Multiplication In MASM611 - masm

hii i have a problem in multiplication for above 5 bits i'm working in MASM611 plz tell me the solution which is for atleast 8 bit multiplication in MASM611

for unsigned integer multiply, use mul; for signed use imul. if the operand is an 8-bit register, you get a 16-bit result.
for example:
mov al, 3
mov cl, 5
mul cl
puts 15 in ax.
study this page:


Adding 32 bit register to 64 bit register in ARM

I have code something like this:
mov x24, 5
mov w25, 5
add x24, x24, w25
I am getting a "Missing extend operator at operand 3". I know I could just switch both to 64bit operators but I'm wondering if its still possible to add 32bit numbers and 64bit numbers together like the above
You have to put the optional extend operator
add x24, x24, w25, uxtw
add x24, x24, w25, sxtw
The extension can be:
uxtb: unsigned 8bit
sxtb: signed 8bit
uxth: unsigned 16bit
sxth: signed 16bit
uxtw: unsigned 32bit
sxtw: signed 32bit

How does in assembly does assigning negative number to an unsigned int work?

I Learned About 2's Complement and unsigned and signed int. So I Decided to test my knowledge , as far as i know that a negative number is stored in 2's complement way so that addition and subtraction would not have different algorithm and circuitry would be simple.
Now If I Write
int main()
int a = -1 ;
unsigned int b = - 1 ;
printf("%d %u \n %d %u" , a ,a , b, b);
Output Comes To Be -1 4294967295 -1 4294967295 . Now , i looked at the bit pattern and various things and then i realized that -1 in 2's complement is 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 , so when i interpret it using %d , it gives -1 , but when i interpret using %u , it treat it as a positive number and so it gives 4294967295. I Checked the Assembly Of the code is
.string "%d %u \n %d %u"
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
sub rsp, 16
mov DWORD PTR [rbp-4], -1
mov DWORD PTR [rbp-8], -1
mov esi, DWORD PTR [rbp-8]
mov ecx, DWORD PTR [rbp-8]
mov edx, DWORD PTR [rbp-4]
mov eax, DWORD PTR [rbp-4]
mov r8d, esi
mov esi, eax
mov edi, OFFSET FLAT:.LC0
mov eax, 0
call printf
mov eax, 0
Now here -1 is moved to the register both the times in unsigned and signed . What i want to know if reinterpretation is only that matters , then why do we have two types unsigned and signed , it is printf format string %d and %u that matters ?
Further what really happens when i assign negative number to a unsigned integer (I learned That The initializer converts this value from int to unsigned int. ) but in the assembly code I did not saw such a thing. So what really happens ??
And How does Machine knows when it has to do 2's complement and when not , does it see the negative sign and performs 2's complement?
I have read almost every question and answer you could think this question be duplicate of , but I could not find a satisfactory solution.
Both signed and unsigned are pieces of memory and according to operations it matters how they behave.
It doesn't make any difference when adding or subtracting because due to 2-complement the operations are exactly the same.
It matters when we compare two numbers: -1 is lower than 0 while 4294967295 obviously isn't.
About conversion - for the same size it simply takes variable content and moves it to another - so 4294967295 becomes -1. For bigger size it's first signed extended and then content is moves.
How does machine now - according the instruction we use. Machines have either different instructions for comparing signed and unsigned or they provide different flags for it (x86 has Carry for unsigned overflow and Overflow for signed overflow).
Additionally, note that C is relaxed how the signed numbers are stored, they don't have to be 2-complements. But nowadays, all common architectures store the signed like this.
There are a few differences between signed and unsigned types:
The behaviors of the operators <, <=, >, >=, /, %, and >> are all different when dealing with signed and unsigned numbers.
Compilers are not required to behave predictably if any computation on a signed value exceeds the range of its type. Even when using operators which would behave identically with signed and unsigned values in all defined cases, some compilers will behave in "interesting" fashion. For example, a compiler given x+1 > y could replace it with x>=y if x is signed, but not if x is unsigned.
As a more interesting example, on a system where "short" is 16 bits and "int" is 32 bits, a compiler given the function:
unsigned mul(unsigned short x, unsigned short y) { return x*y; }
might assume that no situation could ever arise where the product would exceed 2147483647. For example, if it saw the function invoked as unsigned x = mul(y,65535); and y was an unsigned short, it may omit code elsewhere that would only be relevant if y were greater than 37268.
It seems you seem to have missed the facts that firstly, 0101 = 5 in both signed and unsigned integer values and that secondly, you assigned a negative number to an unsigned int - something your compiler may be smart enough to realise and, therfore, correct to a signed int.
Setting an unsigned int to -5 should technically cause an error because unsigned ints can't store values under 0.
You could understand it better when you try to assign a negative value to a larger sized unsigned integer. Compiler generates the assembly code to do sign extension when transferring small size negative value to larger sized unsigned integer.
see this blog post for assembly level explanation.
Choice of signed integer representation is left to the platform. The representation applies to both negative and non-negative values - for example, if 11012 (-5) is the two's complement of 01012 (5), then 01012 (5) is also the two's complement of 11012 (-5).
The platform may or may not provide separate instructions for operations on signed and unsigned integers. For example, x86 provides different multiplication and division instructions for signed (idiv and imul) and unsigned (div and mul) integers, but uses the same addition (add) and subtraction (sub) instructions for both.
Similarly, x86 provides a single comparison (cmp) instruction for both signed and unsigned integers.
Arithmetic and comparison operations will set one or more status register flags (carry, overflow, zero, etc.). These can be used differently when dealing with words that are supposed to represent signed vs. unsigned values.
As far as printf is concerned, you're absolutely correct that the conversion specifier determines whether the bit pattern 0xFFFF is displayed as -1 or 4294967295, although remember that if the type of the argument does not match up with what the conversion specifier expects, then the behavior is undefined. Using %u to display a negative signed int may or may not give you the expected equivalent unsigned value.

Is there a case where '&' yields a lower performance than '%'?

The following two code sequences produce the same result:
uint mod = val % 4;
uint mod1 = val & 0x3;
I can use both to calculate the same result. I know that in hardware the & operator is much more simpler realised than the % operator. Therefore I expect it to have a better performance than the % operator.
Can I always assume that the & has a better or equal performance?
Does a compiler optimize this automatically?
You can't assume anything about either of these operations, a compile could optimise both to the same instructions.
And, indeed, both clang and gcc will translate them into a single and instruction.
Unfortunately, due to the nature of % having a specified return value for negative values since ISO C99, some extra work is required for signed integers. As opposed to ISO C90, where negative modulo was implementation defined.
The resulting assembly for both operations, on either signed and unsigned values:
modulo with signed integers:
mov eax, DWORD PTR [esp+4] ; grab `val`
cdq ; convert 32-bit EAX to 64-bit
; and fill EDX with the sign bit
shr edx, 30 ; shift EDX by 30 positions to the right
; leaving only the two left-most bits
add eax, edx ; add EDX to EAX
and eax, 3 ; do the AND
sub eax, edx ; subtract EDX from EAX
mov DWORD PTR [esp+8], eax ; move result on stack
This is neat trick, to have properly defined behaviour for negative values. It's doing ((val + 3) & 3) - 3 for negative values, and val & 3 for positive.
and with signed/unsigned and modulo with unsigned:
mov eax, DWORD PTR [esp+4]
and eax, 3
mov DWORD PTR [esp+12], eax
A (modern) compiler should generate the same code from your example, and the reason of this optimization is that the rhs is a compile constant.
As far as I know, the & operator is done with one processor instruction and; it's not the case with the modulo operator which generally implies far more operations (computing the remainder of the integer division). AFAIK, it is generally longer than a multiplication; I consider it as long as an integer division.

test if hexadecimal number is in range of 16 bits register

mov ax, cx
add ax, bx
JNC convert
how would i be able to test if the sum is in range of 16 bits, since if I add using 16 bits register the result does not show the carry over value even if the sum is greater than 16 bits, OF will not work either since it will never become overflow due to the use of 16 bits registers. How should i continue this code to make it jump to convert loop. for example if I have FFFF + FFFE, the sum will be 1FFFD, but the eax register will only show FFFD, without the carry over 1
thank in advance for helping
You should be able to tell after the add instruction if your resultant value is larger than 16-bits.
The ADD instruction performs integer addition. It evaluates the result for both signed
and unsigned integer operands and sets the OF and CF flags to indicate a carry (overflow) in the signed or unsigned result, respectively. The SF flag indicates the sign of
the signed result.
Since you appear to be dealing with unsigned 16-bit values, you should look at CF, the carry flag after the addition:
mov ax, cx
add ax, bx ; Sets CF if result is larger than 16-bits
jc .larger_than_16_bits

How can a 16bit Processor have 4 byte sized long int?

I've problem with the size of long int on a 16-bit CPU. Looking at its architecture:
No register is more than 16-bit long. So, how come long int can have more than 16bits. In fact, according to me for any Processor, the maximum size of the data type must be the size of the general purpose register. Am I right?
Yes. In fact the C and C++ standards require that sizeof(long int) >= 4.*
(I'm assuming CHAR_BIT == 8 in this case.)
This is the same deal with 64-bit integers on 32-bit machines. The way it is implemented is to use two registers to represent the lower and upper halves.
Addition and subtraction are done as two instructions:
On x86:
Addition: add and adc where adc is "add with carry"
Subtraction: sub and sbb where sbb is "subtract with borrow"
For example:
long long a = ...;
long long b = ...;
a += b;
will compile to something like:
add eax,ebx
adc edx,ecx
Where eax and edx are the lower and upper parts of a. And ebx and ecx are the lower and upper parts of b.
Multiplication and division for double-word integers is more complicated, but it follows the same sort of grade-school math - but where each "digit" is a processor word.
No. If the machine doesn't have registers that can handle 32-bit values, it has to simulate them in software. It could do this using the same techniques that are used in any library for arbitrary precision arithmetic.
