Why does extJS give me "Ext.Panel is not a constructor" error in Firebug? - extjs

I am working through this extJS tutorial where you type in code into Firebug, press CTRL-Enter and it renders it for you, it worked for the simple example but then I got this error:
What happens:
What else do I need to do to get this example to work as it states it will in the demo?

You need to have ext-all.js (and maybe ext-base.js?) loaded in the page you're testing for this to work. The example isn't working properly for you because the Panel file cannot be located. It doesn't exist because you haven't added it.
Test the Ext.Panel code in firebug at the API site: http://dev.sencha.com/deploy/dev/docs/
You'll see that the desired behavior occurs because the page has all of the proper JS files loaded. Any time you see the message "... is not a constructor" should be an indication that the JS file containing the object has not been loaded into the page.


angularjs error on IE only with no debug option

I have an angular application that run ok on chrome and firefox.
But on IE the application does not work.
My Big problem is that I can't find the error reason. and got some generic error.
How can I debug the application on IE or how can I find the reason for the Error
This means that ng module is failing to load. :)
Please look at your browser's console to find if any files are missing or not being downloaded correctly. Also it helps if you click on the link to http://errors.angularjs.org in your console, it will give details about which particular module is failing to load.
Check below link for complete details for resolution:
IE Debugging : First of all you need to ensure your Angular application works on IE please consider the use ng-style tags instead of style="{{ someCss }}". The latter works in Chrome and Firefox but does not work in Internet Explorer <= 11. Arguably, this is the biggest annoyance of IE—the page just doesn’t load and doesn’t give any errors. Sometimes you need to view the page again in Firefox. If it’s not an IE specific error, Firebug will pick it up. If Firebug loads normally, the chances are it’s one of two IE specific errors: a trailing comma, or unsupported XML syntax.
For minimize the application files I use
bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/app").IncludeDirectory("~/Assets/app", "*.js", true)
(Part of asp.net mvc)
And from the layout page I take all the application files
Like I said this part of code worked for me in some browsers, But on IE It fail.
By Changing the script src to all specific files, I resolve this problem. and now on IE it work like the other browsers.
Maybe I miss a comma or ";" (end row) or something like that.
need to check this page or api

Drupal 7: CKEditor disappears after saving content

I recently updated Drupal to 7.39 and CKEditor to 7.x-1.16 and I am now experiencing some bizarre behavior from the editor.
If I create new content, I have the editor in place. Once I save the content and come back, the editor is gone and is replaced by rendered HTML code. I am also seeing this when going in to edit some existing content. All content tested are the exact same content type.
This behavior occurs both in the body and the summary.
I have opened the page while running the JS console and I am seeing the following error:
500 (Internal Server Error)
I do not see this error on the content where the editor is appearing.
Any assistance on this is greatly appreciated! Let me know if I can provide any additional details to help troubleshoot.

X3d model not Loading using Inline, error in x3dom.js

I am very new to x3dom, I am trying to display a 3d model on the web. I created the model in FreeCAD, exported to wrl format, and then converted to x3d using whitedune. Most of my models are displaying, but sometimes randomly) it just keeps on showing Loading and nothing happens.
In the below example, the first model works. Then I make slight modifications and again create a new x3d file, but it doesn't display.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/zz99d1snxnvl2yh/working.x3d?dl=0 (working)
https://www.dropbox.com/s/inf3k5jxp4qra2p/notWorking.x3d?dl=0 (Not Working)
Looking in the console, the error I get is
'Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'r' of undefined' in line 3848 of x3dom.js.
Here's the js file I am using
All of these links report 404 (not found).
Usually the reason something does not load in X3DOM is the X3D code is trying to access a resource from a different server the the parent HTML. The best solution is to make sure that you use only local or relative paths (no protocol, no host, no domain) to those resources. If that still does not solve the problem please expand with working URLs.

AngularJS page works only after refreshing it

I have used AngularJS in a section of my site (for 2 pages, using routes). When I navigate to one of these pages from a non-Angular page, I just get an empty container in which nothing loads. If now I try to navigate to the other Angular-based page, I have the same problem - nothing loads. I get no Angular errors in the console, no nothing.
However, if I refresh the page, the content will load and then everything will work!
I have made a screen recording of this issue: http://screencast.com/t/y72wrr8iO
How can I fix this?
I had this issue also. I found out that it was caused by a chrome extension (AngularJS Batarang), so removing/disabling the extension helped.
If it works after refreshing it means that it is something with loading order in your site. Check if you have correct order of loading, like:
vendor lbirariers -> your libraries -> (...) -> your controller
also check your dependency injection headers in js files, cause you might skipped something

qooxdoo qx.ui.mobile.list package not loading

I have just started evaluating qooxdoo + phonegap for a mobile application and have completed the getting started manual and created a test application which works as expected. The default app created has page1 with a button to navigate to page2 and back.
I have edited application.js to show a list by copying the list sample script into it but the list creation fails with error TypeError: Cannot read property 'List' of undefined
I have tried looking into the documentation to see if i have to make any changes to the app to load the list package but have not able to find anything. Can someone point me in the right direction?
Did you call
./generate.py source
after adding the qx.Mobile list to your application?
Calling ./generate.py source did not help ./generate.py source-all did the trick
