C dynamic array initialization problem - c

I'm having a problem initializing an array of structs in my C program. Here's the function where it gets initialized:
void InitializeBPStructures() {
SatCounterTable = (struct SatCounterTableEntry *)malloc(sizeof(struct SatCounterTableEntry) * Counter_Count);
Counter_Count is an integer global variable and SatCounterTable is declared earlier in the C source file as
static struct SatCounterTableEntry* SatCounterTable;
and if it's relevant this is my SatCounterTable struct
struct SatCounterTableEntry {
enum SatCounter_State Predict_State;
md_addr_t tag;
md_addr_t is just a label for an unsigned int corresponding to a memory address
The problem is that when I try and compile, I get the following error
sim-safe.c:129: error: expected expression before ‘=’ token
And the array initialization in my IntitializeBPStructures() is on line 129. I'm not sure why this line is a problem. Any ideas?
Here's some additional lines of code around the function
struct SatCounterTableEntry
enum SatCounter_State Predict_State;
md_addr_t tag;
/* simulated registers */
static struct regs_t regs;
/* simulated memory */
static struct mem_t *mem = NULL;
/* track number of refs */
static counter_t sim_num_refs = 0;
/* maximum number of inst's to execute */
static unsigned int max_insts;
static struct SatCounterTableEntry* SatCounterTable;
void InitializeBPStructures()
SatCounterTable = (struct SatCounterTableEntry *)malloc(sizeof(struct SatCounterTableEntry) * Counter_Count);
void BranchPredict(md_addr_t PC, md_addr_t nextPC, enum Branch_Result result)
if (result == N)
if (result != (myrand() % 2))

You're missing a semicolon at line 126.
Edit: new idea
Do you perhaps have a #define with an extra =?
#define Counter_Count = 42; /* WRONG */
#define Counter_Count = 42 /* WRONG */
#define Counter_Count 42; /* WRONG, but it works some time */
#define Counter_Count 42 /* CORRECT */

SatCounterTable is declared earlier in the C source file as
static struct SatCounterTableEntry* SatCounterTable;
Is that declaration made at file scope or is it within another function? If the latter, then the SatCounterTable name won't be visible inside InitializeBPStructures().

SatCounterTable = (struct SatCounterTableEntry *)malloc(sizeof(struct SatCounterTableEntry) * Counter_Count);
Ugh. Do me a favor and rewrite that as
SatCounterTable = malloc(sizeof *SatCounterTable * Counter_Count);
You really don't need to cast the result of malloc(); that hasn't been necessary since C89 was adopted. And using sizeof on the object being allocated rather than the type can save you some heartburn (if nothing else, it saves some keystrokes).
The error text suggests that something hasn't been defined properly prior to this call; for some reason it isn't recognizing SatCounterTable. I think pmg's on the right track. You must be missing a semicolon or a curly bracket or something prior to this call.

The C compiler you are using has some reason to believe that SatCounterTable is not an lvalue or primary expression. Given how your variables are named (confusingly I might add), is it possible that you defined a variable at a closer scope also with the name SatCounterTable, such that SatCounterTable is not an assignable expression?
Edit: I would also seriously consider pmg's answer.

I compiled this code:
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef unsigned int md_addr_t;
typedef unsigned int counter_t;
int myrand() { return 0; }
struct SatCounterTableEntry
enum SatCounter_State Predict_State;
md_addr_t tag;
static unsigned int Counter_Count;
static unsigned int sim_num_mispred_static;
static unsigned int sim_num_mispred_random;
static unsigned int sim_num_br;
static const unsigned int N = 0;
/* simulated registers */
static struct regs_t {} regs;
/* simulated memory */
static struct mem_t *mem = NULL;
/* track number of refs */
static counter_t sim_num_refs = 0;
/* maximum number of inst's to execute */
static unsigned int max_insts;
static struct SatCounterTableEntry* SatCounterTable;
void InitializeBPStructures()
SatCounterTable = (struct SatCounterTableEntry *)malloc(sizeof(struct SatCounterTableEntry) * Counter_Count);
void BranchPredict(md_addr_t PC, md_addr_t nextPC, enum Branch_Result result)
if (result == N)
if (result != (myrand() % 2))
int main() {
You must have errors elsewhere in your code. Have I mentioned how incredibly hideous this design is? You should really be using objects for this.


C dummy struct, strict aliasing and static initialization

My first question wasn't well formulated so here goes again, this time, more well asked and explained.
I want to hide the variables of a struct while being able to initialize the struct statically on the stack. Most solutions out there use the opaque pointer idiom and dynamic memory allocation which isn't always desired.
The idea for this example came from the following post:
I know that this is probably ub but I believe it should work fine in most consumers archictures: either 32 bit or 64 bit.
Now you may tell me that sometimes size_t may be bigger than void * and that the void * alignment in the union forcing the union alignment to be that of sizeof(void *) may be wrong, but usually that's never case, maybe it can happen but I see it as the exception not the rule.
Based on the fact that most compilers add padding to align it to either a multiple of 4 or 8 depending on your architecture and that sizeof returns the correct size with padding, sizeof(Vector) and sizeof(RealVector) should be the same, and based on the fact that both Vector and RealVector have the same alignment it should be fine too.
If this is ub, how can I create a sort of scratchpad structure in C in a safe maner? In C++ we have alignas, alignof and placement new which hepls making this ordeal a lot more safer.
If that's not possible to do in C99, will it be more safer in C11 with alignas and alignof?
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
/* In .h */
typedef union Vector {
uint8_t data[sizeof(void *) + 2 * sizeof(size_t)];
/* this is here to the force the alignment of the union to that of sizeof(void *) */
void * alignment;
} Vector;
void vector_initialize_version_a(Vector *);
void vector_initialize_version_b(Vector *);
void vector_debug(Vector const *);
/* In .c */
typedef struct RealVector {
uint64_t * data;
size_t length;
size_t capacity;
} RealVector;
vector_initialize_version_a(Vector * const t) {
RealVector * const v = (RealVector *)t;
v->data = NULL;
v->length = 0;
v->capacity = 8;
vector_initialize_version_b(Vector * const t) {
*(RealVector *)t = (RealVector) {
.data = NULL,
.length = 0,
.capacity = 16,
vector_debug(Vector const * const t) {
RealVector * v = (RealVector *)t;
printf("Length: %zu\n", v->length);
printf("Capacity: %zu\n", v->capacity);
/* In main.c */
main() {
Compiled with:
clang -std=c99 -O3 -Wall -Werror -Wextra -Wpedantic test.c -o main.exe
printf("%zu == %zu\n", sizeof(Vector), sizeof(RealVector));
Vector vector;
return 0;
I'll post my answer from the previous question, which I didn't have to time to post :)
Am I safe doing this?
No, you are not. But instead of finding a way of doing it safe, just error when it's not safe:
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdalign.h>
static_assert(sizeof(Vector) == sizeof(RealVector), "");
static_assert(alignof(Vector) == alignof(RealVector), "");
With checks written in that way, you will know beforehand when there's going to be a problem, and you can then fix it handling the specific environment. And if the checks will not fire, you will know it's fine.
how can I create a sort of scratchpad structure in C in a safe maner?
The only correct way of really doing it safe would be a two step process:
first compile a test executable that would output the size and alignment of struct RealVector
then generate the header file with proper structure definition struct Vector { alignas(REAL_VECTOR_ALIGNMENT) unigned char data[REAL_VECTOR_SIZE]; };
and then continue to compiling the final executable
Compilation of test and final executables has to be done using the same compiler options, version and settings and environment.
Instead of union use struct with alignof
uint8_t is an integer with 8-bits. Use char, or best unsigned char, to represent "byte".
sizeof(void*) is not guaranteed to be sizeof(uint64_t*)
where max alignment is either 4 or 8 - typically on x86_64 alignof(long double) is 16.
Why nor simple? It avoids the pointer punning
typedef struct RealVector {
uint64_t * data;
size_t length;
size_t capacity;
} RealVector;
typedef struct Vector {
uint8_t data[sizeof(RealVector)];
} Vector;
typedef union
Vector v;
RealVector rv;
} RealVector_union;
void vector_initialize_version_a(void * const t) {
RealVector_union * const v = t;
v -> rv.data = NULL;
v -> rv.length = 0;
v -> rv.capacity = 8;
One possibility is to define Vector as follows in the .h file:
/* In vector.h file */
struct RealVector {
uint64_t * data;
size_t length;
size_t capacity;
typedef union Vector {
char data[sizeof(struct RealVector)];
/* these are here to the force the alignment of the union */
uint64_t * alignment1_;
size_t alignment2_;
} Vector;
That also defines struct RealVector for use in the vector implementation .c file:
/* In vector.c file */
typedef struct RealVector RealVector;
This has the advantage that the binary contents of Vector actually consists of a RealVector and is correctly aligned. The disadvantage is that a sneaky user could easily manipulate the contents of a Vector via pointer type casting.
A not so legitimate alternative is to remove struct RealVector from the .h file and replace it with an anonymous struct type of the same shape:
/* In vector.h file */
typedef union Vector {
char data[sizeof(struct { uint64_t * a; size_t b; size_t c; })];
/* these are here to the force the alignment of the union */
uint64_t * alignment1_;
size_t alignment2_;
} Vector;
Then struct RealVector needs to be fully defined in the vector implementation .c file:
/* In vector.c file */
typedef struct RealVector {
uint64_t * data;
size_t length;
size_t capacity;
} RealVector;
This has the advantage that a sneaky user cannot easily manipulate the contents of a Vector without first defining another struct type of the same shape as the anonymous struct type. The disadvantage is that the anonymous struct type that forms the binary representation of Vector is not technically compatible with the RealVector type used in the vector implementation .c file because the tags and member names are different.

Anonymous functions return dynamically allocated values

The question is based on a design pattern solution easily doable in other languages but difficult to implement in C. The narrowed down code is below.
Building on this answer, I'm trying to find a solution for the dynamically generated values in an anonymous function.
Excerpt from the answer:
int (*max)(int, int) =
int __fn__ (int x, int y) { return x > y ? x : y; }
Static Library Code
struct Super{
void add(struct Super *(*superRef)()) {
// cache the reference (in some linked list)
// later at some point when an event occurs.
struct Super *super = superRef(); // instantiate and use it.
Client Code linked: User of the Library Code
struct Sub{
struct Super *super;
struct Sub __fn__() { return malloc(sizeof(struct Sub)); } // error
error: passing 'void' to parameter of incompatible type 'struct Sub *(*)()
As per the request for clarification, think of the receiving function in a static library file receiving references to the structure objects (non-instantiated). The lib receives this object from the client code.
Secondly the client or static library library doesn't instantiate the received structure reference right away. Later when there's a notification in the system, the structure reference is called to instantiate and execute the rest of the stuff.
I repeat, the specific requirement is to hold non-instantiated references to the structures passed by users of the library (client code).
Basically a Runner that receives pointer to a polymorphic factory method which it caches and later calls to instantiate and executes when an event occurs.
The correct order is:
learn C
do magic
It just will not work in the other way. ({}) does not bend the semantics for you. If your add expects a function which returns struct Super*, it will not work with struct Sub, not even if you put the missing * there.
This just works on TutorialsPoint:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int max(int a,int b){
return a;
return b;
struct Super{};
void add(struct Super *(*superRef)()) {
struct Super *(*secretStorage)()=superRef;
/* ... */
struct Super *super = secretStorage();
/* ... */
int main()
printf("Hello, World!\n");
int (*myMax)(int,int); // <-- that is a function pointer
myMax=max; // <-- set with oldschool function
myMax = ({ // <-- set with fancy magic
int __fn__ (int x, int y) { return x < y ? x : y; }
printf("%d - intentionally wrong\n",myMax(1,2));
struct Super* fn(){
return malloc(sizeof(struct Super));
return 0;
Created a small library project with anonymous magic embedded in anonymous magic and heap allocation. It does not make much sense, but it works:
#ifndef TESTLIB_H_
#define TESTLIB_H_
struct Testruct{
const char *message;
void (*printmessage)(const char *message);
extern struct Testruct *(*nonsense())();
#include "testlib.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
const char *HELLO="Hello World\n";
struct Testruct *(*nonsense())(){
return ({
struct Testruct *magic(){
struct Testruct *retval=malloc(sizeof(struct Testruct));
void magic(const char *message){
return retval;
#include "testlib.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(){
struct Testruct *(*factory)()=nonsense();
struct Testruct *stuff=factory();
return 0;
I followed the steps in https://www.cprogramming.com/tutorial/shared-libraries-linux-gcc.html for building an running it (practically 3 gcc calls: gcc -c -Wall -Werror -fpic testlib.c, gcc -shared -o libtestlib.so testlib.o, gcc -L. -Wall -o test test.c -ltestlib and a bit of fight with LD_LIBRARY_PATH)
The code shown in the question is not standard C, but the GNU C variant that GCC supports. Unfortunately, there does not seem to be a gnu-c tag, to correctly specify the variant of C involved.
Furthermore, the use case seems to rely on shoehorning specific type of object-oriented paradigm into a C library interface. This is horrible, because it involves assumptions and features C simply does not have. There is a reason why C (and GNU-C) and C++ and Objective-C are different programming languages.
The simple answer to "functions returning dynamically allocated values" where the type of the value is opaque to the library, is to use void *, and for function pointers, (void *)(). Note that in POSIX C, void * can also hold a function pointer.
The more complex answer would describe how libraries like GObject support object-oriented paradigms in C.
In practice, especially in POSIX C, using a type tag (usually int, but can be any other type) and an union, one can implement polymorphic structures, based on an union of structures with all having that type tag as the same first element. The most common example of such functionality is struct sockaddr.
Basically, your header file defines one or more structures with the same initial member, for example
enum {
struct myobject_double {
int type; /* MYOBJECT_TYPE_DOUBLE */
double value;
struct myobject_void_function {
void (*value)();
and at the end, an union type, or a structure type with an anonymous union (as provided by C11 or GNU-C), of all the structure types,
struct myobject {
union {
struct { int type; }; /* for direct 'type' member access */
struct myobject_double as_double;
struct myobject_void_function as_void_function;
Note that technically, wherever that union is visible, it is valid to cast any pointer of any of those structure types to another of those structure types, and access the type member (see C11 It is not necessary to use the union at all, it suffices for the union to be defined and visible.
Still, for ease of maintenance (and to avoid arguments with language lawyer wannabes who did not read that paragraph in the C standard), I do recommend using the structure containing the anonymous union as the "base" type in the library interface.
For example, the library might provide a function to return the actual size of some object:
size_t myobject_size(struct myobject *obj)
if (obj)
switch (obj->type) {
case MYOBJECT_TYPE_DOUBLE: return sizeof (struct myobject_double);
case MYOBJECT_TYPE_VOID_FUNCTION: return sizeof (struct myobject_void_function);
errno = EINVAL;
return 0;
It seems to me OP is trying to implement a factory pattern, where the library function provides the specification (class in OOP) for the object created, and a method to produce those objects later.
The only way in C to implement dynamic typing is via the kind of polymorphism I show above. This means that the specification for the future objects (again, class in OOP) must be an ordinary object itself.
The factory pattern itself is pretty easy to implement in standard C. The library header file contains for example
#include <stdlib.h>
* Generic, application-visible stuff
struct any_factory {
/* Function to create an object */
void *(*produce)(struct any_factory *);
/* Function to discard this factory */
void (*retire)(struct any_factory *);
/* Flexible array member; the actual
size of this structure varies. */
unsigned long payload[];
static inline void *factory_produce(struct any_factory *factory)
if (factory && factory->produce)
return factory->produce(factory);
/* C has no exceptions, but does have thread-local 'errno'.
The error codes do vary from system to system. */
errno = EINVAL;
return NULL;
static inline void factory_retire(struct any_factory *factory)
if (factory) {
if (factory->retire) {
} else {
/* Optional: Poison function pointers, to easily
detect use-after-free bugs. */
factory->produce = NULL;
factory->retire = NULL; /* Already NULL, too. */
/* Free the factory object. */
* Library function.
* This one takes a pointer and size in chars, and returns
* a factory object that produces dynamically allocated
* copies of the data.
struct any_factory *mem_factory(const void *, const size_t);
where factory_produce() is a helper function which invokes the factory to produce one object, and factory_retire() retires (discards/frees) the factory itself. Aside from the extra error checking, factory_produce(factory) is equivalent to (factory)->produce(factory), and factory_retire(factory) to (factory)->retire(factory).
The mem_factory(ptr, len) function is an example of a factory function provided by a library. It creates a factory, that produces dynamically allocated copies of the data seen at the time of the mem_factory() call.
The library implementation itself would be something along the lines of
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
struct mem_factory {
void *(*produce)(struct any_factory *);
void (*retire)(struct any_factory *);
size_t size;
unsigned char data[];
/* The visibility of this union ensures the initial sequences
in the structures are compatible; see C11
Essentially, this causes the casts between these structure
types, for accessing their initial common members, valid. */
union factory_union {
struct any_factory any;
struct mem_factory mem;
static void *mem_producer(struct any_factory *any)
if (any) {
struct mem_factory *mem = (struct mem_factory *)any;
/* We return a dynamically allocated copy of the data,
padded with 8 to 15 zeros.. for no reason. */
const size_t size = (mem->size | 7) + 9;
char *result;
result = malloc(size);
if (!result) {
errno = ENOMEM;
return NULL;
/* Clear the padding. */
memset(result + size - 16, 0, 16);
/* Copy the data, if any. */
if (mem->size)
memcpy(result, mem->data, size);
/* Done. */
return result;
errno = EINVAL;
return NULL;
static void mem_retirer(struct any_factory *any)
if (any) {
struct mem_factory *mem = (struct mem_factory *)any;
mem->produce = NULL;
mem->retire = NULL;
mem->size = 0;
/* The only exported function:
struct any_factory *mem_factory(const void *src, const size_t len)
struct mem_factory *mem;
if (len && !src) {
errno = EINVAL;
return NULL;
mem = malloc(len + sizeof (struct mem_factory));
if (!mem) {
errno = ENOMEM;
return NULL;
mem->produce = mem_producer;
mem->retire = mem_retirer;
mem->size = len;
if (len > 0)
memcpy(mem->data, src, len);
return (struct any_factory *)mem;
Essentially, the struct any_factory type is actually polymorphic (not in the application, but within the library only). All its variants (struct mem_factory here) has the two initial function pointers in common.
Now, if we examine the code above, and consider the factory pattern, you should realize that the function pointers provide very little of value: you could just use the polymorphic type I showed earlier in this answer, and have the inline producer and consumer functions call subtype-specific internal functions based on the type of the factory. factory.h:
#ifndef FACTORY_H
#define FACTORY_H
#include <stdlib.h>
struct factory {
/* Common member across all factory types */
const int type;
/* Flexible array member to stop applications
from declaring static factories. */
const unsigned long data[];
/* Generic producer function */
void *produce(const struct factory *);
/* Generic factory discard function */
void retire(struct factory *);
* Library functions that return factories.
struct factory *mem_factory(const void *, const size_t);
#endif /* FACTORY_H */
and factory.c:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "factory.h"
enum {
/* List of known factory types */
/* 1+(the highest known factory type) */
struct mem_factory {
int type;
size_t size;
char data[];
/* The visibility of this union ensures the initial sequences
in the structures are compatible; see C11
Essentially, this causes the casts between these structure
types, for accessing their initial common members, valid. */
union all_factories {
struct factory factory;
struct mem_factory mem_factory;
/* All factories thus far implemented
are a single structure dynamically
allocated, which makes retiring simple.
void retire(struct factory *factory)
if (factory &&
factory->type > INVALID_FACTORY &&
factory->type < NUM_FACTORY_TYPES) {
/* Poison factory type, to make it easier
to detect use-after-free bugs. */
factory->type = INVALID_FACTORY;
char *mem_producer(struct mem_factory *mem)
/* As a courtesy for users, return the memory
padded to a length multiple of 16 chars
with zeroes. No real reason to do this. */
const size_t size = (mem->size | 7) + 9;
char *result;
result = malloc(size);
if (!result) {
errno = ENOMEM;
return NULL;
/* Clear padding. */
memset(result + size - 16, 0, 16);
/* Copy data, if any. */
if (mem->size)
memcpy(result, mem->data, mem->size);
return result;
/* Generic producer function.
Calls the proper individual producers.
void *factory_producer(struct factory *factory)
if (!factory) {
errno = EINVAL;
return NULL;
switch (factory->type) {
case mem_factory:
return mem_producer((struct mem_factory *)factory);
errno = EINVAL;
return NULL;
/* Library functions that return factories.
struct factory *mem_factory(const void *ptr, const size_t len)
struct mem_factory *mem;
if (!ptr && len > 0) {
errno = EINVAL;
return NULL;
mem = malloc(len + sizeof (struct mem_factory));
if (!mem) {
errno = ENOMEM;
return NULL;
mem->type = MEM_FACTORY;
mem->size = len;
if (len > 0)
memcpy(mem->data, ptr, len);
return (struct factory *)mem;
If we look at standard C and POSIX C library implementations, we'll see that both of these approaches are used.
The standard I/O FILE structure often contains function pointers, and the fopen(), fread(), fwrite(), etc. functions are just wrappers around these. This is especially the case if the C library supports an interface similar to GNU fopencookie().
POSIX.1 socket, especially the struct sockaddr type, is the original prototype for the polymorphic structure shown first in this answer. Because their interface does not support anything similar to fopencookie() (that is, overriding the implementation of e.g. send(), recv(), read(), write(), close()), there is no need for the function pointers.
So, please do not ask which one is more suitable, as both are very commonly used, and it very much depends on minute details.. In general, I prefer the one that yields a simpler implementation providing all the necessary functionality.
I have personally found that it is not that useful to worry about future use cases without practical experience and feedback first. Rather than trying to create the end-all, best-ever framework that solves all future problems, the KISS principle and the Unix philosophy seem to yield much better results.
(Quoting your accepted answer to yourself)
Secondly a pointer to a parent struct can't receive a pointer to it's derived type (Embedded parent struct) so I can't do much there. I tried using void * but perhaps a solution might exists using memory address and then access some member of the struct without casting to specific types. I'll ask that in another question.
This is yet another pointer that one should learn the basics first. The thing you miss is called 'forward declaration':
struct chicken; // here we tell the compiler that 'struct chicken' is a thing
struct egg{
struct chicken *laidby; // while the compiler knows no details about 'struct chicken',
// its existence is enough to have pointers for it
struct chicken{ // and later it has to be declared properly
struct egg *myeggs;
What I'm missing is the ability to call the super method from the overridden run method in some way?
These are not methods and there is no override. In your code no OOP happens, C is a procedural programming language. While there are OOP extensions for C, you really should not go for them without knowing C basics.
First community told me that anonymous functions are not part of C, so the alternate suggestion is to use named functions and pointer to it.
Secondly a pointer to a parent struct can't receive a pointer to it's derived type (Embedded parent struct) so I can't do much there. I tried using void * but perhaps a solution might exists using memory address and then access some member of the struct without casting to specific types. I'll ask that in another question.
What I'm missing is the ability to call the super method from the overridden run method in some way?
struct Super {
void (*run)();
struct Super *newSuper();
static void run() {
printf("Running super struct\n");
struct Super *newSuper() {
struct Super *super = malloc(sizeof(struct Super));
super->run = run;
return super;
struct Runner {
void (*addFactoryMethod)(struct Super *(*ref)());
void (*execute)();
struct Runner *newRunner();
struct Super *(*superFactory)();
void addFactoryMethod(struct Super *(*ref)()) {
superFactory = ref;
static void execute() {
struct Super *sup = superFactory(); // calling cached factory method
struct Runner *newRunner() {
struct Runner *runner = malloc(sizeof(struct Runner));
runner->addFactoryMethod = addFactoryMethod;
runner->execute = execute;
return runner;
void anotherRunMethod() {
printf("polymorphism working\n");
// how can i've the ability to call the overridden super method in here?
struct Super *newAnotherSuper() {
struct Super *super = malloc(sizeof(struct Super));
super->run = anotherRunMethod;
return super;
void testSuper() {
struct Runner *runner = newRunner();
int main() {
return 0;

Accessing a general structure member using a variable

Not entirely sure my question title describes what I want to do, but couldn't think how better to word it!! I'm using C, and perhaps the pseudocode below will describe what I'm trying to do:
typedef struct obj
char *str1;
char *str2;
char *str3;
} object;
/* global variable */
object *glob;
void black_box_function(local, member) ????
/* Do something with glob->member and local->member */
void main()
object *ob1, *ob2;
/* Initialise glob, ob1 and ob2 somewhere */
black_box_function(ob1, str1);
black_box_function(ob2, str3);
Hopefully, you can see what I'm trying to do. I have a "black-box" function that will do something with a particular member, and I need to be able to tell the black-box function which member to use.
I don't want to just pass the member directly to the function, like in this code, as that won't fit into the rest of my code easily.
black_box_function(ob1->member, glob->member)
You could do the following magic (with GCC extensions):
#define black_box(local, member) black_box_function((local), __builtin_offsetof(object, member))
void black_box_function(object *local, int offset)
char *lmember = ((void *)local) + offset;
char *gmember = ((void *)global) + offset;
/* do stuff */
However, you must know in advance the type of your members. Keep in mind that C is not a dynamically typed language, so you have no runtime introspection at all.
EDIT: You can implement offsetof() functionality without resorting to GCC extensions, like this:
#define offsetof(type, field) ((int) (unsigned long) &((type *) 0)->field)
Perhaps you could create accessor functions for your struct and pass those accessors as function pointer arguments instead of passing the members directly
typedef struct
int a;
int b;
} foo;
typedef int* (*accessor)(foo*);
int* get_a(foo* f) { return &f->a; }
int* get_b(foo* f) { return &f->b; }
void black_box_function(foo* object, accessor fn)
int* p = fn(object);
int main(void)
foo bar1;
foo bar2;
black_box_function(&bar1, get_a);
black_box_function(&bar2, get_b);
return 0;
Since all are char*, you can redefine the struct like:
typedef struct obj
char **str; // Array of c
} object;
Then you can send the index of str from main which you want work with:
black_box_function(obj1, index)
So you can it like obj1->str[i] in your blackbox.
Btw, black-box_function will not compile.
On a side note: A little more info/code on your blackbox function and compilable code would give a better picture of what you are trying to do.

How do I cast a void pointer to a struct in C?

In a project I'm writing code for, I have a void pointer, "implementation", which is a member of a "Hash_map" struct, and points to an "Array_hash_map" struct. The concepts behind this project are not very realistic, but bear with me. The specifications of the project ask that I cast the void pointer "implementation" to an "Array_hash_map" before I can use it in any functions.
My question, specifically is, what do I do in the functions to cast the void pointers to the desired struct? Is there one statement at the top of each function that casts them or do I make the cast every time I use "implementation"?
Here are the typedefs the structs of a Hash_map and Array_hash_map as well as a couple functions making use of them.
typedef struct {
Key_compare_fn key_compare_fn;
Key_delete_fn key_delete_fn;
Data_compare_fn data_compare_fn;
Data_delete_fn data_delete_fn;
void *implementation;
} Hash_map;
typedef struct Array_hash_map{
struct Unit *array;
int size;
int capacity;
} Array_hash_map;
typedef struct Unit{
Key key;
Data data;
} Unit;
/* Sets the value parameter to the value associated with the
key parameter in the Hash_map. */
int get(Hash_map *map, Key key, Data *value){
int i;
if (map == NULL || value == NULL)
return 0;
for (i = 0; i < map->implementation->size; i++){
if (map->key_compare_fn(map->implementation->array[i].key, key) == 0){
*value = map->implementation->array[i].data;
return 1;
return 0;
/* Returns the number of values that can be stored in the Hash_map, since it is
represented by an array. */
int current_capacity(Hash_map map){
return map.implementation->capacity;
You can cast it each time you use it, or you can cast it once and save the value to a temporary variable. The latter is usually the cleanest method.
For example, you could use something like:
void my_function (Hash_Map* hmap) {
Array_hash_map* pMap;
pMap = hmap->implementation;
// Now, you are free to use the pointer like it was an Array_hash_map
pMap->size = 3; // etc, etc

Hiding members in a C struct

I've been reading about OOP in C but I never liked how you can't have private data members like you can in C++. But then it came to my mind that you could create 2 structures. One is defined in the header file and the other is defined in the source file.
// =========================================
// in somestruct.h
typedef struct {
int _public_member;
} SomeStruct;
// =========================================
// in somestruct.c
#include "somestruct.h"
typedef struct {
int _public_member;
int _private_member;
} SomeStructSource;
SomeStruct *SomeStruct_Create()
SomeStructSource *p = (SomeStructSource *)malloc(sizeof(SomeStructSource));
p->_private_member = 42;
return (SomeStruct *)p;
From here you can just cast one structure to the other.
Is this considered bad practice? Or is it done often?
sizeof(SomeStruct) != sizeof(SomeStructSource). This will cause someone to find you and murder you someday.
Personally, I'd more like this:
typedef struct {
int _public_member;
/*I know you wont listen, but don't ever touch this member.*/
int _private_member;
} SomeStructSource;
It's C after all, if people want to screw up, they should be allowed to - no need to hide stuff, except:
If what you need is to keep the ABI/API compatible, there's 2 approaches that's more common from what I've seen.
Don't give your clients access to the struct, give them an opaque handle (a void* with a pretty name), provide init/destroy and accessor functions for everything. This makes sure you can change
the structure without even recompiling the clients if you're writing a library.
provide an opaque handle as part of your struct, which you can allocate however you like. This approach is even used in C++ to provide ABI compatibility.
struct SomeStruct {
int member;
void* internals; //allocate this to your private struct
You almost have it, but haven't gone far enough.
In the header:
struct SomeStruct;
typedef struct SomeStruct *SomeThing;
SomeThing create_some_thing();
destroy_some_thing(SomeThing thing);
int get_public_member_some_thing(SomeThing thing);
void set_public_member_some_thing(SomeThing thing, int value);
In the .c:
struct SomeStruct {
int public_member;
int private_member;
SomeThing create_some_thing()
SomeThing thing = malloc(sizeof(*thing));
thing->public_member = 0;
thing->private_member = 0;
return thing;
... etc ...
The point is, here now consumers have no knowledge of the internals of SomeStruct, and you can change it with impunity, adding and removing members at will, even without consumers needing to recompile. They also can't "accidentally" munge members directly, or allocate SomeStruct on the stack. This of course can also be viewed as a disadvantage.
I do not recommend using the public struct pattern. The correct design pattern, for OOP in C, is to provide functions to access every data, never allowing public access to data. The class data should be declared at the source, in order to be private, and be referenced in a forward manner, where Create and Destroy does allocation and free of the data. In a such way the public/private dilemma won't exist any more.
/*********** header.h ***********/
typedef struct sModuleData module_t'
module_t *Module_Create();
void Module_Destroy(module_t *);
/* Only getters and Setters to access data */
void Module_SetSomething(module_t *);
void Module_GetSomething(module_t *);
/*********** source.c ***********/
struct sModuleData {
/* private data */
module_t *Module_Create()
module_t *inst = (module_t *)malloc(sizeof(struct sModuleData));
/* ... */
return inst;
void Module_Destroy(module_t *inst)
/* ... */
/* Other functions implementation */
In the other side, if you do not want to use Malloc/Free (which can be unnecessary overhead for some situations) I suggest you hide the struct in a private file. Private members will be accessible, but that on user's stake.
/*********** privateTypes.h ***********/
/* All private, non forward, datatypes goes here */
struct sModuleData {
/* private data */
/*********** header.h ***********/
#include "privateTypes.h"
typedef struct sModuleData module_t;
void Module_Init(module_t *);
void Module_Deinit(module_t *);
/* Only getters and Setters to access data */
void Module_SetSomething(module_t *);
void Module_GetSomething(module_t *);
/*********** source.c ***********/
void Module_Init(module_t *inst)
/* perform initialization on the instance */
void Module_Deinit(module_t *inst)
/* perform deinitialization on the instance */
/*********** main.c ***********/
int main()
module_t mod_instance;
/* and so on */
Never do that. If your API supports anything that takes SomeStruct as a parameter (which I'm expecting it does) then they could allocate one on a stack and pass it in. You'd get major errors trying to access the private member since the one the compiler allocates for the client class doesn't contain space for it.
The classic way to hide members in a struct is to make it a void*. It's basically a handle/cookie that only your implementation files know about. Pretty much every C library does this for private data.
Something similar to the method you've proposed is indeed used sometimes (eg. see the different varities of struct sockaddr* in the BSD sockets API), but it's almost impossible to use without violating C99's strict aliasing rules.
You can, however, do it safely:
struct SomeStructPrivate; /* Opaque type */
typedef struct {
int _public_member;
struct SomeStructPrivate *private;
} SomeStruct;
#include "somestruct.h"
struct SomeStructPrivate {
int _member;
SomeStruct *SomeStruct_Create()
SomeStruct *p = malloc(sizeof *p);
p->private = malloc(sizeof *p->private);
p->private->_member = 0xWHATEVER;
return p;
I'd write a hidden structure, and reference it using a pointer in the public structure. For example, your .h could have:
typedef struct {
int a, b;
void *private;
} public_t;
And your .c:
typedef struct {
int c, d;
} private_t;
It obviously doesn't protect against pointer arithmetic, and adds a bit of overhead for allocation/deallocation, but I guess it's beyond the scope of the question.
There are better ways to do this, like using a void * pointer to a private structure in the public struct. The way you are doing it you're fooling the compiler.
Use the following workaround:
#include <stdio.h>
#define C_PRIVATE(T) struct T##private {
#define C_PRIVATE_END } private;
#define C_PRIV(x) ((x).private)
#define C_PRIV_REF(x) (&(x)->private)
struct T {
int a;
int x;
int main()
struct T t;
struct T *tref = &t;
t.a = 1;
C_PRIV(t).x = 2;
printf("t.a = %d\nt.x = %d\n", t.a, C_PRIV(t).x);
tref->a = 3;
C_PRIV_REF(tref)->x = 4;
printf("tref->a = %d\ntref->x = %d\n", tref->a, C_PRIV_REF(tref)->x);
return 0;
Result is:
t.a = 1
t.x = 2
tref->a = 3
tref->x = 4
I found that bit-field might be a good solution if you really want to hide something.
struct person {
unsigned long :64;
char *name;
int age;
struct wallet {
char *currency;
double balance;
The first member of struct person is an unnamed bit-field. used for a 64-bit pointer in this case. It's completely hidden and cannot be accessed by struct variable name.
Because of the first 64-bit in this struct is unused, so we can use it as a private pointer. We can access this member by its memory address instead of variable name.
void init_person(struct person* p, struct wallet* w) {
*(unsigned long *)p = (unsigned long)w;
// now the first 64-bit of person is a pointer of wallet
struct wallet* get_wallet(struct person* p) {
return (struct wallet*)*(unsigned long *)p;
A small working example, tested on my intel mac:
// Created by Rieon Ke on 2020/7/6.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#if __x86_64__ || __LP64__
#define PRIVATE_SET(obj, val) *(unsigned long *) obj = (unsigned long) val;
#define PRIVATE_GET(obj, type) (type)*(unsigned long *) obj;
#define PRIVATE_POINTER unsigned long:64
#define PRIVATE_SET(obj, val) *(unsigned int *) obj = (unsigned int) val;
#define PRIVATE_GET(obj, type) (type)*(unsigned int *) obj;
#define PRIVATE_POINTER unsigned int:32
struct person {
char *name;
int age;
struct wallet {
char *currency;
double balance;
int main() {
struct wallet w;
w.currency = strdup("$$");
w.balance = 99.9;
struct person p;
PRIVATE_SET(&p, &w) //set private member
p.name = strdup("JOHN");
p.age = 18;
struct wallet *pw = PRIVATE_GET(&p, struct wallet*) //get private member
assert(strcmp(pw->currency, "$$") == 0);
assert(pw->balance == 99.9);
return 0;
This approach is valid, useful, standard C.
A slightly different approach, used by sockets API, which was defined by BSD Unix, is the style used for struct sockaddr.
My solution would be to provide only the prototype of the internal struct and then declare the definition in the .c file. Very useful to show C interface and use C++ behind.
.h :
struct internal;
struct foo {
int public_field;
struct internal *_internal;
.c :
struct internal {
int private_field; // could be a C++ class
Note: In that case, the variable have to be a pointer because the compiler is unable to know the size of the internal struct.
Not very private, given that the calling code can cast back to a (SomeStructSource *). Also, what happens when you want to add another public member? You'll have to break binary compatibility.
EDIT: I missed that it was in a .c file, but there really is nothing stopping a client from copying it out, or possibly even #includeing the .c file directly.
Related, though not exactly hiding.
Is to conditionally deprecate members.
Note that this works for GCC/Clang, but MSVC and other compilers can deprecate too,
so its possible to come up with a more portable version.
If you build with fairly strict warnings, or warnings as errors, this at least avoids accidental use.
// =========================================
// in somestruct.h
# if defined(__GNUC__)
# define HIDE_MEMBER __attribute__((deprecated))
# else
# define HIDE_MEMBER /* no hiding! */
# endif
# define HIDE_MEMBER
typedef struct {
int _public_member;
int _private_member HIDE_MEMBER;
} SomeStruct;
// =========================================
// in somestruct.c
#include "somestruct.h"
SomeStruct *SomeStruct_Create()
SomeStructSource *p = (SomeStructSource *)malloc(sizeof(SomeStructSource));
p->_private_member = 42;
return (SomeStruct *)p;
An anonymous struct can be of use here.
#ifndef MYSTRUCT_H
#define MYSTRUCT_H
typedef struct {
int i;
struct {
int j;
// NOTE: Avoid putting public members after private
int k;
} MyStruct;
void test_mystruct();
In any file that should have access to the private members, define MYSTRUCT_PRIVATE as an empty token before including this header. In those files, the private members are in an anonymous struct and can be accessed using m.j, but in all other places they can only be accessed using m.MYSTRUCT_PRIVATE.j.
#include "mystruct.h"
void test_mystruct() {
// Can access .j without MYSTRUCT_PRIVATE in both
// initializer and dot operator.
MyStruct m = { .i = 10, .j = 20, .k = 30 };
m.j = 20;
#include <stdio.h>
#include "mystruct.h"
int main() {
// You can declare structs and, if you jump through
// a small hoop, access private members
MyStruct m = { .i = 10, .k = 30 };
// This will not work
//MyStruct m2 = { .i = 10, .j = 20, .k = 30 };
// But this WILL work, be careful
MyStruct m3 = { 10, 20, 30 };
return 0;
I do not recommend putting public members after private members. Initializing a struct without member designators, such as with { 10, 20, 30 } can still initialize private members. If the number of private members changes, this will also silently break all initializers without member designators. It's probably best to always use member designators to avoid this.
You must design your structs, and especially the private members, to be zero initialized since there are no automatic constructors as in C++. As long as the members are initialized to 0 then they won't be left in an invalid state even without an initialization function. Barring a member designator initialization, initializing to simply { 0 } should be designed to be safe.
The only downside I've found is that this does mess with things like debuggers and code completion, they typically don't like it when one type has one set of members in one file, and a different set in another file.
Here's a very organized way to do it using macros. This is how I've seen it used in some of the big projects. I will assume the following:
Header file with the struct
Source file with access to private fields
Source file with no access to private fields (the fields exist but are renamed).
Header file:
// You can put this part in a header file
// and share it between multiple header files in your project
#define PRIVATE(T) private_##T
#define PRIVATE(T) T
#define PUBLIC(T) T
typedef struct {
int PRIVATE(m1); // private member
int PUBLIC(m2); // public member
} mystruct;
mystruct *mystruct_create(void);
int mystruct_get_m1(mystruct *t);
Source file with access to private fields:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "mystruct.h"
mystruct *mystruct_create(void) {
mystruct *p = (mystruct *)malloc(sizeof(mystruct));
p->m1 = 42; // works (private)
p->m2 = 34; // works (public)
return (mystruct *)p;
int mystruct_get_m1(mystruct *t) {
return t->m1; // works (private)
Source file with no access to private fields:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "mystruct.h"
int main() {
mystruct *t = mystruct_create();
printf("t->m1 = %d\n", t->m1); // error (private)
printf("t->m1 = %d\n", mystruct_get_m1(t)); // works (using function)
printf("t->m2 = %d\n", t->m2); // works (public)
return 0;
