Database Schema Generator [closed] - database

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i have an excel file which describe all the table structure of a database table
I would like to generate database schema diagram and database schema structure for sqlite3 database from this excel file.
Any idea how to do that ?

Assuming each tab is named for a table and has cells as such:
Name DataType
ID integer
Name varchar(255)
Use either Python or Java to read the workbook using python-excel or Apache POI for Excel, respectively. I'm sure other languages, particularly .NET have libraries for this purpose as well. Both languages also have drivers for sqlite3.
Iterate through each tab - use the tab name for the table CREATE statement. Iterate through each row on the tab and use that information to define the columns for the table. Defining things like primary/foreign keys and auto incrementing will require some additional cells or a naming convention + some clever algorithms.
Most likely each CREATE statement will need to passed separately over the database connection.

There are usually better tools to do this than Excel. Start with your SQLite3 database and analyse it with a db manager that has a schema editor like WinSQL.

Assuming that Excel contains fieldname and type columns
I would write tiny VB script which will translate those pairs into Java SQL strings like:
private static final String DATA_CREATE="create table if not exists\n"
+ "DATA_ID integer primary key autoincrement,\n"
+ "RAW_ID integer not null,\n"
+ "ORDER_ID integer not null,\n"
+ "CHUNK blob);";
then just add this-alike strings into your Java source. Or as option you could SQL scripts write into file place them somewhere in assets on run them from SQLite

If I were to write such a program I would make the following assumptions:
The sheet would become the table name.
The column headers would become the column name.
The formatting rule of the column would control the data type.
With these constraints in mind, you could create an import and create tool.
To do this in Java, I would use a library that can read excel
files, for instance Apache POI:
(Here is the maven dependncy I use for it)
Read the excel file using POI, analyze the columns and
dynamically create the table in the sqllite database. (drop the
table if it exists). Then based on the type generate a prepared
statement and insert the data based on each of the rows in the sheet.
This would be the basic setup. From there you must decide how
to do foregin keys if you need it and so on.

I don't think that what you requesting is possible.
A solution for your question, will be to post an example table from excel, and request help to transform it into SQL


How to Create Database for Storage Room

i wanted to create via Excel or Oracle a database for a Storage room that is filled with all kinds of Computer parts and stuff.
I never created something like that, so i wanted to know if you could help me out giving me an advice how to create a database for a beginner
It should be possible to insert and remove parts or even update them
Hope my question is readable and understandable.
A simple option to do that - not only the table so that you could write your own DML statements (to insert, update or delete rows) - but to create a nice application - is to use Oracle Application Express (Apex).
Depending on database version you use, it might already be installed by default. If not, ask your DBA to install it.
Alternatively, create a free account on; you'll get limited space (more than enough to do what you want to do).
In Application Builder, use the Excel file you have as a "source" which will then be used by Apex's wizard to create a table in the database, as well as application, true GUI which works and looks just fine.
If you don't have anything at all, not even an Excel file, well ... that's another problem and requires some more work to be done.
you have to know what you want (OK, a storage room)
is a single table enough to contain all information you'd want to collect?
if so, which columns (attributes) do you want to collect?
if not (for example, you'd want to "group" items), you'd need at least two tables which will be related to each other by the means of master-detail relationship, which also means that you'll have to create a foreign key constraint
which datatypes are appropriate for certain attributes? You wouldn't store item names into number datatype, right? Nor should you put dates (when item entered the storage room) as a string in varchar2 column, but into a date datatype column
Basically, YMMV.

SQL Server Create Dynamic Table with different table names based on a template or an existing table

My team is creating a high volume data processing tool. The idea is to take a 30,000 line batch file and bulk load it into a table and then process the records use parallel processing.
The part I'm stuck on is creating dynamic tables. We want to create a new physical table for each file that we receive. The tables will be purged from our system by a separate process after they are completed.
The part I'm stuck on is creating dynamic tables. For each batch file we receive I need to create a new physical file with a unique table name.
I have the base structure for the table and I intend to create unique table names using a combination of date/time stamp and a guid (dashes converted to underscore characters).
I could do this easily enough in a stored procedure but I'm wondering if there is a better way.
Here is what I have considered...
Templates in SQL Server Management Studio. This is a GUI tool built into Management Studio (from Management Studio Ctrl+Alt+T) that allows you to define different sql objects including a table and specify parameters. This seems like it would work, however it appears that this is a GUI tool and not something that I could call from a stored procedure.
Stored Procedure. I could put everything into a stored procedure and build my file name and schema into a nvarchar(max) string and use sp_executesql to create the table. This might be the way to accomplish my goal but I wonder if there is a better way.
Stored Procedure with an existing table as a template. I could define a base table and then query sys.columns & sys.dataypes to create a string representing the new table. This would allow me to add columns to the base table without having to update my stored procedure. I'm not sure if this is a better approach.
I'm wondering if any Stack Overflow folks have solved a similar requirements. What are your recommendations.

I need to make sure 2 DB are the same

I'm doing it programmatically (I'm a newbie to sql) I'm getting the data per table within first DB using with being a value from a list of table names that I need to make sure are
if there have the corresponding values in the same table in
DB X list all the fields that do not have the same values and the
value in below
Table that does match listing the table, field name, row,
"SELECT * FROM [Dev.Chris21].[dbo].[" & PayrollTablemaskedarray(xxxxxx-2) & "]"
I can copy the whole thing into excel but I'm wondering is there a way to do this using sql?
Since you mention that you're doing it programmically I assume you're using visual studio. If so you can take advantage of SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) to do comparisons of two database schemas or two database data sets. You get this out of the box with VS2012 or VS2013 (and earlier versions too). Might be worth a look...

An example of the file structure dbf

I have a short example on how to generate dbf files like
I saw the following link:
Data File Header Structure for the dBASE Version 7 Table File
I write my program with C #
For example, I want to produce the following table( to binary ):
Field Name Type MaxLength
DSK_ID Character 100
DSK_ADRS Numeric 2
Are you trying to create the table within Foxpro (Visual Foxpro) itself?, DBase, or with a .net/java language. Your tabs are unclear as to what you are really getting into, and just creating the table via low-level is not the way to go.
I can modify this answer more, but suggest you edit your question to provide more detail.
The basic syntax, if using Visual FoxPro would be something like.
create table SomeTableName ( DSK_ID C(100), DSK_ADRS N(2,0) )
But again, would need more on the environment you plan on working with.
By knowing you want to do via C#, I would start by Downloading Microsoft's VFP OleDb provider.
Then, you can look at the many other links for connecting, querying (always parameterize) and execute what you need. Here is a short example to get a connection and create the table you want. Then it is up to you for querying, inserting, updating as needed.
OleDbConnection oConn = new OleDbConnection("Provider=VFPOLEDB.1;Data Source=C:\\SomePath");
OleDbCommand oCmd = new OleDbCommand();
oCmd.Connection = oConn;
oCmd.CommandText = "create table SomeTableName ( DSK_ID C(100), DSK_ADRS N(2,0) )";
Now, note, the "Connection" string has a Data Source. This should point to a PATH location where you WANT TO CREATE and/or QUERY the tables. You can have one connection that points to a folder that has 100+ tables and you can eventually query from any of them. But again, those are going to be other questions that you can find LOTS of answer to for sampling... for example, just search on
VFP OleDB C# and you will get plenty of hits
How are you going to handle memo files? Compound index files?
Just use the ODBC or Ole DB providers via COM InterOp and issue a CREATE TABLE.

Merging multiple Access databases into SQL Server

We have a program in which each user is given their own Access database. We'd like to merge these all together into a single SQL Server database.
The problem is that, using the SQL Server import/export wizard, the primary/foreign keys do not get updated. So for instance if one user has this table:
1 Apple
2 Banana
and another user has this:
1 Coconut
2 Cheeseburger
the resulting table looks like this:
1 Apple
2 Banana
1 Coconut
2 Cheeseburger
Similarly, anything that referenced Banana by its primary key (2) is now referencing both Banana and Cheeseburger, which will not make the vegans very happy.
Is there any way to automatically update the primary/foreign key references when importing, other than writing an extremely long and complex import-script?
If you need to keep them fully compartmentalized, you have to assign some kind of partitioning column to each table. Is there a reason you need your SQL Server to have the same referential integrity as Access? Are you just importing to SQL Server for read-only reporting? In that case, I would not bother with RI. The queries will all require a partitionid/siteid/customerid. You could enforce that for single-entity access by wrapping tables with a table-valued UDF which required the partitionid. For cross-site that doesn't work.
If you are just loading to SQL Server for reporting, I would also consider altering the data model to support reporting (i.e. a dimensional model is sometimes better than a normalized model) instead of worrying about transaction processing.
I think we need to know more about the underlying goals.
Need more information of requirements.
My basic question is 'Do you need to preserve the original record key?' e.g. 1:apple in table T of user-database A; 1:coconut in table T of user-database B. Table T is assumed to have the same structure in all database instances. Reasons I can suppose that you may want to preserve the original data: (a) you may have a requirement to the reference the original data (maybe a visual for previous reporting), and/or (b) there may be a data dependency in the application itself.
If the answer is 'no,' then you are probably interested only in preserving all of the distinct data values. Allow the SQL table to build using a new key and constrain the SQL table field such that it contains unique data. This approach seems to preserve the original table structure (but not the original key value or its 'location') and may suffice to meet your requirement.
If the answer is 'yes,' I do not see a way around creating an index that preserves a pointer to the original database and the key that was created in its table T. This approach would seem to require an application modification.
The best approach in this case is probably to split the incoming data into two tables: one to identify the database and original key, another to identify the distinct data values. For example: (database) table D has records such as 'A:1:a,' 'A:2:b,' 'B:1:c,' 'B:2:d,' 'B:15:a,' 'C:8:a'; (data) table T1 has records such as 'a:apple,' 'b:banana,' 'c:coconut,' 'd:cheeseburger' where 'A' describes the original database 'location,' 1 is the original value in location 'A,' and 'a' is a value that equates records in table D and table T1. (Otherwise you have a lot of redundant data in the one table; e.g. A:1:apple, B:15:apple, C:8:apple.) Also, T1 has a structure similar to the original T and is seems to be more directly useful in the application.
Ended up creating an SSIS project for this. SSIS is a visual programming tool made by Microsoft (and part of their "Business Integration Studio", which comes with SQL Server) designed for solving exactly these sorts of problems.
Why not let Access use its replication manager to merge the databases? This will allow you to identify the conflicts and resolve them before importing to SQL Server. I'm fairly confident it will retain the foreign key relationships. If I understand your situation correctly, and the databases are the same structure with different data, you could load the combined database to the application and verify the data before moving to SQL Server.
What version of Access are you using? Here's a link for Access 2000. Use the language to adjust search parameters to fit your version.
