/MongoDb instead is it supported in the GAE's infrastructure?
Short answer: No.
Longer answer: It depends how you want/need to use the database systems. There is no way you could run those system directly on AppEngine. But if low-latency was not a prerequisite (as would be the case with infrequent/periodical fetches of data) then you could set them up on another host with some kind of HTTP API, and query your services from appengine using urlfetch.
Just my two cents:
I dont think you can do what you want on Google App Engine directly. If you really need other databases, then Amazon's EC2 may e what you are looking for.
Also, Take a look at this: Using Quercus® to Run the WordPress PHP blog on Google App Engine
Yes, you can use Cassandra database on Google App Engine but in its flexible environment. But, as of now, flexible environment is in Beta version and is not recommended for production use.
